Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post07 Nov 2016

The idea of the Catholic Church being evil or "Satanic" is by no means new. I, personally, don't know how long it goes back but certainly the Seventh Day Advertist think so, believing Paul to be the deliberate, devilish perverter of "true Christianity". John Knox and Martin Luther started banging on that drum in the 500s years ago but who do you consider to be the "greatest authority" on that?

But I think the more relevent responses are,
    "so what it if is? ...
    what are you doing to do about? ...
    what can you do about it?"
OK, accept that are you right ... what next? Same goes for the NWO.

In short, move on the next step.

What are you going to do about it?


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BKs, the UN and the New World Order remix

Post07 Nov 2016

How does this read:
ex-l did not wrote:The idea of the Vatican being evil or "Satanic" is by no means new ... What are you going to do about it?

Would you still address those questions to me a mere keyboard warrior? Would those questions mean the same thing?

... only asking


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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post07 Nov 2016

I did address those questions to you.

Answer them. And not with questions.

Look, we are here for specific reasons. We have a valuable resource to protect.

How can we help you?


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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post07 Nov 2016

ex-l, I upgraded your question from the Catholic Church to The Holy Vatican; & thus gave you the chance to think. Apologies that it was too subtle; I also flagged the quote to read ex-l did not wrote. I am sorry to interrupt your project.
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post07 Nov 2016

So, answer the questions and tell us about your BK experience and conclusion.



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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post10 Nov 2016

Sometime back in the early 90's I was told about the BKs by a friend who had come across them in his line of work - It must have been at a BK public outreach event aimed at folk involved in social work with young adults. Shortly thereafter I found out where my local centre was attended one of their events and quickly followed that up by doing one of their 'secular programs' i.e Positive Thinking.

I immediately followed that by attending the 7-day course and started morning class. I faithfully attended morning class for a number of years (almost 15). During this time I became a 'teacher' (Positive Thinking/7-day course) and also participated in several public programs.

My conclusions about the BKs is a work-in-progress.

Hope that helps.


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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post10 Nov 2016

Wow. You beat me by a long way. You were in deep.

How was your Amrit Vela attendance?

They did not have you lined up to become a center-in-charge?


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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post10 Nov 2016

ex-l wrote:Wow. You beat me by a long way. You were in deep.

How was your Amrit Vela attendance?

They did not have you lined up to become a center-in-charge?


Wow, Ladies & Gentlemen, Sisters & Brothers that there wot you just read from ex-l is a classic post!; and you can take that from an ignoramus like me. hahahahahaha. Nice one ex-l, but you flatter me.

Good ole Valiant and the crew must be having a good old chuckle at my utter bamboozlement as I write this, reeling inside with disbelief that my eyes read such feedback on my BK lifeI

ex-l are you sure that it was you wot wrote that? :) Well i ever :) ex-l that was a perfect ice-breaker and you have disarmed me almost completely. You are a legend of http://www.brahmakumaris.info & am sure that the folks & robots that pass by this topic are in no way interested in the 'so-called' BK life including Amrit Vela ... attendance as you term it of yours truly.

Anyway aint we going all off topic? hahahahaha This is so funny. I am cracking up with laughter.

Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order


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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post10 Nov 2016

If you had no or lousy Amrit Vela, the BKs will blame that on why you left. They'll all be reading and saying, "See, I told you so ... bad Yoga" at this point.

Yes, you have to show the class your "chart" here too.

Seriously though, it matters because it helps us understand how deep the indoctrination was and how long you excluded other information/education/life experiences.

No one knows who you are here. That's not a problem. No one's judging you for having a BK. By definition, we all fell for that one.

So how did they see you, as some lowly "serviceable soul", a Brother to be exploited for his car and ability to drive Sisters around?


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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post18 Nov 2016

ex-l has dropped so many key phrases here that I am at a loss as to where to start, but it goes to show how deeply the programming goes. Anyway, I never really evidenced what one might call the 'hive mind' tendency insofar as the areas your questions cover.

My Amrit Vela was always great because by and large I accepted it for what it was every time. I was never the sort to expect flashing lights and the sort of paraphernalia of Gyan that the Dadi's promoted & many students during my time seemed to seek. I had my 'Amrit Vela' routine and by and large I had wonderful experiences. As the years went on I became aware of how it worked for me and so I would simply settle down to AV and let it all flow.

I loved the Murli especially the Avyakt Vani's from earlier decades. Toward the end of my time the Avyakt Murli's were far less powerful than those of 69, 70s and 80s and the early 90s, but to each his/her own. Not to say that I did not appreciate the Sakar Murlis but I seemed to be attuned to the personality of Avyakt BapDada and the subjects covered in those Murlis. The Sakar Murlis had a different sort of power and I also had many, many great insights through them so it was all good.

In hindsight I would say that a lot of the benefit I experienced whilst studying Gyan was because I spent a lot of time reading the Murlis. I had loads of Avyakt books and enjoyed a great deal of time churning The Knowledge. One might say that insofar as Gyan was concerned I was definitely a 'head case' ... however little did I know just how much a part my heart played in my progress and appreciation of Gyan (but that is a different topic altogether).


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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post18 Nov 2016

How did they see me? With their own eyes I suppose. I remember one Sakar Murli in which we were advised not to get ourselves caught up in being impressed by others or their seeming progress. I knew both my fortune and the circumstances in which it was playing out. Sometimes we experience the benefit of something in spite of who we are just as much as because of who we are.

My chart here, really?! Well I ever :) I sure as heck do not intend to find myself back amongst the fold here. My chart always was my business :) But I do understand that there are tikes when we may feel the need to document our progress against given measures. Even in the corporate world they do such things.

As for the us who you characterise as perhaps having an interest in how deeply I was indoctrinated. Well I think that thus far I have spouted enough to convey a pretty clear picture that I was indeed under the spell of the BK-life and the indoctrination. But as is said we are all numberwise (according to our capacity) but yes I did 'believe' that stuff and taught it with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm. Fact is that our beliefs often conjure reaffirming events and patterns of thoughts and behaviour.

You will be surprised to hear me say that since joining this website I have had many things happen that can be taken as a sort of validation of my decision to appear amidst you all. Though it still remains the case that I haven't a clue as to what direction this will all go in.

I would say that my leaving Gyan was also always on the cards because I am not really cut out to be a follower! Following is too easy a path for the likes of me :) For the road that I hoe appears to be littered with hard knocks and scenes that few would wish upon themselves! But we all have our own individual cross to bear.

Why, even finding myself onvalianthorwatch (a mere whimsical expression) has opened me up to a world that I never knew I would enter. Such is the way of this matrix we reside in & I am just trying to keep up with the ride I am on.

Folks should not be too fooled thinking that their online presence is anonymous for we both know that web pages include code to extract a lot of personal data when we visit them *nudge *nudge *wink *wink and all that hahaha so i've noticed interesting stuff when I use various browsers to log on. But hey truth is that the character onthor is but a figment of my imagination!

Look how far off topic we've gone! hahahahaha


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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post18 Nov 2016

The topic is you, and so we are still 'on topic' here.
onvalianthorwatch wrote:I had my 'Amrit Vela' routine ...

Aye ... in my day, that meant sitting up in bed to do it. Dadi Janki would have fallen on us like a ton of bricks had we ever have dreamt of doing so!
My chart here, really?! Well I ever :)

Well, of course, I am joshing with you a little bit ...

The only reason I ask is that we have been often challenged by people who have had only the most superficial of BK involvement, or the most subjective interpretations of what they think it is. In short, people who would not have been considered proper BKs in my time, or by the leadership.

Even though I have 'zero' faith or investment in BKism, from my own experience, I would still agree that unless you are following the Maryadas fully ... which account for more than 2 hours meditation a day ... you have not got a clue what it is nor are really experiencing it.

I think it's one of the big problems with BKism. There's no proving anyone is really doing or achieving anything, as per "the chart" (e.g. nonsense like "how many hours were you soul conscious for?"). There's no objective quantifying degrees of soul consciousness or depth of Yoga, or even checking whether one is or one is achieving it. The entire religion seems to be based on false confidences, e.g. "I am having Yoga because I think I am having Yoga" or "I am remember Baba because I remember to remember Baba" or simply mentally chant "Om Shanti" or "Baba" 10,000 times a day, as Janki Kirpalani literally used to exhort us to do.

And yet there were folk who religiously sat down at night and gave themselves marks out of ten for an increasingly long scoresheet believing it to be in anyone significant.

You will get that from that that I gave up on the practise pretty quickly ... :D. I understand it's still a big thing, especially in India. It must appeal to the OCD Wing of the BKWSU.
Folks should not be too fooled thinking that their online presence is anonymous for we both know that web pages include code to extract a lot of personal data when we visit them *nudge *nudge *wink *wink and all that hahaha so I've noticed interesting stuff when I use various browsers to log on.

There's no "magic code" and no personal data being "scrubbed" on this websites.

You have to log on to read 'New Posts', so you'll get a cookie to say when you logged, or logged on last. That's all. Obviously, you'll have given an email address to join but that is not made public to anyone and you can always change it. All webservers, as a rule, record IP addresses and browser types for the purpose of visitor statistics but, again, those are not made public.

To be honest, no one even looks at them except, perhaps, once a year when the domain and hosting are paid for.
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post18 Nov 2016

It's kind of weird that people come and go from the BKs in different generations but the jargon is the same, the culture is the same, the kind of experiences related are the same ... and so on.

The Gyan however has changed, and the emphasis has changed (at least in the West) to be more open, New Age ecumenical and positive thinking. But the cult lingo and cult behaviours are still encouraged, albeit more subtly with less strictures and fewer public admonishments, less sending people "to Coventry” (ostracism) for breaching "disciplines” - there’s more carrot and less stick.

Even the big stick of DE-STRUUUUUC-TION has been whittled away. But the cult, at the core of the BKWSU and at the core of BKs themselves, continues.

Weird stuff.
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post18 Nov 2016

Pink Panther wrote:... less sending people "to Coventry” (ostracism) for breaching "disciplines” - there’s more carrot and less stick.

Do the BKs have a center in Coventry? I thought their big one in the Midlands was in Leicester (boom-boom).

If there is one thing worse than being "sent to Coventry" in the BKs (outcasted), it being being dispatched to some remote centre where there are no other BK students apart from yourself!

For me, the big shift is that they've started to believe the PR is the message (or Knowledge™). What for us was just the soft talk or advertising in order to get people in to do the course, now appears to believed as in someway valuable or important by them.

Cautiously referencing Marshall McLuhan for the sake of obvious confusions the title of his might have ("The Medium is the Message"), I reminded that the title was apparently a misprint and should have read, "The Medium is the Massage" (McLuhan frequently punned on the word "message", changing it to "mass age", "mess age", and "massage"). It seems there's a lot of "massaging" going in within BKism (ego massaging), but not much of the original content left within their medium/s.

And that the more recent generations of BKs are attracted by those role models, e.g. look at how many "Agony Aunt" requests we get for Sister Shivani to help solve personal problems, the nature of which the BKs would never have gotten involved in before.

For the lack of "a centre on every street", millions covering the Thar Desert as they flock to receive salvation from the Baba on Mount Abu, and million more Indians having visions of individual BKs as their Hindu deity - all of which were predicted to have happened by now ... it seems all that the BKs have left is to play at being their very own royal court and "acting nicely", waiting for TRANS-FOOORMA-TION to magically happen.

Onthor ... your involvement and exiting was much later than ours ... did you see a change in the nature of BKs during your time?

Someone quoted BK Charlie in Australia not so long ago as euphemistically saying how that it was "becoming far more difficult to attract the same quality of soul" these days. Or, as I would interpret, "new BKs suck".

If so, how to they suck and what did he mean ... that people are more worldly wise to the BKs and it much harder to find suckers who will throw away their lives "surrendering" to them?

Or, in BK terms, all that is left to "serve" are lowly Silver Aged or Bhakti souls? (Inferring that, as with the Jehovah Witnesses, all the best positions in heaven are already filled up).


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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post19 Nov 2016

The topic is me?! :-? :-? Thank you ex-l, but no thank you. I decline that dubious accolade with absolutely NO reservation at all ;) I did humbly ask the Admin to consider shortening the title of the topic by removing 'my' chosen nick as it sticks out like a bit of a sore thumb. Anyway, it is what it is so we shall proceed.

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