BK attitudes to Education / University

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Re: BK attitudes to Education / University

Post13 May 2015

I remember when a BK turned up at our centre wearing a badge which said, "Lose weight now, ask me how".

She was promptly censured and told to remove it.

Their conferences are just shams ... facades to bring them into contact with VIPs. Generally, the audiences are made up entirely of BKs who come because they will get to see one of their top Dadis in action.

Thousands of dollars and even thousand of people are spent in order that the senior BKs get to hobnob with politicians or VIPs. As a rule, the BKs don't actually listen or take on board what the non-BKs are say - because it's manmat or Maya - they just sit and have Yoga at them, e.g. giving their dristhi in the hope it turns them into BKs.

THey are a vast waste of time, energy and resources in my opinion ... but encouragement for lower BKs to carry on as they are "proof" all their efforts and sacrifices must be worth something. In short, they part of a "long con" to keep them hooked.

"Look ... a VIP! It must all be true!!!"

Please correct me if I am wrong.

Yes, they are now borrowing ideas in the fields of organic farming and alternative health from other experts. In the past they would have criticised it as "health Bhakti" and a waste of energy. Only "grinding bones" in service was acceptable or admirable, e.g. running around working until you got sick.

On the other hand, they love/loved stories of Sisters who survived on one roti a day whilst working 20 hours a day for them.

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Re: BK attitudes to Education / University

Post14 May 2015

On the other hand, they love/loved stories of Sisters who survived on one roti a day whilst working 20 hours a day for them.

So, they must be feeling very happy when they see the large empire set up out of nothing.

I remember a Didi at center saying, "What is the use of becoming engineer and doctor? Today, parents want their child to be at some position without considering harmful effects. All these engineers & officers are under severe mental stress, depression, etc etc". I think, this is the same attitude that you were talking about.

And then there is another version of it which is entirely different from what you might have experienced in your days. This BK told me that Baba wants all BKs to complete their courses & pursue a worthy career. Get education, no need to become vairagi.

Senior BKs have also started conducting presentation in schools & colleges. The one organised at a reputed IIM is one among many others which they are now using to attract the educated class. If one hears these manipulated lectures, one would easily understand how cunning BKs are.

They do not utter Baba or Brahma Baba or Mama even a single time in conferences (done at places other than BK centers) & just talk in a casual manner. Like Shivani telling audience, "Time Management is nothing but thought management" instead of telling them, "Oh, why do you care so much about time when you are about to die in Destruction which is very near? Only way to manage your time is to come to us & do Yoga with Baba & get reservation in Satyug, thereby getting extra 2500 years to live".
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Re: BK attitudes to Education / University

Post14 May 2015

You see through them very clearly ...

The BKs now have a taste for money and need increasing amounts of it to sustain their pyramid.

They've realised that qualified and educated individuals earn more and, hence, donate more ... and I think it's evidence that they actually no longer have faith that Destruction is going to come.

Yes, I saw the evolution of this "soft sell" back in the 1980s starting with the Western BKs. I did not know it had spread into and through India as well.

In the old days it was just, "Baba, Kalpa, Triumurti ...". They were targeting Hindi bhagats to become their footsoldiers, cooks and domestic servants.

Now they seem to be going for the upmarket, professional market ... why? It's where the money is.

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Re: BK attitudes to Education / University

Post31 Aug 2015

The zeal to embrace education in the BK system was also taken out from a page from Swami Yogananda's life. Swamiji was told by his guru and mentor Sri Yuketwar Giri that he needed to have academic credentials in the West if the teachings of Yoga were to be seriously accepted. If we observe many of the Western styled gurus, they all have post graduate degrees.

I do recall being called Patar Buddhi or patar nath or lord of the intellect of stone for my pursuits in academia. I never lent such attacks any ears nor eyes. Other times I would be attacked in lectures and likened to one of the Yadav scholars in the Bhavgad Gita. I liked the way V.S. Naipaul expressed his views on education and spiritual pursuits. Once on the Dick Cavet show decades ago he stated he would never allow himself to be fooled by an uneducated guru from the East.

I would also add that there was a dissident group of Western BKs, especially in the Southern Hemisphere who persisted in their academic and professional pursuits and were used, unknowingly, as models for other BKs emulate.
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Re: BK attitudes to Education / University

Post01 Sep 2015

I would also add that there was a dissident group of Western BKs, especially in the Southern Hemisphere who persisted in their academic and professional pursuits and were used, unknowingly, as models for other BKs emulate.

They are "used" as long as they are "useful". Anyone’s studies, qualifications, research are given no regard unless they are useful to the BK cause, e.g. the same science, history, genetics, archeology et al are folly when it comes to evaluating "Gyan" but are well-accepted if it helps keep a Dadi alive, jets them around the world, or they can borrow the person’s qualifications and fame to promote themselves.

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