Buy land ... They’re not making it any more.

for discussing revisions in the history of the Brahma Kumaris and updating information about the organisation
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Buy land ... They’re not making it any more.

Post07 Feb 2017

Buy land ... They’re not making it any more.

- Mark Twain

Advice the BK god spirit obvious took to heart as the Brahma Kumaris engaged in a bizarre, worldwide land and property grab at their rich and poor donors' expense ... despite at the same time teaching that the planet is imminently about to be destroyed by Nuclear War and the continents sink beneath the oceans.

Just a quick update ... apparently BK center-in-charges are currently excusing the paradoxical hypocrisy on the basis that ... the land and property will provide safe spaces for BK adherents once Destruction kicks and, and the money food to feed them.

As usual, they are making no acounting of said resources, doo not disclose how many financial resources they have (one said they could survive for 10 years without donations) nor do they have any explanation of how precisely they will protect themselves from radiation or survive nuclear winters, sinking continents, or rioting civil wars.

Or how money they are spending today on expensive PR campaigns and VIP chasing, will feed adherents tomorrow.

Nor what use all the gold and cash will actually have once society collapses!

Answers how on the back of a postcard to the usual address.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Buy land ... They’re not making it any more.

Post08 Feb 2017

Hypocrisy also in that the quintessential basis of BK teachings is that BKs have to ”return home” - that is, die - so they can be reincarnated in the all new, whiter, brighter sparkly world of Golden Age (Sat Yuga) where they’ll be free of nasty Shudra types and any need to actually be productive to feed oneself is ‘numberwise'.

That’s why they develop the sanskaras now of rising in the ranks where the higher you go, the more you can cream off the labour of others!
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Mr Green


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Re: Buy land ... They’re not making it any more.

Post10 Feb 2017

there should be legislation in place to stop them


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Re: Buy land ... They’re not making it any more.

Post11 Feb 2017

Mr Green, can I say that governments in countries where religious freedom is guaranteed, in my opinion, do not wish to proceed against religions/cults etc on any grounds except widespread sexual misconduct or financial bad management/stealing.
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Re: Buy land ... They’re not making it any more.

Post11 Feb 2017

True ... which is a green light to any religious business makers or fraudsters.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Buy land ... They’re not making it any more.

Post11 Feb 2017

Senator Nick Xenophon vows to crack down on cult groups that are destroying lives

Kay Dibben, The Courier-Mail
February 5, 2017 1:00am

“Right now in [Australia] there are cults and cult-like organisations that are destroying people’s lives, ripping families apart and ripping off their money,’’ Senator Xenophon said. “Our current laws are too weak to tackle these sinister groups.’’ Senator Xenophon will move to introduce a new criminal penalty and civil remedy for psychological coercion.

“It would be modelled in part on French laws which have a criminal remedy in relation to psychological coercion.’’

The senator also will move specific amendments to Australian Consumer Law to protect victims of cult-like behaviour and promises. Senator Xenophon also wants laws to establish a tough cult-busting agency, similar to the French government agency Miviludes.

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