Priyanka Chopra graces the Brahma-Kumaris

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Free Speech

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Re: Priyanka Chopra graces the Brahma-Kumaris

Post26 Jul 2015

ex-l wrote:It's not her "karma" that Prikyanka is "shedding" in the car ... what a joke.

Yes, it was an intended PJ.

Well, it is the type of transformation that Priyanka got (may be) from Brahmakumaris. She must have received vibrations from Janki (as Janki touched her which can result in excessive flow of pure vibrations ;)) to do it for international audience what she had been doing in bollywood movies for the last decade. I think it's a win-win situation for both Priyanka & BKWSU. Higher the fame of contact souls or VVIPs, larger will be the reach of Brahmakumaris message through them to wide range of audience.

So, there is a hope to see Priyanka Chopra attending BapDada milan in future.

[IMO, what Priyanka is doing is all good for her career & the industry she opted. The problem here is Brahmakumaris' lack of mature decisions & statements about their philosophy which eventually put sex & God on the same platform if you analyse it properly. Purer BKs i.e., highly brainwashed ducks might not be shocked to know it as they are now preparing themselves to serve whores in future - (you did not hear it from me) it is what Murli says].

Why does BapDada choose the people who are so full of Maya to be the propagators of the so called Gyan? The concept of contact soul is childish. So what BKs now propagate to void such allegation? Is VVIP status everything that you need to be so close to God that you become a direct inheritor of knowledge OR is it the contract that works for contact souls??
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Re: Priyanka Chopra graces the Brahma-Kumaris

Post28 Jul 2015

Free Speech wrote:Purer BKs i.e., highly brainwashed ducks might not be shocked to know it as they are now preparing themselves to serve whores in future - (you did not hear it from me) it is what Murli says].

Were they truly "serving" prostitutes - which is what the Murlis say, they don't use such a strong work - then it would be a good thing, by which I mean real socially upliftment.

By "social upliftment" I mean, saving young girls from sex traffickers and giving them skills and education, or social housing and healthcare for old ones etc.

The BKs use such works as "upliftment" as they know it has positive publicity value, but what do they mean?

What's the best an ex-prostitute could achieve within the BKWSU? Becoming an unpaid cleaner or washer woman? I doubt they'd even let her cook food.

Are actresses "prostitutes"? A bit harsh perhaps but, yes, at a popular level they do use and sell their sex.

From the stills I have seen, it looks like high class soft pornography. So where is someone's head who is coming to the BWSU mega event because Priyanka Chopra is there?

Are they coming to be closer to Baba, or closer to her booty?

For me, it's all just a con trick, the leaders making themselves look important to the followers by being seen to associated with the rich and famous.

"Status by association" we call it. Not spiritual at all.

Free Speech

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Re: Priyanka Chopra graces the Brahma-Kumaris

Post31 Jul 2015

ex-l wrote:By "social upliftment" I mean, saving young girls from sex traffickers and giving them skills and education, or social housing and healthcare for old ones etc.

"Saving somebody" that's a big word or work for Brahmakumaris, unless it means 'saving' surplus money to construct the Golden Age which is never happening as I see. Do you remember what they say for anyone who suffers, be it poors or prostitutes .... that it is result of their own karma & one should not even dare to help them. It is clear to me that Brahmakumaris will never do anything to improve someone's overall situation as their God does allow them ... haaaa.

By such Murli statements, brahmakumaris' mindset & current scenarios (profit) of sex trafficking, I think that it was to direct BKs (i.e., future BKs, as present BKs can hardly conform to those statements) to lure prostitutes for their money. Some of them have too much of it. The decaying values of society indicates that in future, people might even start worshipping prostitutes. Don't get shocked. Already, lakhs of BKs have been turned against the very humanly concept of God & real charitable work. So, such cults can do anything in future.

Money earned by prostitutes-is it too dirty to be accepted by BKWSU? No. BKWSU foundation has been laid on corruption & deceit. So, anything that is related to gold & money is considered good in BKWSU & its philosophy.
Money spent on prostitution worldwide: $186 Billion
    China : $73 Billion
    Spain : $26.5 Billion
    Japan : $24 Billion
    Germany : $18 Billion (Legal Industry)
    United States : $14.6 Billion
    South Korea : $12 Billion
    India : $8.4 Billion
    Thailand : $6.4 Billion
    Philippines : $6 Billion
    Turkey : $4 Billion

And the statistics keeps on mounting. These customers could become future BKs. So, how could BKWSU neglect it totally?
Prostitution Customers:
    99 percent of prostitution customers in France are male. 41 percent of them are married.
    10,000 men in Israel visit prostitutes each month.
    260,000 to 285,000 men in Denmark admitted to visiting a prostitute.
    9.1 percent of men in the United States stated in 2012 that they have paid for sex with a prostitute.
    80,000 men are customers of the sex trade on the island of Bali, Indonesia.*

Afterall, BKs God can purify all just like he did to Lekhraj whose activities were too mean to be described properly in Murlis.


Free Speech

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Re: Priyanka Chopra graces the Brahma-Kumaris

Post31 Jul 2015

ex-l wrote:Are actresses "prostitutes"? A bit harsh perhaps but, yes, at a popular level they do use and sell their sex.

Except the fact that the actresses have power to live the way in their own way, don't go through harsh conditions like the prostitutes. And one can take them for granted. Instead we shall wonder what are other possible differences between actresses & prostitutes?
For me, it's all just a con trick, the leaders making themselves look important to the followers by being seen to associated with the rich and famous.

I still do not get this mindset of BKs PR-wallahs. Everyone knows that those from Bollywood, politics, or VVVIPs etc etc (excluding a few exceptions) are generally corrupt in values & their overall vision. People evaluate them for entertainment only. So, how do BKs still rely on it? Do they think people still believe these hypocrites?

BTW, Priyanka Chopra is one among rare Indian beauties & admirable on many levels. is not she?

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Re: Priyanka Chopra graces the Brahma-Kumaris

Post01 Aug 2015

Free Speech wrote:Except the fact that the actresses have power to live the way in their own way, don't go through harsh conditions like the prostitutes. And one can take them for granted. Instead we shall wonder what are other possible differences between actresses & prostitutes?

Better pay, better conditions.

And you are only talking about the highest class of actresses, many of whom will have earned their big breaks on the "casting couch", a euphemism for sexually servicing ugly, old, rich but powerful men who run the film industries.

And how many of the lower class of actress and dancers never make it past the couch? Never even get their big break?

They just get paid more for doing less ... offering voyeuristic sexual pleasures to sell otherwise empty entertainment (you pay to look not touch ... unless you have a lot of money). I suppose in India you have high class "escorts" as well.

One of the big differences between Brahma Kumaris and traditional spiritual paths like Buddhism and even Hinduism is that they court actors and actresses and, like you say, the most corrupt; the rich and famous.

In Buddhism and some traditional schools of Hinduism (I do not know them all), there are specific instructions to *avoid* performers. Partly, I suspect, this is because of most of history they were synonymous with prostitution and providing sexual services, whether travelling around or even in some temples of India (the young temple dancers were also sexual servants to the priests).

However, I think the other reason is precisely that they were performers skilled in faking (... and aren't many women in bed to get what they want?).

And faking is the opposite of being true. It is literally Maya (or mara).

But then so are the Brahma Kumari leaders actresses and skilled in faking; not just in action but also in word, so "like attracts like".

The French author/philosopher Satre once created a character in one of his famous pieces and it was of an actress who had to be an actress because she knew she was such a liar that channeling her lies into the performance of being other people was the only way she could manage her affliction. That if she was not an actress, all of that would be expressed in her personal life.
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Re: Priyanka Chopra graces the Brahma-Kumaris

Post01 Aug 2015

Free Speech wrote:Do you remember what they say for anyone who suffers, be it poors or prostitutes ... that it is result of their own karma & one should not even dare to help them.

Absolutely true. They are therefore "the most impure" and "very dirty souls". I have heard that said by BK leaders and the idea of "dirty souls" is in the Murli to be used and adopted when required.

What they make of Western BK - Sisters included - many of whom will have had many sexual partners before entering Gyan, I don't know. I never heard them ever say it, but they must have thought it.

No concepts as complex as the thoughts that perhaps the young girls are just victims to socio-economic factors beyond their families' control, and it is actually nothing to do with them - cross their minds.

The Brahma Kumaris really are still stuck in Lekhraj Kirpalani 1930s', nigh feudal and caste ridden past.

Not allowed to accept other sides from outside of the cult, they only time they tend to adopt is when those ideas are so unpalatable for the society they are infiltrating that they have to be superficially modified for the sake of PR.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Priyanka Chopra graces the Brahma-Kumaris

Post03 Aug 2015

What they make of Western BK - Sisters included - many of whom will have had many sexual partners before entering Gyan, I don't know. I never heard them ever say it, but they must have thought it.

What they make of it is quite clear - virgins are superior. Remember virgins are usually young unmarried girls in India and especially in decades past, less likely to have been educated to the same extent nor have the same prospects as ”worldly” women.

So, young naive virgins are unmarried, therefore many will either be more likely to be looking for ”the perfect consort” (and what better than ”marrying” an imaginary one?) or be wishing to avoid a bad marriage or be looking for a way to stay ”gay” (if that way inclined) or to stay chaste (if they are uncomfortable with their own sexuality - a common trait in Western women conditioned by guilt-ridden parents or religions).

I know of Western BK women who were promiscuous before BKs even while carrying lots of Roman Catholic guilt with that, and they become ”manically celibate” - unable to even watch a movie scene involving flirtation without expressing disgust or sensitive in any conversation that includes the ”s” word, even when used just to define ”male" or "female".

Some (more than you’d think) are victims of child sexual abuse so they find refuge in the BK ideal of ”purity” - a word given currency in religious cultures that it does not deserve. It is after all, just an adjective - ”pure evil, pure orange juice” - and originally meaning ”cleansed by fire” (pyrrh).

I think Priyanka Chopra may associate with BKs as much to soften her ”sex symbol” reputation and to appear "spiritual" as for any other reason - ”I am more than that image”. Good luck to her. Hopefully she also does some work for UNICEF or similar organisations.

"Spiritual" is another misused word that means whatever you want it to mean, defined only by supposed opposites - but - is a hard working pragmatist less ‘spiritual' than an idealistic meditating hermit?
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Re: Priyanka Chopra graces the Brahma-Kumaris

Post03 Aug 2015

I am just interested in the massive disconnection between how Priyanka became rich and famous - no doubt the BKs accept their baksheesh from her or her handlers - and what their avowed messaged.

Bollywood may not be as explicit as the Hollywood she now finds herself in, but it's still all bulging breast and trusting pelvises.

Although many will be grateful for the glimpse of her inner self - or perhaps just her inner thighs - personally, I am kind of against pornography, and the pornographisation of the movies, for all the unhappiness and discontent it seeds in the minds of those who will never taste such delights.

People would be a lot happier if they just stuck to whatever was at their social and personal level; their wife, their lover etc.

It's not a strong moral position, it's more a "spiritual" one as in, "you can do it if you want but it will probably make you unhappier in the end".

The biggest victims of it are young women who are increasingly held to higher and higher standards of expectations.

WTF are the Brahma Kumaris doing getting involved in such a scenario.

Priyanka is basically just fantasy masturbation material. That's the hook they are using to make money from her movies.

Poor Indian men, and lesbians, if the fantasy is being disturbed by some dowdy, fat and miserable BK aunties gate crashing the party.

It would seem she is rather materialist in her interests too ... she seems to spend most of her professional time bursting out of her brassiere.
Priyanka is known to be a car lover and has a Porsche Cayenne, BMW 7-Series and Mercedes S-Class, Rolls Royce and even a Harley Davidson in her backyard.

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Re: Priyanka Chopra graces the Brahma-Kumaris

Post04 Aug 2015

Or, let's illustrate the spiritual point clearer.

For the BKs, it's all about "product placement".

What I equally don't understand is why, if the BKs were truly "spiritual masters", why would they want to lend the mantle of spirituality to such individuals?

And spend so much time and money chasing them?

Where are their heads?

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Pink Panther

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Re: Priyanka Chopra graces the Brahma-Kumaris

Post05 Aug 2015

Symbols and archetypes - where the profane meets the profound.
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Re: Priyanka Chopra graces the Brahma-Kumaris

Post05 Aug 2015

I presume it's more than a coincidence that "screen goddesses" are called goddesses.

I am not sure of the correct terminology but I suppose they play upon our minds on two levels; one, infantile projections of our mother and, secondly, replacing the ancient archetypes the priests exploited to run their businesses too.

But this is the paradox. As far as her projected image, Priyanka Chopra is 99% about exploiting "sex lust". Look at the image I chose.

Really, BKs, what is it offering the audience?

Which virtue ... which level of consciousness?

On the other hand, I suppose it is also the business of unrequited love which is pretty much the same as the BKs'. The love of an ever distancing god in the body of an old woman. (The emphasis in the BKs is that their Baba spirit is going to leave them and has, over the decades, becoming more and more distant from individuals).

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