Baba saying, "Who will press the button (for Destruction)?"

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Baba saying, "Who will press the button (for Destruction)?"

Post28 Sep 2015

Is Baba really "The Smiling Assasin"?

BapDada seems to really enjoy teasing and toying with his divine children about the upcoming predicted destruction. I saw him on on video some time ago, smiling and laughing about destruction, asking "Who will press the button?, Baba or drama"? ... hmmmm ... and all the silly enculted ones all smiling and laughing back at BapDada; saying "Baba", ect.

Exactly what 'button' does he intend to push? ... A Nuke button? ... maybe just his belly button or his Third Eye?

If natural calamaties are happening, there is no safeguard that India won't go under or be ripped to pieces anyway. Just like any other land mass. Yes, it would be very funny to see the whole 'show' go under, and who will be smiling then?
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Re: Good quotes

Post28 Sep 2015

Do you have a link to BapDada saying that?



Re: Baba saying, "Who will press the button (for Destruction

Post28 Sep 2015

Will search and post.


Re: Baba saying, "Who will press the button (for Destruction

Post28 Sep 2015

Now u have seen the video i saw about Cern, ex-l, most of what i said comes from that. OK. Obviously u already know of it, but as someone who has just come across it, it does strike u between the eye balls....and i only posted it to get your and anyone others opinion who may know more. I reject outright your comment about 'you think i have been bitten by some Americian Christian'....blah, blah,blah, ect. who get freaked easily if something is not from their Lord'....what rubbish. BTW,...u (and PP) Assume things about me which are totally incorrect too. I am Not a Church going, bible follower, believer as such in the traditional sense at all. I am an independant Spiritual being, who has a loving tangible connection to Jesus the Christ, and other Light Beings. This is not uncommon, and i don't have, nor need any Label here. I don't belong to, nor am i affiliated to Any Christ/Christian Group ect.

Also my 'Smiling Assasin' post is fairly light and i am not freaked out about the destruction thing at all. 'Belly button',
laughing at them if India goes under ect, basically 'taking the ****'.....

I think that Avyukt Merli of Baba asking; "Who will press the button....Baba or Drama"? from last season 2014 - 2015.
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Re: Baba saying, "Who will press the button (for Destruction

Post29 Sep 2015

I am an independant Spiritual being

What is that?

What is a non-spiritual being?
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Re: Baba saying, "Who will press the button (for Destruction

Post29 Sep 2015

quantum wrote:I think that Avyukt Merli of Baba asking; "Who will press the button....Baba or Drama"? from last season 2014 - 2015.

He's said it often ... but I am trying to compile evidence to show various authorities.

People might think one is crazy when one informs them that the Brahma Kumaris believe that they are the ones who will inspire Destruction. They are generally suckered in to how nice and peaceful and passive the BKs are.

However, in India they are expanding their reach into the army, into science, into politics daily indoctrinating adherents into the idea of Destruction as being something positive and to be aspired to.

I cannot imagine a global Destruction as the BK predict. We are already way beyond their god spirit's predicted schedule of Destruction and the re-creation of the Golden Age etc.

But I could imagine some crazy BKs in position of powers within the Indian Army and/or politics having a pop at Pakistan, or even China, in the belief they were the "chosen ones", a "Shankar Party", to kick start Destruction.

(FYI, I was not aware that you have any connection with or sentiments towards Jesus Christ etc. I was just referring to the influence of crazy American Christian types who habitually freak out and see Satan or Lucifer in anything non-Biblical.

Of course, the question of whether the BKs' god spirit is Satanic or Luciferic in nature, and part of the hierarchy of darkness remains an unanswered one.

I know some ex-BKs who very much believe he is).


Re: Baba saying, "Who will press the button (for Destruction

Post29 Sep 2015

Have the BKs infiltrated the Indian Army, or any other that you know of?

Can you indicate what authorities you are compiling evidence for?
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Re: Baba saying, "Who will press the button (for Destruction

Post29 Sep 2015

quantum wrote:Can you indicate what authorities you are compiling evidence for?

From their own "service" PR (I don't make unfounded statements lightly). They have a specific Security Services Wing or here whose leader is Colonel Jitendra Singh, Mount Abu. (I am guessing Col. Thakur Jitendra Singhji, sion of the Chomu dynasty - Rajasthani/Jaipur royalty as there is a website link to an inactive "". The family are all military Singhs with a long history).


For example, we have an article here about them doing courses for the CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force), the world's biggest and India's elite paramilitary force. Alternatively, the BKs had a "Conference of Security Services Wing" for Senior Military officers and para military forces from 11th Dec, 2012 to 15th Dec, 2012 at Om Shanti Retreat Centre in Bhora Kalan. As you know, they were close to APJ Abdul Kalam, the man behind Pokhran 2 and India's nuclear programme, one would have to ask who, through him, they got to. Here's another regarding targeting the Border Security Force (BSF).

The BK have many current and ex-service people amongst their ranks and have been targeting high ranking ones for rakhi for decades and targeted leaders and trainees at the Internal Security Academy in Mount Abu.

Take an of these references, or a pile of old "World Renewal" magazines and your find 100s more, mostly in Hindi.

To what extent they have been success, I don't know.
    To strengthen security forces personnel internally to enhance their efficiency and help them take quick and correct decisions in challenging situations;
    To help security forces personnel cope with the stress caused by the hazardous nature of their work;
    To raise the morale of security personnel by making them self-aware and fostering their innate spiritual qualities.
    Views and Perspectives
The men in uniform are the backbone of our nation. They have been given multiple responsibilities, to safeguard the security of the people, industries and the vast borders of the nation from internal and external threats. The pages of history speak of their valour and achievements.

The current situation of the world as well as the nation is full of uncertainty and fear, both of which give rise to mental stress.

The global scenario is a cause for concern, with the threat of war hanging over many countries, and ethnic, religious, sectarian and political tensions simmering in others. On top of all this are nuclear, biological and chemical weapons casting an ominous shadow over humanity.

The country, meanwhile, faces major challenges in the form of terrorism, border incursions, riots and frequent natural disasters. These have adversely affected the country’s economy, administration and the law and order situation, adding to the responsibilities of the men in uniform and consequently putting a strain on their mental and physical health.

The Security Services Wing of RajYoga Education and Research Foundation has been set up to strengthen the services personnel internally to enhance their efficiency was well as their capacity to cope with the stress arising from their hazardous work. This will help them maintain equanimity of mind so as to take quick and correct decisions during war and peace.

... Or "press the button".

It would be worth someone investigating.
The event culminated with IG VSR Murthy presenting a memento to the visiting faculty of Security Services Wing, Mount Abu and thanking them in their agenda of conducting such programmes for the benefit of the personnel of Armed Forces throughout the country.
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Re: Baba saying, "Who will press the button (for Destruction

Post30 Sep 2015

The BKs are also infiltrating Bhabha Atomic Research Centre where the Dhruva reactor is (India's primary generator of weapons-grade plutonium-bearing spent fuel for its nuclear weapons program) and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, which contributes to India's nuclear weapons program via its 'Atomic and Molecular Sciences Laboratory' including research on nuclear fusion and has applications for building thermonuclear weapons.

Tata is a huge defence (military) contractor and directly involved in the establishment of India's nuclear research program only, four months after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, via family members such as Homi Jehangir Bhabha.After independence, Bhabha and Nehru himself wrote India's nuclear policy. Bhabha and Tata recruited and sponsored many of the principal players in the successful efforts to develop and test nuclear weapons. The BKs are also all over Tata.

So, in a way, the BKs may be a lot closer to influence in this area than the sceptics might think.
"We must have the capability. We should first prove ourselves and then talk of Gandhi, non-violence and a world without nuclear weapons."

- Homi Jehangir Bhabha

(Homi Bhabh died in an airplane crash. Many point the finger at the American CIA for causing it, and claim a director confessed to it, as India was at the time under intense pressure from the US and Britain not to develop and test a nuclear weapon. It was in league with the Russians at the time).


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Re: Baba saying, "Who will press the button (for Destruction

Post07 Oct 2015

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Pink Panther

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Re: Baba saying, "Who will press the button (for Destruction

Post07 Oct 2015

Listening to the radio today hearing conversations by experts, the general public and the announcer on various topics to do with the way society runs and things that can be done to improve it. Topics covered public transport, mental health, climate and environment and so on. So many intelligent, thoughtful and kind people with no pretence of ”spirituality" or agenda other than improving people’s lives. One hour of listening to community with common purpose. The BKs pretend-play at these things, the solution to all of them is superficial and fatalistic and at its heart, hopeless:

    The end is nigh so don’t even try
    If you feel you must try, only do it if it ”glorifies".
    If there's money and fame for BKs to be had
    Then go ahead, that’ll make Baba glad.

    If it does good but no one knows it was BK
    Don’t bother Brother. You’re better off denigrating
    kali-yuga, meditating
    to inspire the judgement day


Re: Baba saying, "Who will press the button (for Destruction

Post07 Oct 2015

Hahaha, "Button Slammer & the little slammers". They are so drunk on illusions from the "Godfather", that setting off destruction and mass suffering, gives them joy and delight. And they truly believe they are in their 'right minds'? A cult? 'Smell a Rat'?...

The sad thing here is, 'Button Slammer', is not laughing with them, but 'at them'. He knows he is B/S ... but enjoys the power and control over his 'Creation'. He absolutely enjoys 'popping in' to visit His mindless, insane, cult adherent little slammers.
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Re: Baba saying, "Who will press the button (for Destruction

Post09 Oct 2015

I hear in this video that Destruction is translated at "Transformation". That's new.

Can anyone hear the original Hindi? Is it Destruction or Transformation (vinash)?

For example, in 23 August 2015, he says
Those responsible for destruction are just waiting to press a button.

Avyakt Murli 14th January 1980, he says
So, BapDada said “according to this result could the children be called ever ready? To bring about Destruction, all that is required is to press one button. Everything takes place in just one second. And so now let the children who are responsible for establishment be ready for everything in one second.

Is there such a powerful button ready in the consciousness, so that the thought emerges, and you become bodiless and stable in the most elevated stage of being a world benefactor? You become stable in the consciousness of being the observer, and then watch the game of Destruction.

18th January 1980
Just as those who are responsible for Destruction are simply waiting to press the button, so too the Advance Party, which has gone ahead to serve and is responsible for carrying out establishment through divine birth, is simply waiting for a touching, waiting to be given the message, waiting for the final glorification.

There's another video, below. I have no idea who has done it but this is all great work.

Notice the comments, e.g.
satyadeo tiwari 2 years ago

they destroyed my family and stole all my money, they are a mind control cult
libre977 4 years ago

Dangerous cult, very very dangerous!
Destruction never comes ...
but they will continue fooling people ...
I love this video!
Thank you

The only answers BK can give is, "the only motive is to somehow defame the World's Biggest Spritual Organization i.e. Brahmakumaris". But everything in the video is true. How can truth be defamation?

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