Difference between soul and spirit ??

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Difference between soul and spirit ??

Post01 Dec 2006

Dear Brothers.

'Soul' and 'Spirit';

Do they mean the same thing? or are they words to define different entities; If they are different entities then what is the essential difference between the two.

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Mr Green


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Post01 Dec 2006

In my opinion these words have no definite contextual meaning. They mean many different things to many different people.

Sorry if that's not a very spiritual answer :lol:.
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Post02 Dec 2006

Mr Green wrote:In my opinion these words have no definite contextual meaning. They mean many different things to many different people.

Yes, that is the problem ... dumped into the mire of subjectivism. They should be given standardized meanings for all except poets. I use the terms as follows;

Soul is at the BKs understand it, the little eternal seed. Spirit being the part the BKs have not a clue about, don't teach and ignore ... all the subtle, emotional, causal, astral bodies stuff. The stuff souls that are floating around without a physical body have or require and that is every one from spooks to higher beings.

Chi, meridians etc I would put down as energies of the physical body. But where the dividing lines are and who they interoperate, I do not know. I wish soemone knew and that we had been able to study this stuff. It is why I signed up to a "spiritual university".

"Spirit" is generally used as the term for a spook. "Spiritual" mostly completely devalued by overuse in the West to mean as much as "nice" and used to sell everything from perfume to interior decoration to underwear. It is just all "advertising man's" territory now which reminds me of Mike George. Did he never post?
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Post02 Dec 2006

A “spirit” and a “soul” are one and the same as a ”car” and an “automobile”. It is said for the point of light.
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Post02 Dec 2006

Andrey wrote:A “spirit” and a “soul” are one and the same as a ”car” and an “automobile”. It is said for the point of light.

"In your opinion ...". But then there is the automobile and the effect of the automobile. Is the automobile the paintwork or the energy it uses and the damage is does to the environment?

The soul essence of the automobile has a huge spirit that pervades future and past through time and extensively through matter and into our societies.
    What are the other psychic, spiritual or energetic bodies called?
    What is that which spooks or angelic beings express about them or require whilst not seed-like?



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soul and spirit.

Post05 Dec 2006

My churning about the 'soul' and 'spirit'.

'Soul' (consciousness) is the term always used to denote an individual (embodied state of soul); there is no existence or perception of the soul without the body ( without the body, soul looses its identity and without the soul, body is nothing but matter ) ; so we can say very easily, that we all are souls(bundle of thoughts) interacting with each other with our own bodies(instrument) on this world stage.

'Spirit', on the other hand, means those souls who have left their bodies and who do not have their own body to express themselves; they enter into other person's body (as per their karma) and possess and express themselves through other person's body (like Lekhraj Kirpalani Brahma who has left his body in 1969 and is expressing his thoughts through the medium of Gulzar Dadi); such souls are called spirits or ghosts (in Hindi, bhoot or pret-atma); Souls who leave bodies become spirit usually after untimely death (akale mrityu) or when they have unfulfilled desires or excessive attachment towards someone in their past lives; such souls hover around in the atmosphere with subtle bodies (as shown in the movie "The Ghost") until their karmic account is settled and till they get a new body; We have commonly seen many examples of persons being possessed by spirits for short durations and when the spirit goes away that person becomes normal and does not remember anything that has happened; (again a very good example: Gulzar Dadi walking away effortlessly and not remembering anything after Brahmababa leaves her body in Mt Abu.);

So in short : soul is consciousness (thoughts) expressing itself through' its own body by birth; and 'spirit' is consciousness (thoughts) expressing itself through' someone else's body.

This is my manthan. Brothers can correct me if i am wrong or add more to it if they agree.



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Post05 Dec 2006

My churning about the 'soul' and 'spirit';
    'Soul' is an English word used by different people for different meanings. BKs have added their own confusion to it.

    'Spirit' is the liquid you need when you want to come out of this confusion.
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Mr Green


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Post05 Dec 2006

Soul is more your Marvin Gaye. Whereas Spirit were 70's Prog Rock :roll:.
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Re: soul and spirit.

Post05 Dec 2006

ex-BK 007 wrote:My churnings ... 'Spirit' is the liquid you need when you want to come out of this confusion.

Spirit is not "churned" ... it is "shaken, not stirred" ;-).

shivsena wrote:'Spirit', on the other hand, means those souls who have left their bodies and who do not have their own body to express themselves; they enter into other person's body (as per their karma) and possess and express themselves through other person's body (like Dada Lekhraj Brahma who has left his body in 1969 and is expressing his thoughts through the medium of Gulzar Dadi)

• Do you think that the souls as spirits have a sublte body different from the Avyakt body?
• Do they require energy to sustain themselves? (Individuals often say when ghosts appear that rooms or people become cold)
• Would you say that Lekhraj Kirpalani/BapDada entering Gulzar is a type of possession?
• Does Gulzar lose energy and where does she go?
• Why does she loose all consciousness rather than float around and witness it?

And, as an aside, do you mean "Ghost" (1990) with Demi Moore, Patrick Swayze and Whoopie Goldberg or a Bollywood movie?

Dangerously romantic and emotional for BK Brahmins but an excellent and entertaining portrayal of this stuff. you could watch it from a metaphorical point of view.

As was the even better, and safe for BK Brahmins, "The Sixth Sense" (1999) with Bruce Willis.
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Post09 Dec 2006

Mr Green wrote:.. Spirit were 70's Prog Rock :roll:.

... with a psychedelic edge :)
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Post10 Dec 2006

howiemac wrote:
Mr Green wrote:Spirit were 70's Prog Rock :roll:.
with a psychedelic edge :)
Hey, a man with taste.
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Post10 Dec 2006

Mr Green wrote:Hey, a man with taste.

... and I thought the Dinosaurs died out at the beginning of the Copper Age. Nope, they lived on right up until the end of Confluence.
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Post11 Dec 2006

Hahahahahahaha ...

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