Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post14 Oct 2016

Yes, onvalianthorwatch.

Whose New World Order is it anyway?


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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post15 Oct 2016

Hi & thanks for taking the time to read this.

Right at the outset I will confess to having not a clue about the direction - much less destination - this topic will head in :D , but I do hope that our interactions be spiritually uplifting and so prove worthy of the effort. Only time will tell.

In case you are wondering, though I have had extensive experience of the BKWSU teachings in times gone by, I have deliberately started this topic on this part of the forum in the hope that anyone who feels inclined to participate will actually do so. Again, only time will tell.

In the meantime does it read like I am attempting to launch a discussion with a question that parades the appearance of openness behind a false, unlikely or improvable premise? :) This NWO business is all poppycock aint it?! Who gives a fig-leaf for the New World Order?
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post15 Oct 2016

Best start with, and stick close to, your BK experiences.

As far as I can read, "Valiant Thor" is one of those far out "conspiracy theories" about either;
    a) 450 year old space man from Venus who worked for the American Government, or
    b) a "false flag" operation whose purpose is to discredit conspiracy theorists
depending on which side you take.

Unless you are going to suggest that the Brahma Kumaris' ShivBaba is a "Venusian", or a NWO puppet, I am not sure what the connection is.

There are some, outside of this forum, who have suggest that the Brahma Kumaris are agents for, or in cahoots with, the New World Order brigade due to their United Nations connections - certain fringes of American society tend to see the UN) and NWO as one and the same thing - I tend to doubt it on a practical level.

Perhaps a question to ask is, is it worth bothering about things well beyond one's sphere of influence?
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Pink Panther

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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post16 Oct 2016

Conspiracy theories of these extraordinary kinds indicate a fear of loss of control.

If one does what is needed to get one’s own ‘house' in order, then you are less susceptible to the inordinate influence of those ”things well beyond one's sphere of influence” nor jumping at shadows.


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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post16 Oct 2016

Thanks both. Your responses remind me of a topic I read on here which asked whether there can be "any faith after Raja Yoga" ... but before going down that diversion I will say that I haven't a clue who that spirit/entity (Shiv Baba) is or what might be the purpose behind it.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post16 Oct 2016

There can be faith after Raj Yoga and, for sure, a productive life after Raj Yoga.

The human spirit is like gold; it is very malleable and ductile. It has the capacity of walking away from traumas, psychological, spiritual, and physical.

It can, in spite of the hammering by BK abuse, go on to love, be loved and have fun doing activities it loves for its benefit and that of the world.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post16 Oct 2016

This is interesting.

Antidepressant Microbes In Soil: How Dirt Makes You Happy

The article is about actual dirt and biology and the effect on well being. I mention it here because we can also take this metaphorically. One thing that really helps people like us who have been in the thrall of ”spiritual” ways is to also come back down to earth in our thinking and ways of evaluating our choices and views.

As BKs and idealists we are fascinated by possibilities, devaluing what is right in front of us, including the people who care about us and for whom we profess to care for, if we are not playing detachment games.

Hope I’ve not gone too far off topic.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post16 Oct 2016

Pink you are not getting off on a tangent. Your response touches on mindfulness.

Some of the studies in psycho-physiology are demonstrating common pathways in the nervous system for positive thinking and mindfulness activities including meditation. I do think that working on a farm or gardening can help counter the effects of trauma due to participating in a cult-like group, or being with negative individuals who drain the vital energies of associates.
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post16 Oct 2016

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:It can, in spite of the hammering by BK abuse, go on to love, be loved and have fun doing activities it loves for its benefit and that of the world.

That's a very positive, heartening response.

I often think how, during my BK times, I became a fabulist and they encouraged in me, - and they encouraged in me fabulism.

The entire BK culture from the deeply and spiritually dishonest and manipulative Dadi Janki, augmented by the even more fabulistic Jagdish Chander - who at that time provided the so called intellectual dimension of BKism (as the Sisters basically had none) was fabulistic. I often wonder how on earth I came to be spouting, and enjoying spouting, all of that nonsense - with full faith - that I actually did not believe. I often check myself and ask, "did I really believe x ... y ... z?" at the time and my conclusion is, no. I did not. But I was enjoying the freedom of their fairy stories, and my mini-guru status, and making up more of them. That's what we did as Western BKs ... "polishing their turd" as I call it now ... like Robert Shubow taking their Adi Dev story and re-making it up all over again to sell to other Westerners and make up look good.

Therefore, I recognise this tendency to space right out, go cosmic and make crap up that I also see in others ... those making a business out of Conspiracy Theories being prime candidates.

It's not to say there are not truthful nuggets in them, because usually there are. It's just to recognise that indulging in them is probably just feeding unhealth aspects of my personality. I think honest, old fashioned fairy stories and classic legends have more value as psychology archetypes etc, and I consider these as new ones to match a New Age.

For example, in the old days, psychic mediums always used to have "Chinamen", "Tibetans" or "Red Indian Chiefs" as their spirit guides. Now we know that the Chinese and the TIbetans are just like us or less well developed and Native Americans all just broken drunks (exaggerated) ... so our seers have to invent even more distant guides; Venusians, interdimensional beings, or advanced techno-aliens from the Planet Zorg.

In the past, China was the old "Planet Zorg". I even tend to think "Venus" is a bit old fashion and belong with Flash Gordon comics, as we've been there now and are pretty confident the atmosphere etc could not suport humanoid life.

I am crashing right into Thor to test you ... but I have seen before a tendency within ex-BKs to replace BKism with some other kind of fabulism, perhaps just for entertainment value or to make one's life more interesting?

Pink makes an interesting conclusion re the loss of control though ...

As a BK, I met one of the key "NWO" Conspiracy guys ... Lord Peter Carrington and his wife. He was visiting the BKs. To be honest, I did not notice any reptile scales. He was perfectly gentlemanly and took an interest in the ordinary people around him. Despite me being nothing more than a driver for the BKs, and he a leading statesman, he even invited me in for a cup of tea when I dropped him off.

I've also met David Icke in person and, given a choice between the two, I'd say Carrington was more together and grounded. Icke was scary "out there".

A person who composes or relates fables.

A liar, especially one who invents elaborately dishonest stories. a born fabulist, with an imagination unfettered by the laws of logic and probability.


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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post16 Oct 2016

ex-l, as sharp as ever I 'see' :).
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post16 Oct 2016

Guess so ... Occam's Razor is my memorial from the last Kalpa.

Go for it, I am open to criticism. I don't deny there are beings from Venus, despite its surface being hot enough to melt lead and its skies darkened by toxic clouds of sulphuric acid ... but have no direct experience of myself. Rudolf Steiner had his own take on it based on a far more metaphoric, "interdimensional" model which I would be more likely to accept (meaning that the Venus he is talking about is not the physical venus but another one in a different dimension.

It's just like how I also accept that even if aliens had landed on Earth, they'd have no interest in me and I have no influence over the people they are allegedly involved in.

But if it's space travel you are considering, try ...

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Pink Panther

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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post17 Oct 2016

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:Pink you are not getting off on a tangent. Your response touches on mindfulness.

Some of the studies in psycho-physiology are demonstrating common pathways in the nervous system for positive thinking and mindfulness activities including meditation. I do think that working on a farm or gardening can help counter ...

Just to draw you to the contents of the article which is not about gardening as a therapeutic ‘activity' like, say, painting with water colours or origami. The article is saying there is a ‘medical' benefit, there are actual microbes in the soil that have chemical qualities similar to what is found in Prozac and other antidepressant medications encountered.*

My point, not well made, was that as we remove ourselves from the earth, physically by seeing such activity as dirty or lowly (as per Indian caste values) or by preventing our kids from getting dirty, and mentally by looking for ‘transcendent’ levels of (fabulist) alternative realities and theories, because actual Reality is not as satisfactory as our half-baked imagined possibilities, we actually become increasingly disconnected from it (reality) and miss out on the basic nourishment and fulfilment that our Mother Earth provides.

The faux-yogi lifestyle as practiced by BKs is urban and sterile (are the gardeners considered to be of the same status as the office Admin staff? Few of the latter desire to become the former). That's unlike the traditional sramana and forest yogi activity of the past, where after ‘samadhi’ (or whatever name is used), all mystical insights seemed to agree that we are/I am not separate. The Platonic and the Neo-Platonist idealists infected all traditions across Eurasia determining that the ideal ”spiritual” realm was somehow separate to this reality and preferable to the ”chi chi” material, gravity bound world we are born from, and into.

Such ideological templates, and I include the BKs in this, by their very approach and value systems practice disconnecting, they have less ”Yoga”, are less ”yogi”. They act and aim to be less connected and less part of this ‘whole' and suffer psychiologically the depradations of being malnourished by the biosphere, which affects our microbiome. That disconnection and lack of organic nourishment leaves us seeking junk food satisfaction to counter the sinking, depressive emotions and sense of alienation from the world.
"The human microbiome (all of our microbes' genes) can be considered a counterpart to the human genome (all of our genes). The genes in our microbiome outnumber the genes in our genome by about 100 to 1."

The movement in some modern science adherents that sees humanity’s future in colonising outer space is another form of the 'transcendentalist’ paradigm that caste-conscious Brahmins, the ideologically minded, the ”psychic medium" who looks to a romanticised ”ascended master” from Tibet or from the planet Tramalfadore, the UFO conspiracists, all makes the same high-minded mistake, ignoring the basic biological reality of who we are and what we need to live healthily.

Until we can find a way to combine the hygiene and sterility needed on a space station/starship with what’s needed for a healthy microbiome that’s needed for mental and physical 'immune systems” and nourishment that we get from filth and muck, even the bad bacteria that give us smaller, strengthening diseases, the balance and diversity that Earth provides, we ain’t going anywhere for long. I daresay the same preconditions will apply to any creatures of other planets.
Since it began I'd got one dream
and really it's my only blessing.
If I can come through then so can you
And you will find there's no regretting.
Things that you want from your life's font
Will never let your spirit grow.
Come back to Earth for what it's worth
For you've been dreaming of a ceiling not a home

I've been doing my best
What else can I do?
Is there something I missed
That will help me through?

I have reached the top of my wall
And all I found was another way to fall

– Graeme Edge ”After You Came"

* As a footnote, one of the nutritional deficiencies warned about for vegetarians generally and vegans in particular, is vitamin B12 deficiency. A lot of research on my part discovered that B12 is not actually in meat or milk, i.e. not ‘created' by the animal. And not easy to synthesise. It is a bacteria found naturally in soil, it adheres to grasses that the animal ingests and it goes into the meat or milk. That’s why a good veg. alternative is mushrooms, which grow out of that soil and integrate the microbe we call B12. (NB mushrooms breathe oxygen and expel CO2, like animals).

i.e. the B12 bacteria seems to be something that travels on and through other things, combines with and separates again, catalysing certain reactions without being broken down in most situations. That contact with the soil, or lack of, may explain why some people can have low B12 but no symptoms while others get serious symptoms of B12 deficiency.
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post17 Oct 2016

Pink Panther wrote:Until we can find a way to combine the hygiene and sterility needed on a space station/starship with what’s needed for a healthy microbiome that’s needed for mental and physical 'immune systems” and nourishment that we get from filth and muck, even the bad bacteria that give us smaller, strengthening diseases, the balance and diversity that Earth provides, we ain’t going anywhere for long.

One of my favourite BK theories, to which I can credit old Sister Joan in London, was the BKs' "aim" and etre of being ... the deities of the Golden Age they want to become ... did not actually have butt holes.

That is, they did not poop.

They were so "perfect" they only ate and drank just enough to grow and sustain their physical bodies and, hence, did not have any excess waste to excrete.

(And neither did they have any 'excess'waist', so promenant in Indian Sisters, either)

Putting aside the ridiculousness of this idea, and miracle of a lifetime's worth of overeating sanskars magically disappearing in time for a floral breakfast with Krishna (the BK believe the deities live by eating petals), it underlines an equivalent vision of a equally sterile Golden Age of Humanity.

You are right.
    Who can name the sanitary engineering on the USS Enterprise?

    Who has heard about a toilet cleaner in a flying saucer?

    Did Captain Kirk ever stop for a pee or a poop? Presumably "the Greys" don't either, or do they suffer from the same "Delhi Belly" we get when we go to Indian, when they invade Planet Earth?
I suppose in the Space Aged future we will be able to teleport our poop into the nearest black hole, and the BK deities will be able to make theirs disappear with the power of their mind!?!

It sounds like I am simply mocking - and, yes, I am - but it opens up a whole and very down to earth discussion cultists tend to want to avoid as it leads to the deconstruction of their fantasies.

"OK, you tell me the Golden Age is definitely going to exist, or that Aliens are here to help us (or exploit us), explain to us how practically."

Just like the BKs, it would seem the Aliens prefer the company of crypto-fascist military elites.

The day I hear of Aliens beaming down to assist an environmental NGO save some trees, or community charity for the underprivileged, is the day I'll start to believe in them.

And why do we naturally presume any of them are actually benign, charitable and divinely interested in us? More mother-father-saviour projection?
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Pink Panther

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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post17 Oct 2016

One of my favourite BK theories, to which I can credit old Sister Joan in London, was the BKs' "aim" and etre of being ... the deities of the Golden Age they want to become ... did not actually have butt holes.

That is, they did not poop.

They were so "perfect" they only ate and drank just enough to grow and sustain their physical bodies and, hence, did not have any excess waste to excrete.

You can’t blame poor Joan. She was merely repeating what I had also heard from other senior BKs. No poop. No insects - except butterflies. No ugly animals only pretty ones ... quite the fantasy world.
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post17 Oct 2016

No slugs, moulds or bacteria?

How do they think anything is going to decompose?

Typical answer ... "The Power of Yoga".

Sorry, we are headed off topic ... Thor, what are you asking or saying to us?

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