Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post18 Oct 2016

Perfect combustion.


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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post19 Oct 2016

No slugs, moulds or bacteria?

How do they think anything is going to decompose?

Typical answer ... "The Power of Yoga".

Sorry for staying off-topic, but I see that senior BKs have their own fantasy-Golden Age and each of them have his/her own world there.

While they had been suffering from insects, mosquitoes, flies everywhere, these are off in the Golden Age. The same goes for snakes, wild animals (they had to face them a lot in Abu in the initial years) etc.

Most of the senior BKs are not educated enough to understand that there are good bacteria too (if they know they will keep them in Golden Age, rule amended!) and that our body has more bacteria than cells in it. For them, it's simply disease causing stuff, so will be out in the Golden Age.

I think this is good for them. Keeping even such aims in life may avoid the acute depression that might fall realizing what a waste of life they had.
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post19 Oct 2016

kmanaveen wrote:I think this is good for them. Keeping even such aims in life may avoid the acute depression that might fall realizing what a waste of life they had.

In other words, like telling fairy stories to children to help them sleep better at night?

OK, Thor ... where's you at? What's your Mission?

And what's your take on Chris Hemsworth version of him?

I have to say, as far as gods go, I think I'd chose him, Thor not Chris, over Lekhraj Kirpalani.

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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post23 Oct 2016

Thanks for sharing your humour that I find to be laden with gems of personal insight for an idle mind (like mine sometimes) to 'churn' upon. Quite recently, whenever my thoughts turn to the so-called New World Order (whatever that is) I am plagued with memories from my BK days and the teachings about the Golden Age; and the assertion that the entire world will contain less than a million humans at that time.

It will come as no surprise to you all to read that although am not counting my chickens I do wonder if the Dadi's (& their VIPs) have managed to negotiate with 'the powers that be' to ensure that the Dadi's get seats in the first-class air-conditioned carriage that has been chartered to ferry the deserving few across "to the other side of the shore"?
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post23 Oct 2016

onvalianthorwatch wrote:Quite recently, whenever my thoughts turn to the so-called New World Order (whatever that is) ... I do wonder if the Dadi's (& their VIPs) have managed to negotiate with 'the powers that be' to ensure that the Dadi's get seats in the first-class air-conditioned carriage

If you were amongst the most powerful men in the world (yes, for sure, the WO is sexist!), would you invite Dadi Janki, or Natalie Portman? I guess if multi-billionaire and US president-in-waiting Donald Trump is anything to go by, the answer is pretty obvious ... and she aint no Sister Shivani.

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Seriously though ... questioning the nature of power, real power, is a perfectly reasonable thing to do if you've got the spare time and nothing better to do. How to get to an understanding of it, particularly wading through the oceanic swamps of conspiracy theory (much of which is actually right, but very mixed with everything from other agendas to outright fantasies) is another question.

Personally, I would not say it is so much "New World Order" but rather the "Same Old Business". Humanity has always always been beset with the rich and power and their machinations, so history is a good place to start with to understand the dynamics. Sadly, recent 'real history' is far too clouded by "national security interests" and censorship to know for sure what is really going on ... and what relevance does it have for the likes of we minions?

I doubt, even with his billions, even the likes of Trump is part of the real game ... so my advice would be not to worry about it until you have multi-billion dollars to play at the table with. For sure the vast amount of ordinary politicians have absolutely no part in it either.

The BKs? At best they seem to seek to be "good courtiers" to whoever has money and/or any power in order to line their pockets and protect their interests. Who are the BKs best material? What have their ever really done?

Of course, if you believe in such things, there may be other understandings of the idea of "world orders" ... a more metaphysical or spiritual one, e.g. spiritual heirarchies of both good and bad, and the question would be, where do the BKs and BKism sit within the heirarchies of light and darkness?

Again, that's even more difficult to prove as existent. At best it might just be a metaphorical understanding or view of what's going on at a very human level.

But if the discussion was to take place, I would not place the BKs and their god spirit on the side of light. I would say they were Luciferic in nature (to use a Western archetype). Lucifer being the "angel of light" who fell from grace and, depending on who you believe, misleads or tests humanity.

By habit, the BKs are as far from "truth" and being truth as you can get ... but in a subtle rather than a gross manner.

Going back to New World Order, can I ask you humbly, what practical benefit in your life it would bring "knowing"?

Say tomorrow, you were to find out for sure what was going on, what would or could you do with that knowledge? What difference would it make to you and what effect would you want to do? These are real questions, not fatuous ones.
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post23 Oct 2016

And if the New World Order does exist as conceived off, would the Brahma Kumaris whore themselves out to them to pacify and control the ordinary people in exchange for a "high status"? ... For sure.

They'd be doing "New World Order Leadership Management Course" for the elite, and offering "Unpaid Work Makes you Free" course for working classes.

May be it's what they are already doing as clearly they have no intention of actually building the Golden Age themselves?

May be BKism is just one big con aimed are dumbing down and pacifying an impotent submissive society for the Elite they so often suck up to enjoy?

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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post23 Oct 2016

I now think that the BKs are part of the deception that has actually served to rob humankind of the truth of our existence on this planet. They are no better than that Sai Baba whose followers (it was foretold) would be in a most unholy uproar once it came to be revealed that he wasn't quite the God-man he led them to believe he was.

I wonder if any BK can seriously contest an argument that asserts that the exhortation that they should 'remember Baba' is a dangerous form of Spiritism. What sort of entity is this Baba, really? Why does that entity exert such unremitting persistence as it exhorts that we 'remember it'? In doing so what is our attention diverted from?
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post24 Oct 2016

onvalianthorwatch wrote:I wonder if any BK can seriously contest an argument that asserts that the exhortation that they should 'remember Baba' is a dangerous form of Spiritism. What sort of entity is this Baba, really? Why does that entity exert such unremitting persistence as it exhorts that we 'remember it'?

More to the point, if you study the core teachings, what it is saying is that BKs are being prepare to be "overshadowed" ... possessed basically ... by it and other "spirits" which it claims are deceased BK leaders ... but who on earth can really tell what is going on?

What are the ethics of initiating or indoctrinating into a practise that leads to that without telling them in advance?

And what sort of intelligence would specifically not inform people in advance but do it in a sneaky fashion?

In Spiritism, or spiritualism, precisely the same practises are spoken about and prepared for but at least openly so individuals have the right to choose and take responsibility for their decisions before they are hooked up.


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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post25 Oct 2016

Yes, here onvalianthorwatch, I renounce Shiv Baba mind control program.




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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post26 Oct 2016

Brahma Kumaris at the United Nations

The Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU), with its spiritual headquarters in Mt. Abu, India, comprises a worldwide network of centers in 110 countries and is an international non-governmental organization of the United Nations accredited with General Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC); Associate Status with the Department of Public Information (DPI); Consultative Status with United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF); Observer Status to the United Nations Environment Assembly of UNEP; Observer Organization to UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC); Flagship Member of Education for Rural People (ERP), Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO).
"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a LUCIFERIAN Initiation."

- (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)


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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post26 Oct 2016

Be a good BK: Silent @ your own risk.
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Re: onvalianthorwatch

Post28 Oct 2016

I am not dissing the overall concept here, but the Spangler quote above appears to be a false internet meme and it's best to avoid using false internet memes as it damages the strength of one's argument. For example, the post of “Director of Planetary Initiative” does not exist at the United Nations.

What Spangler actually said was something like ...
From: Reflections on the Christ lecture series (1978):

Lucifer comes to give us the final gift of wholeness. If we accept it, then he is free and we are free. That is the Luciferic Initiation. It is one that many people now, and in the days ahead, will be facing, for it is an initiation into the New Age.

It would seem to me he is borrowing ideas from Alice Bailey and the German Rudolf Steiner (1861 – 1925), who had his own interesting but ultimately unprovable ideas about Christ, Lucifer and Ahriman. I can accept them as useful(-ish) metaphors but he saw them as realities.

I suppose the first question to ask is, how significant is David Spangler in the first place?

Honest question ... is the entire "New Age" movement worth anything any more? I mean, financially, it is still worth millions for all the authors, lecturers and crystal sellers ... hundreds of millions worldwide ... but does it have any cultural significance any more? Hasn't the world sort of moved on to other more practical problems? Just like the BKs, it too has had so many missed hits and false predictions.

I guess I see it as a kind of hippie era hang over now, perhaps still appealling to the 60s or "Baby Boomer" generation in their retirement ... something to do to fill life with, and spend expendable wealth on. Are young people interested in it any more?'

After the BKs, I suppose was ... and, it is fair to say,m I had some good and "healing" experiences with it and met some nice people ... but real life has taken over since.

Someone said to me recently that the average age of Western BKs, or at least centre-wassis, was around 60 years old.

I guess something that is relevant from our point of view is that Spangler was director for Planetary Citizen, which was funded by the Kettering Foundation ... an "NGO associated with the UN Department of Public Information", just as the BK often claim to afford them authority. Which just goes to show what a load of bollocks the "UN Department of Public Information" will align itself with!

It might be worth discussing what that relationship is suppose to be about but certainly "status" or "authority" is not part of it. It sickens me that the BKs still go on boasting about that.

What NGOs attached to the UNDPI is supposed to be doing is helping the UNO circulate the messages it wants to. What the BKs use it for is boasting about its alleged importances (again, pretty much zero in real terms), its PR value, and hobnobbing with IPs and VIPs in order to get them to come to their conferences to do more PR.
How do NGOs and DPI cooperate?

The Department of Public Information and NGOs cooperate regularly. NGOs associated with DPI disseminate information about the UN to their membership, thereby building knowledge of and support for the Organization at the grassroots level. This dissemination includes, publicizing UN activities around the world on such issues as peace and security, economic and social development, human rights, humanitarian affairs and international law. Additionally, promote UN observances and international years established by the General Assembly to focus world attention on important issues facing humanity.

The NGO Relations Section within the Department of Public Information at the United Nations is the link with approximately 1,300 Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) who are partners and members in association with the Department of Public Information and support the UN efforts to disseminate information on the priority issues on its agenda, including sustainable development, creating a safer and more secure world, the importance of prevention, helping countries in transition, empowering women and young people, and addressing poverty, among others.

Try asking a BK teacher what UN's "priority issues" are?

The BKs' involvement is shown here. Here's what they claim about it.
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post29 Oct 2016

Are young people interested in it [New Age spirituality] any more?'

It’s all part of the rich tapestry of the human experience, and what I see of young people is that is how they see it, very few are as fanatical or faddish as when it first became a thing, post-Woodstock generation/Age of Aquarius culture.

It is defined in their eyes in less hard terms. A lot of work has happened over the decades to show where "alternatives" - in food, medicine, culture, politics - have been proven valid (or have not yet been disproven and have some validity) and where they are still flakey - out on the fringe. There’ll always be a market even for the most flakey, and the fringe today has been left with more ‘flakeys' and less of the real ”alternatives” which are now acceptable, almost mainstream.

For example, there’s a big movement among young people now to be vegan. Whatever any of us think of it, what I see is that they go vegan not for reasons of ”spiritual enhancement”, i.e. to have better Yoga and burn off karma or that it is ”dirty” and "impure", but out of a simple basic empathy for animals they make an effort to change the industrialised commodified treatment of living creatures for profit to the point of cruelty. It may be this young generation’s ‘cause celebre’ . Although some talk in terms of karma or social evolution, few are doing it because of religion or belief in a world that’s going to be trans-morphed though reaching some quantified plateau of positive thinking.

It is, from what I observe, just a sense of doing the right thing.
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post29 Oct 2016

Aye, we all were "foot soldiers of the revolution" and now our wars are passed.
    I am wondering if, onthor, part of your interest is about trying to work out how the world really works (and, perhaps, your place within it), post-BK?
I always thought there was a niche market for "New Age Old Folks Homes™" ... somewhere for all the hippies and punks and alternative subcultures (and ex-BKs) to retire to rather than wearing cardigan and slippers in local government run retirement homes.

Perhaps that's something the BKs could usefully turn all their properties and land to?

As far as the New World Orders/Illuminati/1%-ers are concerned ... I am not sure. It seems something for those born to it to grapple with.

For the rest of us ... a little plot of land in a warm country, enough to augment one's pension with a few fresh vegetables and beans might be the best to aim for.

The BK leaders already have their own ... and submissive, indentured servants to work them.

Indeed, they appear to be targetting farmers in India now (and here), so perhaps they aim on expanding their plantations?

Are the BK leaders, or do the BK leaders aim to be 1%-ers in this world, here and now?


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Whose New

Post01 Nov 2016

ex-l wrote:Why from the BKs' point of view, or why from the UN's point of view?

Thanks ex-l, you are an invaluable presence on this forum. I am certain that this 'point of view' aspect could end up being quite without limit. So to kick things off for a little while why don't we make it all up from the following and see how long it is before we can spawn an entire topic by itself )
    Why, from the BK Leadership point of view.
    Why, from the UN's point of view.
    Why, from the point of view of any human inhabitant of planet earth.
Brahma Kumaris at the United Nations. Why?!



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