Brahma Kumaris target mental health victims ... & are outed

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Re: Brahma Kumaris target mental health victims ... & are ou

Post11 Jun 2015

Yes, many years ago the BKWSU in the West announced BKs were no longer to advertise Dadi Janki was the most stable mind in the world because it was not true and no scientist had ever claimed it.

BKWSU India ignored them and just kept on doing so.

What does that say about them?

I don't know what the big deal is ... what's the point of "being stable" if all you do is "be stable" while you lie and manipulate? That's just called a poker face.


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Re: Brahma Kumaris target mental health victims ... & are ou

Post12 Jun 2015

Does being most stable mind or tending towards stability of mind implies that you have to be arrogant, dis-respectful and angry...?

For BKs, their leader's stability of mind is nothing but the severe pain to deal with them. The senior children of ocean of love are hardly loveful with the co-bks. The arrogance and anger can be easily seen from the eyes of the Seniors in place of love. The juniors have to kill their inbuilt and natural love in order to get the BK-stability of mind.

According to them, the worldly love causes sorrow, so get the mind's stability by practicing BK-meditation. The stability of mind actually is the suppression and rejection.

You don't sow any seed, so you don't get any plant, so don't need to water it or fertilize it. Thus you will get a stable land.

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Re: Brahma Kumaris target mental health victims ... & are ou

Post12 Jun 2015

'Pokerface' reminded me of Lady Gaga. Even she appears a million times stable, being more real, than Janki. :D

It is nice to see that, at least in few countries, help-groups or communities or even Government is working to identify cults & bring an end to them. They are major threat to individuals. While surfing, I found this site :

but I did not find any investigation related to BKism as BKism reaches almost everywhere so it was expected.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris target mental health victims ... & are ou

Post12 Jun 2015

I think they really should stop promoting Janki as "The Most Stable Mind in the World" as she is just a shell of who she once was now. She's very frail.

They continue to do so under the guise of "showing respect to the elders" or "original jewels" ... but really it is just cynical exploitation or not rocking the boat. I wish I knew more about the workings of the inner circle, how they make their decisions and the differences between them. It's all hidden from the lower orders of BKs.

I have zero respect for Janki. She was the head of our centre but the truth is out about her now ... she built her empire on the basis of fraud, falsifying, and holding back information from other BKs and, to some extent, perverted BKism to suit her own brand of unresolved personality disorder (primarily her fixation on Lekhraj Kirpalani). Lots of Sister worshipped her, a few feared her, I found her coercive. She was a "character" but try and take her beyond her intellectual safety zone and she'd snap back at you.

There's no real spiritual equality within the BK. In truth, at the time, I was utterly unimportant to them ... not even a foot soldier, just a "servant" ... her art was extracting money from adherents and the more you had the more you got of her.

That was my lasting impression. She milked, primarily, the Gujeratis ... not the BKWSU is milking her. She never impressed me intellectually ... although she would have made a good comedy actor in another life.

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Re: Brahma Kumaris target mental health victims ... & are ou

Post13 Jun 2015

Janki milking Gujeratis.....interesting...I thought she was interested in Rajasthanis or Mumbaiwalas. Because most Gujratis run their own business and are very rich just like people from Mumbai, it becomes obvious for a leader from BKWSU to put nose in their business & manipulate them for money.

because.parmeshwar wrote: : Does being most stable mind or tending towards stability of mind implies that you have to be arrogant, dis-respectful and angry...?

In Janki terminology, yes. Once you become more arrogant & egotistic as well as learn the way to put a smile on your face despite keeping all sort of hatred towards those who get in your way up the hierarchy of BKism, indeed, you will be considered more stable than your BK-peers.
ex-l wrote: I have zero respect for Janki. She was the head of our centre

Have you worked directly under her? I mean, were you that close to the senior/inner circle?

If it is so, then i think you should have stayed in BKWSU instead of leaving it, so that you could have got evidences through inner circle & exposed BKWSU in a more planned manner like making some clips of 'special' activities of BKWSU. Nowadays, power of videos have increased more than that of words.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris target mental health victims ... & are ou

Post13 Jun 2015

Free Speech wrote:Janki milking Gujeratis.....interesting...I thought she was interested in Rajasthanis or Mumbaiwalas. Because most Gujratis run their own business and are very rich just like people from Mumbai, it becomes obvious for a leader from BKWSU to put nose in their business & manipulate them for money.

This was when she was based in the UK.

Most Indians in the UK at the time were Gujeratis, often via East Africa. They courted super rich SIndhis - and got money and other support off them - but basically none surrendered in the same way.

I cannot remember it specifically but there's a quote in the history/old Murlis where Lekhraj Kirpalani instructs them not to bother with the Gujeratis in the first place because they would be easy in the future, they would surrender in their droves (i.e. be easy to encult).

It would be interesting to analysis the various Indian cultural groups within the BKWSU and how they interact. In the early days in the UK it was SIndhi bosses with Patel assistants.

No, I cannot say I was "inner circle" but, back in those days, the entire class could fit within a suburban living room and anyone with half a brain was invited to service meetings. There was another level of "VIP service" but I was never invited into that. I was young and poor.

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Re: Brahma Kumaris target mental health victims ... & are ou

Post14 Jun 2015

It seems that BKs spread across different countries with help of their rich Indian followers who are well settled in countries, just like through Gujratis & Sindhis in UK.

The Murli points (old as well as new Murlis, both included) are absurd & should not be believed. That's why they modify it every time some facts contradicts it. Recently, I read on a site you mentioned once (copy of this site with some modification in it too. :L )
Joyous wrote: Who decides what to be published in Daily Sakar Murli and why there is repetition
mbhat wrote: Baba had said in Avyakt Murli - to revise Sakar Murlis. So, the available Sakar Murlis (around 5 years) are repeated by the nimitt Sisters/Dadis*
Joyous wrote: But who writes Sakar Murlis?
mbhat wrote:: Some of the BKs who are appointed as hands in Murli dept at Madhuban(Mount Abu)

Half of the mental problem in BKs would arise due to abrupt modification that these people do (and say God asked them to do) & ask followers to correlate it if they wish to become lucky Satyug ruler.

Now it appears that all dates/numbers will be removed from Murlis to avoid confusion. No past/history of BKWSU. And the reason they would give is that the institute was/will be/is beyond time (Hope that this one also gets added in their upcoming Murlis).

* Read full conversation here: ... 6&start=10

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