Can anyone please tell me why my post/topic has disappeared?

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Re: Didi Nirmala Australia

Post02 Oct 2015

quantum wrote:But PP, now that you have 'critized' her, you run the risk of being 'sued', by the BK's, unless you can back it up with 'evidence'. according to ex-l. That's right!....we have proof in writing. How does that grab ya?

No, you've presented the opposite of what was written and deliberately fabricated more. I hope that's not a habit.

I wrote that you *can* voice your opinion and make criticisms, as long as they are specifically detailed, accurate and truth; and you are willing to substantiate them. It does not have to be in writing.

And it is we or the forum that would be sued (they are tried once), not members; as members remain anonymous.

Consider it a small pay off. We protect your anonymity, and you protect this forum's integrity and welfare.

It's the difference between saying, e.g. "xxx is a thief" (an insult) and "xxx stole this amount of money at this time", (a substantiated allegation). Or, as was written on this forum, "a high ranking BK leader encouraged BK followers that stealing from their work places for the sake of 'service' was acceptable".


Re: Didi Nirmala Australia

Post03 Oct 2015

ex-l, I have not "written and deliberately fabricated" anything! What i said is correct. It is you who is trying hard to deliberately fabricate what i've said.....would be more like the truth of the matter. You did not say "it does not have to be in writing", and to point out the bleeding obvious, the communication for members here is in fact in writing on this site. That's understood, but it is just you trying hard to twist and manipulate "language" to create deception, in a useless attempt to avoid the truth and undermine me here.

And this bit of garbage, "I hope that's not a habit" are laughable in the 1st degree. Again, trying hard to undermine me, and trying to make yourself "righteous, and superior", to reinforce your false sense of "authority".
Saying "no-one is presurring or intimidating me"....who's trying to "smooth over rough tracks" now? You are indeed trying to pressure and intimidate me here!....The ink has dried on it. I hope that's not a habit!

I did not fall off the back of a cabbage truck yesterday ex-l ! Each time you open your mouth, you just dig a bigger hole for yourself. Your see-thru and none of your arguments 'stack up'. You cannot fool me, intimidate me, manipulate me, use force or pressure, or fear tactics, to gain a percieved outcome and percieved control for yourself here. No.

The nature of Light is that it shows up darkness. If there are some stains on your carpet, you can not see them in the dark. But in "the light of day" all stains become visible. That is the "nature of things", and that is what is happening here.
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Re: Can anyone please tell me why my post/topic has disappea

Post03 Oct 2015

You've made allegations of posts being deleted.

Apart from
    a) posts by spammers, or
    b) duplicate posts
No posts or content have been deleted.

I've sent you copies of the logs to September and checked back as far as April 2015 (when two posts in “Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?”) were amalgamated into one.

Anyone who wants to see them can do so. The software keeps logs going back to Feb 2008 (400 pages) and membership account logs going back to 2010 (26 pages).


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