BKWSU Australia; $25 millions assets, $1m per year and ...

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BKWSU Australia; $25 millions assets, $1m per year and ...

Post28 Feb 2015

Interesting stirrings down in the Land of BK Oz where it seems the indefatigable seeker after a better BK truth - donor and supporter BK Robin Ramsay - is applying considerable leverage upon the incumbent and ethically corrupt BK elite, let's hope forcing them to clean up their act.

Robin and other members of his family remain "supportive of Brahma Kumaris aims ... while at the same time seeking to encourage leadership to build a more open relationship with its supporters". They believe that "the public deserves straighter talk on the BKWSU" and yet, in spite of many appeals to the Kirpalani Klan leaders, and BK website moderators such as Judy Rodgers, they point out how many deliberate errors remain in the manner in which the Kirpalani Klan presents themselves to the world.

Whilst to be commended for their commitment to a greater truth, it's worth point out that - much to the Kirpalani Klan we presume - much of the lead, discoveries and issues have arisen not from the "divine" leadership or even alleged god spirit of the BKWSU, but from this spiritually "lowest of the low" forum and their arch-nemesis ... PBK researchers.

Needless to say, the "divine" BKWSU leadership still not only promotes a knowingly false history and doctored versions of the cult's teachings ... but charges money for them too. An act of acceptance Western BKWSU leader Jayanti Kirpalani has described in the past as "showing respect" for the cults' amoral leaders.

Brahma Kumaris ... the Profits of Falsehood.

As readers of this site will know, we have had concerns for many years about the apparent lack of accuracy in the tale of how Brahma Kumaris came to embrace their primary philosophy expressed as:The One True God of All Religions has descended, and is setting about His task of World Transformation: through the agency of Brahma Kumaris.

We also have ongoing concerns about censorship of the Godly teachings: known as Sakar Murlis (1964-69), and certain Avyakt Murlis (1969-77). Our many requests to management to discuss and resolve these anomalies for the benefit of the people of the world have not born fruit.With this in mind we recently invited the leadership of Brahma Kumaris Australia, incorporated in Australia, to meet with us, each with our solicitors.

Although the nature of the discussions will not be for publication here, our concerns have been these: Australian Consumer Law contains broad provisions prohibiting conduct by a corporation that is considered to be misleading or deceptive or would be likely to mislead or deceive.

In that context we note that there appear to be fundamental discrepancies between the Brahma Kumaris story, as currently endorsed by Brahma Kumaris Australia, through both active denial and passive neglect, and the BK story as authenticated by original documents in the British Library, the New York Public Library and the public library in Karachi.

BKA is funded almost exclusively by members of the public, so surely the public has a right to full and complete knowledge about the organisation they are contributing to. Because of management censorship and lack of disclosure regarding the story, we feel that currently they do not.

Brahma Kumaris Australia has secure assets of more than $25,000,000, and an annual cash income from members of the public of some $1,000,000, as well as further substantial donations through its tax deductible building account.* ( BKA has tax deductible status as a 'school', though it teaches in a rather colonial style, reminiscent of British India).

We believe that BKA has a clear responsibility to be open and transparent about its history and teachings to all past, present and future donors, and all Australian tax payers, and hope pathways to bring this about can be agreed to between the parties.

Elsewhere, Robin notes that after over a year of requests by Anthony Strano and others to the organisers of the BKWSU's "aboutbk" PR site it finally deleted untruths about BK philosophy attributed to him.

Anthony, alas, did not live to see his requests carried out as he had died before they did.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BKWSU Australia; $25 millions assets $1m per year, and .

Post02 Mar 2015

And what do they do with it all?
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Re: BKWSU Australia; $25 millions assets, $1m per year and .

Post11 Mar 2015

A public email, sent to many high ranking BKs, was received from an Australian BK who was apparently told by the god of the BKs that he was "the instrument to bring the end of the world sooner".


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: BK Michael
Subject: True Care

Greetings of Love as always,

Please do not be concerned about my offers to be of service, however be interested in the effects on your karma if you do not start to embrace constructive critique sooner or later, I cannot bear to stand by any longer and see your apparent inability to see how much you are missing,

Let's do a role playing projection of possible future actions by myself if we cannot have a free and open exchange retreat on family unity and happiness where you do not preside in the same old same old ways...  .    .

Let's say I don my whites and commence a hunger strike outside The ABC TV station based on my understanding we are not doing anywhere near enough to foster happiness, unity and general lovefull intoxication, let alone make others equal to ourselves ~

Needless to say i would have a simple placard offering The Truth; "The Brahmakumaris have known God has been coming to earth for decades and make no direct effort to inform the world at the senior level and actually threaten someone who does with at least ostracism''.

Let's say this is why Baba told me I am the instrument to bring the end sooner ??

Just out of curiosity what will you say to the media when they ask you, '"why did you not tell us ??".

You see of all the things i don't understand about so many Seniors cold ruthless dysfunction, [empathy not critisism], I don't understand why if you don't have the intestinal fortitude to do it, or you simply, purely and simply believe God is saying don't do it yet when he has been saying do it for years and years !! ?? well.I'ts definitely like going to my wonderful loving caring aunties house !!

Why the hell don't you at least approve someone whom doubtless in your estimation is crazy enough to try,. if not support them. At worst it gets you out of what i personally believe is your biggest mistake and at 2nd best the ball is in the worlds court for the ones whom think we are all nuts for allowing an approved soul to TELL THE TRUTH !! AND AT BEST PEOPLE START TO LISTEN AND PEACE IN MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF MASS CONSCIOUSNESS REALLY INCREASES.


As much as you may believe what i am suggesting is ridiculous, I am completely at a loss to understand how such souls can be so rigid and fixed insted of unshakable and immovable ????


Shiv Baba Yaad, pyar, sneh, preet, lagaan hai !


DOWNLOAD THIS AND OTHER MEETINGS] - http://bkvideo.info/15Dec2012BapDada.html

Thank yoU
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Pink Panther

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Re: BKWSU Australia; $25 millions assets, $1m per year and .

Post11 Mar 2015

At least nutcases are honest.
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Re: BKWSU Australia; $25 millions assets, $1m per year and .

Post11 Mar 2015

Who is crazier (or more irresponsible) ...

A nutcase ... or a "god" and cult leaders encouraging a "nutcase" that he is "the instrument to bring the end of the world sooner".

There was an earlier topic from this individual, where having been enculted by the BKs into their nonsense, they pulled the rug from under his feet.
Dilaram wrote: by the way, my latest service was to have my six year Murli privilege revoked for doing service outside the centre, (four or five times in 6 years in accordance with BapDada's wishes according to my understanding) rightly or wrongly ... Baba says, "if you see something wrong & do nothing, you are wrong ...

It should be said, Mike's behaviour is *exactly* what Lekhraj Kirpalani, their god spirit and elders used to encourage followers to do in the Sakar Murlis.

Part of the upwardly mobile middle or executive class whitewashing of the cult is to ditch what - and who - they now find to be embarrassing.

A good lesson to remember for any BK ... you too could be dispensable if you get in the way of the Kirpalani Klan's social climbing.


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Re: BKWSU Australia; $25 millions assets, $1m per year and .

Post11 Jun 2015

If you click on HAPPY RESOLUTION OF CONTROVERSIES? MOVING ALONG... at top of this page you go to interesting website.Then click on BK AUSTRALIA; MORE! and quite funny story how 4 BK lawyers are chasing BK Robyn is there. Friend in Australia says latest BK lawyer is Muslim lady, who fights for rights of Muslims, quite a surprise now working for BK Hindus. Lady also stood for election for Palmer United Party in Australia, but only got 2 percent of vote.
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Re: BKWSU Australia; $25 millions assets, $1m per year and .

Post11 Jun 2015

The link is here: http://www.moreaboutbrahmakumaris.org/225569937

What a mess ... is that Charlie's own inheritance he is spending or BKs' donations to the cult?


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Re: BKWSU Australia; $25 millions assets, $1m per year and .

Post19 Jun 2015

Thankyou for proper link to site ex-l. New post on that same site is from report by SR Wendy Sargent BK now passed on. She was Australian academic. She is very direct about history errors and such. I thought academic people more into study only. Dr Wendy very open and surprises are there too.
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Re: BKWSU Australia; $25 millions assets, $1m per year and .

Post19 Jun 2015

Yes, the BKWSU was forced to respond to our findings and Wendy and others were engage to do so. There was a few of them running all over Asia to do so.

Therefore, I cannot award either her or them for the initiative and "openness" as, at the same time, the BKWSU was going around shutting down avenues of information, "poisoning wells", and not sharing them or other information.

In short, it was a damage limitation exercise. Adherents have no idea what was going on behind the scenes.

We, and a few PBKs were blazing ahead. A few BKs were following our steps say, "well, actually, it appears the ex-BKs are correct" and the leadership were left wondering what to do with it and decided to just ignore it and carry on as before.

Wendy then died tragically young, in circumstances we discussed at the time (she went home to her lokiks, seemingly either the BKs don't look after their own or it was her final preference).

BK Robin is making an effort but, leaning too much towards BK, gets the history tangled a little bit at time. His daughter, Tamasin the BK "academic", has outrightly stolen our working claiming it for herself while attacking us in her "academic" papers.

Bizarre, really but it seems like they cannot cope with we impure souls being responsible for "purifiying" their religion for them.

So, in short, what they are doing is what they always do ... take other work, modify it, and claim credit for it. They don't have the sanskar or seeking the truth. Instead they have sanskars of layering the truth with their own branding and deceptions.
moreaboutbrahmakumaris wrote:In conclusion, although BK leadership and officeholders occasionally pay lip service to Dr Wendy's findings, nothing has changed ... BK websites still promote the discredited BK back story.
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Re: BKWSU Australia; $25 millions assets, $1m per year and .

Post20 Jun 2015

As soon as you look at something with a certain intent, you will not see it ‘'as it is".

If you research history as an apologist rather than as a dispassionate observer, you will inevitably distort it even more than normal.

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