"The Shift”: a Meeting in Schauen - Next Generation BKism?

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Pink Panther

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Re: "The Shift”: a Meeting in Schauen - Next Generation BKis

Post25 Jan 2017

... are the Western satellites even worth the money it costs to maintain?

They are generally self-supporting and ship excess profits to India. Foreigners going to Abu leave substantial cash donations and bring ”credibility” to the PR, ”Look even materialistic scientific minded westerners who have so much wealth and other Maya are accepting our Baba”.

All Indian groups do that.
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Re: "The Shift”: a Meeting in Schauen - Next Generation BKis

Post25 Jan 2017

Again, the most mysterious element of BKism is its finances ... money as a metaphor for its true spiritual nature.

I wonder how much it costs them to fly Seniors around to keep the plates (centres) spinning sufficiently to keep them in the air? How long can you neglect a minor centre before it falls? How long they have to support a senior being placed in a zone before it becomes self-sustaining? How "magically" giving money to Dadi or Mount Abu somehow increases its karmic value ... that's the funniest one for me.

I know small centres are often expected to pay the costs of shipping a senior out to revitalise them for some "service" programme but I was looking at the UK accounts, where Jayanti is based, and not she is still not paid a wage by them directly.

That's pretty amazing for me, she has worked for them for 40 odd years and has been able to support herself without receiving any income. How has she managed that!?!

It's all very mysterious ... and I don't know how other countries or zones work.

You cannot understand BKism until you see the financial backbones of their operation. If you don't see and understand this element, you are just been fooled by the puppetshow they put on to entertain their marks. There's need for more transparency. I am pretty sure if there's a god, he or she is transparent.

I think they are just like the victims of a fraud who unable to admit they are, and who keep investing into it in the hope it all finally pays on ... in the next life.

But even there, the "clever businessman" Lekhraj Kirpalani offers a better deal. It's not just for your next life, it's heavenly payback for next 21 lives ... next 84 even ... for all eternity going round and round their inescapable cycle of time!

Give me a break ...
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Mr Green


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Re: "The Shift”: a Meeting in Schauen - Next Generation BKis

Post25 Jan 2017

I think the double foreigner thing is losing its appeal/income.
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Pink Panther

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Re: "The Shift”: a Meeting in Schauen - Next Generation BKis

Post26 Jan 2017

Mr Green wrote:I think the double foreigner thing is losing it's appeal/income

Probably because of the rise in affluence in India, the growing middle class with growing ”discretionary” spending power (discretionary - earn enough to have more than is needed for basics, so they can choose where to spend the excess).

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: "The Shift”: a Meeting in Schauen - Next Generation BKis

Post29 Jan 2017

Show me the flow of the $$$$$$$ and cents.

Pink, there is always the element of delusion and I agree that it is best to walk away. As an ex-BK walks away, the mistake made is not looking inside of her or himself an reviewing her or his spiritual contract. The contract we signed on to when we agreed with our mothers to enter a specific family by soul mating. There is soul mating in BKSU as happens in many giant and small organizations.

Many BKs however forget to review their spiritual contracts. If they did, they would understand that there is a great spiritual and non-spiritual life after walking away from BKism.
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Pink Panther

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Re: "The Shift”: a Meeting in Schauen - Next Generation BKis

Post29 Jan 2017

the mistake made is not looking inside of her or himself an reviewing her or his spiritual contract.

I fully agree. And it is that contract we need to check every day, or every time we make a decision. It was my asking myself whether this was what I ”signed up for” that led me to one day finally say ”No” and walk away from the BK.

In fact, my tendency, as is common among ”spiritual” people and is taught as part of BK teachings, is to accept failings, to forgive and forget, see it as ”drama” or whatever, so we continually do not evaluate or aggregate the regular ”breaches of contract” that are being done, as we hang on hoping that the other party fulfils its side of the bargain. When it is God, supposedly the Ocean of this, that and the other, you’d expect even one breach would be impossible ...

The BK contract is like a deal done with a mafia boss - once made, you are implicated. It seems there’s no way out and as you are making a bit on the side, or you are promised ”protection” (called extortion - pay us a tithe and you won’t be punished and we will make sure the other tribe don’t punish you either).

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