BKs use Texas University Claim Again

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Pink Panther

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post29 Apr 2016

It sounds like your ‘friend’ Errol is having trouble stepping out from under the BK shadow and letting go of that mindset. He should engage more with what he is going though now and what he is enjoying or experiencing today instead of basking in the warm nostalgia of youthful idealism.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post29 Apr 2016

Errol is quite a cool guy. He does not live in comfort zones. He is dynamic as a person. He was quite a radical BK. His classmates at Mount Abu included Denise, Ken, Surya Bai, Aiden, and Charlie. When many Western BKs in those days were playing their guitars and creating centers, Errol was the bookworm undergoing training to become a veterinarian. He did have a role in the US service, especially in Tuskegee.

Baap Dada gave him special permission to pursue studies in veterinary medicine. Jayanti and Hemlata were his lawyers in the court of Indra, making a case to Baap Dada to allow him to study veterinary medicine. At Tulane he met his soulmate or twin flame and she has enabled him to become more settled and grounded.

Did you see the movie 'Pray For Death' with Sho Kosugi? May be he is like the character played by Mr. Kusagi, in terms of Raj Yoga and the theme song applies to him.

It's the song by Peggy Abernathy, never mind the violence in the film.

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post29 Apr 2016

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:At Tulane he met his soulmate or twin flame and she has enabled him to become more settled and grounded.

Amazing ... and to think he life could have been wasted chasing VIP and bring in donors to feed the Kirpalani Klan.

But, "soulmate" ... is this the nub of the problem with the BK? Is so, it's strange because they appear to have no problem with high ranking and influential BKs partnering off with each other these days. As long as they remain "serviceable" (useful, unquestioning and do not damage the cult's PR).
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Pink Panther

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post30 Apr 2016

The best thing Errol did was to study and make a career, find a girl to love and share life with, contribute to society and animal welfare, and get out of the narrow BK orbit.

The BK part is almost an aberration. Would he not have done something similar if he never encountered the BKs in particular?

So Gupta, why all these fanboy raves about Errol? What is your point?

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post30 Apr 2016

Pink, thank you for your kind comments and your great question. The point about Errol can be as simple as a pin point of light; no pon intended. Jim Joker once described Errol as one of the most underrated BKs in the West. That's because he was a radical BK day one, who defied many of the BK predictions and holy orders. The other sub-point is he is black and have made contributions, which when done by BKs of other ethnic groups were broadcast around the world with their names almost written in gold. From the East Coast of the USA to the West Coast of the USA, Errol contributed to BK service. He was also instrumental in the service in Tuskegee and other parts of the Bible Belt. The BK establishment could never be convinced that his service was unselfish and not meant to assist him succeed academically. His was the case of spiritual heterodoxy defying dogmatic spiritual orthrodoxy. Errol's story is a lesson for souls wishing to get on the path by looking East. Some factions of the BKs think that the banishment of a fellow BK means an eternal life of damnation or Dante's Inferno. Why would God or which god would want to punish a soul on the path of perfection?

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post30 Apr 2016

Thank you, Ex-I.

After he was asked to depart the San Antonio Center by Dadi Janki. He return to his lokiks in Brooklyn. The BKs were expecting him to connect with the New York Center. Instead, he worked for half a year in private practice in NYC while awaiting acceptance into Tulane. He could have studied at Columbia. However, by spiritual guidance he selected Tulane and the rest has been history.

In May of 1984, he could have married the lady whom he dated for graduating senior banquet. They are, however, still friends. Thirty years ago Errol was too much into observing brahmacharya. Due to brahmacharya, he returned to Guyana in 1986, instead of marrying a lady from Georgia who could have been a centerfold for Essence or Ebony Magazine.
Errol was in Madubhan on the very day the World was predicted to be destroyed. Baap Dada had descended on that day and there was quite a fuss when they descended. He was about to depart for the USA for veterinary studies on his return to Guyana. Was he going to give up his veterinary studies due to the destruction? Heavens No! Baap Dada gave a lecture the essence of which was, there preparations of construction were not completed and so there could be no destruction. For sure as he pursued his veterinary studies there were some close calls of global nuclear warfare. The close calls included Jones Town, which was close to home. The others included the Falklands War and the Soviet invasion of Afganisthan.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post30 Apr 2016

Gee, you know Errol’s story like the back of your hand, and you obviously admire him. I still don't understand why you are telling us all this.

So what if Jim (joker) Ryan said what he said? So what if he could have married n intelligent beautiful woman but like a fool chose BK life over that, following the promised dangled carrot from BapDada?

What about you?

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post30 Apr 2016

I do not like to join organizations dealing with spirituality, though I have explored the Freemasons and Rosicrucians. I knew Errol from high school in Guyana. I thought that this website would be the most suitable site to discuss his study of Raj Yoga and document some of what he has shared with me.

For me, I would rather go along the pathway of the martial artist and study the Bhakti type of Raja Yoga. He did try to introduce me to Raja Yoga in the summer of 1976, at that time we were Guyana Scholars undergoing guerrilla warfare training in the Guyana jungles, incidentally close to Jonestown. I have always been impressed with his mental discipline, endurance, and depth of intellect. I did not expect him to remain in Raja Yoga for an extended period. That's because he has been a magnet for ladies, not a playboy mind you. At least, the BK life kept the ladies at bay, for a while and enabled him to pursue his veterinary studies. I am sure there will be more details in a film and the books he is completing.

Of all the centers in the USA, he felt most at home in San Antonio and spent many summers there when on holiday from school.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post13 May 2016

Why don't you ask Errol to post here personally. I am sure he has a lot to contribute.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post25 May 2016


It's strange how brain waves work, even when yogis are not wired to EEG machines or fMRI scanners. Your thoughts must have reached me.

I suggested to Errol in the last few weeks to post on this site. Initially, he refused. He brought up the idea of out of site and out of mind. He said he wanted to be off the BK radar. I then reminded him that he had a spiritual responsibility to help his Brothers and Sisters who have been traumatized by their experiences of pursuing dreams through BK Raj Yoga.

I asked him if he ever planned to return to the BK fold. He told me that will happen in the next cycle. The clauses in his spiritual contract with the God-Spirit were crystal clear. His was meant to leave the Pandav government or BK bureaucracy and establish another organization.

He maintains he will always be extremely grateful to the BKs and Baap-Dada for his spiritual growth, material, and spiritual support during his pre-veterinary and veterinary studies, and post-doctoral training.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BKs use Texas University Claim Again

Post26 May 2016

I asked him if he ever planned to return to the BK fold. He told me that will happen in the next cycle.
That, and what follows, indicates that he has not left the BK fold, or hold.

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