We create our destiny through our thoughts

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We create our destiny through our thoughts

Post12 Apr 2016

Hello all,

I believe "we create our destiny through our thoughts".

(Regarding or regardless to concept at Bramhakumaris, because this was the thing I drawn to BK) and would like to understand different aspects of it.

Thanks in advance. :)
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Pink Panther

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Re: we create our destiny through our thoughts

Post12 Apr 2016

"We create our destiny through our thoughts” ... except when the unthinkable happens?


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Re: we create our destiny through our thoughts

Post12 Apr 2016

Now could think of 2 things :

Either unthinkable are also reformation of our thoughts (we might have thought that differently) or Philosophy or karma comes into picture.

Or concept change : All our lives are predestined.

Please vote, who believes in what and why.

No matter who says what, I want to understand this secret in depth, so just to brainstorm on ... 'Destiny'


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Re: we create our destiny through our thoughts

Post12 Apr 2016

No matter who says what , I want to understand this secret in depth , so just to brainstorm on ...'Destiny'
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Re: We create our destiny through our thoughts

Post12 Apr 2016

jyotsna15 wrote:I believe "we create our destiny through our thoughts".

Yes ... if by "our thoughts" you including going to college or university and studying, getting a good professional skill or degree, learning from others lives and working hard. In short, becoming as clever as you can.

No ... if you mean sitting on your bottom saying, "I am an angel ... I am an angel ... I am an angel ... I am going to the Golden Age to become a deity ... I am going to the Golden Age to become a deity ... I am going to the Golden Age to become a deity" 10,000 times a day like the Brahma Kumaris.

That's just being lazy and irresponsible, and wasting your life.

If you cannot become clever ... then become useful, kind or helpful instead.

The Brahma Kumari leaders were intellectually lazy and irresponsible. They gave up gaining an education and having a family and, instead, they just lived off a rich sugar daddy ... until his money ran out ... and then they had to start a religion to live off.

Now they spend most of their time looking for other rich sugar daddies to pay for their lifestyle.

Only a few women/Brahma Kumaris are able to do so. Most just end up paying.

Life rewards those who make efforts, not those who sit around wishing for magic to happen.
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Re: We create our destiny through our thoughts

Post12 Apr 2016

Even if it were true, what good would it do you?

Do you really think you could become super human?

Nah, forget it and enjoy your life.
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Pink Panther

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Re: We create our destiny through our thoughts

Post13 Apr 2016

I won’t talk to ”destiny” other than to say a ”destin-ation” is arrived at by the direction you take actual (not metaphorical) steps toward.

It is a misapplication of dualistic thinking to think of thoughts as separate from actions. It leads you to believe that ”thoughts’ have own-being and impact the world the same way a meteor impacts the earth.

”Thinking" is the response of mind to sensory stimuli and associated memories the same way ”seeing" is a response of the eyes to the object seen and the associated memories (eg we identify or misidentify what we see).

”Thinking” might be considered as one end of a spectrum of action, with physical actions done by us or to us as the other end. That is, thinking is the ”finest” or least tangible of actions ( we can see there is brain activity happening when thinking happens but we can’t yet tell what the content of that thinking is ) - while kinetic action is most tangible, with the middle area of the spectrum occupied by things such as cells reproducing, kidneys doing their jobs etc etc.

Thinking has an effect, but the effect is more akin to a microwave passing through the earth than to a meteor impact.

What I am getting at is this - the most effect we have, on our ‘destiny/destination” is when our thoughts and actions are one. To step forward or back, you have to have thought "go forward” or ”go back”. If you dither, well, you may be thinking, we might even be kind enough to say you are ”considering” but you are not acting.

Think as much as you like about drinking water but if you don't go and get water, your destiny is to die of thirst!

Think of growing wings and flying off the top of a building, think long and hard, meditate on it for years, your destiny that you shaped for yourself was to think and meditate on wings, nothing else. What everyone else saw was someone not doing much at all. OK, at least you weren’t committing robberies or murders!

Or you may convince yourself that, as you have desired it long enough and with a pure enough heart, it is now inevitably your destiny to fly, so you step off the building, to your destination.


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Re: we create our destiny through our thoughts

Post13 Apr 2016

jyotsna15 wrote:No matter who says what , I want to understand this secret in depth , so just to brainstorm on ...'Destiny'

You must raise the vibrational frequency of your energy, then your life can become happier, more positive, and more fulfilling on this 3D life and also reach out to other dimensions (including the mind of God if you wish that).

One must observe the Universal Laws and learn about the formula of creation. Not an easy task, one must not be lazy or just follow the BKs' 'knowledge'.
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Re: We create our destiny through our thoughts

Post13 Apr 2016

And, if you are being sucked into the BKism ... go and take a close look at people who have been doing it for 40, 60, 70 years and ask yourself honest how far they have gotten to, what "powers" they have, and do I really want to be like them?

And if you do want to be like them ... ask yourself honestly *why* you want to be like them?

For example, it is just because you want to be the centre of attraction, seen as wise and wonderful, your living costs paid for by others work and income, to live without working and so on?

What is it you are *really* seeking in this life?

According to the BK philosophy, you do not have 40, 60 or 70 years to get to where they are ... you only have a handful before the old world is destroyed ... so what are you honestly going to achieve by following their path?

Find your own path, and follow it. Don't give over your power to others.

The BKs will tell you, "last go fast" ... but that's just another trick to give late comers hope when, to themselves, they believe all the top position in the new Golden Age are already sown up, and there is absolutely no hope of you overtaking them.

I actually accept that some people in this world can do very strange, wonderful and even miraculous things which are so far inexplicable to science. I don't just believe that, I accept it.

Unfortunately, no one seems to know how to teach them ... and especially to do so reliably to anyone who wants them.

The only thing reliable about anything psychic, spiritualistic or mystical is that is they are unreliable. They appear to crop up as highly random and unpredictable mutations within certain individuals, and are not even genetically passed on to their descendants.

The odds of making it work are a million times worse than winning the lottery ... so concentrate on your real world studies and the day job, and being a good and wise person in the meanwhile.

I write to you as someone who fell for the same trick ... who invested their life into chasing the same naive wishful dreams. I paid a very high price for neglecting my real world self. You might argue that I "failed", that I did not make enough effort etc ... you may well be true. However, look at the numbers who have also done so. Look at the odds before you gamble your life away.

You don't say what age you are. In a way, traditional Hinduism, and other religions, offer good common sense when it comes to doing what you should according to your age and fulfil the right part of yourself at the right time. Do that first and let the gods, and godmen or godwomen, wait.
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Pink Panther

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Re: We create our destiny through our thoughts

Post14 Apr 2016

I actually accept that some people in this world can do very strange, wonderful and even miraculous things which are so far inexplicable to science. I don't just believe that, I accept it.

The key word there is ”do”. We might feel ”magic”, can we do ”magic”?

We can ”feel" good or we can ”do" good. ”Feeling" and "doing" can happen independently of each other - you can feel good without ‘doing' anything. You can ‘do' good without ‘feeling' good at the time (eg a sleep-deprived parent dragging themselves out of bed to attend to the baby).

Sometimes one happens because of the other - as you do so you feel, or vice versa.
Sometimes no matter what you do, you don't feel good, e.g someone suffering depression.

We might then ask a multiple choice question, what’s preferable?
    a) ‘feeling’ good and ‘doing’ good
    b) feeling good but not doing much good, or
    c) doing good but not feeling good a.k.a. feeling bad but doing good
    d) feeling bad and not doing good (doing nothing is better than doing harm).
Most would agree a) is best. My experience is that I can do b) for a long time, feel good for ages without doing much, while with c) the good action more often than not changes the feeling to good.

BKism encourages ‘feeling' good. Its only measure of doing good is to practice BKism and to get others to accept Bkism. Its only acceptabel way to ‘feel’ good is to have gained that through BK practices, including to at least dedicate the ‘feeling' to ”Baba’s wonder"

Anything else you do is only tolerated if it lets you do your BK practice or helps get others to accept BKism. If it draws you away from BKism, its not good - and that goes for things like work, family relationships, arts and talents, having fun in other ways etc. Everything is about reinforcing your BKism or BK service (getting others involved). Otherwise they are considered, at best, distractions, or worse, ‘Maya’ .
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Re: We create our destiny through our thoughts

Post14 Apr 2016

Pink Panther wrote:The key word there is ”do”. We might feel ”magic”, can we do ”magic”?

I cannot, but I leave the door open to a .00000001% or whatever of the population being able to stretch human experience beyond what is understood by science.

However, I don't think it was the original poster here is talking about.

I suppose one might look at the history of the New Agey idea that we can "create our destiny through our thoughts". I remember one big "positive thinking" guru of the 1980s who created fame and a fortune from positive thinking seminars, traveling worldwide to present them. Then he had an airplane crash and was very badly burnt in the accident ending his career.

One would have to ask, "did he 'create' that too?", or at least accept that there are other factors to the equation of life.

For the BKs, such a second hand idea is useful as advertising ... but have they any evidence of it working for them?

So what does jyotsna15 mean by the question? Are you still in the BKs, Jyotsna?
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Re: We create our destiny through our thoughts

Post15 Apr 2016

Jyostna15 has said she is now fringe.

The BK philosophy latches onto these New Age/positive thinking catchphrases as it provides a more acceptable language than the traditional BK lingo of the 1930s-1960s, of Dada Lekhraj.

The whole BK philosophy is an appeal to ego - the desire for an eternal ”I am”. BKism eventually worked out a lovely niche once removed from the Vedanta ”I am atman”. Vedanta's eternal atman exists separate from ego-conscious mundane self which needs to be transcended through sadhana (disciplined endeavour and effort). A BK atma lets you be the ego-conscious mundane self, all you have to do is replace the definition of what atma is.

Take the common experience that my thinking obviously have some effect on my destiny. That understanding grows into " I can make it so everything that happens is a result of what I, individually, and my fellow BK-believers, collectively, think and therefore is good. And if it doesn’t work out as it should, it’s because I am/we are still incomplete and Yoga was poor". Every BK is a little apprentice god. In that way, what ”I” think and believe is all-powerful, especially when aligned with the conviction that what BK ”think & believe” will change the world.

Everything is seen through the prism of ”I am” -based thought. It has become the pivot of reality, not to be challenged by or even compared to genetic, environmental or cultural influences. Even the laws of physics can be bent to serve ”god’s plan” or dismissed as not-applicable to ”spirituality”.

If I begin to not believe that it's totally my thoughts that create my destiny, I could lose control over my destiny - and isn’t control why we have an ego function? Why organisations have a ”head”?
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Re: We create our destiny through our thoughts

Post15 Apr 2016

A long answer which I attempt to tie back to the topic at the end.

I was looking at one such business selling the idea that we create our destiny through our thoughts and that this destiny is going to be better than everything we ever had before ... a young couple incorporating BK teachings and some of its language and iconography into their own cult. In return, I see one of them, Michael Mackintosh is credited by the BKWSU for his marketing assistance to the BKs for their "Humanrights Spiritualrights" PR campaign.

The whole New Age/Personal Development market is, of course, huge ... it's estimated to be worth billions of dollars each year. The total U.S. self-improvement market alone is estimated to be worth around $10 billion. Do the BKs smell that? Of course they do ...

Looking at the couple's list of influences ... many of which - especially BKism - are contradictory to each other; and most of which, if someone suggested they could be mastered in a lifetime synthesised with the others, would have their founders rolling their eyes with disbelief ... it left me feeling that all one really needs to be in this game is a good actor. To learn 'the language' and follow 'the script'. To have good marketing skills. And it helps to be good looking, have an elevated but ultimately unaccountable "spirit guide", and dabble in NLP or hypnosis.
    Are these what you would say are all just your ego props and edifices?
I have never studied psychology but I ran a shop once. A small business. Most of these are small business which last for a limited period. A few - like Deepack Chopra etc - are big businesses. It is an industry with well established producers, networks and venues etc.

Spiritually, I tend to analyse things from the 'economical aspects' outwards. There is no better metaphor for understanding where someone's intentions are at ... than looking at how they make money and interact with others over economic transactions. As every tax man knows ... following the money trail. It's a manifestation of their energy after all.

There is one dodgy small business model which is very simple, but works. It's ultimately unethical, but it makes money.

Basically, what it does is exploits people's curiosity. It's perpetrators know that a large percentage of individuals will gamble a few Pounds or Dollars, and a small percentage of wealthy individuals will large sums on "something". That they gain pleasure out of disposing of their excess money. So trade anything for it ... it does not really matter what ... they are just going to spend it on handbags, clothes they won't wear or something else.

Then, in marketing, there are different already established price points; 1 (postcard) ... 10 (book) ... 25 (seminar) ... 500 (course) ... 5000 (life changing experience in remote luxury location) ... so don't question them, just use them. There is also a marketing pattern or curve of interest which, if you hit the vein of interest, rises quickly (as public curiosity falls in your lap) ... then falls quickly (as people discover it does not work or you are a dick) ... and then afterwards you are left almost back where you were before, perhaps with a few customer/followers and a long slow flat business progression line. Therefore, the idea is make as much money as you are going up as you are definitely going to crash down afterwards. No amount of positive thinking will stop that. I would say, in the West, the BKs are flat lining.

I wonder how many people swept along by the marketing of this industry ... an industry which has basically been marketing the same ideas in different wrappers for, perhaps, 80 years (give or take a couple of world wars) ... are aware that their interest is just as 'manufactured' as their taste in shoes or fashion?
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Re: We create our destiny through our thoughts

Post15 Apr 2016

Interestingly for me, Michael Mackintosh's partner Arielle Hecht was used by the BKs to do a guided meditation at one a BK events recently.

That's a new one for me ... BKs actually using non-BKs to guide their meditations. Whatever happened to the purity of their vibrations?
Hawaii meditation - June 17, 2015

ALoha Kauai Beloveds ~ Known and Unknown!!! Come join us this Sunday, Summer Solstice, June 21st at 5:30 for a wonderful evening experiencing the Power of the Kingly, Royal Yoga ~~~ RAJ Yoga ~ No Yoga mats needed ~ this is the Yoga of the Mind ~ Yours and the Beloved Supreme Soul's Mind/Heart ~~~ Union with the Highest on High ~~~ It is not difficult!!! Beginner's Welcomed. Guided Meditation by Arielle Hecht (check out her site: areillehecht.com to hear her wonderful guided meditations)

Perhaps it was just a non-official BK event held by another BK newcomer ... I don't know. But I wonder what's going on?

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