Related to my life

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Related to my life

Post13 Jul 2016

Om Shanti Shivani Didi ...

Didi, my query is that I have completed graduation any how in commerce field now I am totally confused about what further higher studies I should do more confused I am my mind set is not proper to take my decision about my further life.

Didi, plz help me with this stituation so that I should take proper decision ahead. Plz show the right way Didi ...
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Pink Panther

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Re: Related to my life

Post14 Jul 2016

Do you believe that the end of the Kali Yuga is coming soon and Sat Yuga is just around the corner?


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Re: Related to my life

Post14 Jul 2016

Frankly, I do not know about this Didi ... explain.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Related to my life

Post15 Jul 2016

Only you know about what you want in life. If you ask others, they will all have an opinion.

Some see others as having a successful life because they attain great wealth, others by status, others by the reputation you have, or fame. Very few people measure their own life in the same way they measure others’ lives. Most people judge their own life by how satisfied they are, how content - and that usually comes from having found love and family and fulfilled one’s duties to those one loves well, maintained one’s integrity, lived an honest life, helped others. Things like wealth and social status only matter if the personal life has been successful. One has to live by one’s conscience, to know that, succeed ort fail in any task, that one has attempted it for the right reason and done one's best.

Study further if you feel thats what you want, or if it is what you need to satisfy a bigger goal. What is your life goal? When you are lying on your death bed, what will you like to look back on and say you were glad you did that? How many beds does any person need to have a good sleep? How many clothes can they wear in a week?

And do not fall into the ”spiritual trap” of thinking anyone knows you better than your own instincts. Learn to make quiet your superficial questions and listen to the answers you are telling yourself.

If thats too hard to achieve, toss a coin. This or That?

If the coin comes up on This and you wish it had come up That - well there’s your answer. Do That instead.
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Re: Related to my life

Post15 Jul 2016

lakhpatimanali wrote:Frankly, I do not know about this Didi ... explain.

What Pink Panther is saying is that BK Shivani program is an advertisement to sell Brahma Kumarism.

Key to Brahma Kumari beliefs is that the world is going to end cataclysmically very shortly and every will be killed except for a few thousand who will then build a heaven on earth for Brahma Kumaris to reincarnate into. Vaikunth with Sri Krishna returning. They believe their founder, Lekhraj Kirpalani, will reincarnate as Krishna very shortly.

The BKs use Shivani as a "modern girl" facade, a shop front. They present her like a spiritual master, which she is not. She is basically a clever parrot repeating typical BKisms, that the BKs have been using to promote BKism for decades. In her case, she is borrowing many of the Western BK developed sales techniques, but underneath than facade, the BKs have a very narrow and fundamentalist view of life, with lots of rules, and want total control over followers.

It's not a good environment for students or people at the start of their careers to go into as, essentially, it makes them give up any hope of a future.

I agree with Pink, the spiritual lesson you have to learn is trusting in yourself and making your own decisions. There are factors which will go against making good decisions ... anything from tiredness and poor health/nutrition to anxiety and depression, and pressure from others ... but learning how to handle them is also part of life.

The problem with BKism is that it makes people believe in the End of the World. Nuclear Destruction. Any minute now. And it has been doing so since the 1930s and 40s. Their god spirit has made wrong predictions about this "end of the world" many times but each time many 1,000s of people have wasted their lives, given away their properties and fortunes, destroyed their education and careers.

In short, wasted their life on a mad goose chase.

The BK prey on people at insecure or unhappy times in their lives, grab them, and brainwash them. Their meditation can be very addictive but ultimately leads to people neglecting their real lives.

What do you want to do in life? What are the alternatives you have in mind? What are your strengths and weaknesses?


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Re: Related to my life

Post15 Jul 2016



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Re: Related to my life

Post16 Jul 2016

Didi, l tossed coin it came positive ... and heads came ... but again small confusion according to me and my capacity what l should studies in which field exactly so that l feel succeess from my bottom of my heart.


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Re: Related to my life

Post16 Jul 2016

Cant decide one thing proper ... so many things messed up ... ki yeh karu ki voh karu, like that ...
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Pink Panther

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Re: Related to my life

Post17 Jul 2016

Imagine a friend was asking these questions of you, how would you answer? You’d say a few things trying to be helpful but then you'd say, ”it's up to you”.

Any good teacher wants to make a student independent. BK makes students dependant, never missing a chance to make student feel inferior and needing advice from ”superior”. Do birds and flowers ask advice of how to live? They know.

If you should ask anyone, ask a wise old relative or friend, someone who has lived in the real world all their lives and lived a good life. Forget gurus and self-proclaimed ”spiritual advisors”.

Or, most sensibly - see a careers advisor.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Related to my life

Post17 Jul 2016

Pink and Ex-I you are right on the money with your help for Lakhpatimanali. I see another angle. Some one who is spiritual, and has just graduated, may want to ensure that their compass is calibrated correctly, especially in terms their mission in this incarnation. One way to assist in the calibration is to listen to their inner voice with absolute honesty and correct answers from the inner voice asked by the soul will be emerge.

On a more practical level, the Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE) have more than half a century of giving advice successfully to souls all over the world. The ARE astrology service is excellent. Gary Null's classic: Power Aging, is also a great help for those who are stuck in terms of career and life advancement. I am not going to throw stones or mud on the glass house of BKism.

Mastery is attained not from sitting on a ghadi and living in the bubble of the pillars of BK Raj Yoga. Mastery is attained by experiences in the trenches. The ahsram raj and ashram rani, or maharaj or maharani are not usually the ones who have had battle hardened experiences to mentor a soul who needs guidance on career advancement. That's because when it's time to apply the eight powers of Raj Yoga at the time of the dark night of a soul, many BKs, due to lack of spiritual combat experience think that the soul who is facing the crisis has failed. In fact, the challenged soul is given the chance to ssolve the problem, gain wisdom and get on with life, as a wiser more enriched soul.


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Re: Related to my life

Post17 Jul 2016

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Re: Related to my life

Post17 Jul 2016

The 'Association for Research and Enlightenment' are in the USA, I don't know if Lakhpatimanali has access to them. I am not adverse to the idea of using experienced and ethical 'cold readers' or astrologers etc as a sort of sounding board, but there is always the risk of being exploitated at a vulnerable time in the same way the BKs do, so be cautious and keep your feet in the ground if you go down that route.

Where you choose one of them, or a professional careers advisor, what you need is someone who will help you make a decision, not make a decision for you.

The BK movement has its own needs, e.g. for unpaid workers, donations etc, and so it tend to look at you thinking about what it needs not what you need on either a spiritual or material level.

Some times in life, it all just feels too much ... but progress can always be made just starting wherever you can start how little it seems at the time. Think of it like tidying up your bedroom when it all becomes too messy ... you've just got to start somewhere, so start where you can!

I am just worried that there are other issues that are getting you down that you are not telling us, or that your health might be part of it ... e.g. you're just mental exhausted. Or there are family issues.

Have you had or can you get a break away from it all? What are your real interests?

All we really can do is, as older people, share with you some of our experience and awareness of other alternative perhaps you have not considered.

What the BKs want to do is make you into a BK. They have a ready package they want you to fit into and conform to. Their operation has its needs and they need new followers as fuel to feed it at their experience. Ultimately, it will only consume you.

Therefore, if you want, share a little more of what your problems are and what your dreams are. You are anonymous here. No one knows who or where you are.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Related to my life

Post19 Jul 2016

- what you need is someone who will help you make a decision, not make a decision for you.



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Re: Related to my life

Post19 Jul 2016

Hello. I thought you might be interested in BK Shivani Didi speaking on Destruction but not quite as BaapDada say. Also BaapDada piece on Destruction from World Renewal as per Jagdishbhai and Nirwairbhai. This item was posted on and is still there.

"TV personality BK Shivani is the authoritative new face of Brahma Kumaris. Intelligent, well educated, married and a business woman, she has a large following among the Indian diaspora.

The BKWSU publication 'The World Renewal' promised a 1976 destruction on page 40 of the December 1971 issue : (and of course many Murlis both Sakar and Avyakt of the period predicted the same date but have been censored as printed) The World Renewal, official organ of BKWSU, with a wide circulation among the faithful, was edited at the time by spokesperson BK Jagdish, with BK Nirwair as managing editor:

"Godfather Shiva has revealed that the destruction will take place within the next five years as follows:-
    1. There will be civil wars, communal riots.
    2.Nuclear war
    3. Natural calamities like floods,drought, famine etc.
So God Father Shiva has now directed His children to throw a challenge that the world will undergo a transformation within the next 5 years. Believe it or not but it will be soon"."

HOWEVER, POPULAR TV SPOKESPERSON BK SHIVANI HAS STIRRED THE POT RECENTLY BY GIVING GOD'S WORD ON DESTRUCTION AN ENTiRELY DIFFERENT SPIN, telling her followers that this event, often referenced by God, will be just a transitional 'flow'. Shivani said in an interview:
    'We are going through a world transformation, not world destruction. It’s already happening. People are taking care of their health,their well-being. That is Satyug. In Satyug, people will be healthy, wealthy and wise. The key factor to bring out this change is taking responsibility for one’s own life. Hundred per cent responsibility. No blaming anyone else. As samskars (conditioning) change, sansar (world) will change. It will be a gradual ongoing process. We won’t ever come to know the precise moment of the shift. It is just like morning shading into afternoon, evening and night – it flows'."
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Pink Panther

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Re: Related to my life

Post19 Jul 2016

Its what Shivani doesn’t say that matters. And what she implies.

She implies that God Shiva is wrong, or a liar. (That may be the case.)

She omits the matter of how it is we get from Kali Yuga, with a population of 7 billion, to SatYuga, with a population under a million, what happens to the 6.9 billion?

And how does that happen simply through people taking care of their health and wellbeing?

What happens in "the precise moment of the shift"?

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