Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post19 Nov 2016

Your thoughts on the BKs ... your experience ... your conclusions ... I"m sure you have a lot of material.

I am interested to know what is going on within the BKs these days and how they have manoeuvred themselves and their followers around.

It's funny but most BKs we have coming over here only came in contact with the BK post-2000 (itself which was meant to the the year of such massive cataclyism their leaders had all centres stock piling food and water) and post the death of the influential original BKs who had the followers running around like headless chickens.

They often find it difficult to believe the stuff we tell them.

I wonder if they are still going on about Destruction in two to three years and believing themselves to personally "touched" and guided by god.

I wonder what BKism is all about now, now that it clearly looks to be one big failure or con, and how they - especially the leaders - keep face?

Has it all just become some kind of ritual - or money making machine - no one really believes in any more?

For example, BKWSU (UK) sending back £500,000 a year to Mount Abu to keep it afloat. I always wondered what that was about - except, perhaps a kind of "money laundering" and a way to pay the running costs of the Kirpalani Klan back here. It is not as if BKWSU (India) is short of a buck or a few million. Some BK came on and told us they had enough reserves to last them for 10 years I think it was they said.


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Onvalianthorwatch thinking out loud, saying nada

Post19 Nov 2016

Your thoughts on the BKs ... your experience ... your conclusions ... I"m sure you have a lot of material.

Finding myself at the other side of my involvement with the BKs, I count myself as lucky not to have gotten more deeply involved. I am especially in awe of 'my fortune and the scenes in drama' which altogether prevented me from persisting with an association with the BKWSU that would have eventually been characterised by a deep, self-directed inner resentment while all the time keeping up appearances.

No, I wasn't a perfect BK but from where I am at now, I look back at my experience and wonder if unbeknown to myself my departure was, in fact, the point in time when I started to stand firm and take steps to extricate my soul from the clutches of an engagement that was not in my best interest. And, yes, I use that characterisation deliberately fully knowing that in BKdom it will read like a violation of that which they have come to regard as sacred, i.e sacrilege.

I know many, many BKs, good sincere people who offered their heart & soul selflessly in service. I wish them well and also acknowledge that we all have our part in the drama.


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Onvalianthorwatch thinking out loud, saying nada

Post19 Nov 2016

The BKWSU professes to teach ancient Raja Yoga - IMHO that is truly laughable! In my personal opinion, there are aspects of BK meditation that verge on a form of Spiritism. Personally, I find it amazing that I engaged myself in acts through which I unknowingly gave my emotional, mental and psychic energy to a dead man (Mr Lekhraj in the first instance), and to a notion of Lord Shiva that has but tenuous link to the great vedic tradition. But, hey, I was in that part of the Matrix and it was all good whilst it lasted. No regrets, and I actually learned a lot and gained invaluable insights into the potential of the human mind.

BTW, did I mention that I'd been to Madhuban? Great place and a lovely time was had. No regrets but the season has changed. What I find so funny is the fact that the BKs, and all these sorts of organisations, are simply doing the same thing that other religious institutions have done throughout the ages. However, I must stay on topic.

Since I joined up here I remember reading a viewpoint that I paraphrase as "Post our engagement with the BKWSU, some of we humans tend to give up one form of space 'cadetry' for another".

Because this could well be true, I seek ways to see the light within the sentiment rather than feel it as a warning against our transferring an errant tendency to some other 'Mothership' .

Seems to me like no one can live our life and, in the long run, we each have to hoe our own road and try to make sense of the drama as it unfolds on a personal level. As the late Bob Marley sang ... yeah, yeah, yeah, let me tell you if you're not wrong then everything is alright! So, yeah, I am on a journey out of one part of this Matrix and into another but I am not recruiting followers nor claiming that I am right!




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For those Post Y2K BK's

Post19 Nov 2016

If, as ex-l mentioned, many of the BKs visiting the site are persons whose association with the group can be dated to sometime after Y2K, then this post will be a sort of history lesson hahahahahaa.

Do ya'll know that, as with almost all of the NRMs, the dawn of the new century was a time characterised by great uncertainty, no small amount of anticipation and replete with 'money-making' opportunities for many of the well-positioned BKs and other - in the name of service of course. And, as ex-l, mentioned we were indeed encouraged to stock up on essential foodstuffs; ensuring that we had alternative methods of preparing hot meals, surplus water; and also lots of Yoga in the event that (pardon the pun) all hell broke loose and the centre became focal points of interest for the dispossessed and desperate agyani souls in search of sustenance, safety and, of course, G.O.D.

Actually, in hindsight, I can be argued that not much wrong with that because I seem to recall that some were also making a lot of effort to ensure that information technology systems would not all come to a juddering halt as the Nineties gave way to the Noughties. Now that would have been a disaster of untold magnitude but, as it happens, the 1st of January came and went for the living much as any other year went and a new one began.

So all in all the BKWSU was just like the rest of the sheople leaders - no fault can be laid at their door for that.
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch thinking out loud, saying nada

Post19 Nov 2016

onvalianthorwatch wrote:No, I wasn't a perfect BK but from where I am at now, I look back at my experience and wonder if unbeknown to myself my departure was, in fact, the point in time when I started to stand firm and take steps to extricate my soul from the clutches of an engagement that was not in my best interest.

I'll pick up in that.

It's an interesting observation that reminds me of one Eugene (Eromain) used to make ... of looking back at the "road crash" that was his exiting BK, and seeing for the first time where the car first and actually went off the road, i.e. what the time, decision or event was where the real individual behind the BK mask decided to step out, or even sub-consciously sabotage the BK pretense.

It's worth analysing closely.

For me, it was seeing through their agenda of self-promotion, their patently constant and vulgar self-promotion (VIP chasing).

The image he portrayed was of the leaving process (for many) not being a single, simple decision or act ... but more like a car rolling down the road until it finally came to a stop. The stop being the exit but the decision or act happening some time before, e.g. a simple rejection of their demands to be served, or to conform to their control.

It became an even more pertinent image when I years later discovered that at one point during his exiting, he seriously prepared himself to commit suicide by driving his car into a tree or wall (I forget which), and was only saved by his (real) Sister calling him on the phone just at that very time.

He has not been alone in having the need to destroy the BK identity become so strong that it actually developed into a desire to kill off his entire self. There are exiting BKs who have done just that (committed suicide). Thankfully only a small minority.

What I cannot understand is how the inner circle, the Kirpalani Klan, can sit there having watched so many souls come through one door and "crash and burn" out the other ... and keep going through the motions day in day out never questioning them. Charging up the next generation with the same bollocks.

Eromain, in his day, was a great "Mahatma" fetted, looked up, and held up as an example. So many others, those who actually made the BK in the West, have also been and gone; newcomers probably never even hearing of them.

You and all you gave are probably already forgotten!

(BTW, Eromain is doing just fine. He has a wife and family, had a good life, is doing well in business etc and well over BK.

Contrary to how the BKs portray it, there is life after the BKWSU


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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post19 Nov 2016

Thanks ex-l, just to pick up on a particular aspect of that. Since I have been around on the site I found myself reading some of Eromain's posts; not only are they informative but I also found that he wrote from the heart. Thanks Eromain.

Apologies for possibly misinterpreting some of your post but I seem to recall a particular phrase form the Murlis which described the act of leaving as "taking an axe to one's foot". As I would hear those words read I would always recollect a childhood friend who lost his foot in an accident (with a train) whilst playing on the line. He ended up with a stump just below his ankle.

So yeah, I can well imagine that for some it takes great courage to leave that stuff behind knowing full well the muttering and murmuring that would take place in the aftermath. Another image that we would read in the Murlis is one of the 'night soil men' i.e shovellers of sh1t working at night to rid the village of its' waste! I wonder if others can recall this sort of admonishment ... I hasten to add that such dire warnings are not the sole domain of BK teachings.

My being here can perhaps be seen as a sign that 'my BK identity' has not been killed off. Will it ever be? We were programmed with words that said once a BK always a BK because The Knowledge is eternally recorded in the intellect. So I write as one who not even Dadi Janki can deny because their God spook told them so, therefore I can confidently parrot their great authority. Dadi Janki did not even have the humility to honour the traditions upon which their Gyan borrowed but instead sought to assert the Supremacy of an unknown spook over all that came before and will ever come. Ah well at least they score highly on account of their faith!

In hindsight, I think that one of my saving graces was that I did not quite realise the great role that my 'heart' played in preserving me and supporting me in my earnest wish to form a relationship with the Creator. As I described my Godly student life earlier, I spent a great deal of time immersed in the words that their spook delivered. An unbelievable amount of time. I loved it, really, really loved it and as we all know that which we love serves us well. And because of this love I gave more regard to my mind but fact is that my heart also played a key part in my journey. I was to discover just how great a part much later in life.

As for the inner circle ex-l, to be honest, it could well be that some of the Seniors have been on the wheel for so long that they cannot get off; on top of which, imagine being in the Shankar Party, or any of the other lot, who complain that the BK spook is really theirs?! Sheeeshhh, good luck to them. Anyway there are tonnes of dead spooks needing human devotion. Think of how many innocent mothers are cooking and offering food to some spook! It has ever been thus and we ain't gonna change it.

One question I ask (and i think it is an important one), why do the BKs want to make celibates of the laity? What does the spook benefit from our celibacy?? One other distasteful thing that I became aware of when I was a BK, was the encouragement by the Seniors that we confess to the spook in writing!

Truthfully, I couldn't care less If I am forgotten. This is, in part, because they do not tell us in the West the full truth of their practices. Given my current world view, this omission is greater than any sense of failure that might afflict me.
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Re: For those Post Y2K BK's

Post20 Nov 2016

onvalianthorwatch wrote:Will it ever be? We were programmed with words that said once a BK always a BK because The Knowledge is eternally recorded in the intellect.

That's true (and the stuff about encouraging individuals to confess their sins in writing (letters which were know to be read, discussed, and even circulated sometimes by Seniors). It's just one of their curses planting a seed of fear or control inside your mind ... "you know you'll have to come back by the end".

However, even that's not unique to them. I have the same kind of mind f**k from Christians, e.g. them telling me how Jesus is fighting the Devil for my soul and how he will definitely win ... how I had to become one of the two. It seems to be an ancient or primal psychic device.

Can anyone explain where it comes from or why from a biological or evolutionary point of view, e.g. mothers controlling children so that they don't leave and neglect them in old age?
onvalianthorwatch wrote:So all in all the BKWSU was just like the rest of the sheople leaders - no fault can be laid at their door for that.

This bit I disagree with.

The entire premise of the BKs is based on,
    a) their being different and superior from other unconscious human beings,
    b) having a direct link to the Father of Humanity, the Supreme Soul and all sorts of other elevated dead souls, and
    c) being unique in touch and attuned to subtle messages.
Therefore, why did their best of best get it so wrong? Again. And again. And again again.

Of course, now we know "The end (especially if it involves adherents handing over money and assets to purify their karma and earn a high status quick) justifies the means (spooking them with predictions of the end of the world and being posssessed by peaceless evil spirits seeking bodies to occupy ... as the BKs predict).

Just as they did in WWII, 1976, and I presume 1950 and "1986 to 1996".

And we know their stock-in-trade excuse, "some human's churning got it wrong" ... but why did not their god spirits step in and stop them. Or why does their god spirit question the ethics of taking money and property off people on the feat of a false prediction?

It's those sort of lack of ethics that, for me, underline that the BK god spirits is of a low quality, if not actual "evil".

I had physically removed myself out by the time of "1986 to 1996" prediction. I don't know how folks reacted during that period but I did heard of the mania surrounding Y2K ... a mania they must have adopted from the world around them.


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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post20 Nov 2016

Lots of interesting points.

IMHO, in order to see the universal nature of these 'control tendencies', we have to read, research as much as possible. What really makes me shudder is the fact that this has been going on for thousands of years. It is staggering! I am at a point where I wonder just how they get away with it? Reading history is playing a big part in my own personal awakening at this time. But I still cannot understand how any human who has studied history can be comfortable with the reality we have had shoved down us through the school/university system. It is criminal.

This is why the aspect of this website that unearths documents from the early days of the Yagya are vitally important! The Om Mandli stuff is a big eye opener.

I am now getting the best education I could ever desire and the bewildering thing is that the more I learn about the extent of the deception we live under, the more I feel a lot of mercy. Ironic aint it, that in order to stay sane I have to let go of the anger? And, yes, I do feel anger but it is secondary to a passionate desire for my own personal truth in contrast to the BKs and their ilk who are promoting, ushering in and ordering some New World.

I have started to read widely and not stay in the narrow confines of whatever part of the Matrix, aka belief system, I find myself in. I no longer rush to believe but simply seek to be well informed.

For what it is worth, I will share something personal. Last night, for the first time in my life, I experienced sleep paralysis! It was scary as hell but the fact that I did not lose consciousness or get overcome by the sheer inexplicable nature of the experience was a big reassurance. I was locked in my body, unable to move but I could direct my thoughts and this helped to quell what could otherwise have been a terrifying experience. When it passed, I was full of elation because the experience did not disable all of me. So I have had a brand new experience - life is good'.

And, in case anyone is wondering, NO, I did not call out to the BK spook; nor was I afraid that it was an attack by the BK spook! You could say that I remained as a detached observer throughout till the paralysis passed. Fearless.


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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post20 Nov 2016

For what it is worth I will share something personal. Last night, for the first time in my life i experienced sleep paralysis! It was scary as hell ... I was locked in my body, unable to move but i could direct my thoughts and this helped to quell what could otherwise have been a terrifying experience. When it passed i was full of elation because the experience did not disable all of me. So I have had a brand new experience - life is good'.

It is not an uncommon experience, usually happens just before falling asleep or just before waking. It has a basic neurological explanation, basically, it's crossed wires or mixed messages, you might say - the motor neurones are disengaged even if a desire for movement arises in mind. Like a car in neutral. Evolutionary biology suggests it would be to keep us quiet and safe whilst sleeping.

The opposite is physically enacting what we dream, like dogs do! The way it is experienced, eg if interpreted as a ‘visitor”, a demon, an animal or an ET etc, very much depends on a person's ‘faith’ or psychological makeup.


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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post20 Nov 2016

Thank you Pink Panther, as I said I was not spooked.

Suffice to say that I think that the less I share from my personal life the better less I get outed as a ... doughnut! :D :D.
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post20 Nov 2016

onvalianthorwatch wrote:Last night, for the first time in my life, I experienced sleep paralysis! It was scary as hell ...

No, no, no ... that must have been Dadi Janki wrestling for control of your mind, or perhaps an evil spirit trying to posssess you! The only cure is going back to the BKs and doing more Yoga and service. :shock:
Pink Panther wrote:It has a basic neurological explanation ... Evolutionary biology suggests it would be to keep us quiet and safe whilst sleeping.

The way it is experienced ... very much depends on a person's ‘faith’ or psychological makeup.

But ... hey! ... telling children or irrational, uneducated peasants that it is caused by vampirical spirits is a great way of controlling them with fear ... when you have the monopoly of granting them salvation and protection from them.

Don't spoil the party for those in power.

Just before I joined the BKs, I was exploring Vedanta via the Hare Krishnas (unaware that they only had their own narrow cultic view within the greater tradition). The Hare Krishnas tell their followers that around the time of Amrit Vela, 2 to 4 am, Shiva goes around sticking dispossed spirits into the bodies of other human beings.

I also had the experience of sleep paralysis and, within that context, it scared the living daylights out of me and had me chanting their mantra for hours ... at that moment. Any god would have done, I did not care. Of course, in my then state of mind, I used it to reinforce the beliefs I wanted ... just as, say, randy priests and nuns in Roman Catholic monasteries would have wanted an excuse for their sexual dreams. I remember the sincerity of the Krishna monks explaining to me with full faith, and gory images, what was going on.

Yup, you're starting to see the big game of life, Onthor. Your next big choice is whether you want to join the 'them', or be screwed by them. And I am not talking about a sexy succubus (lots of NSFW or NSFBKs links out there to find).

This one looks more like mine ... an awfully grumpy incubus.

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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post20 Nov 2016

Talking about non-conformity and stuff, one of the most amazing scenes I ever observed (as distinct from participated in) as a BK was one time in Madhuban,

There I was all pukka and resplendent in my BK regalia (white tailored Kurta pyjamas, BK badge and ring and stuff) making my way back either from Baba's or Toad Rock when I observed a grouping of my fellow pilgrims milling around up ahead of me in the distance. As I got closer I could see that the group was having a great Godly Student time (obviously) including mixing with the locals ... recruiting converts from amongst the villagers I thought.

But lo and behold as I got closer I could see that besides the obligatory Godly student shoulder bag slung over their shoulders many of the group (Brothers and Sisters) had assorted tinnies in their hands and were swigging away with gay abandon! And, no, it wasn't a locally sourced water or other 'elevated' refreshment but rather that which they were drinking brought to mind an advert which proclaimed that Australians couldn't give a Castlemaine XXXX for any other lager!

Not only was I stunned but I shuddered to imagine the proverbial that was going to hit the fan as soon as their Senior Sister found out. Do I remember correctly that the BK Regional Head of Australasia was one Dr. Nirmal Shanta?? She had a distinct way of speaking and from her manner it was clear that she harboured the opinion that she was the possessor of an unrivalled sense of humour as a senior.

I wonder what happened when the group got back Down Under? Maybe they were made to eat Vegemite sandwiches for Bhog for the remainder of the season. Talk about nightmares! I imagined the good doctor being barely able to hold her head up at the next big Senior powwow.

While I hope that I remember the name of the Senior Sister correctly; am absolutely certain that the nectar flowing down the throats was indeed amber. Ah, the good old days of Madhuban!

I wonder if such fun is had by the present group of adherents????
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post21 Nov 2016

Suffice to say that I think that the less I share from my personal life the better, less I get outed as a ... doughnut! :D :D.

Very Zen.
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post21 Nov 2016

onvalianthorwatch wrote:... many of the group (Brothers and Sisters) had assorted tinnies in their hands and were swigging away with gay abandon!

Really ... they were drinking beer?

I am amazed. And amazed they could get away with it stinking up the bhavan afterwards.


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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post21 Nov 2016

Very, very really however time tou get back UN topic methinks :D

Temple of Understanding - Over 50 Years of Cross Cultural & Interfaith Education

No, am not saying that it is intrinsically wrong for an organisation like the United Nations to take upon itself a broad remit insofar as human activities are concerned, however am learning that the span of its' remit far exceeds even my crazy imaginings.

And as for eyes wide shut matters, I must declare that I am not a visionary, nor will I ever have any dreams or imagimings that the United Nations organisation will ever, ever, ever seek to get all pally with such that at some future date an interfaith congregation will be encouraged to gather itself around and spead out all over the world in order.

I'd never heard of Juliet Hollister nor the Temple Of Understanding till a few moments ago, may she rest in peace.



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