Pay for Healthcare & Luxury Spa services at BK Headquarters

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Pay for Healthcare & Luxury Spa services at BK Headquarters

Post09 Sep 2015

Admin wrote:Moved from: BKWSU World Renewal

By "co-operation", do they mean money?

Yes, money ...

Dear Divine Sister / Brother,

Greetings from Global Hospital!

Baba's season is about to begin, and you must be looking forward to your annual pilgrimage to Abu.

We believe it will be a full house in Mt Abu this October. Many of you get your annual health check-up during your stay here.

We have redesigned our popular preventive healthcare packages, adding a few tests that are essential health indicators. The attached folder has more details of these five profiles:
    Standard Profile (for people aged 30-45 yrs) - Rs 1800
    Special Profile (for those who are 45 yrs and above) - Rs 3200
    Youth Profile (young adults aged 20-30 yrs) - Rs 1000
    Standard for Women - Rs 3000 (standard plus a few extra tests for women)
    Standard for Men - Rs 2400 (standard plus a few extra tests for men)
May we suggest that you book in advance for a health check up. Email Sister Shivali at or call her on +919461348073 with your preferred date.

Our Ayurveda Panchkarma team is also looking forward to serving you. In addition to popular therapies Shirodhara, body massage and steam and acupressure, you can enjoy a Japanese bath this season!

We look forward to hearing from you.

In Baba's sweet Yaad,

With Love,


BK SHIVALI (Purchase Dept)
Global Hospital & Research Centre
Mount Abu
02974 238347/8/9
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Re: BKWSU World Renewal

Post09 Sep 2015

So, they've created a market ... started selling it products (e.g. books, CD, badges etc) ... and now they are selling healthcare services?

To put it into context, 1,000 Rs is about week's wages for an average worker, 10 days in the poorer parts of India (100 Rs per day).

Was the hospital built on donations to serve as a business targeting BKs? I wonder what more capitalisation of resources and services we will see?

And, "a Japanese bath" ... !?!

What is this, a luxury spa?


Re: Pay for Healthcare & Luxury Spa services at BK Headquart

Post10 Sep 2015

"Baba's season is about to begin" ... Or is it..? "Baba's season is about to Finish"..? Yes, 'the wobbly writing is on the wall' for this one. "Blind Fredie can see that Coming'? ... Enough is enough!! ... Haven't the BK THINK TANKS at the helm sucked out every ounce of life and service of Baba's vehicle, Dadi Gulzar yet? ... is not 60+ years of tireless, devoted service enough for that lot of 'Tireless Parasites'. It appears not. I guess they intend to forge ahead mindlessly, extracting every last drop of blood out of her old body, till she literally drops dead on the job! ... And then it will be all shiny, enculted smiles all round, and sounds of; "Wah Baba, Wah Drama" ... it was her karma and drama. What a prize. She will get extra large kingdom and servants and extra big shiny stupid jewels in her crown for this super effort! ... Idiots.

It is clear from the last 'season', and her age and frail ailing health, that her role has come to an end, and she should be given every Respect, Due Care, Appreciation, and Consideration possible. Dadi Gulzar knows herself, but the presures and expectations of the BK Machine dictate otherwise. I guess she may be seen as the 'Engine' that sustains the Machine, and attracts thousands of followers and 'tourists' each year, bringing in big mega Rupees for the Establishment. Entertainment equipment. As the old people used to say, 'flogging a dead horse'.

They are Shamefull and have no concept of 'Human Rights". They are Violators, and continue to violate her even in her 'sick bed' to channell! Bloody Disgraceful, and so is Baba for keeping it going for his purposes. If they want the Baba chanelling to continue, choose another younger person for the job. There will be many suitable BK's too choose from out of millions. Otherwise take leave and just Stop Now.

Even in cricket there's a saying; 'go out on a good wicket'. And in footy; 'go out on a high' ...

Kick a goal for your country for once, and allow Dadi Gulzar to 'Retire Gracefully'. You are on 'The World Stage', and we are all watching you.


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Re: Pay for Healthcare & Luxury Spa services at BK Headquart

Post10 Sep 2015

To put it into context, 1,000 Rs is about week's wages for an average worker, 10 days in the poorer parts of India (100 Rs per day).

That is actually not expensive if you take similar preventive check-ups in an equivalent hospital. Many years ago I had paid 1500 INR in Delhi and the same would cost 3000 today for a basic check-up. In any case, it's an optional thing but there is now more awareness of this and more people go for such regular checks in India
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Re: Pay for Healthcare & Luxury Spa services at BK Headquart

Post10 Sep 2015

It's not a question of cost, it's really a question of ethics.

The BKs gained their hospital and equipment on the basis of donations as they were to be given as charity.

Now they are turning it into a business, exploiting the "captive audience" - bored and with not enough to do in Mount Abu - charging them the equivalent of 3 weeks labor for a manual workers. Which will, of course, exclude the poorer BKs. And offering luxury pampering! All Japanese baths do is clean you!

Now, healthcare provision for BK, by BKs, at an ethical rate is a sensible idea, many BKs are very sick due to neglecting their health, but it's not "charity". Break it down, it's just the BKs using the idea and legal tax vehicles to get stuff for free, and then charging for it.

It's all just been a shortcut to acquiring wealth and comfort.

Some time ago, we read of Sisters giving each other luxurious oily massages, what's the balance between serving themselves and actually doing anything for anyone else?

Just out of interest, how many charitable health checks are they giving to the local people in Abu?

Is the "Village Project" being continued since the Sister who started it, Dr Vinay, died?

Do they pay their workers?
quantum wrote:Haven't the BK THINK TANKS at the helm sucked out every ounce of life and service of Baba's vehicle, Dadi Gulzar yet? ... is not 60+ years of tireless, devoted service enough for that lot of 'Tireless Parasites'. It appears not. I guess they intend to forge ahead mindlessly, extracting every last drop of blood out of her old body, till she literally drops dead on the job!

... And then she will be used as an example for young BKs to follow encouraging them to do the same.

OK, do you guys really want to spend 2,500 years with these people?


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Re: Pay for Healthcare & Luxury Spa services at BK Headquart

Post10 Sep 2015

I would call it unethical if they were taking donations from public in name of charity and then offering free treatment to BK members who could afford it! If they charge money to BKs, you call it business and if they don't, you would call it unethical anyway :D

But the fact is that GHRC is one of the best and only health care provider in that region and has served many poor villagers (that Dr. Vinay Lakshmi started) and continues to do so. Poor people (BK or non BK) are also provided free consultation and subsidized or free treatment.

When I was a BK, I was actually surprised at them charging us and was expecting it to be free for BKs but I now realize that charging the "costs" is only being fair and that also provides for some money for village outreach programs!

So my friend, sorry but I don't see why an initiative like GHRC should be viewed this way ... If there was anything that comes close to a normal charity org, this would be the only one in the BK world. There is, of course, a lot to be criticized in the "normal" BK world
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Re: Pay for Healthcare & Luxury Spa services at BK Headquart

Post10 Sep 2015

I was thinking back to when the German BKs started gaining donations from non-BK sources, of equipment etc, on the basis that it was for charity.

Ultimately, I would have nothing to criticise the BKs for if they had just openly advertised themselves as a straight forward business, a mutual aid club or society ... as in helping themselves not others ... which is what I think they are. It would be fine if they were a democratic co-prosperity movement (democratic as in they also gave rights to their workers/donors/members).

It's all the masks, facades, pretences and the gradual drift from a "family" where everything is given freely (actually, Lekhraj Kirpalani gave freely and paid for it, everyone else took), to a business that I find unethical.

I don't know the current specific economics and activities of the Global Hospital. If you do, please post them. I know it was started with serving the needs of an ageing BK community, and I know that the Village Project was started *against* the resistance of the inner circle. I remember reading how under used and empty it *was*.

They only "adopted" it when it become successful and attracted more donations and positive PR.

I have a fairly good memory of the history.

At present all I can imagine is a rich foreigner or Bombay-ite paying three weeks wages to have a hot bath, and rooms full of half naked Kumaris giving themselves loving massages.

In a way, it's a case of "as in the beginning, so at the end". Om Mandli started off by offering Lekhraj Kirpalani's princesses luxuries and here at the end, it's back to doing the same.

I know they charge the villagers too ... how much charity do they actually do?


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Re: Pay for Healthcare & Luxury Spa services at BK Headquart

Post11 Sep 2015

"a Japanese bath" ... !?!

Wow ... do they want to relate it with the "Gyan snan" (nectar bath) as often appears in the Murlis?

Are they going to add this bath as their Shrimat?

If you don't do this you will not be able to get a high status is heaven
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Re: Pay for Healthcare & Luxury Spa services at BK Headquart

Post11 Sep 2015

They are just "testing" themselves with luxury to see if they can still remain soul conscious.

Meanwhile, many of the villages around them don't even have running water.


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Re: Pay for Healthcare & Luxury Spa services at BK Headquart

Post11 Sep 2015

In a way, it's a case of "as in the beginning, so at the end". Om Mandli started off by offering Lekhraj Kirpalani's princesses luxuries and here at the end, it's back to doing the same.

Yes, at Om Niwas they used to have a pool like bath for bathing and the source was an underground water well. They used to bath at night time.

The underground water well is still there till today.

Very rare to have a water well under a building. If I find the pictures I will share.


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Re: Pay for Healthcare & Luxury Spa services at BK Headquart

Post12 Sep 2015

They are just "testing" themselves with luxury to see if they can still remain soul conscious.

Yes ... they have to build up their sanskars right from the present time to enjoy the luxury of SatYuga and remaining soul consciousness at the same time.

Scholten_Dadi.jpg (39.54 KiB) Viewed 21299 times

Forget about those who don't have even drinking water ... It's their fate and karma.

Moreover, also forget about those who spoiled their entire career following their stupidity and later on realised the foolishness when it was too late.

They will come in SatYuga and fill the water for then to take this type of luxury baths.
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Re: Pay for Healthcare & Luxury Spa services at BK Headquart

Post12 Sep 2015

OK, that's a bit naughty and I am sure it is not what the BKs are upto.

But, seriously, does taking a bath help you become soul and god conscious?

I would have thought it made you more body conscious.

And I enjoy hot, deep baths.

I suppose they are using that big solar generator the German and Indian governments paid for to generate the hot water?
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Re: Pay for Healthcare & Luxury Spa services at BK Headquart

Post13 Sep 2015

If more people spent more time in saunas, spas, japanese hot and cold bath tubs, etc and less time in uniforms, affirming their fairytale beliefs and ambitions, we’d all be better off.

I’m going to lie in the sun now.

prrrrrrrrrr ....


Re: Pay for Healthcare & Luxury Spa services at BK Headquart

Post14 Sep 2015

Hah ... Japanese porn with Grandma Toad ...
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Re: Pay for Healthcare & Luxury Spa services at BK Headquart

Post14 Sep 2015

Well, I think I'd call it "erotica" ... but, at the same time, I'd also call luxuriating in Japanese baths - presumably the BKs perfume them or something? perhaps some flower petals etc? - a highly sensual experience.

How do such sensual experiences lead to soul consciousness and help one to remember God?

Or is it just a test to see if the soul can remain stable even surrounded by the trappings of wealth and luxury?

It appears to be the direction the BKs are going on now.

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