The Murli translation and production

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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post21 Jun 2015

Free Speech wrote:Till 1950 there was no mention of it, correct it if I am not right factually? After that, teams of BKs from Abu were sent to different parts of India to spread the reformed cult. I think this is the time when they might have found that there were more Shri Shiva worshippers followed by Shri Krishna worshippers.

After 1955.

Personally, I am utterly cynical about them. I think they added Shiva just to increase their market value. After all, they have claimed every other major Hindu god by that time; Krishna, Vishnu, Shankar, Narayan, Brahma ... and Shiva was the last market competitor.

Yes, you've recorded BKism beliefs accurately.

There is nothing quite so conceited ... never mind just plainly bananas ... as their claim to be the original source of all religions, even those which started 3,000s years ago.

Again, to me, it is actually a reflection of Lekhraj Kirpalani's utterly egocentric mental illness. The delusion that he was god on earth and they were at the centre of all world events and history.

For example, in the early days they believed they and the minuscule reaction to their cult was the actual cause of WWII.

Can you believe that?

I think it's "works" as a confidence trick because it is so audacious that it stuns people and they cannot believe that the BKs really believe it. But they do. All other religions are just faulted memorials of their religion ... Abraham, Jesus, Mohammed, Guru Nanak etc - right down to the small cult leader today - must come to the Brahma Kumaris to re-learn their religion before the End of the World. That is what they believe.

As to the Murlis, did Lekhraj Kirpalani really keep speaking the same thing day in day out for 14 years? Did his understanding really not develop at all? Did they not bore of it, especially given that they were denied all other mental stimulation?

Free Speech

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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post22 Jun 2015

Did his understanding really not develop at all? Did they not bore of it, especially given that they were denied all other mental stimulation?

I don't think Lekhraj ever denied stimulation to his female members. All he did to trap them was regular sensual stimulations. A person who is too deeply involved in such stimuli can hardly develop his brain, thinking or memory. All he did was to copy text from other sources & told his under-hands to consider it as part of his churning.

Would like to know what is BKs perception about Murli production nowadays? Any BK here? It would be fun to know it from BK. A BK told me that there are two separate departments in Abu one deal with producing Murli & other encrypting or protecting it. I still don't believe it completely as half of the facts he/she told were wrong, being very much unaware of true BKism.
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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post22 Jun 2015

Basically, I think that is true. There is a Murli department re-writing the Murlis and the IT team did invest a huge amount of energy trying to encrypt and build a secure delivery system for Murlis so that BKs could not copy them and share them across the internet. They were afraid they would get out.

For a while, they were hyper-paranoid about it and would only allow BKs to read them in the centre and not take them out. We used to get many BKs coming to us to ask for them so they could read them at home.

Now I think they have mostly re-written and whitewashed the Murlis so much that they don't care so much.

We made things difficult by publishing 100s of Murlis on this website so it made their efforts fairly pointless.

Funnily enough, in the Murlis, Baba used to say that you *can* have Murlis to read at home. But, typically, the BKs ignored that.

They did not want BKs reading Murlis at home, they wanted BKs coming to the centre where they could be exploited more.

Their system is based on the financial and labour exploitation of followers which they control by having a monopoly on the "fresh" Murlis (fresh, even though they are 50 years old!).

They even spread lies that the Murlis here had been re-edited ... when the opposite was true. *Their* Murlis had been re-edited, we have the older more original versions.
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Pink Panther

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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post23 Jun 2015

They now show ”Avyakt Murli” on youtube but have restricted access to printed ones. They’re schizo.


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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post23 Jun 2015

Hello PP. All written muralis can be obtained day to by public from Even some with 1976 deasrtuction in, or so I am told. But it is all sorts of languages and a lot of classes it is too much for me. Is that what you meant PP?
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Pink Panther

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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post23 Jun 2015


My understanding is that to access the official Murli online - i.e Murli to be read as per centre’s roster, as being read at the centre that day - one must apply and be permitted access. They then send you a link to an app that must be downloaded, then you have password etc

I don’t know if any renegade has uploaded any to a public site. The link you gave goes nowhere.


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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post23 Jun 2015

Hello PP yes I found true and was surprise to me. but I do not know a reason. But if you type in search line exactly : Brahma Kumaris bkdrluhar then you will easily go there like I did.

Free Speech

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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post23 Jun 2015

ex-l: that BKs could not copy them and share them across the internet. They were afraid they would get out.

Well, I forgot to mention one thing that BK told me while he was discussing about how badly he/she wants to service BKWSU by making a software from which BKs could read Murlis while sitting back at their place. But to his disappointment, an app has already been developed by IT team from where BKs can read and download Murlis.

I did not search what the app is neither want to waste my precious MBs on stupid stuff of BKs. Also, I cannot say if he was telling the truth or just a manipulation to get something out of my brain (yes this BK is behaving weird lately, tells some or the other thing to judge me or find how his intuition works).

I am not sure whether BK center incharge want BKs to keep Murli within the center nowadays, as I have seen huge piles of Murlis (photocopies) along with other bk-books at every BKs' place I visited.
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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post23 Jun 2015

leonard wrote:Hello PP. All written muralis can be obtained day to by public from Even some with 1976 deasrtuction in, or so I am told. But it is all sorts of languages and a lot of classes it is too much for me. Is that what you meant PP?

Yup, again a slightly BK strange and indirect response to our work here. Perhaps to stop BKs coming here to get them?

They cannot or will do it directly, so someone seems to leak them unofficially through a relative new and intoxicated BK.

Perhaps to give them a layer of deniability? I don't know.

If you know the inside story, please tell us.
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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post23 Jun 2015

The Sakar ones contain some very stong undesireable rhetoric. Rivers of blood and untouchables and all sorts of stuff.

They don't want the public (shrudas) to associate the BKs who appear loving and helpful with world Destruction and hideous death through natural disaster and nuclear war ... which is what they are secretly longing for.
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Pink Panther

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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post24 Jun 2015

Free Speech wrote:I am not sure whether BK center incharge want BKs to keep Murli within the center nowadays, as I have seen huge piles of Murlis (photocopies) along with other bk-books at every BKs' place I visited.

Not sure if the rules are consistent but this app. seems to only be made available to those BKs whom the administrator deems trustworthy and reliable. Not just any BK.

That publishes them so readily is likely to be against the wishes of the administration


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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post24 Jun 2015

PP other sites too are there. Seniors prefer not published but BKs do otherwise. Good thing.
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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post24 Jun 2015

Pink Panther wrote:That publishes them so readily is likely to be against the wishes of the administration

I am not sure ...

I think it is evidence of some kind of split right up near the top of the BKs. They are very protective of Dr Luhar and supplying him.

It's still all as a response to what we did here though.

The PBKs also now publish in Hindi what I understand to be the most original and unedited Murlis, here Hindi Murli Scripts 1958-1969. Now if only some English speaking BK would translate from them we might have a better idea of what's going on.

Will they?


It's so sad and strange.

The BKs are such conceited morons about all this. Morons really is the word. They are so stupid and have their knickers in an absolute twist about it. It is almost as if the leaders don't believe their religion is what it claims to be and the followers are too afraid to rock the boat an inch.

It would actually be a valid and interesting project to document how the Murlis have been changed over the years but all they are so concerned about is 'who knows what' and appearances. If it is your god, and allegedly the one and only true god, why would not you want to display his full glory?

Oh, I remember ... "we Shudras and 'the lowest of the low' are all too impure to understand".

Now, that demonstrates their attitudes very well ... not just their caste like discrimination mentality but also their confusion of the words "understand" and "accept".

I argue that there really is nothing to "understand" in the so called Knowledge. You cannot understand it ... you can only accept it or not because there is very little no logic or evidence for it and legions of doubts and counter evidence against it.
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Pink Panther

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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post25 Jun 2015

leonard wrote:PP other sites too are there. Seniors prefer not published but BKs do otherwise. Good thing.

At least with online presence of various Murlis and other BK related sites, people have some resources by which they can make up their own minds as to what all means.

The internet of full of all sorts of weird, woeful and whacked out stuff. A bit more added to the mountain of rubbish by the BKs won't make much difference. Idiots would find some other nonsense to believe anyway.

Maybe here we too are just as hopelessly stupid, wasting our time complaining about other idiots while we idiotically expect to make a difference?

A Scientologist, a BK and a Jehovahs’ witness walk into a bar...
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Re: The Murli translation and production

Post25 Jun 2015

Pink Panther wrote:Maybe here we too are just as hopelessly stupid, wasting our time complaining about other idiots while we idiotically expect to make a difference?

It continues to act as a good "shop front" which attracts individuals going through the usual sad problems that individuals have with the BKs as they encult their loved ones.

Not everyone want to discuss those problems on the forum. I guess that, from what we discuss, they trust us.
A bit more added to the mountain of rubbish by the BKs won't make much difference. Idiots would find some other nonsense to believe anyway.

It's a fair comment.

Unfortunately, they go beyond beliefs to abuse and exploitation.

I was watching The Century Of The Self. Do you know it? A 2002 British television documentary series, it focused on how the work of Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud, and Edward Bernays influenced the way corporations and governments have analysed, dealt with, and controlled people. Including subverted nations and the politically radicalised 60s generation turning them instead into the "personal growth" market. That is, the idea what, "we don't have to change society (which society's leaders like), all we have to do is change ourselves". An idea the BKs have latched onto.

An interesting point of view to look at BKism from.

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