Is there really a 5,000-year cycle ?

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Is there really a 5,000-year cycle ?

Post11 May 2015


As I mentioned when I first registered for this forum, I never got too involved in the BK activities even though I attended some of their early morning sessions.

I remember them talking about a 5,000-year cycle that would come to an end but never really mentioned when it started.

Did I misunderstand that ?

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Mr Green


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Re: Is there really a 5,000-year cycle ?

Post11 May 2015

Do a search for "5000 year Cycle" on this site.
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Re: Is there really a 5,000-year cycle ?

Post11 May 2015

Also ... .

Yes, they believe all of time is one constantly repeating, identical cycle which is 5,000 years long and which starts immediately after it ends.

The problem is, they keep predicting wrongly when it end and so it never starts again.

Strange, in my day they used to teach it during the 7 Days Introductory Course as a single lesson.

I think they stopped doing so because it freaked too many people out and they left afterwards because it is so ridiculous, e.g. dinosaurs 2,500 years ago, and too many other anomalies to mention here.


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Re: Is there really a 5,000-year cycle ?

Post12 May 2015

Doomsday is part of every religion, so there must be some truth in it. But when someone puts a date to it, like some people tried with the famous "Nostradamus" prophecies, I take it with a grain of salt. BK never did.

I cannot remember if they actually mentioned The Cycle or if I read it on one of the books they granted me access to but, for sure, it was not in the Introductory Course. As you said, that would have freaked out a lot of people.

Did they actually mention a date for the end of The Cycle ?
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Re: Is there really a 5,000-year cycle ?

Post12 May 2015

DIscussed and evidenced *many* times on the forum.

Yes. WWII, 1950, 1976, 1986, 1986 to 1996, Year 2000 ... minor flutter for 2012 on the back of the Maya Prophesies (but the later was not 'official'.

Just because *anything* is in *any* religion, does that make it any truer?

I don't know every religion so I cannot comment. The BKs just borrowed it from Hinduism and Christianity, compressing a Cycle of Time to cash in on Christian-style millenarianist zeal.

Likewise, there is a post in the Anything Goes section documenting 100s of End of the World predictions from other religions that never happened either.

Religion might also be the opiate of the masses but it surely makes them dumber in the short term and exploits them from start to finish.

Priesthoods, be they male or female, are largely parasitical life forms that enjoy interfering in other people's private affairs in my book.

Have a read of the forum ... we've covered a *LOT* of ground in the last few years including debunking their 'official' history. There was no God Shiva in their religion for the first 20 years ... they believe Lekhraj Kirpalani, their guru was literally God. We exposed them ... they still keep pumping out completely falsified history.

I you might say, "every religion does so" ... but then, rather than make their nonsense true, I'd just say it makes them all false.


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Re: Is there really a 5,000-year cycle ?

Post15 May 2015

The BKs just borrowed it from Hinduism and Christianity

There are no cycle of 5000 years in Hinduism.
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Re: Is there really a 5,000-year cycle ?

Post15 May 2015

There is a Kalpa and there is a 5,000 years, the 5,000 years being allegedly the last time Krishna incarnated earth.

I was not being specific about the 5,000 year Kalpa in my statement. I come to conclusion that the above is where the BKs got their idea from, and that they borrowed the power of imminent End of the World from Christians.

I'd guess it came from Christian evangelists in India ... but that is purely a guess, e.g. the Jehovah Witnesses or others.


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Re: Is there really a 5,000-year cycle ?

Post15 May 2015

I'd guess it came from Christian evangelists in India ... but that is purely a guess, e.g. the Jehovah Witnesses or others.

In India, Christian not support that all. I feel no religion support 5000 year cycle, but other cult guess only and not sure about time.

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Re: Is there really a 5,000-year cycle ?

Post15 May 2015

I was going through this article on wikipedia:

and there is a clip related to it:
Imagine a gigantic rocky mountain at the beginning of Kalpa, approximately 16 x 16 x 16 miles (dwarfing Mount Everest). You take a small piece of silk and wipe the mountain once every 100 years. According to the Buddha, the mountain will be completely depleted even before the Kalpa ends.

Most of the description tells that Kalpa consists of millions to billions years & it makes sense as several predictions of researchers show that evolution dates back to similar time span.

The time duration mentioned on these sources does not match, at all, to any extent with that of BKism. Only few similarity can be traced out. The Hinduism time cycle is based on calculation about which you can search. A lot of data is available. But there is nothing substantial to support BKism 5000 cycle anywhere apart from their own imbecile Baba's manipulations & empty headed Didis' intuitions.
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Re: Is there really a 5,000-year cycle ?

Post16 May 2015

Khemkaran, the Bible has been analysed, firstly and most famously by the Bishop of Usher, and found that if its timelines are followed and believed, the earth was created just over 6,000 years ago.

ex-l’s point is that krisna is supposed to have spoken the Gita about 5,000 years ago at what is said to be the start of Kali yuga.

Lekhraj, in his solipsistic reveries, thought that in his past life he was Krisna. But how to reconcile that with traditional Hindu teachings and timelines? Easy. By merely saying they are partially right but are false memories, reconfiguring scriptural references and other beliefs (which are all unprovable) to make a new one that "makes sense” to him.

The dread of one’s mortality easily merges psychologically (again solipsistically) with the death of the whole world. Twist and turn the logic in one’s head to fit one’e psycho-emotional needs (narcissisism) and there you have the birth of a cult leader and followers who have similar needs.


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Re: Is there really a 5,000-year cycle ?

Post16 May 2015

the Bible has been analysed, firstly and most famously by the Bishop of Usher, and found that if its timelines are followed and believed, the earth was created just over 6,000 years ago

Is describe the 5000 years cycle repeatation.

I was read, oldest land of the world is Tibet (China), which is 6000 year old and surrounded by water, according to scientist.
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Re: Is there really a 5,000-year cycle ?

Post16 May 2015

khemkaran wrote:In India, Christian not support that all. I feel no religion support 5000 year cycle, but other cult guess only and not sure about time.

I appreciate English might not be your first language, but please read and understand what is being said and research it here and elsewhere if you doubt it.

Devotees of Krishna claim he appeared 5,000 years ago and spoke the Bhagavad-gita during the Mahabharata war (... probably beliefs taken from Lekhraj Kirpalani's wife Vallabhacharya/Pusthi Marg sect).

What Christian's believe in is the whole imminent End of the World thing.

TIbet and rise of the Himalayas dates back to the Precambrian era or, say, 540 million years ago.

Lekhraj Kirpalani spent time in two great centres of the British Empire in India where it is likely he was exposed to some Christian influences (as indeed there were in Mount Abu).

There are at least 540 Jehovah's Witnesses congregations in India. There were also Theosophical Societies. The truth is we don't really know just by whom and how he was influences ... all we can do is lay down the mostly likely and than look for other evidence like detectives.

If you have a better answer for where he came up with his 5,000 year Cycle idea, please tell us.
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Re: Is there really a 5,000-year cycle ?

Post18 May 2015

A word from the god spirit of our faithful BK friends ...
When you allow someone else to come between you, you end up in the middle of the ocean. Then, your Husband [Baba] has to make the effort to save you and this is why the task of world transformation is left out. Then you ask when Destruction will take place! Since you wives are not yet ready, how can destruction take place? Do you now understand why destruction is not taking place?

When you don’t even know how to change your dress, how are you going to change the world?

They date the comment back to 1979 but as it reads like a Sakar Murli, it must date back to the 1960s.

Yet it's being recycled in 2015 ...
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Pink Panther

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Re: Is there really a 5,000-year cycle ?

Post19 May 2015

Since you wives are not yet ready, how can destruction take place? Do you now understand why destruction is not taking place?

It was such a point - ”not yet ready” - that added enough to the camel’s back to make the light bulb go on for this little pink panther when, after hearing it for the umpteenth time over many years, I realised that ”ready” is something that BKs will never be.

I.E. there was nothing I saw in the teachings, the people or the organisation to show that anything had changed, matured, become more enlightened or more effective in doing anything other than keeping everyone hanging on.
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