Marriage in jeopardy

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Re: Marriage in jeopardy

Post11 Jan 2016

Makes sense.

That explains why someone in the field of medicine, science and research would join BK and remain committed. I don't know since how long these people are with BK but it is possible that these people enjoyed their life and career until 50s or 60s and then joined BK to escalate their social status.

Do we know any well known IP/VIPs who left them after realizing the truth?

What my wife told me is that I should not read or take advice from those who failed or couldn't keep up with BK and
that is why they speak negative about BK.

This tells me that they have a good defense mechanism built up.


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Re: Marriage in jeopardy

Post11 Jan 2016

My ex-wife said the same thing that I am being fed information from anti BK people, or members of Shiv Mandli. But, at any point, she was not able to counter any BK information which I provided to her from this forum. Whatever be the source of information, you need to ask your wife if the information you provided her is accurate or not?

My ex wife was shocked and in utter disbelief when I used BK language learnt from ex-I and this forum. When I forwarded her Murlis and other BK material, first she told me she will get reply from other BKs Sister in charge, then from her BK Brother etc but then eventually she told me I need to go to a centre and seek answers there so that they could brainwash me with their smooth talking. She was never able to provide me with any solid information to contradict evidence which I provided from this forum.

And, if BKs think this forum is spreading false information to malign them, then are they waiting for directions from their BapDada to file a lawsuit and get this forum closed.

As regards them highlighting doctors or other educated people as members of this cult, it is just a marketing ploy to recruit more people. And if they think it is a great spiritual organization, then why they need to use Bollywood Indian actress Preyanka Chopra (also in ABC show Quantico) as part of their platinum celebration?

Are they claiming Preyanka Chopra has denounced vices such as lust or sex and turned celibate, so that is why she is part of their platinum celebration?

I tried for several months with solid evidence to expose truth about this cult but my ex-wife was not willing to listen or probably simply strongly conditioned to defend this cult. So until and unless one wants to come out of these delusions, you cannot force anyone to leave this cult. I hope your efforts bear fruits and your wife leaves this cult but you have to be very aggressive and tactful at the same time.

So if your wife after your best efforts Is not willing to come out of it, then let her go and discover the truth about this cult.

At the end of day you cannot win arguments with fools.
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Re: Marriage in jeopardy

Post12 Jan 2016

V78 wrote:... eventually she told me I need to go to a centre and seek answers there so that they could brainwash me with their smooth talking. She was never able to provide me with any solid information to contradict evidence which I provided from this forum..

Yes, the yukti trick is that they beleive the "powerful vibrations" of the centre will overpower you.

Often you will be confronted by two BKs, the center-in-charge ... and a sidekick who will sit there saying nothing but meditating in order to increase the "spiritual vibrations".

When you talk, the center-in-charge will basic ignore you and be meditating and they will tend to be passive and saying things like, "no one forced your wife to be here" etc. They have a well practised armoury of tricks passed down from decades of couples of and families being broken up.
And, if BKs think this forum is spreading false information to malign them, then are they waiting for directions from their BapDada to file a lawsuit and get this forum closed.

They tried, and failed. And, at that time, we were not even as strong as we are now. They failed because, as you say, we are very highly accurate in our reporting, exposés and researched. We have forced them to have to change their claims to some degree in the West ... but not so much in India due to the language, and also the degree of corruption and gullibility of the followers.

This even their guru Lekhraj Kirpalani admited, e.g. he spoke specifically about Gujaratis and how easy they would flock to BKism. You probably know the reputation between Sindhis and Gujeratis.
As regards them highlighting doctors or other educated people as members of this cult, it is just a marketing ploy to recruit more people. And if they think it is a great spiritual organization, then why they need to use Bollywood Indian actress Preyanka Chopra (also in Abc show Qunatico) as part of their platinum celebration?.

Yes, they get gifts, special treatments, and a throne (guddhi) with an audience, and they are not told the whole truth. BKism attracts the well of retired and gives them something to feel as if they are important.

It's a shame because they could be doing something genuinely valuable for society.

I read and watched some of the doctors talks and they are really 99% no different from what you might have heard from an uneducated BK. It's mostly parrot talk, a script which has been refined over decades. You get a slightly new 1 or 2% sugar coating but underneath it's the same old ... . I know this because I was involved in its development at the time they were having to redevelop to suit Westeners. Then the BKs took that back to India and used Westeners and "Westener Power" to impress Indians to make them appear more modern.

They even used to show off Westeners; lowly, unpaid, unqualified ones as experts and specialists to impress other Indians castes. Now they trade a facade of second hand ideas ... anything they can find to promote their fundamentalist End of the World cult core.

This doctor bring in a veneer of medical knowledge and is promoting good health ... promoting BKism through the medium (yukti) of heart diseases.


If you only know how hard we fought the leaders to get healthy food in the old days and how against healthcare and exercise they were. Why? Because so many BKs were becoming sick despite believing it was just karma and they could meditate away their illnesses. Even their teachers and leaders. They could not afford it and it made them look bad. So now they have learned a new trick ... to exploit sick people to turn them into slaves for their god spirit.
At the end of day you cannot win arguments with fools.

There's a saying,
“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.”

But the BK leaders are not fools ... they are like clever criminals.

They call it, "Baba the clever businessman". They were good at making money but always semi-criminal tricksters in ther business dealings, using the Amils, with their secret languages, to do deals internationally, to hide their accounts, to not pay taxes, to cheat visa immigration, and play around the laws of other countries etc. Do you know the Gujeratis saying about them?

And I can write that because it is true. They cannot sue me, because they know we have the eviidence of it.

Is that evidence of god for you? If so, what kind of god?


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Re: Marriage in jeopardy

Post15 Dec 2016

Achanak means suddenly.

I believe your intent is to help people but please don't break families.

Live and let live.


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Re: Marriage in jeopardy

Post07 Feb 2017

It has been a while since I posted here and a lot has happened.

My marriage was in jeopardy then and thanks to the BKs, it is now over after 21 years - something they can add to their accrued bad karmic account. I undertook a lot of research into BKism throughout this process which I need not repeat here. After several months of my wife becoming a BK again (she had been with them when she was young and prior to our meeting, and at an age where the practice of 'detachment' retards development of the 'social brain'), I was told I had cancer the night before my wife went to yet another retreat in Wilton.

Following that terrible news she told me she needed to attend the retreat for "her health", which she did and left me alone on our rural property for the following week. I had not yet had a diagnosis, only that I had a cancer in my head. She offered no practical or emotional support, but sent me messages from there saying she was "thinking of me". Of course, had it been a retreat with authentic spiritual people they would have asked why she was not with me offering support, but that's the BKs for you. Because we live in a rural area I subsequently had to undergo a lot of traveling for tests and treatment.

During four months of chemotherapy and a month of daily radiation treatment 250kms away, my wife never once provided any assistance nor did she accompany me - I undertook it all alone. During this time however she kept telling me what a spiritual person she is and adhered to the daily dogmas of the BKs.

The extremity of my situation brought into focus the extremity of BKism and its inherent narcissism.

On advice and encouragement from two of her family members, and former BKs, I placed a caveat on our property for which she was 'affronted'. Her step-mother suggested I just regard her as being 'dead'. Her mother was hoping a new obsession would take over. Her friends however all identified one particular trait - one who I saw in town recently spelled it out - "she's a narcissist and you're better off without her". My wife knows I think she is a narcissist and she proved it by trying to disprove it - i.e. she told me she did an on-line self-assessment that said she wasn't.

Now, although I am not a clinician, I have worked in Mental Health long enough to know that the idea of self-assessing for narcissism is so absurd as to be a practical joke played on narcissists. But her behaviour was much worse. She consistently altered her narrative throughout the year, and was emotionally and psychologically abusing me whilst I was acutely unwell. She lied so often about so much that it became quite ridiculous. All along she had no insight into her behaviour. She now claims that it is all a personal choice, but twelve retreats and two weeks at cult HQ in India speaks for itself.

The point I want to make is that she was gaslighting me (please look this up if you don't know what this is). And that is what the BKs do to their members, amongst other things.

Gaslighting is what narcissists and sociopaths do.

Clinically, however, narcissists are incapable of knowing they're a narcissist. A psychiatrist colleague who has a particular interest in the psychology of cults and faith-based delusions looked deeply into BKism recently and succinctly concluded "'s not just that they prey on vulnerable people, but that they prey on vulnerable personality types, particularly narcissism".

I agree, and add that the practice of subscribing to the quintessential and ultimate negativity of ‘earthly destruction’, with its obligatory life-dishonouring dogmatic devotions so that followers may have a privileged reincarnation is a cult by any measure. Actions such as kindness and thoughtfulness - things most people regard as being normal behaviours in healthy human relationships - are simply dogmatic actions to BKs (and narcissists), and subsequently it gives them a false but elevated sense of divinity.

There are very many things I could add here, but I will finally add that this process followed a script - a BK script. I cannot believe that any person with a social conscience can sustain a relationship with the BKs. Their antisocial, destructive, negative (yet infantile) dogmas cut against even the broadest definition of spirituality. But, after all the angst and attempts at rationalising it, ultimately it's not about sprituality is it - it's all about them.

PS My treatment was successful.
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Re: Marriage in jeopardy

Post07 Feb 2017

Wow. Thanks for the PS. I was going to ask you. So glad you are in remission.

May I ask how the marriage ended? Was it mutual agreement or did it have to go through legal challenges? Do you have any idea if your ex-wife was receiving any advisories from the BKs?

Although BKs will protest that an individual’s life decisions and behaviour are their own, the proof of any pudding is in its eating.

The pattern over decades of similar behaviours and decisions among a sizeable number proves that the BKWSU as a group and as a teaching (can’t have one without the other) do indeed have what I’d call an ”insidious" influence over people like your wife, possibly causative, or at least augmenting whatever character trait leads to such relationship difficulties.

It's been a while since this thread was active so pardon me if i ask what’s been written earlier. Were there any children? What’s happening there?
insidious |ɪnˈsɪdɪəs|:adjective

proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with very harmful effects

ORIGIN mid 16th cent.: from Latin insidiosus ‘cunning’, from insidiae ‘an ambush or trick’, from insidere ‘lie in wait for’, from in- ‘on’ + sedere ‘sit’.
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Re: Marriage in jeopardy

Post07 Feb 2017

Interesting ... before I read your post, I was going to say the same thing.

For any husband picking up on this discussion in the future, remember that what you are dealing with is part-BK, part-"feminine guiles" ... and that includes multiple feminine guiles of the Sisters and senior Sisters within the BKWSU who will be playing your wife like a puppet.

Sometimes this happens unofficially (if it's a large centre and there are sufficient BKs for cabals to exist within the congregation), more than often it's official with the wife seeking "Shrimat" (the highest, "karma-free" Godly advice) from the centre-in-charge and if that's not enough the senior or zone-in-charge, often over a telephone to someone they've not met (perhaps they even issue Shrimat over email these days, I don't know. They did get into VOIP phones at one point).

The centre-in-charge will also likely be in nigh continuous contact with the Seniors keep them uptodate about any issues arising.

I experienced this in my own BK life and it went bananas because the "sweet" centre-in-charge was a little crazy and all sorts of wrong messages were sent. Others have reported how the secrets of their lives have been shared like gossip amongst the Sisters at the centre.

The Seniors will most definitely encourage junior BKs to lie to, and to keep up false pretenses, to non-BK family members who are slowly portrayed as evil or devils (children as scorpions and snakes etc). That is literally in the core teachings.

The most amazing thing we have heard, is the habit of BK Seniors to tell wives who have husbands who still want to carry on normal, sexual-emotional relationships to just lie back like a corpse and allow the husband to "avail" himself, ie orgasm through penetration, whilst "Remembering Baba" ... and they sanction what is essentially - at least from a feminist point of view - a 'cult condoned rape' under the guise of it being the wive's karma that they have to pay off.

They are encouraged to keep "serving" the husband in this way - living under the pretense of not being a BK - until "their karma is cleared" whilst at the same time not to cause "defamation of the Father" (their god spirit) or the BK "family".

In this way, and a 100 others, they will attempt to wean off the husband until he gives up and allows the wife to run to her new lover ... Baba Lekhraj Kirpalani ... just at the women did back in the 1930s for real.

I'll define gaslighting with a new topic, here.
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Re: Marriage in jeopardy

Post07 Feb 2017

V78 wrote:And, if BKs think this forum is spreading false information to malign them, then are they waiting for directions from their BapDada to file a lawsuit and get this forum closed.

Nice quote V78.

They tried and lost. They tried turning the Police on us (for God knows what), and lost again. Who knows what else they have tried to do on the background and won ... certainly lying and discrediting us to the BK following has largely worked.

They've developed a sort of script to follow, a series of answers or false allegation to disempower our effect.

For all their high opinions of themselves, they are nasty twisted sh*tbags ... and I am really sorry to hear of another man and family having their life turned upside down at precisely the worst possible time.

But, to be absolutely honest, I believe that is part of the MO of the BK god spirit ... to strike at or when individuals are at their weakest, either to gain control over them, or to disable them as a threat.

And, trust me, I believe I have experienced that strike too ... but nowhere as bad as this gentleman. So congratulations for surviving.

"If it does not kill you, it will cure you"!


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Re: Marriage in jeopardy

Post01 Apr 2017

Can I speak with any of you ...? Please ... Please help me ... My marriage is in danger.
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Re: Marriage in jeopardy

Post02 Apr 2017

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