Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post24 Mar 2017

Brain :

Here are few thoughts about brain/intelligence (may not be totally on topic).

I feel the brain we have is a conductor, receiver and transmiter of ideas.
    By conducting, I mean we express ideas (verbally written/orally/ through thoughts) of another entity ...
    By receiving, I mean that idea is tapped by our consciousness/etheric body/brain neurons ...
    By transmitting, I mean we spread it into atmosphere through words, thoughts ...
In a way, our brain is a radio which tunes into various stations at various frequencies and gets knowledge/ideas.

Meditation helps us to be a conductor, receiver & transmitter of higher vibrations based on the techniques we use ... each meditation technique (not necessarily BK technique) maps us to a particular frequency and as we (our etheric body) resonates at that frequency we download thosse energies and ideas ..

Inteligence is many types;
    1) IQ (intelligent quotient)
    2) EQ (emotional quotient)
    3) SQ (spiritual quotient)
It is all about hardwiring of brain based on our past contact with the universe, during our birth. We all are born to accomplish certain mission, not necessarily revolutionary but sometimes revolutionary, which may have to go through lot of support or resistance but nevertheless our motives and intentions matter more than the results.

The ultimate goal of human life is health, wealth and happiness but most important is happiness ... health and wealth are attainable by physical means but mental health and happinesss is the catch. Being happy for good reasons is an indication of mental health, pulling others down, giving grief is not a healthy way of living. Being happy for our attainments and our fellow Brothers' and Sisters' attainments is an indication of healthy mind.

Meditation is a way to connect to our higher self or to different energy systems ... any modality can be practised based on our interest since we all have our freewill. BK mediation maps us to angelic realms, diety realms, Soul World, to energies of Brahma Baba, ShivBaba ... nothing wrong in BK meditation, it is divine to practise it.
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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post24 Mar 2017

In reply to your post on the previous page, (not the one above).
sukshmbindu wrote:What are your thoughts about the advent of Golden Age ...

It's not going to happen, and the future is certainly not going to happen as the BKs predict it. I think impractical BK musings like those belong on the BKs' forum, not this one. You need to get that stuff out of your head.

Firstly, it is not "your opinion" that "BK meditation is the mother/Father of all meditations ..." etc.

That is what you were indoctrinated to believe by the Brahma Kumaris. That is a pure BKism and how could it possibly be true?

How could "all modalities of meditations can be traced back to BK roots" when the roots of BK meditation only date back to around 1956 (the date of the first recognition of Shiva in the cult)? How could they be remembering bindi Shiv Baba prior to 1956 - the basic BK practise - if they did not even know or conceptualise his existence?

How could something that started from 1956 be the mother and Father of all meditations when the "children" were born 2,000 or more thousands years before them? That is merely Lekhraj Kirpalani and the Brahma Kumaris conceited 'exceptionalism' speaking (thinking they are better and more special than everyone else and wanting to be the centre of attention).

With regards the rest, you are correct enough where you recount the BKs belief in becoming "mini-Shankars" and destroying the world ... but is it possible for us to believe what is written into the Murlis now, given that they have been edited, re-written, revised so often? Do we really know which parts were spoken by "God" Lekhraj Kirpalani and which parts have been added in since?

With regards to "other mediums", you are also correct ... but the only thing to be shown to be reliable about spirit mediums, is that they are unreliable. That we cannot rely on their predictions becoming true. I am afraid you are exhibiting 'confirmation bias' there, that is, only seeing the predictions which support your bias ... and ignoring all the very many more which conflict or deny your bias AND all their failures.

The position I take is unique ... I don't deny the mechanics of spirit mediumship. However, my research into it proves to me that in 99.999% repeating, spirit mediumship is ultimately unreliable. And often dangerously unreliable.

Whether the "spirits" that are channelled are limited in their vision, or deliberately misleading by nature (as some believe), I do not know. But, for sure, they are *all* unaccountable and untrustworthy, the BKs' BapDada included. In fact, he has proven himself to be unaccountable, untrustworthy, unreliable, manipulative and plain wrong or misled time and time again.
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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post24 Mar 2017

sukshmbindu wrote:Here are few thoughts about brain/intelligence ...

In reply to this post above, you are not wrong about "various models of intelligence" etc but I think you would be best served to read up on, and widely, the best contemporary thinkers and academics on the related subjects rather than depending on BKisms and BK marketing (like Mike George and his EI and SI theories), e.g. Howard Gardner, who wrote 'Frames of Mind. The theory of multiple intelligences', developed the idea of eight intelligences:
    Visual-spatial Intelligence
    Verbal-linguistic Intelligence
    Bodily-kinesthetic Intelligence
    Logical-mathematical Intelligence
    Interpersonal Intelligence
    Musical Intelligence
    Intrapersonal Intelligence
    Naturalistic Intelligence
... but what I have to ask first is, would it have any practical application or benefit to your life?

For "career BK" teachers such reading might have a benefit in adding polish or interest to their marketing efforts, but does it have any direct practical application to your life?

What do you do or what do you want to do in life practically?

BKism encourages our to invest our minds and lives into empty, futile ventures. For many it is an
"magical" escape from their real lives. These days I think it's best stick down to earth and to things that put money in your own bank account, food on your table or have practical values.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post26 Mar 2017

BK meditation is the mother/Father of all meditations ... all modalities of meditations can be traced back to BK roots

I don’t accept that time is cyclic, but let’s go along with that for the sake of argument.

Let’s also accept for the sake of clear communication that time is moving clockwise in one direction and forming a circle. In this scenario, whether it be meditating or swimming, the time period where that practice is evident would be marked as a starting at the first occurrence in the clockwise motion of time and continuing until the present, then - as per BK ‘Gyan’ (if it has not been revised) - both are not practiced in sat yuga. So - to what point do we trace back swimming? Do we say the first occurrence of the swimming style of what’s called ”the Australian crawl”* is a memory form the last time it was swum before Sat Yuga or do we say :
Australian, Richmond “Dick” Cavill, was inspired by Solomon Islander Alick Wickham in the early 1900s. He watched Wickham and experimented, developing a modified Trudgen stroke which ultimately became known as the “Australian Crawl”.

Is the first electric kettle really traced back to the last time one was used before vinash in the last Kalpa? Or do we see the first advent of it and trace its development till today?

Is the first dodo of ”next Kalpa” a biological memory of the last one that lived before they became extinct in 1662? (By what mechanism does the Dodo and all other extinct species reappear?).

It's all nonsense.

As for meditations and intelligence etc:
    - intelligence measures are a way of checking capability through ability.
    - meditation can be ”measured” in the same way. You can tell the effect of meditation by the actions (and results of actions) of the person meditating - what environments and relationships do they create? What impact do they have on their fellows? Are they net givers in their communities or takers? Do they take materially and give back in the abstract?
Simpler still - what is the purpose (if it has one) of "a meditation” and does it deliver that? And what else comes along with that? How appropriate is any meditation, i.e. what else might you have done for the same purpose, like feeling calmer or content with yourself?

Does an opiate tranquillise the person? Yes, very effective - but is it as appropriate the 50th time as it was the first time? Is a drug or herbal remedy or meditation going to do the job of crutches for a broken ankle? Do you keep using the crutches when the ankle’s healed? Would you trust a doctor who told you to keep renting the crutches when your ankle was better, or who kept telling you the ankle was vulnerable so keep up the morphine?

The BKs will keep selling you their lien if you keep buying. They convince you that you have a need and its their product that fills that need. That is how BKs like Mike George, or good presenters like Shivani, become so highly regarded.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post26 Mar 2017

Incidentally, Howard Gardner of Harvard University also wrote an excellent book on highly creative individuals, including Freud and Gandhi. The Gandhi whose life and works have been placed on low pedestals by the BKs.

There is another model of intelligence posited by the late Richard Gregory and discussed in his classic book: 'The Mind In Science'. Gregory proposes that there are two major categories of intelligence: potential intelligence (PI) and kinetic intelligence (KI). PI is used for problem solving employing concepts from canonical knowledge. KI is used to provide solutions to problems that cannot be solved within a current paradigm.

The problem of identifying and demonstrating the causative agent for Cruzfield-Jakob disease, Kuru, and mad cow syndrome (MCS) could not be solved with in the paradigm of the DNA dogma. Pruisner was able to develop and test hypotheses demonstrating that a self replicating protein, a concept outside the DNA dogma, was the causative agent for CJD, Kuru, and MCS.


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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post26 Mar 2017

Pink Panther wrote:Simpler still - what is the purpose (if it has one) of "a meditation” and does it deliver that? And what else comes along with that? How appropriate is any meditation, i.e. what else might you have done for the same purpose, like feeling calmer or content with yourself?

I think the purpose of BK meditation is to create a viceless happy world that is highly advanced in scientific accomplishments, with residents 16 kala sampoorn (i.e. accomplished with 16 arts).

Not only that BK meditation emerges divinity in the practitioners as well as the receipients of its mediataion waves (sakash). It tranquilises the mind, makes it stable and efficient.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post26 Mar 2017

Hello Sukshmbindu,

Highly advanced in scientific accomplishments means winning the Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine, the natural sciences, or economics. It also means publications in peer-reviewed journals or scholarly journals with a high Hirsch Index, and/or winning the Lasker Award, a prelude to the Nobel Prize.

Has any scientist or doctor from the Janki Foundation ever won any of the above-mentioned awards. Of the publications on the scientific publications or scholarly publications by BK on BK Raj Yoga, how many are in peer reviewed journals and how high are their Hirsch Indices?

The Hirsch Index is a measure of how many other scholars cite in their publications, a paper published by another scientist. I have in my scientific studies of Yoga meditation encountered publications on BK Raj Yoga; however, I refuse to ever cite them in any of my publications or papers. I question the authenticity of BK supported scholarship.

A highly accomplished BK scientist or scholar would sooner than later become an ex-BK. I do know a some or many. The BK community will not sustain accomplished scholars who are sometimes dissidents.

One historian or biographer once noted that Johns Hopkins may never nurture another Denton Cooley or Tulane another Michael DeBakey, two of the world's leading heart transplant surgeons. BKWSU has a track record of suffocating serious scholarship in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics/medicine.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post26 Mar 2017

The ABC of Raj Yoga has been a key that I have for many decades used in safely opening many doors. The keys do not work well when the ego is abused.

That's different from trying to remove the ego as BKs are indoctrinated to do.

Inculcating the practice of Yoga and virtues have been helpful in my practice of medicine and surgery, and in medical science research.
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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post26 Mar 2017

sukshmbindu wrote:I think the purpose of BK meditation is to create a viceless happy world that is highly advanced in scientific accomplishments, with residents 16 kala sampoorn (i.e. accomplished with 16 arts).

Again, that is not what you think ... but what you were indoctrinated to belief through constant repetition whilst in a trance state.

I agree with you that BKism "tranquilises practitioners" in the same way that, for example, opiates tranquilise patients.

However, whether that is a good state to exist in for a long time, I question ... perhaps it is a bit like being in a semi-coma.

Look at the effects in old age of at least two of the "most senior" BK Sisters, both appear to become victim to dementia like states (Kumarka and Gulzar).

Being "BK yogi" only makes you more "BK yogi", not necessary more intelligent, nor does it give you greater integrity. It also appears to me to require an unhealthy element of submission to others and invokes abilities towards dishonesty.

(I am not directing my accusations at you but at the evidence of the Seniors and long term practitioners).

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post26 Mar 2017

I almost forgot. All forms of meditation can and will induce at deep levels a hypometabolic state, a form of samadhi. The hypometabolic state is psycho-physiologically similar to the state induced by tetrodotoxin (TTX) exposure. TTX is the active ingredient used for inducing zombification in humans.

Wade Davis, a Harvard trained ethnobotanist, conducted field studies on zombification (Mo, 2007) in Haiti. NASA has been interested in using TTX to induce a hypometabolic state in human astronauts undergoing ultra-long trips to planets such as Mars, hence their interest (Nordqvist, 2016) in the field studies of Davis who wrote, 'The Serpent the Rainbow'.

BBC underwater robotic cameras have documented dolphins biting off parts of the flesh of puffer fish to experience the hypometabolic state induced by TTX exposure present in the muscle tissues of puffer fish (Kankudti, 2014). I still do meditate and study meditation from a neuroscience and molecular biology perspective. The correct nutrition and therapy could have prevented and reversed the neuro-degeneration in Gulzar Dadi and Kumaka Dadi.

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Pink Panther

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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post27 Mar 2017

sukshmbindu wrote:I think the purpose of BK meditation is to create a viceless happy world that is highly advanced in scientific accomplishments, with residents 16 kala sampoorn (i.e. accomplished with 16 arts).

So, what does the 80 year experiment reveal about whether that purpose has been fulfilled?

OK, "viceless happy” are abstract, relative terms which are hard to prove or disprove but I’d say looking at the nightly news, there’s still, ahem, cough, traces of ”vice” and a little unhappiness around the world still. But figures do show that the world is a better place overall, fewer diseases, more people out of poverty, fewer wars with fewer casualties, longer lives, better education for more people ... although BKs say Kali Yuga is meant to get worse and worse until finally there is a Destruction and that your "viceless happy world" that is highly advanced in scientific accomplishments with residents 16 kala sampoorn” only emerges after that.

"Highly advanced scientific accomplishments” are much easier to quantify and prove. Yes, there have been many since the 1930s. Mostly they have come about through original thinking, experimentation and hard work. Please name one ”highly advanced scientific accomplishment” in the last 80 years that BK meditation has contributed to?

As for the 16 arts, what are these and please name which BK has been an exemplary of that art - as recognised by the world in some way (as gupta rati mentions), which shows broad based acknowledgement of that achievement, not just by the BKs.
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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post27 Mar 2017

Hey, the BKs are doing really well as far as research into inducing zombification in humans! Indeed, their vision of an inescapably pre-determined Golden Age, in which "being awake and being asleep are no different" sounds like a Zombie heaven to me!

I suspect Suksh means the "16 Celestial Arts", an idea which, I think, they have borrowed - and have modified over the years - from the idea of Kalas in Vaishnavism (Krishna Bhakti). The BKs are *pretty* good at their last one ... "The art of concealing and revealing".

Originally, the kalas were an astroligical reference to phases of the moon (Lekhraj Kirpalani being the moon) but were adopted to denote some kind of spirituality, e.g. rocks, minerals having 1 kala, plants 2 kalas, animals 3 to 4 kalas, average human beings 5 kalas, human beings with higher (spiritual) capacities have 6 kalas, saints 7 kalas, the most advanced saints and sages 8 kalas.

It is said it is not possible for a normal human body to sustain greater than 8 kalas and beyond that, incarnations require special "sattva" bodies ... hence the BKs "Avyakt states".

Please note, I don't actually "believe" or disbelieve in the above, I am just interested in where BKism begs, borrows and steals its ideas from, and documenting its conduct.

The BK appear to have modified or adopted the Kala theory to suit their own primarily marketing interests, that is to say, they would be a good enough template for a PR company to work with but not much more.

The "16 Celestial Arts" have changed, evolved and lengthened over the years, as usual without documentation.

I'll try and dig out a really old one, if possible, later.


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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post28 Mar 2017

ex-l wrote:Whether the "spirits" that are channelled are limited in their vision, or deliberately misleading by nature (as some believe), I do not know. But, for sure, they are *all* unaccountable and untrustworthy, the BKs' BapDada included. In fact, he has proven himself to be unaccountable, untrustworthy, unreliable, manipulative and plain wrong or misled time and time again.

I feel BapDada is a very pure saintly being (bap-father)/beings (Father Shiv Baba and Brother Brahma Baba). Their teachings are very idealistic. Whether their predictions come true or not shouldn't be a yardstick to have faith in their teachings.

In the Murli, Baba has said "bani banaya drama hain, ban raha hain" (meaning drama/history is not fixed - it is in the making, i.e. it gets created based on our karma+efforts+free will), so those predictions of doomsday are probabilities if the thinking and deeds of mankind continue in the same direction. The divine intervention by various mediums including BapDada transform the thinking of followers into positive and constructive, so the events of negative thoughts and actions are neutralised by positive actions and deeds and hence they(destructive events) don't occur.

Whatever be our philosophy in life as long as we practise non-violence and love we contribute to the positive egregores and in effect help the world. Meditation increases our will power and emerges our divinity.
Pink Panther wrote:"Highly advanced scientific accomplishments” are much easier to quantify and prove. Yes, there have been many since the 1930s. Mostly they have come about through original thinking, experimentation and hard work. Please name one ”highly advanced scientific accomplishment” in the last 80 years that BK meditation has contributed to?

Baba has said as we become more and more subtle, scientific discoveries and inventions also become subtle and refined.
GuptaRati 6666 wrote:The ABC of Raj Yoga has been a key that I have for many decades used in safely opening many doors. The keys do not work well when the ego is abused.

Kindly explain what doors you opened and how was BK meditation a key, what was your BK meditation procedure (since there are many forms of BK meditation).
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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post28 Mar 2017

sukshmbindu wrote:Baba has said as we become more and more subtle scientific discoveries and inventions also become subtle and refined..
Please, do tell - which subtle and refined scientific discovery or invention is due to BKs?
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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post28 Mar 2017

sukshmbindu wrote:... since there are many forms of BK meditation.

You've said that a couple of times recently ... but is it really true?

Can it be true?
sukshmbindu wrote:Baba has said as we become more and more subtle, scientific discoveries and inventions also become subtle and refined.

He also said World War II emanated from the conflict about the Om Mandli in 1930s Hyderabad.

Most Historians would say it started with Hitler invading Poland (approx).

Can he and the BKs really claim to have such effects and credit for others efforts?

I tend to think it would be like me watching the Asian tsunami or a volcano explode and claiming it happened because I was sad or angry.

You'd think I was delusional if I did.

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