Questions on Quora

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Questions on Quora

Post16 Feb 2016

I have been requesting members of this forum to throw some insights on questions asked by people on Quora.
I have asked following questions to begin with, can someone from here respond to the question?

I will ask more question and update you here. ... cle-theory
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Dev Bajaj

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Re: Questions on Quora

Post06 Mar 2016

See every person/organisation has some secrets to preserve. When you request a question that coincides with the information that must be disclosed to public it raises critics. Your question is legit. And to answer you I first need to take an example!
Will you ever disclose a secret of your that could cause distress in your family? Will you ever reveal information about something that may cause tragic outcomes that will reflect directly to you? All organizations, governmental and non-governmental have secrets that are not to be released publicly.
Sometimes it's best to unveil this information to prevent instability in the system.
Coming at your doubt, well the Brahmakumaris has all evidence to prove this theory of the 5000 year cycle that continues and is everlasting. But, if this proof is released there will arise catastrophe in the world. Millions of people have spent their lives for hundreds of years to investigate the earth's past, present and future.
Thousands of research work is done and a system is created that does not allow any other possibility to exist. But what if the system is wrong (it actually is)?
If details so sensitive are available, the world would become a great confusion. All research would go waste.

Humans lack the power of acceptance. When one, makes someone understand a particular thing, doubts and confusions arise, this is good to think out of the box and be cautious to fall for untrue knowledge. But the actual knowledge does not gain the importance. We have priority to decide what we must find true and what not. Similarly instead of accepting a fact, we tend to challenge it. The first motive was to inform the people about the truth of the 5000 year cycle because it's the right to information. Now critism rides about its authenticity. Being frank, a true Brahma Kumar/Kumari never asks this question. The Knowledge is buried in our intellects. No external pressure was needed to consume this knowledge. Just as you learn you learn science, you learn spirituality. It doesn't require any evidence. It's there, around u. If you mould yourself and consider to believe The Cycle you won't feel the need to ask why 5000 years?

Maybe The Cycle doesn't fulfill your questions. There is no question that the Brahmakumaris cannot answer, the only reason they don't is because they don't want to interfere into matters that consume their Valuable time and has no benefit for the organization. Our motive is world peace and education. Spending any kind of resource on matters that don't contribute towards our motive will be worthless.

When involved in conflict of duties, it's essential to render the priority that comes first. Disregard to a question is only the order in obedience to the higher authority-voice of conscience.

If I am not able to answer you properly, email me at:
Will answer you personally with more justified reply.
May even clear your doubt over a small phone call
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Pink Panther

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Re: Questions on Quora

Post06 Mar 2016

All organizations, governmental and non-governmental have secrets that are not to be released publicly.
What is any organisation existing for ? People.
    Government secrets are about national security to protect the people.
    Commercial secrets between corporations are to protect market advantage for the shareholders i.e. people

What we’ve seen over time of religious organisations that have secrets is that these secrets are either about:
    - what they really believe, which they are too ashamed or embarrassed to admit to, or are a ”secret teaching” that they charge money for or want to only reveal as a reward to those who have ”proven” themselves, i.e. invested themselves psycho-emotionally so have something to lose if they reject that teaching - time, money, pride, ego.
    - how much property and wealth they hold
    - secret histories
    - crimes such as labour exploitation or psychological, physical and sexual abuses
    - crimes of covering up abuses then whitewashing events

Progressive secular democracies have freedom of information laws that allow people access to government information that has to be released or otherwise justified. Corporations answer to shareholders.

Any organisation, government or non-governement, that exists to perpetuate itself and no longer serves its constituency is morally corrupt and dangerous.

The question needed to be asked is ”For what purpose, for whom, does any organisation exist?” .
I say the answer is found in what becomes manifest, rather than by what is said.

e.g. if a charity is set up, its stated purpose is "to feed the hungry” and we see that only 5% of costed resources and income is spent on food for the hungry, with 95% spent on paying for the lifestyles of its marketing department and management, we’d say it is either inefficient or corrupt, or both.

I ask you
    ”For what purpose, for whom, was the Brahma Kumaris organisation created?
    Is what we see about its work, by what its activities create, consistent with that?
    What percentage goes to ”itself” and what percentage to those it claims to serve?
    Is it efficient in its stated goals or has it been sidetracked to be self-perpetuating and self-aggrandising? "

If your faith in a 5000 year cycle is deep, you have accepted that logic. There is nothing more definitively logical than numbers. So, please examine the numbers of the BKs in the context of their stated reason for existence, you will see that if you leave the equivocations, justifications and PR spin aside, the numbers do not add up.

the Brahmakumaris has all evidence to prove this theory of the 5000 year cycle that continues and is everlasting. But, if this proof is released there will arise catastrophe in the world.
You are insulting our intelligence with such patronising rubbish.
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Dev Bajaj

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Re: Questions on Quora

Post06 Mar 2016

Om Shanti Bother/Sister,
Firstly upon deeply understanding your critics. Let me tell you that Brahmakumaris doesn't function like any other religious organisation. It has its different set of theories and teachings. The secrets that I mention aren't actually secrets. When you indulge yourself into the path of devotion all your answers are found. What difference will it make if the organization releases it's monetary income-expense. Nothing about the organization would be affected. The teachers who teach everyday for 365 days aren't paid in any sort of manner. There is equality for everyone. There's no such thing as secret teachings, that too for charge of money. I CLEARLY STATE THAT THE ORGANISATION DOES NOT CHARGE ANY FEE FOR THE TEACHING. The teaching/Murli is open to everyone. Main source of the study is the Murli which is available anyone BK/non-Bk (they have their YouTube channel where the Murli are released every morning).
There's nothing to hide because we aren't doing anything that is of self interest. The organization started in 1930's and if you want someone to calculate the wealth and property of the institution then it's not possible. It fluctuates everyday, but whatever property it owns is used for the motive/serving/running of the organization. No illegal properties exist. Everything is according to the law.
Comparing to any religious organisation, have we ever taken out a religious riot or taken any sort of advantage in the name of our religion? "Secret histories " what EXACTLY do you mean Brother/Sister?
Secondly, IF a politician, say of BJP, is found guilty of some crime, the crime reflects directly towards the whole party. When a crime is committed by a person solely the blame and bad influence is put on the organization from which the person belongs - the politician.
Similarly it MAY have occurred that someone committed labor exploitation of any sort of abuse but the blame comes up directly upon the organization as a whole. Even IF the Brahmakumaris was corrupt who would have all the power or money-the 100 year old Dadi JANKI?? What will she gain from all that rich? Did you know she doesn't even have a bank account!?
One of the motives of the NGO is to spread world peace, then why would it take the path of crime to take peace?? The institution doesn't need to provide any answers to any person regarding its income because it has no one above it. It doesn't require anyone's permission or guidance to run that is why this info is kept within the members only. The organisation follows that aim that Dada Lekhraj and the supreme authority wanted. To spread word of knowledge.
I am completely going against the rules of the organization, and I don't expect any viewers to believe on what I now intend to share.
The aim of Brahmakumaris is stated and must be sufficient to understand
*To identify ourselves, who we are, from where we come, what is our role, what is SOUL?
*To spread The Knowledge that GOD has descended on earth. (I don't expect you to believe :D)
*Provide value education
*Peace movement
*Unite all RELIGIONS
*Teach Raj-yoga and Meditation
*Self management and Stress-free life
And others
The primary teachings at Brahma Kumaris is Raj Yoga meditation. All activities that the organization does is only for the betterment of people. Brahmakumaris is consistent to the work it performs, it has a strict discipline! I cannot define the exact percentage of the organisation goes where but I can assure that all the most is not used for seeking evil self interests. It does whatsoever is justified according to law and their teachings. We are a spiritual institution focused on self-transformation through spiritual education and reflective practices. We focus on self-transformation by re-discovering and strengthening human potential. This is done by providing a deep and clear understanding of self, God and human existence. The motive of the institution is never forgotten and its not side tracked from its aim. When you gain power it becomes more effective and efficient to spread The Knowledge. It is self aggrandising-in a way to unite all RELIGIONS. But not in the intension of becoming a super power or increase its wealth. Ultimately it's the government that benefits from all its expenses.
We have about 8,00,000+ regular students, originating from 8500+ centres from 100+ countries. and more than 1,500,000+ members.

At last Brother/Sister, I cannot express The Knowledge of the 5000 year cycle, it takes years to understand this. How can I make you understand in few lines? It gets clear from the daily Murlis.
But if you're very much interested please visit

And to know more about our working and other information visit
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Re: Questions on Quora

Post06 Mar 2016

Dev Bajaj,

Four questions please;
    • How long have you been a BK adherent?
    • How old are you and are your parents or mother in the BKWSU?
    • When did you take The Knowledge?
    • What is your status within the organisation?

One word of advice, we all used to be BK teachers here, and involved with the running of the organization. We know what BKism teaches and how it operates. How it has falsified its past and changed its teachings. We know all about the failed predictions of the End of the World, and we know most of the 10,000 yuktis and mental gymnastics the BKs use to defend themselves.

We can probably teach you about it.

Therefore, please stick to the point, show a little respect ... and don't post huge advertisements containing the whole of The Knowledge every time.

Thank you.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Questions on Quora

Post07 Mar 2016

After you answer ex-l’s specific questions, you may wish to reply to this...
Dev Bajaj wrote:What difference will it make if the organization releases it's monetary income-expense.

Good question. One to ask yourself. Let me put it this way....
During the current campaign for the Republican Party candidacy for President, Donald Trump has said that his supporters are so loyal that even if he drew a gun and shot someone in public they would still vote for him.

The supporter of any person or organisation has to ask themselves at what point would they cease to support or give loyalty?

For you Dev, would it be if you found out you were lied to? Or if you found out that the one you think is God is not actually God? Maybe if you found out that children were abused and the organisation hid the fact and protected the perpetrators, the way the Catholic church did for decades?

What is your line across which your loyalty will carry you?
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Re: Questions on Quora

Post11 Mar 2016

Typical BK response then ... dump a long 'copy and paste' advert and then run?

Ignore any serious questions, or ethical issues.

Dev, can you separate in your mind what is just BK PR promotion advertisement, and what is the reality?

For example, do the Brahma Kumaris really want to "unite all religions" ... and how ... or do they just wish to subjugate them - making themselves the top knot, and surplanting all others gods with the BK god spirit?

Actually, Baba says in the Murlis, "I come to destroy all other religions". How is "destroying all other religions" ... and sending their souls back to Paramdham ... "uniting" them.

Please explain.

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