Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post23 Mar 2015

Check this video guys. How **** BKs are treating children. ... =2&theater


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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post30 Jun 2016


I want some answers to my questions .. my question is that when some body makes mistakes, and they don't even feel guilty about it, instead they make me feel guilty and do not talk to me ... it makes me feel low.
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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post01 Jul 2016

That's not a question, that's a statement. And it's obviously the result they are seeking to make you feel in order to manipulate you.

They appear to be psychopathic to some degree or another.

What has this got to do with the Brahma Kumaris? Is it another BK who is doing it to you?

It sounds like some BK center-in-charges I know.

Thank you.
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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post15 Jul 2016

Yo awakening still here? I have a few questions for you. But please explain your background first, i.e are you from India or not, and your professional qualifications etc ... then we will talk if you are free.


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