Baba Milan - Crazy Facts

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sandoc kumar

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Baba Milan - Crazy Facts

Post21 Mar 2017

3 souls at a time in one emaciated, debilitated and frail human body of the Dadi is a complex situation.

Each Soul has its own mind, intellect and predispositions; and three is always a crowd.

Shiv Baba's soul has now worked so hard for over 80 years, but has not yet managed to get the results. Must be starting to accept the Kalayug after all. Must be losing hope for Brahma's children.

Brahma bap has dreamt of the 'World Throne' and richness of Satayug for an equal duration. He must be getting into secondary depression.

Dadi's soul must be desperately wanting to get rid of the other two and give her body some rest.

But inspite of different thoughts, all 3 synchronize so well. As soon as Bap utters a sentence, the other two repeat it 20-30 times over next 20-30 minutes. This goes on for 1-2 hours.

More than half the Milan time - Brahma Bap has no choice but to praise the physical looks, appearance, dresses and decorations of his children, to keep them happy and elevated.

Shiv Baba, out of frustation, keeps shuffling between Paramdham and Diamond hall.

In the process, Dadi gets increasingly more confused and starts calling Madhuban as Delhi, and then the microphone has to be shut-off.

Then Double Foreigners, a mixed batch of tourists and BKs who until now could not make out anything, are made to stand up and vigourously shake their hands at the Baba which goes on non-stop. Finally, the Interpreter tells them in their language to stop and sit down.

The single foreigners (Natives) are warned and threatened if they want to show on the camera and create nuisance.

As the show reaches its climax, the Dadi goes out of control, then the microphone has to be permanently removed and taken over by a junior Sister with a monotonous and robotic voice.

Then Toli and Bhog are given to the Rich and VIP Visitors, and the BK Sisters who bring them.

As these hopefuls face the Dadi and listen to her advice their facial expressions change from excitement to puzzlement to strange surprise.

Finally, the show is over and everyone is so pleased to catch a glimpse of the Emperor's New Clothes.

Paay Lagu Badi Ma (Bhrahma)

sandoc kumar

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Re: Brahma Bap as Lord Krisnna

Post01 Apr 2017

Murli after Murli, very clearly it is mentioned that Brahma Bap will be lord Krishna and go on to be the World Ruler. Now like the BK Gyan has revealed many other unknown facts to the ignorant Kali yugi mortals, this hard truth should be high-lighted to the whole world.

In fact, the temple authorities of Krishna Temples in Brindaban and Mathura can be requested to replace the imaginary, pictures and statues of Lord Krishna with that of Brahma Bap, the real Lord Krishna in making.

ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Conciousness) may consider handing over its entire wealth and property and hundreds of temples all over the world to BKs. All this rightfully belong to the BKs, for they will go into the Satyug with lord Krishna.

The world leaders should also give a serious thought to the matter of the End of the World. They are destined to lose everything through Destruction in next 20 years anyway.

As they accepted the World Yoga Day, they should also start believing in Brahma Bap as their future ruler and Brahma's children as future deities.

Time is Short.

BKs must not hesitate to announce the truth to the people of the world.

BKs of the World should wake up and speak out in the open, in every gathering, every forum, media announcements, and through letters to the religious and political leaders world over.

First to Chinese authorities, followed by Donald Trump.

New World Lord and Ruler in waiting Brahma Bap must get his Due Honour.

Mero to Ek Brahma Bap, Doosro Na Koi.
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Re: Baba Milan - Crazy Facts

Post02 Apr 2017

Yes, indeed.

In fact, Baba said in the Sakar Murlis that they BKs should hire helicopters to drop leaflets on the general public.

I suggest that they wait until a big event like the G8 or G20 meetings and then drop them on all the world's leaders at once!!!

It's funny because it shows you want the BKs really think about their Baba. Their Baba *did* say that ... but to the best of my knowledge, even the inner circle of BKs ignored him ... (thinking silly old man).

sandoc kumar

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Re: BKism or Fatal Gamble

Post08 Apr 2017

BKs are depending heavily on the concept of re-incarnation. That after working as Yagya Servants in this life, they will get their rewards of health And wealth in the future re-incarnations.

Reincarnation, has been a belief used by most religions and philosophies since the beginning of human civilization. Inspite of the intense work by Dr Ian Stevenson, which were mostly on small children of 2-5 year olds, there is no real Scientific proof of reincarnation and it is still very much a belief only.

Even if you do take a re-birth, it is a different person all together. You are not you in your next life, how can you enjoy anything at all?

I may be carrying sanskars or predispositions of 83 lives. I may have been a king or a beggar. But I stiil have to live the present life in its own unique manner.

Scientific Hints of Near Death Experience.

Mostly in Cardiac Arrest Situations, where the heart has stopped pumping blood effectively, the brain gets deprived of the blood and thereby oxygen. Many recover after blood supply is restored promptly by urgent medical manuevers. These claims of seeing their God, strong lights, tunnels etc are made based on their joy of survival and descriptions as per their religious inclinations and imaginations. Individually interesting stories only. There is no way to prove anything, scientifically.
Real truth is 99.9% of such patients do not remember or mention any such thing,even after direct questioning.

Out of Body Experience

Here one feels as a detached soul looking at you own body from above always and never below or sides, things being performed on your body etc.

Under the influence of Anaesthesia or some Neuroleptic drugs like Fentanyl. These are pure fantasies mostly told by individuals aware of souls. Doctors do not mind mentioning them, it hardly matters to them.

Brahma bap's children are taking a huge gamble by losing out on their present lives.

Life is precious, human body is precious, values and virtues are invaluable.

Destruction will Happen By 2036 ... but mostly of Brahma Bap's Children.

They are left without financial security in this increasingly expensive world.

They are the ones without Family support in this ruthless world.

God's chidren have planned and worked for their future needs and will continue to survive beyond 2036.

Mera Brahma bap Mahaan ... Single foreigner.

sandoc kumar

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Re: BapDada Milan - Vanishing Act

Post10 Apr 2017

Opened the television late today, eager for BapDada Milan. But there were no signs of either Bap, nor Dada, nor the Sick Dadi on the Show. All 3 souls missing.

It seems that they had enough of these fancy Milans and have finally given up, losing all interest. The shows name was changed to Senior B.K Milan. There was alot of loud music being played over the microphone. A lot of shouting and hoarse singing by the slaves of the Senior BKs to please their masters in this life (His Masters Voice). Many kinds of Rituals were being performed.

All those teachings of silent mouth and silence of mind, and communication through thought power appeared ridiculous. The whole event was almost similar to any Puja Pandal's scenario.

The show on the channel was followed by advertisement, so all that boasting of only non-advertising unique TV channel Is over now.

Kesaryia Bap ji Aaoo ... Padharo Mhaare Desh.
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Re: Baba Milan - Crazy Facts

Post11 Apr 2017

Was this an official meeting with Baba that failed?

Was there any official reason given?

I have to say I think you are capturing the theatre of BKism very well.


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Re: Baba Milan - Crazy Facts

Post12 Apr 2017

A day or two before the meeting Nirwair sent a message informing that Gulzar Dadi was hospitalized in Ahmedabad and not allowed by her doctors to travel to Shantivan.
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Re: Baba Milan - Crazy Facts

Post12 Apr 2017

And no refunds for ticket holders coming from all over India.

That bad theatre management, never mind "drama".

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Baba Milan - Crazy Facts

Post12 Apr 2017

It appears that there is a situation of gross medical negligence.

In terms of her total health, Gulzar Dadi since 40 plus years ago should have been carefully monitored. Some of the health monitoring might have been in place, but how much and how extensive? Gulzar Dadi might have even refused meticulous medical care. Additionally, there should have been a focus on the Dadi's neuro-endocrine systems. With aging there is neuro-degeneration.

The aging and neuro-degeneration can be slowed down and neuro-degeneration prevented. However, a basic non-organic vegetarian diet will not suffice in slowing down aging and preventing degeneration of the nervous system in aging yogis.
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Re: Baba Milan - Crazy Facts

Post12 Apr 2017

You raise a very pertinent issue that we have not explored, especially given that she is likely to be surrounded primarily by devoted sycophants enthralled by "the power of Baba/the mind"; and the delusionally well intended, sure "God is speaking to them" about what needs to be done.

What research has been done on individuals experience so prolonged mediumistic trances since childhood?

Although I have remained vegetarian since before the BKs (in fact, I have been vegan for decades). I am not so stupid as to realise that it is not a great "brain" diet ... and I am pretty sure her diet has not been great either. Until recently, the BKWSU was largely anti-health and exercise. Even though, I did hear they've started a luxury organic garden just to feed the Seniors ... I think to think that's a 'luxury' or "Dadi Bhakti" thing, rather than a effective 'health' strategy (nutritionally there's not that much difference).

I doubt you could get anywhere near her to help because you are so "impure" now and, therefore, not to be trusted.

Poor old metaphorical cow, they are going to milk her to death.

When are they going to call it a day, put her out to pasture and allow her some rest?

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Baba Milan - Crazy Facts

Post15 Apr 2017

Every BK yogini should read Gary Null's, 'Be A Healthy Woman'. It is an encyclopedia on women's health, physical and spiritual and it has fully illustrated vegan and vegetarian recipes.

sandoc kumar

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Re: Potential of a Victim-- For NewComers

Post24 Apr 2017

Once we associate with the BKs After 7 day course, they always will first estimate your potential to donate/serve.

If you are rich, you are a potential for money and property. You are then treated very well, with alot of attention. You are coaxed repeatedly to visit Madhuban,where you are given a warm Retreat and Relaxing Holiday. After taking this Hospitality most visitors make good donations and sort of fall in the trap for sometime at least, if not permanently.

If you are from economically restrained section of the Society, You are offered Manual work in the name of Seva to Baba.As long as you keep visiting the BK Centres you continue to remain free servant ,in return of some Bhog and toli snacks. The work is cooking, cleaning, washing, marketing, etc.

Once a year you are packed in 3rd class railway compartment and taken to Madhuban for Baba milan, but there also as a Sevadhari or manual labourer.

If you Fall in neither of the above categories, you are offered participation in exhibitions, road shows, walks, Hindu festive occasions and to fill in the numbers as White Dress Yogis on special days.

If you are already a VIP and famous you are called in as a show piece to gather crowds and to impress and influence those who have collected.

Some well established professionals are also treated well for their professional help to the organisation.

If you do not fall into any of the above categories,you do not qualify for a BK association. Sooner or Later you will be pushed out of the gate, through mis-behaviour, accusitions and allegations.

Anyone with little common sense can easily judge for himself.

Brahma bap's newly found child.

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