Brahma Kumari male seeks "wife" as free servant

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Post29 Nov 2016

Lifting the lid on more of the typically stinking callousness, and rank hypocrisy within the BK ranks, from (SH75212994), one of India's top matrimonial websites.

No, the BKs' god spirit Shiva Baba really does not "guide" BK followers to find a wife.

Apparently his BK parents, "got their daughter married and thus their [sister in charge] is a vacancy ... Since they are getting older, i would expect you to understand your responsibilities and take care of the family which includes household responsibilities".

Well then, that's you told woman ... you look after the house and elderly mother and Father while we run around being BKs. That's not a "wife" that's a free servant.

Love ... sex ... affection ...? Will someone at least contact this poor woman-to-be and tell her to get a good marriage contract written that includes her security and independence in old age, otherwise she'll go from servant to a BK family to servant to a BK centre.

Wealthy upper middle class family, so fetted by the local center-in-charge, seeking "fair" skinned women (so no lower caste, dark skinned shudras then?).

Om Shanti!

I belong to a spiritual family where the focus is on human values, positive thinking and grounded living. We are followers of Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University and devoted towards the almighty, Shiv Baba. Professionally am a BTech/MBA working in an IT MNC in Gurgaon. Here, am in search of a beautiful soul as my partner :) I believe that God has guided me to find you and that is the reason of giving birth to this profile. I hope you are the one sent by the almighty :)


MBA from IMT-CDL (Part-Time).
B.Tech in Electronics from UPTU


Working as a Project Manager in US MNC - Gurgaon.
Have been abroad a few times for official assignments.


I belong to a well-settled financially sound family. Father and Mother both are retired from Gazetted Posts.


A spiritual, good charactered, equally qualified working girl understanding her responsibilities as a wife and a daughter who would sincerely wish to adjust and adapt the new home considering it as her real home and thus understanding her responsibilities as a daughter. My parents are looking for a daughter and not daughter-in-law - They got their daughter married and thus their is a vacancy, so please do not have a mindset of in-laws. Since they are getting older, i would expect you to understand your responsibilities and take care of the family which includes household responsibilities.

Please send/accept interest if you are mature; understand and willing to take care of these responsibilities. If you think you are quite modern and cannot - it is pointless meeting; talking and knowing - Apologies, I may not be the right match for you.

Am happy being straight forward - I could have written the sugar coated content but am here to EXPRESS not to IMPRESS :) Its a life association for both.. Lets be original... Lets be real !!
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Re: Brahma Kumari male seeks "wife" as free serv

Post29 Nov 2016 seems to have a heap more Brahma Kumaris, both male and female, looking to get hitched.

Are the BK hemorrhaging, did these Indians just not "get it", or is this just the norm for BK India?

Seems a load of BK Westerners missed their chances competing to become "One of the 108" or gain a high status in the Golden Age ... my god the Kirpalani's made fools of us running around like idealised "top knot" Indians, whilst the real Indians just got on with life's little compromises and ambiguities as usual.

For example ...
I am very simple.
I soft spoken and sober.
I love listening songs.
My qualification is M.A. (English) ,B..ED.
I am working as teacher at Chandigarh.
My hobbies are reading books,singing and shopping.
I do not like cooking.
I am following brahmakumaris for the last ten years.
I would prefer a partner following the same.
God is my first love.

Minakshi kaushik

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Re: Brahma Kumari male seeks "wife" as free serv

Post30 Apr 2019

Om Shanti!

I belong to a spiritual family where the focus is on human values, positive thinking and grounded living. We are followers of Brahma Kumaris Spiritual University and devoted towards the almighty, Shiv Baba. Professionally am a BTech/MBA working in an IT MNC in Gurgaon. Here, am in search of a beautiful soul as my partner :) I believe that God has guided me to find you and that is the reason of giving birth to this profile. I hope you are the one sent by the almighty :)


MBA from IMT-CDL (Part-Time).
B.Tech in Electronics from UPTU


Working as a Project Manager in US MNC - Gurgaon.
Have been abroad a few times for official assignments.


I belong to a well-settled financially sound family. Father and Mother both are retired from Gazetted Posts.


A spiritual, good charactered, equally qualified working girl understanding her responsibilities as a wife and a daughter who would sincerely wish to adjust and adapt the new home considering it as her real home and thus understanding her responsibilities as a daughter. My parents are looking for a daughter and not daughter-in-law - They got their daughter married and thus there is a vacancy, so please do not have a mindset of in-laws. Since they are getting older, I would expect you to understand your responsibilities and take care of the family which includes household responsibilities.

Please send/accept interest if you are mature; understand and willing to take care of these responsibilities. If you think you are quite modern and cannot - it is pointless meeting; talking and knowing - Apologies, I may not be the right match for you.

Am happy being straight forward - I could have written the sugar coated content but am here to EXPRESS not to IMPRESS :) Its a life association for both.. Lets be original... Lets be real !!

I am interested to know him before being judgement, I am searching for a true BK for marriage, help me to contact him.

Help me to find out like him.
I am looking for a person like him.
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Re: Brahma Kumari male seeks "wife" as free serv

Post30 Apr 2019

Minakshi kaushik wrote:My parents are looking for a daughter and not daughter-in-law ... Since they are getting older, I would expect you to understand your responsibilities and take care of the family which includes household responsibilities.

I am searching for a true BK for marriage

Quick translation ...
    I want a BK girl as an unpaid servant to look after my parents as they get old.
    My parents have told me to get married to a BK girl as a way of finding an unpaid servant to look after them as they get old.
What does the woman get out it?

The funny thing is, no "true BK" would get married, and no "devoted" followers of the BKWSU would even conceive of the possibility!

The Indian BK mind is bizarre ... one can be a follower without following, entirely ignoring all the teachings, and yet still claim to be "devoted".

How could a BK *possibly* believe that "Baba has guided me" to get married, when every utterance in the Murlis says the opposite?

So much for the Brahma Kumaris being a "feminist" religion ... what they want is an unpaid slave girl ... amazing.

I suppose they are a relatively wealthy middle class family and tied in a knot because they can have a non-BK servant cook food for them.

Tough luck, your mother and Father is just going to have to learn to cook and clean for themselves. Or you do it.


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Re: Brahma Kumari male seeks "wife" as free serv

Post01 May 2019

Minakshi kaushik wrote:My parents are looking for a daughter and not daughter-in-law ... Since they are getting older, I would expect you to understand your responsibilities and take care of the family which includes household responsibilities. I am searching for a true BK for marriage
ex-l wrote:Quick translation ...

I want a BK girl as an unpaid servant to look after my parents as they get old.


My parents have told me to get married to a BK girl as a way of finding an unpaid servant to look after them as they get old.

It is funny and sad to see the confused Souls coming out of the BK woodwork. I don't know what state of mind they were in, before getting into the BK system. But clearly, they haven't imbibed even the basics of BK etiquette/philosophy. I would attribute this to the dilution of the 7-day course, which these days can also be completed in 1 day. Or even better, you can do it online too.

Net result, no solid foundation in the BK ways, not able to decide if it is the right path for them, along with diluted directions provided by the Center Heads, who are really focused on long-term "moola" from these confused and troubled Souls.

So, instead of benefiting from joining BKs, they add more "sins" to their account by including Shiv Baba in their rantings.

As the BKs would say "It's all drama"
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Re: Brahma Kumari male seeks "wife" as free serv

Post01 May 2019

What amazed me was, they saw the title of the topic and thought, "I want one of those too".

It underlines for me that the status of many young women in BKism is a paper thickness away from enslavement, as the reality of BKism in India today.

But I hope Minaksh reads this and replies ...
    What precisely does the woman get out of this "marriage"?
Will the husband love her and be affectionate?

Do they plan on having children?

What will happen to her and their marriage once the parents die off?


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Re: Brahma Kumari male seeks "wife" as free serv

Post01 May 2019

Ahhhh, let's give him a round of applause for not 'sugar coating' ...

The poor guy obviously wants to get married but is at a crossroads, and I doubt very much that he'll be able to practice a celibate life. Any young BK who says that they've been celibate after getting married is a lying fool! People who live at the centres cannot even keep their pants/sarees on! ... He's got no chance, and is actually going against one of the core teachings of the BKs by seeking a life partner.
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Re: Brahma Kumari male seeks "wife" as free serv

Post01 May 2019

May be he needs to grow a pair and tell him mother that he's not going to follow BKism any more ... and just get married for real?

May be that's the real issue here?

Indian mothers and sons, and all that ... if he still lives at home, may be he feels he has no other choice.

Minakshi, you've really got to tell us what is going on here. From a BK point of view, you and your parents are just about to blow your karmic accounts.

The kicker is, the daughter got married, so either she saw through the BKs ... of they married her off to get rid of her. And now they want to replace her with a submissive BK.

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