Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

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Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post14 Dec 2016

I like BK philosophy a lot, though I am not sure about the time frame they say.

Other than that, recently I came across ho'oponopono which is very nice.


I also like Sirius site of dictations,


Kindly share your views and experiences.

Thank you
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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post14 Dec 2016

How much of an involvement with the BKs have you had?

Can you believe in them if you cannot believe in such a key element to their philosophy, or the source of that philosophy?

Thank you.


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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post15 Dec 2016

When I was studing my engineering 2nd year, in 2003, I wanted to learn meditation so my Seniors suggested me brahmakumaris. The centre was around 1.5 km away from our college, so I went there by walk & felt the place interesting. Then the Sisters taught me 7 Day course. I was very skeptical but nevertheless completed it. Then I used to attend the classes once in a week for about 2-3 months. Then I was not regular, maybe once in a month or so.

When was employed in Gurgaon in 2006, the daughter of my landlady told me about brahmakumaris when I said I was interested in meditation (we both used to meditate on the lawn or on the terrace for few days "anapanasati', i.e observing the breath for a few days). So, again, I went to the center which was only 30 yards away. I did the course again and was atending the clases once or twice a week (this was in September 2006).

At the centre, the Sisters and students were talking about "Baba milan" and planning to go to Madhuban for Dec 31 2006 milan. I was interested and requested the in charge Sister to add me to their group. She said at least year of regular Murli classes and dharna were a must, I insisted and said I have done the course earlier and used to attend the classes once I a while. She finally agreed, I was very happy. I attended the milan at Madhuban. Dadi Prakashmani was still alive then, but she was not very well. She was sitting on wheel chair and would not conduct any classes, but one day she came on the stage to see all of us after a class.

It was the first time I saw her but tears came to my eyes when I saw her, I felt as if I knew her very well and was very moved by her presence. She just asked if we were all feeling comfortable at Madhuban & if we all had our food but there was a lot of love in her words. It is a very memorable experience to me. Then Baba came on 31st Dec 2006, it was the turn of youth wing and Delhi (hence we were there). I was sitting in the last rows and watching Baba, Baba asked to raise hands if we were ready to surrender, I was not sure - so I did not raise, Baba said, "soch rahe hain", i.e. still thinking?, I felt very touched. I felt the Milan very warm and very special.

When we were returning to Gurgaon in train, I met ORC (Omshanti Retreat Centre, Gurgaon) Sisters since it was Delhi turn. They also came to Madhuban. One Sister told me about ORC and invited me to visit it on Sunday (now she is in New York). They were very warm and I felt happy.

So one Sunday I visited ORC (this was in January 2007, ORC was about 50 min journey in bus to my residence). I liked the atmosphere there, it was cozy and friendly. One Sister asked me how regular I was and when I told I visit once or twice a week she told me to attend Murli class at nearby centre daily and she also advised me to write a dairy about Murli points, dharna and Baba, I said okay.

I started visiting our nearyby centre daily. Since Sisters at ORC told me I can visit every Sunday, so the next Sunday I visited again. The same Sister (who asked me to visit my nearby centre regulary and to write a dairy) again asked me about the diary and Murli classes. I said I am attending the Murli classes but I have not yet started writing a diary, so she told me shall I give you a dairy or will you start yourself. I said I will start myself, so from the next day I started writing a diary. This has helped me a lot in understanding the Gyan, since lot of new points would come in Murli daily and I used to note them regularly and churn the points. Then I used to ask the centre in charge Sister for previous Murlis and used to take them home with me and re-read them.

I somehow felt very connected to Baba and loved his Murlis (both Sakar and Avyakt). My visits to nearby center were now regular and on Saturday directly from office. I used to go to ORC (my office was only 10 min away from ORC), stay there on Sunday and used to go to office from ORC on Monday morning. At ORC many shibirs (RajYoga introduction classes to new comers), bhattis (gnan and meditation classes to BKs) are conducted by ORC Sisters, and some times senior Sisters and Brothers from other centers used to take classes, I used to attend them.

Murli class by Asha Didi (the in charge Sister of ORC) was my favorite.


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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post15 Dec 2016

I used to ask many Sisters and Brothers how they meditate and would practise that way, each one it would be meditating in their own way and it helped me a lot. I also used to ask some how they got into BK and their experiences with Baba, it was very interesting. On Sundays, I would be mostly at the art gallary (various concepts depicted there with the help of dolls and paintings) and I would explain them to visitors. Sometimes senior Sisters and Brothers from other centres used to visit ORC and conduct classes, thus I attended classes of Dadi Janki, Dadi Gulzar, Brother Brij Mohan Bhai, Sister Jayanti, Dadi Rukmini, Sister Chakradhari, Sister Shivani and some other senior Brother and Sisters. It was a beautiful learning phase.

I had friends among Sisters and I liked their company. One day I met a mother in 2007 who was living with her family but was a BK and got introduced to Baba in 2003. She came to ORC along with her centre students to attend a class. We became good friends, we exchanged phone numbers and I used to ask her a lot of doubts regarding Murli points, meditation, dharna and she used to help me. I told my parents to go to nearby center and learn meditation, they went. In February 2008, I took my parents to Madhuban for Baba Milan on occassion of Shiv Jayanti. I felt very happy that they liked Baba's knowledge.

In 2008 November, I asked another Sister who was living with her nephew if I could live with them [I am from Telangana and my parents lived in Nizamabad, for the sake of job I stayed in ladies' hostel in Gurgaon and wanted to live with a BK], she readily agreed. She is a senior mother who was in Gyan for about 15 years by then, so she was very accurate in dharnas. She would wake up at 3 am and do meditation. Though I was sleeping in a seperate room I would somehow wake up and meditate in my room.

There was no television in the house and she would not even put on audio songs. I asked her how she meditates and she said that she would just visualise Paramdham and her journey to Paramdham from earth via Subtle Region and meditate. So I also meditated that way, it felt very nice. I lived with her till 2009 March, i.e four months.

When my parents came to know that I was living with a BK they told me to shift to ladies hostel again, and when I did not shift, my mom came and shifted me to my previous hostel again and told me not to visit nearby BK centre. I would visit ORC less and nearby centre also less, but I would cook my own food and meditate regularly.

Then I left my job in Dec 2009 and returned to my home town to study for my higher studies. I was a mechanical engineer and wanted to pursue MBA in finance. One of my teachers at MBA entrance coaching told me to learn stock market since it would help me in my MBA entrance interview. I wanted to go abroad (USA) to pursue my MBA and my parents were not willing. So though I wrote GMAT in Jan 2011, I did not go for higher studies. Instead I did some international certification courses in stock trading in 2011 May and stayed at home. My parents shifted to Hyderabad in 2011 May and never allowed me to go to nearby centre. I used to read Avyakt Murlis online and some old Murlis whose soft copies I had. In June 2011, I came across this site and found lot of content about BK movement and I liked this. Before I left my job I told my parents I wanted to surrender to Baba and become a BK but my parents were very intent in not allowing me and denied me any access to them.

After I came across this site I felt very happy. I would also read another site, http://www.brahmakumarisforum.net. I would also visit one PBK site. I was very curious about anything related to Baba and the BK movement and its offshoots.

I came across sirius website http://www.sirius-eng.net/index.htm through this site and I am very thankful for that. I would read each dictation 3-4 times, and I would feel some sensations when I read them. In 2012 December, I applied for CFA exam but did not prepare well so did not write it. In 2013, I was idle employment wise but was active on spiritual front, I was learning a lot from sirius dictations. I would visit


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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post15 Dec 2016

In 2015, my parents finally convinced me to get married and I got married in 2015 may. I was blessed with a baby boy in 2016 April but I can never forget Baba.

I meditate using visualisations (being a diety in Golden Age, angel in angelic world and giving sakash to the world, being a soul in Paramdham, being a goddess and fulfilling devotees' wishes ...), but reading Murli is my favorite past time activity and I am very thankful to Baba for that.

Baba says there is no life in other planets but I believe in the existence of aliens.


I do not think the world would end and only the few BK few souls (9 lakh at present) would migrate to Golden Age since I find a promise of Golden Age by many others, i.e. many other channels prophesise the Golden Age

http://www.sirius-eng.net/dictations/de ... .01.10.htm

and many other souls, along with BK souls, would enter the Golden Age in my opinion.

Still I love Baba for his wisdom and blessings.

Thank you for this opportunity to share my story with you.

I would be happy to listen to your story if you would like to share.
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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post15 Dec 2016

Please excuse me for not repeating myself. I've told my story many times, but a long time ago mostly.

You sounds like a very sweet and balanced soul who hasn't allowed the BKs to control you entirely or destroy you.

You don't appear to believe that the Baba is *the* Supreme Soul, and so I wondered how - or in what place within the pantheon of gods or "enlightened beings" - you saw him?

How does your husband feel about the BKs and your involvement with them?

Is your kind of relationship with the BKs common in India now?

It's nice to know at least one BK will allow other non-BKs into heaven on earth ... if it comes.

Thank you.
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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post18 Dec 2016

Hey Sister

Greetings from a fellow mechanical engineer who is 8yrs your junior from northern part of your country.

Though our paths in life may differ still I believe the world would be a better place if it has many innocent people like you (souls if you may .. it's been some time for me ;)). There are many people in this world who take very good things in a very wrong way and there are some who extract very good things from ... well, never mind.

May God preserve the innocence and sweetness he bestowed in you, may it increase forever, may it be transmitted from you to the near and dear ones you have.

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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post20 Dec 2016

HI sukshmbindu,

Like others here, I have shared my story in small and large pieces in different places and discussions on this forum. If you browse you will find a lot of topics of interest and personal experiences from amny different kinds of people who’ve encountered the PBKIVV to soem extent or other, for better or worse (and soemtimes better AND worse!) , not just from current participants but from the many past participants. There is a also a link to a forum that preceded this one. Many experiences shared. We all learn from each other.
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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post20 Dec 2016

To keep 'on topic'.

I don't practise meditation these days. I find I cannot without being interrupted by sensations I encountered due to my initiation into BKism, e.g. a pressure on the forehead, a "spaced out" feelings etc. I like peace and quiet but if I go to, say, a simple Yoga or Buddhist practise like watching my breathing, I fall into what I think of as BK meditation; and don't like it and I don't trust it any more.

As human being writes, it's not enough to be attracted or addicted just because of some kind of vision or experience. One has to question deeper and looker for deeper signs. I agree that within BKism people have weird and wonderful experiences ... but to what end? To be further misled, deluded or exploited? That makes it just like a drug that destroys families and communities.

For other philosophy, for a long time I liked, and was influenced by, The Tao Te Ching which, I suppose, is the essence of Taoism ... although I never joined any groups or visited any teacher of it. I don't even know if there are any. It's a very old book.

As a religious philosophy, it must be the lease offensive of all the major religions (and is not even mentioned by the BKs' god spirit). It's just all about being in harmony with the way of life ... some gentle, inspirational poetry. No gods, no worship. It's a rest ... but I am not sure how well it prepares you for the cut and thrust of modern world.

I would say, in general, it's far better to accept the world about you and be within it, grounded and wise, rather than spacing out to escape it.


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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post21 Dec 2016

Thank you all for your time and kindness.

I truly like this forum since I get lot of insights regarding various perceptions and perspectives. I wish u all good day and a happy life.

Thank you.

I, personally, feel very connected to the BKs' Shiv Baba and his teachings. Any content I come across say other religious tenets, philosophies, saints' teachings, personality development books, other spiritual channels' teachings, generic wisdom of world ... I always feel Baba too has told so, in a way. I always feel Baba has told the essence of everything in the world, so the claim that this Confluence Age BK philosophy is the genesis of all religions, philosophies and the foundation of all cultures seems valid to me. This is my personal opinion though.

In fact, the BK movement is not just about the wisdom given by Shiv Baba chanelling through Sakar Brahma Baba and Dadi Gulzar as Avyakt BapDada but also about the various ways each soul understands this knowledge, practices Yoga, does seva and his/her dharnas.

There is a lot of variation. This variation manifests as various religions, sects and cults in the next cycle, i.e. from Dwapur yug (Copper Age), but once introduced to Baba and contributed to world transformation through our vibrations 33 crore souls are born in heaven (Golden Age+Silver Age). Golden Age begins with 9lakh souls and Silver Age starts with 3 crore souls, Copper Age starts with 33crore souls who have already descended from Soul World in golden & siver ages, then gradually world gets populated with Copper Age and iron age souls {i assume most of you aware of this, just a recap}.

Here I have a doubt that if the religious fathers (founders of various religions and sects and cults) are not BK souls, how come the essence seems familiar to BK philosophy? I felt may be through word of mouth, literature & telepathy* [mansa seva-service through blessings and good wishes; when we do mansa seva we not only transmit positive energy(which results in material and spiritual attainments of the receiver) but also wisdom and sanskars ].

Thus the essence of BK philosophy, in various forms, gets transmitted to every soul resulting in various schools of thought. Thus we all contribute to human culture in owr own way consciously/subconsciously.


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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post21 Dec 2016

the subject of BK knowledge is vast in the sense i read only few Murlis(Sakar Murlis of ~3yrs, ~150 Avyakt Murlis) and feel i still have to churn imbibe a lot since the Murli points are many and their application is universal. i beleive progress is quick when we learn from others along with self study so i read the posts here though this is supposed to be an ex-BK forum and found i have benefitted a lot from the discussions here, thankyou all


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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post21 Dec 2016


I found it interesting that same seed souls are present in all major religions and named differently (archangels-christianity, elohims-judaism, Kumars/manus-hinduism, demigods-Chinese.

There is also a mention of root races and seed souls.

I, personally, felt sanatkumara is BK Mama, Radha, eve, archangel gabriel, mother mary, mohammed the prophet & sananda is BK Brahma Baba, Krishna, adam, archangel michael, jesus, ayesha (mohammed prohet's wife).


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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post21 Dec 2016

Once in a Murli, Shiv Baba asked when Shiv Baba is here giving knowledge to you, is there a Shiv Baba in Soul World? What is the answer? At our centre some students said he exists in Soul World also since he vibrates at a very high frequency and we wont realise him being in Soul World. If that is true, does that mean our soul also exists in Soul World simultaneously while existing here in our forehead on earth and Soul World is just another dimension which we can have conscious access to when in meditation? Can we also extend that angelic realm is also a dimension parallelly existing with the physical dimension?

What is ether? Is it where our thoughts, imaginations and visualisations are recorded? Do we create our angelic bodies in this Confluence Age or access our already existing angelic bodies and energise them?

Basically, these are my doubts about Three Worlds, are they physical spaces placed above our galaxy, or just subtle and incorporeal realms which are depicted above our planet earth in three world image of 7 Days Course just to represent their lighter or higher vibration level?

What is the vibration of angelic realm (brahmapuri), vishnupuri, Shankar puri & incorporeal world? They must be of increasing vibration respectively due to the depiction of them in higher altitude in the same order.

Does higher vibration means higher frequency or lower frequency? Actually more stable means less thoughts, so does higher vibration means lower frequency?

What is it that vibrates, is it our etheric body or soul? Since there is no subtle body in incorporeal world, may be it is the vibration level of soul. Should we measure it in thoughts per sec? What about the quality of thoughts? Somewhere I came across thoughts of love have highest vibration and thoughts of fear the lowest vibration, how is this vibration quantified?

Also, I feel not just quality of vibration but intensity (quantity) also varies from person to person, hence numberwise in service of world transformation through self transformation.

Kindly share your views.

Thank you


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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post22 Dec 2016

Shakespere said “in your strength my dear lies hope for the world” Baba says “aap ki chadti kala-sabka bhala” , so be happy spread happiness.

Divine intervention: when we take help from other souls(friends/family/strangers) or pray to god/angels/saints they help in overcoming our difficulties what do they get in return, other souls get our blessing s in return which will add to their material and spiritual attainments in this birth or coming births, but. By this logic I feel ShivBaba also incarnates, even if he doesn’t is he also an antenna to cosmic bank or is a cosmic bank, does his energy change if we draw from him through Yoga or does it remain constant, by law of conservation of energy it should change unless he is just an antenna/a door to connect to cosmic bank. Is he above Law of Karma is it applied only to mortals or is he also subjected to Law of Karma, for yes how will he go through the effects if he doesn’t incarnate and why won’t he be rewarded for his service of teaching gnan, Yoga, seva and dharna to us

Law of conservation of energy: if total energy in the universe is constant how do we recover the energy lost in doing bad karma-does suffering release our bad karma or is it a result of our bad karma. Bad karma is basically our energy invested in causing harm to self, others and environment. Or the universe is all about cause and effect i.e. it mirrors back our energy if the cause/input the energy we sent to the universe is positive we get positive result and if it is negative we get negative result. We constantly conduct energy so our future depends on both the energy we sent out in the past and the energy we send now in the present. So when we go through rough patch in our life we should not passively accept that it is the result of our past but should actively work on our present and overcome it.

Karma: Is there something called negative energy or is it just energy directed to cause grief, and positive energy the energy directed to cause happiness. If negative karma means the energy send out by us in the past and present to give grief. So karma is energy in action if it gives happiness it is positive and if it gives grief it is negative. So if we have bad karma it means we have sent out some energy in the past which will return in future or is returning in present as obstacles to activities we take up in present or as suffering(physical/emotional/situational i.e . Caused by circumstances) we can overcome this by our own efforts or help from others/prayers/meditation. When we take help from others return it as blessings or help them in future or by helping someone else or by doing all three, but what about the help we get through prayers/meditation can we understand this as we have charged ourselves through prayers and meditation so the act of praying/meditating itself is the effort and easing of our difficulties is the result and we have neutralised the effect of grief causing energy which was used by us by sending happiness causing energy through prayer and meditation.

Hierarchy: why do souls exist ‘numberwise’ as Baba says. Are just the efforts put in Confluence Age enough to sustain us for complete cycle, if yes what about other souls who may not get Baba’s message or who get the message at the end of Confluence Age and what about them who may not believe in Baba what about their happiness and attainments are they bound to be just devotees in various religions, if yes what would their attainments be and when do they get them. If only BK souls are ‘hero part dharis’(hero actors) and all others character artists or normal actors why are they denied their due, if all are souls shouldn’t all be given equal oppurtunity to be their best. Is it something about the constitution of the soul or its consciousness, is there the difference in the attunement of frequencies. What is the soul made up of. If all souls can stay in Paramdham till their time to play a part comes does it mean till the vibration on earth becomes conducive or in their range of frequency, what is it that vibrates soul/astral body. does their time to incarnate depend on the quality of their astral reserves i.e. maximum vibration they are able to reach in Confluence Age. If yes why is this discrimination, is this about free will, if yes why will a soul choose to not be born in golden and silver ages.

Baba says we get inheritance for complete cycle not just for Confluence Age, Golden Age and Silver Age but also for Copper Age and iron age. Does inheritance in copper and iron ages means being just worshipped as dieties or also implies that those yadgars(memorials) also fulfill our wishes on worshipping them in those ages.
If yes, then do we get material gains as well as spiritual gains of peace and happiness on worshipping them, most likely yes. Are the material and spiritual gains we get on praying to our memorials inheritance of copper and iron ages or do we feel any elevated state of mind when devotees pray to our memorial i.e. is it just that our service now to them(devotees) gives us the status of being a demigod/goddess/angel and it is not vice-versa i.e. devotees praying to our memorials doesn’t elevate our status. Most likely the cause is our efforts(purusharth) and punya(doing service and hence receiving blessings)[based on knowledge(gnan), Yoga(meditation), dharna(qualities) and service(seva)] now and result is what we receive in 4ages(golden, silver, copper & iron ages). i.e our contributions now are spread over 4ages in various ways, i.e. being born as dieties in golden and silver ages and being are depicted as memorials in copper and iron ages. When Baba says “apne bhakt par reham karo” it means our progress on spiritual path helps the devotees indirectly by fulfilling their wishes on praying to our memorials in Confluence Age and so in copper and iron ages. We are to devotees what Baba is to us i.e source of spiritual and material attainments.

Cycle: Also after incarnating initially or after some births some do penance/service/prayers and will be born as kings or as the mighty rich in next births, so is penance/service/prayers of any form a must for attainments, maybe yes it is always first u earn then u spend. So in penance/charity/service/prayers we get charged from cosmic bank and spend here. So how many reserves does the cosmic bank have, is the energy exchange between physical world and spiritual world mutual i.e after we get charged from cosmic bank how do we repay, is it through love towards self, family, society and environment if yes, is it possible that we always remain in state of love throughout The Cycle and always remain happy. Baba says once Golden Age starts we constantly consume our attainments(resources) and quality of life reduces from ~golden to ~silver in Silver Age and ~copper in Copper Age and ~iron in iron age. At the end of iron age Shiv Baba descends and teaches to transform our world from iron to Golden Age. If he sponsors the energy of transformation will his energy get reduced, do we store our downloaded energy in astral worlds namely brahmapuri, vishnupuri and shankarpuri. If brahmapuri is populated with our angelic bodies, vishnupuri with diety astral bodies what is Shankar puri populated with? Our saintly astral bodies of penance?. Is Subtle Region a reservoir/energy of souls. What about reservoirs of devotees, where is their energy stored. We download from Shiv Baba, devotees download from us, from where does ShivBaba download from? Cosmic bank, then is Shiv Baba an entity or a cosmic bank or a mould/antenna that connects us to cosmic bank

Are various dieties, demigods and angels various banks/reservoirs of energies, we store energies in those cosmic banks now and withdraw in the form of fulfilment of wishes of devotees and us in copperage and iron age or are they just moulds/antennas/keys to cosmic energy bank and operate in Confluence Age, Copper Age & iron age

Shiv Baba says he is responsible for sakshatkars(visions) for devotees in copper and iron ages so does that mean ShivBaba works throughout The Cycle.

Baba says he is not responsible the obstacles and difficulties and suffering we face in life , life is governed by Law of Karma & Shiv Baba gives knowledge to create good karma but he also gives energy of Yoga through which we can burn our old karma and old sankars so how come he isn’t tainted when he grants us energy, is it because he only teaches how and we benefit based on our own efforts.

energy of Shiv Baba: is energy of Shiv Baba different from the energy of saints, angels, godesses, religious fathers, BK souls, non-bk souls, souls of various religions and sects, atheists… it got to be. What is the difference is it in vibration level.

please share ur views..
i like Baba and his knowledge but few points are quite puzzling to me..


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Re: Other modalities of meditations/philosophies you like

Post22 Dec 2016

@sukshmbindu, hello.

Firstly, I want to tell you how much I appreciate your posts. All of them are positive and interesting.

I haven't read everything you wrote but I wanted to say a few relevant things:

Some of your questions regarding Gyan are also things I've thought about, as well. Either Gyan has holes or I just haven't understood everything yet.

In relation to where are souls and God, I think New Age is more specific on that. New Age teachings say that God is everything but there is one 'Source' perspective and each of "us" is a specific perception and an extension of 'Source' through which God tries to understand Him/Her/Itself.

What I think Raj Yoga does is make us increase our frequency so as to reach 'Source' perception/perspective, aka the feeling of Oneness.

I am wondering, do you accept the 5000 Cycle? For me, and many others, it seems to be the hardest thing to swallow. And do you think Shiv-Baba is God or some other entity?

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