Statistics: One Million page views, one thousand members ...

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Re: Statistics: One Million page views, one thousand members ...

Post03 Aug 2010

An example of monthly statistics for the month of July.
    Time spent

    5mn-15mn ... 1781 ... 9.3 %
    15mn-30mn ... 1024 ... 5.3 %
    30mn-1h ... 987 ... 5.1 %
    1h+ ... 566 ... 2.9 %
    Country ... Views ... data transfer

    India ... 162805 ... 4.20 GB
    United States ... 78710 ... 1.41 GB
    Great Britain ... 60395 ... 789.10 MB
    Indonesia ... 20724 ... 159.15 MB
    Australia ... 13128 ... 243.91 MB
    Canada ... 12181 ... 190.74 MB
    Japan ... 11450 ... 71.60 MB
    Germany ... 8225 ... 95.60 MB
    Netherlands ... 8169 ... 183.85 MB
    Brazil ... 6324 ... 130.79 MB
    Malaysia ... 6011 ... 218.92 MB
    European country ... 5734 ... 53.00 MB
    Russian Federation ... 4758 ... 127.31 MB
    Singapore ... 4512 ... 210.92 MB
    France ... 4267 ... 257.53 MB
    Netherlands Antilles ... 3997 ... 68.21 MB
    United Arab Emirates ... 3315 ... 97.52 MB
    Slovenia ... 3201 ... 64.54 MB
    Mauritius ... 3169 ... 15.53 MB
    Philippines ... 3082 ... 27.28 MB
    Poland ... 3058 ... 150.33 MB
    Unknown ... 2937 ... 71.05 MB
    Spain ... 2924 ... 174.04 MB
    Oman ... 2766 ... 12.20 MB
    Italy ... 2702 ... 15.29 MB
    Denmark ... 2265 ... 76.99 MB
    China ... 2075 ... 51.87 MB
    Israel ... 1784 ... 52.31 MB
    South Africa ... 1671 ... 33.90 MB
    Trinidad and Tobago ... 1638 ... 344.65 MB
    Nepal ... 1573 ... 40.54 MB
    Luxembourg ... 1516 ... 34.15 MB
    Colombia ... 1503 ... 233.95 MB
    Ireland ... 1486 ... 11.69 MB
    South Korea ... 1485 ... 10.76 MB
    Portugal ... 1406 ... 22.69 MB
    Belgium ... 1405 ... 9.77 MB
    Ukraine ... 1369 ... 67.57 MB
    Sweden ... 1343 ... 48.66 MB
    New Zealand ... 1307 ... 59.69 MB
    Cambodia ... 1291 ... 5.74 MB
    Finland ... 1269 ... 11.80 MB
    Argentina ... 1264 ... 36.76 MB
    Thailand ... 1128 ... 10.92 MB
    Turkey ... 1011 ... 10.36 MB
    Latvia ... 950 ... 17.11 MB
    Hong Kong ... 891 ... 8.36 MB
    Bulgaria ... 879 ... 9.13 MB
    Pakistan ... 827 ... 10.57 MB
    Kenya ... 821 ... 7.35 MB
    Greece ... 777 ... 5.50 MB
    Chile ... 763 ... 5.04 MB
    Bangladesh ... 719 ... 15.16 MB
    Sri Lanka ... 708 ... 4.53 MB
    Costa Rica ... 681 ... 3.38 MB
    Mexico ... 609 ... 5.67 MB
    Norway ... 596 ... 4.53 MB
    Switzerland ... 593 ... 3.97 MB
    Bahrain ... 504 ... 2.96 MB
    Qatar ... 488 ... 113.51 MB
    Saudi Arabia ... 463 ... 199.50 MB
    Kuwait ... 454 ... 3.31 MB
    Seychelles ... 414 ... 6.40 MB
    Slovak Republic ... 357 ... 7.06 MB
    Romania ... 321 ... 6.31 MB
    Nigeria ... 319 ... 6.48 MB
    Guyana ... 289 ... 1.26 MB
    Croatia ... 284 ... 1.90 MB
    Tanzania ... 284 ... 1.56 MB
    Austria ... 275 ... 2.25 MB
    Fiji ... 254 ... 1.29 MB
    Lebanon ... 236 ... 2.06 MB
    Lithuania ... 228 ... 66.18 MB
    Czech Republic ... 220 ... 9.65 MB
    Guatemala ... 208 ... 1.68 MB
    Venezuela ... 177 ... 1.20 MB
    Peru ... 163 ... 1.73 MB
    Panama ... 161 ... 1.43 MB
    Hungary ... 160 ... 2.65 MB
    Dominican Republic ... 143 ... 904.33 KB
    Belarus ... 140 ... 2.80 MB
    Malta ... 136 ... 653.51 KB
    Algeria ... 131 ... 245.44 KB
    Egypt ... 128 ... 1.49 MB
    Vietnam ... 123 ... 1.19 MB
    Aruba ... 115 ... 71.49 MB
    Moldova ... 105 ... 2.06 MB
    Suriname ... 100 ... 527.72 KB
    Ghana ... 98 ... 1007.86 KB
    Morocco ... 95 ... 874.04 KB
    Bahamas ... 83 ... 791.90 KB
    Bhutan ... 83 ... 1.57 MB
    Bolivia ... 72 ... 440.47 KB
    Virgin Islands (USA) ... 69 ... 473.87 KB
    Senegal ... 67 ... 495.12 KB
    Jordan ... 58 ... 109.58 KB
    Taiwan ... 50 ... 946.27 KB
    Uruguay ... 50 ... 189.99 KB
    Zambia ... 49 ... 93.85 KB
    Antigua and Barbuda ... 41 ... 85.90 KB
    Ethiopia ... 41 ... 897.12 KB
    Former Czechoslovakia ... 41 ... 554.62 KB
    Rwanda ... 37 ... 418.29 KB
    Bosnia-Herzegovina ... 36 ... 84.81 KB
    Jamaica ... 34 ... 437.23 KB
    Palestinian Territories ... 32 ... 49.06 KB
    Ivory Coast (Cote D'Ivoire) ... 31 ... 1.56 MB
    "Congo, Democratic Republic of the" ... 31 ... 57.69 KB
    Unknown ... 31 ... 57.71 KB
    Azerbaidjan ... 31 ... 668.23 KB
    Paraguay ... 30 ... 163.29 KB
    Ecuador ... 29 ... 434.94 KB
    Georgia ... 29 ... 44.27 KB
    Sudan ... 29 ... 54.59 KB
    Benin ... 27 ... 63.24 KB
    Saint Vincent & Grenadines ... 27 ... 59.26 KB
    Zimbabwe ... 24 ... 229.42 KB
    Andorra ... 22 ... 264.11 KB
    Iceland ... 19 ... 444.58 KB
    Libya ... 19 ... 363.87 KB
    Gabon ... 19 ... 412.44 KB
    Madagascar ... 17 ... 354.93 KB
    Macau ... 14 ... 87.48 KB
    Togo ... 12 ... 90.49 KB
    Iran ... 11 ... 754.58 KB
    Tuvalu ... 5 ... 107.95 KB
    Malawi ... 5 ... 807.55 KB
    Cyprus ... 4 ... 73.05 KB
    Uzbekistan ... 4 ... 216.19 KB
    Tunisia ... 3 ... 9.84 KB
    Kazakhstan ... 3 ... 329.71 KB
    Angola ... 2 ... 258.40 KB
    Botswana ... 2 ... 138.91 KB
    Isle of Man ... 2 ... 43.14 KB
    Armenia ... 1 ... 129.20 KB
    Estonia ... 1 ... 114.67 KB
    Mongolia ... 1 ... 64.00 KB


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Re: Statistics: One Million page views, one thousand members

Post16 Jun 2015

Hello Admin. Please can you tell us how many members now in 2015 and how many page views also? It was one thousand members and one million views in 2009,that is some thing is it not. How many can it be now? Thank you.
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Re: Statistics: One Million page views, one thousand members

Post17 Jun 2015

Saw one interesting statistic ... "Most users ever online at once was 599 on 12 Feb 12".

I'd suspect statistics have dropped as the BKs have been working to suppress us on the internet, for example, by removing our link from the Wikipedia topic and so on.

We are too "unclean" (impure) to be associated with them.

Like caste born Brahmins, it is enough that our shadow crosses their path to make them run home to the centre to bathe and change their clothes. We are an embarrassment to their conceit.

The BKs have just taken over the website and, of course, the first thing that happened was they permanently banned me. (They spent *years* having me constantly banned from the Wikipedia!!! How much time, energy lying to and cajoling other Wikipedians went on to achieve that, only their god knows ... but I dare say they got an extra piece of toli from Dadi for doing it).

You can imagine if this website ever went down, the first thing they would do is snap it up and re-write it.

They really are *******. Persistent, but ******* all the same. If there is any other other word for them, I do not even know it. I find it difficult to think of one. There is nothing like prolonged exposure to the nasty side of the Brahma Kumaris to realise time and time again how unevolved, unenlightened and just downright twisted they are.

And it really seems to bug them that someone questions them or exposes them.
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Re: Statistics: One Million page views, one thousand members

Post11 Oct 2015

Update October 2015
Members: 2368
Peak daily bandwidth: 9,500 MB
Average daily bandwitdh: 3,000 MB

Unfortunately, the current hosting account does not keep detailed statistics.

Screen shot 2015-10-11 at 11.01.31.jpg
Monthly bandwidth comparison
Screen shot 2015-10-11 at 11.01.31.jpg (55.24 KiB) Viewed 17402 times
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Pink Panther

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Re: Statistics: One Million page views, one thousand members

Post11 Oct 2015

Do these spikes correlate to anything, to particular posts or topics or events here or in the BK world? Or just the natural ebb and flow of interest?
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Re: Statistics: One Million page views, one thousand members

Post12 Oct 2015

It is on the 4th or 5th of the month. It could have been directly related to posts on that day (timezones affecting).

The post regarding the $6 million of government money going to the BKWSU perhaps?


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Re: Statistics: One Million page views, one thousand members

Post12 Oct 2015


:D :D

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