BK Shivani Verma - exploring the truth behind the name

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BK Shivani Verma - exploring the truth behind the name

Post18 Apr 2017

Hello everyone,

I have been researching on this Brahma Kumaris group since from many days. As I am facing problems because of this (BK) termites. Extremely dangerous for the health of our society.

What my 'problem' is an another issue, which I have already shared here.

But my curiosity arises ​when I was searching for the truth behind this fraud group and came to know about this BK 'brand' embassador - Shivani Verma, watched her videos (not full) on internet, watched​ interviews​ of her taken by known (not at all) peoples, and I found that everyone is taking this ridiculous stuff​ seriously!!!!

My question here is, who is she, claiming herself so much "self-aware, spiritual teacher" etc. ???

I have read basic informations available on internet about her, and it seems very clearly that, she obviously is carrying influence of her 'BK follower parents'. I read about her journey starts with BK 'brand', and now it is going viral on internet as well.

Obviously she is been brainwashed by those 'Didis' and 'Dadis' of the BKWSU.

I found many details about her on internet, with my surprise I found she is married too!! (Where the celibacy gone?)
But I did not find any information about her husband, Or about her husband's​ opinion on their marriage life - living together but celibate by 'choice' !!!! No information about her husband's business, their home, other family members information etc.

She did not even mention about her husband is a BK or not !!!

I am very curious to know, if anyone could provide truthful information.

And I read her 'tricky' answers​ on BK's famous 'world destruction' announcements.
"Q : So are we ready for 2012?
She :The Brahma Kumaris are clear that the world order is going to change and a new world order means a new samskara. Everyone needs to work on themselves. The shift is definitely happening. Thirty years ago, whoever talked about a spiritual magazine?
Q : What lies ahead?
She : We are going through a world transformation, not world destruction. It’s already happening. People are taking care of their health, their well-being. That is Satyug. In Satyug, people will be healthy, wealthy and wise. The key factor to bring out this change is taking responsibility for one’s own life. Hundred per cent responsibility. No blaming anyone else. As samskars (conditioning) change, sansar (world) will change. It will be a gradual ongoing process. We won’t ever come to know the precise moment of the shift. It is just like morning shading into afternoon, evening and night – it flows."

I am very confused, please can anyone provide information about who she is? Is she talking about BK's philosophies or something else???

Or she is just 'media person' (brand face) of BK and nothing else???
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Re: BK Shivani Verma - exploring the truth behind the name

Post18 Apr 2017

Start by doing the mathematics. For all their decades worth practise at lying, the BKs are terrible liars and always trip themselves up. I've read her husband's name is Vishal Verma. I don't know of him.

Shivani was born in 1972, and is said to have been "a member of the BKWSU since approximately 1995", age 23.

However, she completed her Electronics Engineering graduate degree at Pune University in 1994, age 22, then lectured for two years in a Pune college ... that would be upto 1996.

In an interview with Suma Varughese dated 2012, she said "I have been with the Brahma Kumaris for the last 15 years" which would mean she joined in 1997. But then it also says, "I have been married for the last 15 years" ... so she married and joined the BKs at the same time!?!

She said, "My mother used to go to the centre about four to five years before I joined" ... that would be back to 1992 to 1993 when she was twenty. However, elsewhere it says her parents went when she was a child and there was talk of BK at home when she was growing up. In 2010, it was said, "In Chandigarh for a three-day programme, Sister Shivani revealed that she became fascinated with Brahmakumaris as a child when her parents used to take her for their programmes. "It was almost natural that I joined the group. I never really had to think about it." Addressing"

"After my engineering I got married ... but during this process I also began understanding these truths clearly."

So there is something strange going on ... it must have been a hell of a quick 'marriage to celibacy'.

The last time the BKs had a "model couple" (actually a fake marriage to con the parents of the wife) with Ramesh Shah and Usha Bhen ... they paraded them everywhere. They don't do that with Shivani, so I guess either it's not the image they want to project, or he's not a pukka BK and there's something wrong.

It needs investigating more ... try Linkdin etc. Did Shivani try sex once, and then decide she did not like it and run back to the BKs?

Are her parents pukka BKs, if so why did they allow her marriage?

There is a 'VISHAL GYANCHAND VERMA' and a 'SHIVANI VISHAL VERMA' who are directors of a company in Gurgaon ... is that them? (I don't know but the Vishal was also at Pune University). They run an "Edutainment" company.
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Re: BK Shivani Verma - exploring the truth behind the name

Post19 Apr 2017

ex-l wrote:"so she married and joined the BKs at the same time!?!"

... Yes that's what happened.
"It was almost natural that I joined the group. I never really had to think about it."

... She is speaking a totally lie. Her journey to BK itself shows that whatever she has done (whether marriage, TV program hosting, joining BK, became media face etc) was well planned after very much thinking of benefits for herself and her family.

I found below links through searching (Vishal Gyanchand Verma and Shivani Vishal Verma)


http://corporatedir.com/company/atlanti ... te-limited

There are many more things needed investigation to reveal truth behind this name 'Shivani Verma'
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Re: BK Shivani Verma - exploring the truth behind the name

Post19 Apr 2017

We need to be careful because although it is likely those are the same individuals, we do not know if they are yet.

What was Shivani's maiden (pre-marriage) or family name?

For me, there's something a little odd about her. I find her a little robotic, almost kind of dominating or irritated/aggressive in her tone. I don't find her to be warm.

Her "media story" is all over the internet, how her rise to fame was accidental etc. However, from a BK point of view it demonstrates a sort of blocked intellect in the first place by which I mean how, in the first place, she did not recognise BKism but rejected it and went off and married, but then switch back so quickly. From a BK point of view, that would make her a lower spiritual rank to those humble souls who surrendered immediately, "like a moth to the flame".

From a spiritual point of view, I think it would mean an emphasis on external form ... playing the role ... rather than inner realisation ... being the part. The "name and fame" game the BKs are supposed to be above. I mean, conquering 'Women's hour" or day time TV is not really high level discussion, is it?

Her real or 'private story' has not been explored.

The "glamour" of what she is doing must be a temptation to her ego ... to believe she really is a font of spiritual wisdom. For me, she's really just repeating sound bites she's heard from the Dadis, or read from other New Agey sources (including ones the BKs have re-cycled, e.g. BK Mike George's AHA!, Emotiona/Spiritual Intelligence work).

Is she, or even the BKs, really qualified to be giving the advice she gives?

I mean, according to the articles, she is asked mostly about relationships, often about children ... what about *her* relationship ... what about her lack of children and denial of motherhood?

From time to time we received emails or messages from people who believe they are speaking to Shivani or wanting answers from her via this website.

It's clear from them that they are desperate, vulnerable and not very clever/educated.

Going into such a realm one has to be *very* careful not to exploit ... and, let's face it, the purpose of her as a "BK media puppet" is to draw such individuals into BKism. And, yes, she will lie and fudge about what BKism is to outsiders, always with one eye over her shoulder to the senior Sisters who are pulling her strings.

She's been very good for their business ... like you, I'd like to know more about the real Shivani, her husband, family, and their relationships etc. How can you do that marry and join the BKs are the same time, instantly rejecting your marriage partner?

It's bizarre from a BK point of view and, again, denotes a kind of spiritual disjointedness for me.

Can you do some digging and fact checking ... is there a marriage register in Indian (Haryana State). Let's find "Mr Shivani Verma" and see what he does and says.
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Re: BK Shivani Verma - exploring the truth behind the name

Post20 Apr 2017

Hello ex-I ,

There were no information about Shivani's pre-marriage.

I have searched that, about her surname 'verma' - "In past, verma surname was used mainly by Kshatriyas. In present society, Verma surname can be used by any person. Along with Kshatriyas (general), it is used by Sunars (OBC), Chamars (SC) and some tribes (ST)."
ex-l wrote:"I find her a little robotic, almost kind of dominating or irritated/aggressive in her tone. I don't find her to be warm."

... Obviously she is having all inborn qualities of this cast "KSHATRIYAS" (dominant, aggressive etc.) check more -
"From a spiritual point of view, I think it would mean an emphasis on external form ... playing the role ... rather than inner realisation ... being the part. The "name and fame" game the BKs are supposed to be above. I mean, conquering 'Women's hour" or day time TV is not really high level discussion, is it?"

... You are right, she is just like "dry cleaner" cleaning the BKs' dirty​ realities after the BKs' negative incidents comes out in public.

BK never will let that happen - to reveal Shivani's private story. In India, it is very easy to do so. With 'money' power.
"The "glamour" of what she is doing must be a temptation to her ego ... to believe she really is a font of spiritual wisdom. For me, she's really just repeating sound bites she's heard from the Dadis, or read from other New Agey sources".

... Absolutely correct. Because of her 'inborn' qualities, it is just satisfying her "ego" and giving her feelings of "authority". Which she is enjoying and earning too.
"Is she, or even the BKs, really qualified to be giving the advice she gives? "

... In India there are thousands of unqualified people who are claiming themselves "Avatar" or "guru" or "Gyani" etc.
Because it is very very easy FOOLING peoples in the name of GOD or GURUS. It's one of business running well in India.

Some facts of interviews in India - interviews of any religious/spiritual person is always been pre-scripted. Interviewer always been instructed to ask "some" particular questions only and not more than that. So now you will understand the reality of media (Indian) also.
"the purpose of her as a "BK media puppet" is to draw such individuals into BKism."

... It is true.
"How can you do that marry and join the BKs are the same time, instantly rejecting your marriage partner?"

... Because she is speaking half-truth.

There will be evidences of her marriage, college life, media connections etc.

But before one could find out it must have been hidden from local public. They can go any extreme to run their (BKs') business without any disturbance.

Let's see what happens next.
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Re: BK Shivani Verma - exploring the truth behind the name

Post20 Apr 2017

Her maiden/family name must be on the her graduation results if they are made public. Pune University around 1994 for electronic engineering, wasn't it?

Verma is her husband's name.

Yes, that "dry cleaner" line, after being made to discuss child sex abuse, was idiotic ... has she ever been interviewed by anyone who is not a BK, demi-BK or a stupid sycophantic women? (Sounds sexist but I don't mean it that way, I mean the type of middle class woman who has too much time and money but only half a brain and is self-centred)

Has any serious thinker or sceptic ever been allowed near her? Has any critic ever reviewed her work?

For a long time the BKs actually paid to have her channel shown. It was a paid for advertisement, made by BKs.
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Re: BK Shivani Verma - exploring the truth behind the name

Post20 Apr 2017

ex-l wrote:"Her maiden/family name must be on the her graduation results if they are made public. Pune University around 1994 for electronic engineering, wasn't it?"

Yes, there must be all information and evidences.
"Verma is her husband's name."

... Yes, BK shivani's husband's surname. But as she never mentioned clearly about her marriage truth (arranged/love). We can assume she does arranged marriage, in which rules are strict to marry to same person (in India). So whatever her pre- marriage surname would be, she is Kshatriya by born. There's no chance of being "celibated by choice" in love marriages.

Everything sometimes seems kind of Joke, which I am experiencing right now.
"has she ever been interviewed by anyone who is not a BK, demi-BK or a stupid sycophantic women?"

... I don't think so. did not found any information about that.
"Has any serious thinker or sceptic ever been allowed near her? Has any critic ever reviewed her work?"

... Never. As I told you, the BKs will never let that happen.
"For a long time the BKs actually paid to have her channel shown. It was a paid for advertisement, made by BKs."

... Yes, that's what BK Shivani's benefits of being media 'face of BK', including money, name, fame, power, authority etc.

We are going through 21st century of progress in everyway, but sadly in India effect of 16th or 18th centuries are paused.

God bless all.
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Re: BK Shivani Verma - exploring the truth behind the name

Post20 Apr 2017

Fearless.soul wrote:We can assume she does arranged marriage, in which rules are strict to marry to same person (in India).

But why, if her parents were BKs, would they arrange a marriage for her?

For money and security?

Then why does she get special treatment, and be allowed to remain with her husband, when so many other couples were split apart?

A BK, or two BKs, was unthinkable in my day ... but it seems still to b one rule for the wealthy, useful, inner circle; and one rule for the rest. I can see why the BKs do it, it makes them appear more liberal and modern ... appealling to other young middle class married women ... but given what Lekhraj Kirpalani said about marriage and priests who married people in temples etc (poison, hell, brothels etc), it's a little hypocritical.

If you speak Hindi, please try and find out more from Indian websites.
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Re: BK Shivani Verma - exploring the truth behind the name

Post20 Apr 2017


As per your reviews...

Then there's question arises on BK shivani's parents​ been actually involved in BK or not???

For money and security and FAME.
"Then why does she get special treatment, and be allowed to remain with her husband, when so many other couples were split apart?"

... It simply clarifies Shivani Verma's and her parent's calculative involvement with BK, same way BK is calculating for keeping Shivani Verma's "face" in public to clean their image and hypocrite spiritual rules. (I am want to slap on her face, bloody cheaters).

And this Lekhraj Kirpalani, I am being sick of this name. How could such liar, such creature (not at all human) still living in people's mind after his death?????

Everything of this Brahma Kumaris are disgusting.

God, I am seeking your blessings please help me ...
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Re: BK Shivani Verma - exploring the truth behind the name

Post20 Apr 2017

Fearless.soul wrote:And this Lekhraj Kirpalani, I am being sick of this name ...

Which is why they don't use it and hid behind other names like Baba or Brahma.

Talk about cheek ... ask a Hindu what they think of someone taking Brahma's name. They used to literally call him God Brahma. Prajapati God Brahma before they took the name of Shiva around 1955 or 56 and introduced a different god.

This is what gets me ... it took him and them approx 24 years to work out that Lekhraj Kirpalani was not god but that "god" was 'possessing' them. Of course, according to his delusion of grandeur, it was not "a god", but "The God" ... the one and only supreme god of all; Jahweh, Allah, Shiva, etc. And, uniquely, *only* speaking to them exclusively.

What does that say about his state of mind and their level of awareness? The BKs pretend this was "refining The Knowledge".

I don't know we can generalise and speculate about Sister Shivani's parents. We prefer to stick to things we have some solid evidence for her. More likely, menopausal middle class mother seeking some "spiritual" retreat (and to get her husband off her back!).

That usually fits the general archetype better! But let's try and find out if they are even *full* BKs now. They may just be "Sunday afternoon" BKs.

Try doing some detective work in India/Hindia. There are loads of Indians sick of the BKs who might help you. Mostly men who have lost their wives (and family properties to the BKs), and a few parents who have their lost children.
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Re: BK Shivani Verma - exploring the truth behind the name

Post21 Apr 2017

ex-l wrote:. Of course, according to his delusion of grandeur, it was not "a god", but "The God" ... the one and only supreme god of all; Jahweh, Allah, Shiva, etc. And, uniquely, *only* speaking to them exclusively.

Don’t fall into the trap of consent manufactured by the BKs that in traditional vedic religions and their offshoots. Shiva was considered highest or supreme or even a Jupiter, like "Father of the gods". Shiva is a Johhny-come-lately to ”Hinduism” just as he is to BKs. The word ‘Shiva' originally being an adjective, an epithet if you will, rather than a Proper Noun.

In BKism, there is constant mention of Indra, Rudra, etc for creating an association with these older deities, in the same way Krisna & Rama’s names are purloined, along with ‘Brahma', by Lekhraj Kirpalani.
What does that say about his state of mind and their level of awareness? The BKs pretend this was "refining The Knowledge".

All the Sakar Murlis spend forever trying to explain ”the true Gita” but Lekhraj barely touches on what the Gita is really on about, its context, never explains why krisna is a god in the Gita rather than a prince of paradise as BKs claim (they just say ”false memory” - more like 'alternative facts’!) or that he'd be the recipient of the fruits of any victory of that war, as BKs believe - nothing in the Gita remotely about that.

Although I am no expert, I know enough to say that the scholarship shown about the Gita as ”critiqued” in the Sakar Murli is low level, repetitive, a layman-populist understanding. Self-serving to be sure. Lekhraj was not unlike the thousands in the Christian world through the centuries who’ve claimed themselves as "the second coming" or the new revelation etc - many of these were indeed kind and virtuous, possibly well versed in scripture, even socially functioning, but nuts nonetheless.

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Re: BK Shivani Verma - exploring the truth behind the name

Post21 Apr 2017


I would also add, ask a Christian or person from Islam, Ancient Egyptian mystery schools, including the Association for Research and Enlightenment, how Adam and Brahma are connected?

With respect to Shivani bhen, the avyat Murlis have indicated that great PR does not mean high powered Yoga and inculcation of the principles.

The schools of Yoga and martial arts share a common similarity. The students or star student has to be more stronger than her/his teacher. The dojo queen or king, or ashram queen or king, will not always be the one to prevail and demonstrate the skills of the school's teachings when placed in a combative situation.

It great to give flowery speeches; it's quite another kettle of fish to successfully apply the four pillars of Raj Yoga in dealing with the challenges in life outside the raj Yoga center.
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Re: BK Shivani Verma - exploring the truth behind the name

Post21 Apr 2017

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:It great to give flowery speeches; it's quite another kettle of fish to successfully apply the four pillars of Raj Yoga in dealing with the challenges in life outside the raj Yoga center.

Re: "life outside the raj Yoga center".

That's certain something else to consider.

BKism is a method that works within BKism. The core of BKism was developed by individuals whose entire experience was based was within BKism. Their ignorance of the world was outstanding.

Let's presume for just now that Shivani's involvement with her husband's business is minimal, probably just in name alone as many husbands use their wives as "directors" of their companies. Given the time spent promoting BKism, how much time can she spent at work.

Therefore, you have someone who went to school, went to university, went back to college to teach for two years ... and then quit life. No family/children of her own. One relationship. In a celibate cult. Yet an expertin giving "spiritual" advise about relationships etc to others.

And, as I've point out, she did not even immediately get BKism when shown to her ... she "failed" first and then ran back to it. Her rise to fame an accident whilst she was volunteering part-time at it.

I am sensing a disconnection with reality. A good memory to remember all the nuggets of BKism she's heard in classes perhaps, but that's no big thing.

How does she come across in Hindi? I don't understand it.


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Re: BK Shivani on Transparency & Sex Abuse (it must've happe

Post22 Apr 2017

Dear Sister Shivani or whomsoever reading this.

Though I want to discuss all this in person but want to highlight some social issue which is arising due to following BK.

BKs are imposing forced celibacy to those men whose wives are following your organization. This leads increasing other bad aspects in society. Over period of time, the relationship will come to a dead end where there is no love and no hate. The entire intimacy and love is lost.

In fact, wives are indirectly allowing their husbands to go outside and, in fact, willing to divorce. If a men is not following BK, he is left with few choices - either he divorce or go outside or live separate. And if you have children and do not want to leave family - ultimately it leads to acute depression and sadness.

My humble request is that I personally admire your teachings on peace of mind and your lectures. But the moment people started going centers - they are finished.

Please relax your norms for at least young married women. Don't imbibe fear or fanaticism of celibacy to them. It affects the entire family and hence society.

I also live in Gurgaon.

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Re: BK Shivani Verma - exploring the truth behind the name

Post22 Apr 2017


... These Brahma Kumaris and BK Shivani Verma who thinks​ themselves "celibate teachers", think they’re sublimely qualified to lead sexually whole people on their quest for the purpose of life. That's their "business" actually, but normal people (especially women) are not be able to understand that.

I was reading an interview with Piers Morgan, in which the Dalai Lama portrayed sexual thoughts as ‘dirty’, and makes wisecracks about marriage being troublesome. He’d be wiser to cite his lack of experience and say, ‘no comment’ rather than describe marriage in such a cartoonish way, but he really doesn’t have that freedom.

But these Brahma Kumaris and Shivani Verma thinks themselves "superior​" than rest of the world, and preach such nonsense ...

There's proverb in Gujarati language, "adhuro ghado chhalkay ghano", which means - a person having half of a knowledge, would pretend himself as mage'.

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