Sister Shivani please guide me

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Re: Sister Shivani please guide me

Post16 Jul 2012

Brahma Kumari are trapped in a false reality created in 1930s Sind. They are still living in that world. They based all their logic, and therefore their advice, on the theory of an imminent Global Destruction that will kill 6,000,000,000 people before which they are encouraged to gamble away their entirely lives, mind and wealth, in reward for a high status in the following Heaven on Earth. Unfortunately, the predictions of the god of the Brahma Kumaris have failed so many times.

Two pieces of news for you Nischay,
    a) Brahma Kumari Gulzar, at least, is telling people that in the Golden Age children are created in exactly the same way as they are now
    b) Lekhraj Kirpalani enjoyed a sex life way into his old age. The BKs promote a false biography of his life.
So, sex ... and I am not just talking about "sex", I am talking about male-female relationships, affection, love and making love ... exists and so young people have to learn to manage it.

Because of your negative state of mind, and pain, you are suffering deeply from a kind of "confirmation bias". A confirmation bias is a tendency for individuals to prefer information that confirms their preconceptions or hypotheses, independently of whether they are true or not.

People reinforce their existing attitudes by selectively collecting new evidence, interpreting it in a biased way. People tend to be one-sided way, focusing on one possibility and neglecting alternatives. You may as well say ... "Life Cause Death, so Ban Life". BKs believe in doom and so they see doom all around them.

Even the false story of Lekhraj Kirpalani has been written to satisfy an earlier confirmation bias based on other unrealistic stories of saints. Nischay, leave the poor woman alone. Allow her to find her own path. Help her with the next step she wants to take. Save her from ending up where you have ended up.

True story :D


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Re: Sister Shivani please guide me

Post23 May 2014

Hello Shivani

I always see u on TV but need your guidance i have family of 6 people but my dear one (My Wife ) is not so near to me i feel she is taught by my mother in law and Sister in law and every time she talk to them her nature and behavior is change even she don't help in house hold work and always in fighting mood how to handle this situation i am totally tense and even meditation is helping me out please help me i have read many good thing about Shiv Baba why is god have done this to me why

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Re: Sister Shivani please guide me

Post23 May 2014

The Brahma Kumaris don't help in such issues. They will just encourage your wife to separate from you even more.

It sounds like you know the answer ... don't allow your wife to see her mother-in-law. is not this is just typical "mother-in-law problems"?

If it looks like it might cause problems, do it subtly by, for example, moving house to a new place too far from your mother-in-law.

It sounds like you might have other issues that need discussing ... but that's not what the Brahma Kumaris do. They just use Shivani to attract people to join and donate to their End of the World cult.


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Re: Sister Shivani please guide me

Post24 May 2014

Don't expect Sister Shivani or anyone from the BKs to solve your life problems but you can expect them to create new ones for you because if BKs could solve problems, they wouldn't have ran away from their own and joined the BKs Organisation. Only you yourself can and will have to deal with your problems and try to solve them using your intellect and wisdom gained through experiences.



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Re: Sister Shivani please guide me

Post27 May 2014

Hello Shivani

I always see u on TV but need your guidance i have family of 6 people but my dear one (My Wife ) is not so near to me i feel she is taught by my mother in law and Sister in law and every time she talk to them her nature and behavior is change even she don't help in house hold work and always in fighting mood how to handle this situation i am totally tense and even meditation is helping me out please help me i have read many good thing about Shiv Baba why is god have done this to me why


1) Visualize everyday first thing in the morning that you are having very good day with your wife. Try this for 30 days.
2) Write 1 or 2 good qualities of your wife and your mother in law. Next time if any negative thought like 'every time she talk to them her nature and behavior is changed' comes in your mind, recall those good qualities.
3) Try to forgive your wife by recalling those good qualities.
4) No one on the earth is perfect. As we like our spouse to accept us as we are with our weaknesses, so should we do to them. Accept your wife as she is. No one on the earth likes energy of rejection. Even when we are completely wrong, we hate energy of rejection from others. So always accept her. Accept her weaknesses as well.

In few days your wife will start experiencing positive energy from you and will share what is hurting her. Wish you all the best. Be positive.

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Re: Sister Shivani please guide me

Post28 May 2014

You see Arvind, no need for imaginary friends, metaphysical conjectures or akashic bean counting.

Your advice is straightforward and sensible, used by many secular counsellors etc.


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Re: Sister Shivani please guide me

Post17 Sep 2015

Anyone have shivani bhen email id.

M'i talking to Sister shivani.


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Re: Sister Shivani please guide me

Post17 Sep 2015

Please help me Sister shivani
I don't know how to post
I am a grieving mother Sister shivani
I lost my 27 year old daughter this Sunday. Her son is only 6 months old. She was not ill.
Please tell me.. Why has this injustice happened with me?
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Re: Sister Shivani please guide me

Post18 Sep 2015

Sorry for your loss Manjuarora. I lost my mother a couple of years ago. The death of a loved one is difficult whenever it happens, and it’s particularly hard for a parent to lose a child.

The questions of life and death seek ”easy” answers or hope to be told some kind of ”reason” which will help us deal with the emotional pain. But the truth is, whatever you believe or rationalise, the grief for a close family member, especially of a mother for her child, comes from a deep, cellular, biological level that precedes reason, explanation or belief.

Sorrow in such situations is the most natural response. Give yourself permission to grieve and the time to grieve.

Fulfil the rituals and duties of the funeral with all due solemnity, not less and not more. Do not try to be ”wise” or "spiritual” by speaking or practicing artificial ”positive thinking”. Just as your biology knew how to grow and nourish your baby and to feed her, so too, if you let it happen naturally you will grieve and move on as nature intended, as all human beings who lived and died before you also did.

If after a few weeks or months you still feel emotionally incapacitated, speak to your doctor or seek grief counselling.

Above all, do not think it is ”spiritually” less to feel sadness and grief, or that you should feel what others do.

Everyone grieves in their own way and in their own time. Some feel it immediately, others may not feel the loss until some time passes.

Be honest to yourself about your feelings - and if anyone tells you to feel other than you do, telling you to consider karma or drama or god’s plans or some such high-sounding ideas, politely thank them and walk away.

Sister Shivani is only an advertising ‘face’ for the BKWSU. Neither she nor they, nor I nor anyone, can help you grieve. Grief is a personal thing. Find support from other family members, take joy in your grandchild.


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Re: Sister Shivani please guide me

Post19 Dec 2015

Hello Sister Shivani..

You are a great person. I listen to you most of the time and you really help me understand so may things in life. I am 24 and I am in a relationship with a guy. I am facing some problems and I really don't know how to solve everything. I really feel like telling you everything but there is so much to say. I, myself, don't know from where to start. In fact, right now, also I am watching your video in GOING BEYOND WITH LOVE. Actually, he is really a very nice person and from few days I was feeling as if he is not having time for me. He is a software engineer and, yah, he is busy in his work and I am a girl who constantly needs attention. The whole day passes by waiting for his messages, his calls ... He everyday calls me whenever he reaches home from office but we usually talk hardly for 5 mins. At night, I have my whole family near me so phone calls are difficult to happen and I usually go to bed by then. Most of the time I feel as if he is giving that time to his friends more or he is interested in someone else than me and I am wrong which I know. Sister help me please ... I am not able to study also due to all this. I am stuck between right and wrong. I don't know why I just cannot build trust. Or something is lacking in our relation. Am I interfering on his personal life? I just am so possessed kind of girl, I really get scared with his friends and there is something I cannot even express I feel so. He is quite frank with everyone.

There is so much to tell but cannot.

Please guide me.

Will wait for your reply.
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Re: Sister Shivani please guide me

Post04 Jan 2016

Sorry, I've been having a break from the forum ... Sister Shivani won't answer here. She really cannot help you with such problems as these.

Her show is just a cleverly designed and well staged and scripted recruitment advertisement for Brahma Kumarism. It's just sales pitch designed to make them look good. Before you get sucked in by it, you need to learn and realise what BKism is really all about.

BKism is an End of the World cult which really wants to separate you not just from your boyfriend, but your family and other friends too.

They are against sex, affection, human love ... and especially such "attachments" which they see as negative distractions from surrendering to their god spirit and working to promote their cult.

You seem to know what your own personal problems are well. If you are well off financially, or a little materially spoilt ... that is to say you have money and free time, then are a prime target for the Brahma Kumaris, and Shivani's programme and the "VIP" centres in places like Mumbai, are design specifically to target women like you and suck them in to the cult slowly.

They prey on your weaknesses and vulnerabilities ... slowly cooking like a frog until you fall asleep and die.

Find someone not involved in a cult to speak to, e.g. an older, wiser, gentle person. Speak to your boyfriend about your fears. Learn to just breath deeply and relax and let go neurotic thoughts ... but don't allow your neurotic thoughts to get your sucked into a cult.

I would have to guess that underneath all the neurotic stress (depression, anxiety, obsessive behaviour) are probably unresolved sexual issues ... as in unfulfilled sexual desires. Perhaps you have a strong sexual appetite and a need to be held and touched?

If you cannot express this with your partner, then try masturbation. Ograsms will give you some relief.

It's all just part of being young and healthy, and stuff which the Brahma Kumaris are the last people in the world to help you with.

Try doing some positive good for others, and gain satisfaction that way, and keep yourself active. For example, find something with some 'tactile' component, like caring for sick or stray animals or massage therapy, to do.

Just tell your mind to stop worrying and thinking of yourself and think of others.
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Re: Sister Shivani please guide me

Post05 Jan 2016

this is like an agony aunt thread
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Re: Sister Shivani please guide me

Post06 Jan 2016

It seems that is exactly how the BKs are pitching Shivani, in order to suck in a certain class of woman.

And it's seems those women don't get what is going on.

It's seems she's an Oprah-like day time TV star now, which I don't understand. I always thought the programme - which was actually a paid for advertisement - was too obviously staged and she too robotic.


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Re: Sister Shivani please guide me

Post06 Jan 2016

She is quite popular particularly with youth. There are not many young spiritual/religious gurus in India on TV with good English (particularly women) so she has found a unique positioning. It's not targeting for just women audience.
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Re: Sister Shivani please guide me

Post10 Jan 2016

I remember posting a while ago that they had stopped funding the Shivani TV show, and so I guess they are just showing repeats now. I don't know the current status.

What's interesting though is the level of many of the requests for assistance, as above. They are *clearly* in absolutely the wrong place for the BKs. I offer other examples below.

I wonder if the BK Shivani's "success story" turned into a pain in the ass for the BKs due to all the wrong time of "agony aunt" requests, and due to attracting all the wrong sort of people?

Oh, well, never mind ... at least the BKs will be able to sel them a book or a DVD and making some money out of their misery.

The level of audience is obviously not that high ... the BKs are going mass market and becoming the Walmart of spirituality. Or, looking at WalMart's new logo, is WalMart becoming the BKs? Both sell books and DVDs on Religion and Spirituality. It's a growth market!

I wonder if the cost of managing BK Shivani's devotees is outstripping the profit the BKs make from her? I see they call her "Didi" now. She's like the BKs' David Beckham or Ronaldo (Sachin Tendulkar for Indians).
RonaldJ wrote:I am jealous because a girl to whom I’m attracted at work is not attracted to me, but to a colleague. This issue has been very difficult for several years. I strive to overcome this condition but have had little success. I do control my behavior and do my best to accept the situation as it is, but inside I am hurting.
Ratna Kesarwani wrote:Om Shanti dear Sister

I want to share my some feelings with u that I m married since 12 yrs and still we r childless couple and going for IVF procedure .In this procedure mind should be tension free becoz all the time negative thought disturbed me I belong to joint family so can u help me how to get rid of these negative thought
Priya wrote:I am going through emotionally very testing time and feeling hard to go through this journey of trying to get pregnant. I m married since 9 yrs and still we are childless couple and I underwent already 3 IFV procedures which failed. Very soon the next IVF is going to start and I’m very nervous about it.In this procedure mind should be tension free but I get all the time negative thoughts in my mind which I’m not able to control. Can u please help me how to get rid of these negative thoughts? Please advice

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