Spiritual Family disowning you

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Mr Green


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Spiritual Family disowning you

Post20 Jul 2015

There is a great feeling of shame and hurt felt by a devout member upon leaving.

It still hurts a little now to feel distant from other members who at one time you were really close to.


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Re: Spiritual Family disowning you

Post20 Jul 2015

I can understand that.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Spiritual Family disowning you

Post21 Jul 2015

Many individuals in families and communities become emotionally alienated from each other when they realise that those they love ”cross the line” on some matter or other.

How many children turned out gay and were disowned by parents, or Muslims in proudly pluralist France who thought they were in their own country but, since Charlie Hebdo incident in particular, are now treated as foreign by those who were once their community.

Think about the Palestinians who agreed to the British proposal to welcome the jewish refugees after WW2 only to then be kicked out of their houses and off their farms - same for indigenous peoples worldwide who were colonised. How many lapsed Catholics or converts from one religion to another become alienated from their previous relationships. People who grow up to discover their parents are racist or find out their siblings have grown up to be thugs, lawyers or politicians? ;-)

For me, the callous separation from my parents and siblings when I became a BK was far worse than the loss of closeness to some BKs I liked when I left BKs. Look, we all make friends with whatever kids are in the same school playground at that time. Fairweather friends will flock together. The friend in need is the friend in deed.
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Re: Spiritual Family disowning you

Post21 Jul 2015

Pink Panther wrote:The friend in need is the friend in deed.

I always thought it was "a friend in need is a friend indeed". But playing with the pun, I am thinking it should be ...
    a friend indeed, is a friend in deed.
That is to say, someone who will actually do something, not just "send positive thoughts" at you.

The BKs take everyone's time, labour and money to build comfortable homes, or even palaces in India. In return, their charity to the world is to think 'at' them. Not even think 'of' them. And somehow they think this is the highest charity!?!

I think what "hurts" or rather ... perhaps shocks "the soul" ... is when you see the BKs as ugly, small minded, conceited, conniving, insular and so on as they are. Followed shortly by a realisation of regret at how much time you spent on them.

I actually struggle to find the words to describe how some of them are. I don't know any quite bad or accurate enough.

Most of the nice ones are just a little weak and fearful. For them, the BK centre is a little lifeboat in a dark storm, perhaps.

But the "school prefect" ones, those who think themselves superior, they are rank.

And it never fails to surprises how vicious they can be when you challenge them.

Looking back, I think I was just literally "out of my mind" during the time I spent with the BKs and that the BKs encourage people to be - not "out of their bodies" - but out of their mind.

We were all out of our minds. It was like taking a kid and putting them in a psychiatric ward, and telling them this is real life and leaving them to try and work out a way to accommodate and survive amongst all the inmates. The chief inmates - the Queens of the Nuthouse - being the likes of Janki and Jayanti Kirpalani.

They have to distance themselves from you because your normality and now sanity is too difficult a mirror for them to look into.

They see in you their own realisation of how much of a madhouse the Brahma Kumaris actually is. Fun, perhaps, for a while but ultimately a mad house full of people maddened by its leaders into order to live out their fantasy world and exploit.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Spiritual Family disowning you

Post21 Jul 2015

”Indeed” : From Middle English indede, equivalent to in- +‎ deed , similar to 'in fact’.

Then if you chase up ”fact” it is
From Latin factum (“a deed, an act, an exploit; neuter of factus (“done or made”), perfect passive participle of faciō (“do, make”).
So in deed and indeed are the same term, although these days the latter is mostly used as an exclamation. In any case, it’s saying it’s by the actions that you know it is so.
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Mr Green


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Re: Spiritual Family disowning you

Post21 Jul 2015

thanks for the lovely replies, i found in deed interesting

It's true what you say PP, I left my family behind for a long time, my poor mum!

She used to come to meetings, Janki loved her, just to see me I suppose.
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Re: Spiritual Family disowning you

Post21 Jul 2015

Mr Green wrote:She used to come to meetings, Janki loved her, just to see me I suppose.

Now that's pretty sad and touching. And how the BKs exploit followers. I think I can say the same about certain of my family members.

It's pretty terrible really ... the only way they can see their loved one is by putting up with the Kirpalani Klan, or letting them extract their entrepreneurial (take from in between) commission from the relationships.

And I also remember how BKs used to be so embarrassed at their unenlightened "lokiks", or how "serving" them was such a burden.

But you know the mentality BKs, I think. Very quickly their only interest is to "serve" (evangelise) to others and if you've made it clear you're out, it's bollocks, and there's no going back ... then you are no use to them. You are at best a waste of time and energy and at worst a devilish attraction away from their Baba.

Friendships - which there actually are - are not really allowed, are they? Well, except amongst the "original jewels" perhaps. They are sort of illegal. Especially if they are between male and females, even if they are chaste.

What was your experience?

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Re: Spiritual Family disowning you

Post21 Jul 2015

She used to come to meetings, Janki loved her, just to see me I suppose.

:sad: Sorry to know it.

Do BKs really not feel anything? Stone hearts.

I lost one friend to BKs. It's more terrible & complex if you grow up together & then the other one starts following a madness-institute without letting you know & when you are informed, it's too late to have a decent talk about it. I decided to quit meeting to the friend as he wasn't a friend anymore.

When your friend starts exploiting you in BKs' style, you certainly feel bad. When he smiles at your losses & cherishes his gains, it doesn't go well. Even after doing similar things, if he expects more from you, you should prefer a non-BK con to him. But the worst part of the analysis, as I was aware about what BKs are like, is that if someone else who does not know these BKs' psychology, he would simply fall in the trap without realizing that he is being used by a person who is indeed an enemy in form of friend.

When I look at such experiences here, I feel sad & find that I was not the only one in that situation. You people are still sophisticated class. In your position, I could have done something bad to such BKs who would have played with my life or dared to break the intimate relations.
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Re: Spiritual Family disowning you

Post22 Jul 2015

Mr Green wrote:Janki loved her ...

Do you think she did now? Or was it all play acting?

I've known other ex-surrendered BKs, major figures, who she pretends she does not even remember.
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Mr Green


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Re: Spiritual Family disowning you

Post22 Jul 2015

I don't think Janki knows what love is, I think she is truely evil and wicked.

No she poured attention on my mum and gave her a shawl and told her she was an old soul and all that shite. She was merely trying to mesmerise and capture my mother the same she did me

I 'served' all my family, the BKs believe if you just get someone inside a centre then they will go to either gold or Silver Age
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Re: Spiritual Family disowning you

Post22 Jul 2015

Janki instinctively understand 'the business' ... she would be protecting her asset (you), by sweetening up her 'supplier' (your mum).

She knows how much of a pull families are.

It is horrible when you think about it. Not able to have their own children by normal means, and normal costs, they steal other families' children.

That's my bottomline.

You are right, it is not "love". It is, I think, born out of a subtle but horrible desperation they have within them having no other means of support.

In short, it's little different than the castes in India, or amongst some gypsies, who steal or trap unwanted children and use them to make money by organised begging.

Obviously, the BKs have a more subtle approach using the facade of "religion", and offer more luxurious living standards for some, but it's still just organised begging - living off others - instead of earning or creating one's own living.

And she's spent her life living off others. Bottomline.
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Re: Spiritual Family disowning you

Post13 Nov 2019


Sep 13, 2017

Well I can very well relate with the question itself.

I know a family from Indore. There daughter 44 years old is an ex brahmakumari. She lost her mental balance while she was in one of their chattisgarh center. The management immediately sent her back to her parents in Indore.

She was diagnosed with schizophrenia and since last 17 years her aged parents who are 75+ are taking care of her.

Brahmakumaris are real demons.


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Re: Spiritual Family disowning you

Post19 Nov 2022

She lost her mental balance while she was in one of their chattisgarh center. The management immediately sent her back to her parents in Indore.

The Brahmakumaris uses the vulnerability of individuals by showing them love, care and security. It's just a BK-trap tohook the individuals into their cult. Once they utilize all the resources, the follower is neglected and ultimately falls out of the cult with all the energy drained out and no place to go.


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Re: Spiritual Family disowning you

Post23 Nov 2022

Can anyone help me? How to make people aware about BKs in India? We need a movement against the BKs.

Please join my awarness group.

https://www.facebook.com/groups/2823487 ... group_link


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Re: Spiritual Family disowning you

Post23 Sep 2023

Shivani Meet Shehnaaz Gill and transformed her to more vulgarity.


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