The BKWSU Death List™

for discussing revisions in the history of the Brahma Kumaris and updating information about the organisation
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The BKWSU Death List™

Post26 Apr 2017

The Brahma Kumaris originally believed the End of the World would come in WWII, then 1950, then predict 1976, then claimed it would be 1986 ... after "50 years of Destruction", then when that did not happen, extended it to cover their asses as "1986 to 1996" ... then had a major flutter over the Year 2000 ... and then re-wrote "Destruction" to be called "Transformation" instead.

I suppose because it's looking increasingly like it's not going to happen in time for the Golden Age to start in 2036?

Sadly, for increasingly many BKs "Destruction" has come early ... and they've died prematurely never to see the birth of Krishna, the surrender of the Indian Government to the BKWSU, the start of the Golden Age and all the rest of the twaddle that they sacrificed their lives and wealth for.

Now the BKs have to upkeep a "death list" of dead BKs and, for the privileged few, send their spiritualist mediums up to the "Angelic Regions" to come back with a magical fairystory to make it all seem worthwhile, and to encourage living BKs to keep up their faith.

But old BKs (and some not so old BKs) don't "Die" ... they merely "transition". As end of the world equals "transformation", personal death, merely equals a "transition" ... but to what?

This, however, poses an additional problem for the BKs ... what or where did they "transition" to?

At the very least ... would it not suggest that they are not 84 birth souls ... that there were merely 83 birth souls (according to the BK theory of 84 birth being the maximum number of births a human can take? And then, would it not mean that they will therefore miss out on doing years of extra Yoga to purify themselves and gain a high status in Golden Age as they are not "out of the game" as BK Raj Yogis?

It makes for sad reading. Lots of relatively young BK followers what would be euphemistically put as "settling their karma" via serious illnesses, rather than dying in some pure yogic manner.

See, Brahma Kumaris Transitions News
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Re: The BKWSU Death List™

Post26 Apr 2017

The BK Death List™ ... note that's "death list", nor their mega 7 billion must die "death wish" ... gives interesting little insights into the way BKs work, picking up Senator Leticia Valdez Ramos-Shahani of Philippines first who, perhaps not too coincidentally, was married to an ex-Karachi Sindhi professor and writer Ranjee Gurdassing Shahani.

Although I doubt she actually became a pukka BK, Leticia is elevated to "Sister Shahani" by the BKs in their PR releases ... yes, they even milk dead VIPs for their status by association!!! ... who claimed her as one of their own, and that she "flew to Baba’s lap" (i.e. died and went to their god spirit) on Monday 20 March 2017 after three years of fighting cancer.

She was the Sister of Fidel Ramos, the 12th President of the Philippines and her family was very closely connected with the dictatorial Marcos regime.

Here we see how they coordinated internationally to love bomb her at both ends of her long haul flight! The BKs also sustained a daily presence while she was in the hospital for a month and were rubbing shoulders with her VIP family and politicians at her cremation.
BKWSU wrote:She came in contact with the Brahma Kumaris in 1985 in Nairobi, Kenya when she served as secretary-general of 3rd UN World Conference on Women. She fondly related to us how she first met the Brahma Kumaris.

"The BK Sisters were the first to greet and welcome me when I arrived at Nairobi Airport. After the pomp and show of the conference and the tedious work of packing up conference materials it was the BK Sisters who met me again, to bid farewell again at Nairobi Airport. They were warm and very friendly which I felt was a good send off after the Conference. I was even surprised that BKs and BK Sisters contacted me when I returned in the Philippines."

Shahani brought to the United Nations a working draft of the 'Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women' (CEDAW) in 1973. Adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1979, CEDAW would later become the international bill of rights for women.

Despite her commitment to women's rights pre-dating her connections to the Brahma Kumaris by more than two decades, the BKs claim she adopted their values.

I suppose that's on a similar parallel to the BKs claiming they inspired Jesus Christ, the Buddha and Patanjali first.

A surge of Sindhis businessmen and their families arrived in the Philippines during the 1947 India-Pakistan partition.
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Pink Panther

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Re: The BKWSU Death List™

Post27 Apr 2017

"Transition News” ?

Is this a kind of Orwellian doublethink Newspeak for Death Notices or Obituaries?

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Re: The BKWSU Death List™

Post27 Apr 2017

I think there's another trend evident in the list ... and that's what happens to the poor and non-discript who surrendered their lives; their time, money and a family life, to the Brahma Kumaris' social climbing and property empire?

To really understand the Brahma Kumaris, you need to examine and analyse their economics. That's not to say, "it's all about the money" (although it largely is), but how they manage their costs.

At one end, one could suggest that the BKs' adoption of celibacy and evangelism, and their rejection of procreation and normal family life, is merely a convenient costs saving. It costs the equivalent of $100,000 to $250,000 to raise a child, plus all the time, emotion and energy. By removing children from the cult, and encouraging adherents to surrender everything to it, that money and those resources instead go to benefit the cult and the cult leaders.

Multiple it by 100,000 and it become a huge amount one can see evidence in the Brahma Kumaris property portfolio and globetrotting VIP chasing lifestyle.

At the other end is what happens when BK adherent start to die?

One could suggest that the BKs just did not plan on the cult surviving until they did. Destruction was meant to come early to save them from the costs of looking after the sick or elderly.

But it has not, so what do they do?

From the Death List™, the answer appears obvious ...

Send then back to their family, their original community, or dump them on local services.

Let the non-BKs pays.

In the list, I am looking a Kim Neilsen - who I knew, bipinbhai and Jane from Pinner.

Slough-Br-Kim.jpg (12.28 KiB) Viewed 15451 times

Kim was an worker slave. That so beloved of a Brother at the time he converted ... a 'Brother with a car' who became a drive/odd job slave for the BKs. I remember how he used to work himself to exhaustion for the BKs, time and time again after having spent his days at his day job.

What happened to him? Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, he found it difficult to walk and then became progressively totally paralysed. He spent the last 10 years of his life in various local authority care homes.

Dumped by the BKs.

Brother Bipin ... left to live in a specialist care home in Leicester.

Sister Jane ... moved into a Jewish care home in Bushey.

I am pretty sure this is a pattern we will find the world over once the BKs have milked individuals for their lives, and obstructed them from having families who might care for them in their old age.

And note how many of "the lokiks" ... the adherents' real biological family ... turn up to care at the end despite having been cut off and divided by the BKs.

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Re: BK free world by 2036

Post28 Apr 2017

Most BKs will die By 2036. The old ones by the natural process, the younger ones in absence of financial, social and family support are likely to die early.

Health to a great extent has become a purchasable commodity in the modern world due to immense progress in the Medical science. The BKs give up on their present lives with a imaginary dream of rewards of a Heaven in future lives. They start living on charity and compromise on their support systems. Masterly physical inactivity in the form of day dreaming, over emphasis on psycho-somatic illnesses, and not real killer diseases, over-indulgence on help from super-natural Godly powers, all are a hindrance to good physical health.

The non-BK self-sustained children of God have planned and fulfilled their lives well with the help of modern science they will continue to progress and live for generations, much beyond 2036.

BK hope now rests totally on Kim Yong Un (North Korea) and other such tyrants of the world, who threaten to destroy the world through Nuclear Weapons.

BKs should put their entire effort behind such destructive souls rather than wasting time and money on Dadi and Mama Birthday.

Duplicate Foreigner
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Re: The BKWSU Death List™

Post29 Apr 2017

Remember when the BKs' Baba used to tell them that he would, "like a mother cat", ensure that "not a hair on their heads would be harmed"?

Well, in France a BK Sister called Cathy (aka Satya)'s car broke down on a national highway and while she waiting for an emergency response, she was run over by another car and instantly killed.

Apparently, the driver had using his phone while driving and had taken illegal drugs. Explain that according to the Law of Karma?

In another case in Barshi, India, a 23 year old woman died. It does not how or why. Another accidental death?

Such a young age to go ...

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: The BKWSU Death List™

Post29 Apr 2017

After studying a discipline such as BK Raj Yoga for decades, the health and longevity of the chila should increase not degenerate. Telomeres should lengthen, aging should be slowed down, and immune function should be at an optimum. It seems the opposite with the BKs. Inflammatory reactions through out the body should have been calmed by following the four pillars of Raj Yoga. Chronic illnesses in the BK population should be at a minimum? Why and how are they making mistakes?
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Pink Panther

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Re: The BKWSU Death List™

Post30 Apr 2017

Why and how are they making mistakes?

Because BK so-called ‘knowledge’ is a re-presentation of a particular religion from a particular culture at a particular time, which is, to put it bluntly, extremely narrow in its understanding of the human condition because it is so parochial.

The God of the BKs is made in the BK image, firstly in Lekhraj’s image-ination and later in the image of the ideas of influential ”Seniors”. This ”god" has been brought up to date incredibly reluctantly, metaphorically kicking and screaming against change. The nature of ”god” is amorphous, allowing anyone to define god as they will. Even with the specific definitions of God presented by the BKs, there's plenty of room for personal and collective reshaping without breaking the common mould.

Any ”universal truths”, healthy recipe cook books, ecumenicism, changes in description to the nature of God, the ”Godly” knowledge and the institutional structures, are also in the image of the culture of those who proclaim their "surrender”.

It is amazingly ironic the unwillingness of BKs to see that they themselves have determined the nature and the teachings 'from' their imaginary friend, reshaping God over a few decades in ways it takes some more constant religions centuries to do.

It's ironic to the point of absurdity.
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Re: The BKWSU Death List™

Post30 Apr 2017

Pink Panther wrote:It's ironic to the point of absurdity.

On top of which, they believe that all other religions - and their images of god - are inspire by them at this time, therefore the question arises ... which version of their god?

I see quite a few overweight BKs surrendered Sisters dying of heart attacks on the list so it seems the "healthy recipe cook books" are making it into global BK circulation.

Terrible shame in a nation llike India where 100,000s of children are still literally starving to death.

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