The Brahma Kumaris Golden Age ... no poofters please!

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Re: The Brahma Kumaris Golden Age ... no poofters please!

Post11 May 2015

Mr Green wrote:There is asexuality there, and no poo.

Allegedly ...

Although we have had Gulzar wobble and claim procreation will happen just as it does now. I wonder if she'll extend that to "number twos" too?

What you say is true of BK belief. I heard one senior Brahma Kumari say that the dietary control of their future birth is so perfect ... flower petals and juice ... that they will not pee or poo.

I wonder how ... because more than a few Brahma Kumaris - despite living off the donations of others - lack the sanksar of dietary control in this life!

Who stole my toli? BK "Beachball" Mohini from Mt Abu
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Pink Panther

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Re: The Brahma Kumaris Golden Age ... no poofters please!

Post12 May 2015

What you say is true of BK belief. I heard one senior Brahma Kumari say that the dietary control of their future birth is so perfect ... flower petals and juice ... that they will not pee or poo.

So no bladder, large intestine (colon) and bowel. They must evolve later. As the parents of first generation deities are biologically "kali-yugi” therefore deities must be mutations.

But the BKs do not believe in evolution.
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Re: The Brahma Kumaris Golden Age ... no poofters please!

Post12 May 2015

Pink Panther wrote:So no bladder, large intestine (colon) and bowel. They must evolve later ...

No genitals, no bladder, no large intestine (colon), no bowel, (no anus); I cannot see why they would need a gall bladder and they must have a greatly reduced brain (no memories) ... the Brahma Kumaris' deities are like tadpoles basically.

The BKWSU does not "not believe" in evolution, it "knows" it is wrong.

They don't believe in believe in evolution ... they believe in "de-evolution, or backward evolution.

When one takes any part of the Brahma Kumaris predictions of the Golden Age, they become so ridiculous as to be beyond unbelievable.

Nuclear power without radioactivity, vast palaces of diamond encrusted gold without mines, miners or smelting plants, thought controlled flying machines flying at the speed of thought (possibly faster than the speed of light) without air traffic control, cremators without (presumably) the smell of burning bodies ... or does the smell of the smell of burning deities smell just like incense because all they eat are flowers and nectar?

Oh, for goodness sake people, they were all just fairy stories an old deluded man told some uneducated young girls without access to any other mental stimulation, to keep them entertained before TV was invented.

Hans Christian Anderson would have made a better moral teacher.

Oh, and no lesbians or poofters (... until the end of the Silver Age when it will be slowly creeping in).

Here the 64 Thousand Rupee Question though ...

The Brahma Kumaris claim their god man Lekhraj Kirpalani was "the first man"; the first man to become absolutely perfect and equal to god, the the first man to "fall" into the vices and lead humanity astray from Heaven into Hell, the first man to become absolutely impure.

Are they also saying he was the the first man to swing the other way too?

Let's remember, according to the Brahma Kumaris, there was no homosexuality, or dinosaurs, or gay dinosaurs, until 2,500 years ago!

499 BC must have been quite a party! From heavenly bliss to discovering sex, having one's first period AND being chased by dinosaurs all on the same day. How traumatising. And all Lekhraj Kirpalani fault!!!

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Re: The Brahma Kumaris Golden Age ... no poofters please!

Post12 May 2015

I had been busy for a while. Thus responding late.
ex-l wrote:Is there anywhere you can check if a specific website on a block list?

No, it is still in process. It was in news - official circular says that the list will be out & implemented by 7 October, 2019. I will try to post it when I find the exact data. Notably the way Indian Govt had worked in past decades suggests that final dates of major policies generally get postponed multiple times with most of them never implemented fully.
Pink Panther wrote:So no bladder, large intestine (colon) and bowel

Why do they even need to eat food? They can simply create another joke about themselves that in Golden Satyug, BKs' body works with soul power. That is exactly what they had been doing since their invention - say anything as that does not require brain.
499 BC must have been quite a party! From heavenly bliss to discovering sex, having one's first period AND being chased by dinosaurs all on the same day. How traumatising. And all Lekhraj Kirpalani fault!!!

Hahahahahahaha ... lol that's funny. I just imagined it. :D
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Re: The Brahma Kumaris Golden Age ... no poofters please!

Post12 May 2015

That's genuinely what they teach ... well, not specifically and never mentioning homosexuality ... but they say Lekhraj Kirpalani was responsible for leading humanity into what the Christians call, "The Fall", ie responsible for turning heaven into hell by lusting after probably Om Radhe.
Free Speech wrote:Why do they even need to eat food?

The answer I heard was because otherwise life would be too boring. It's just a game for them.

Of course no medical BK have ever been able to offer a biological explanation of how ... no one is really allowed to question the daft old crones.

"Have more Yoga" ... "Ask Baba" ... are the best answers you will get.

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Re: The Brahma Kumaris Golden Age ... no poofters please!

Post13 May 2015

Today, a BK told me that all BKs were asked to do more Yoga & asked to surrender to Baba as Destruction can happen any time. Didi gave example of Earthquakes that happened in Nepal on 25th April & yesterday. Further, she added that truth would be revealed in near future. I don't know what so called truth was she talking about.

Net BKs may say that it is transformation in process & Destruction is not going to occur. But that is a big lie. At centers, Destruction theory is repeatedly preached without any hesitation even after all of their predictions' failure.
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Re: The Brahma Kumaris Golden Age ... no poofters please!

Post13 May 2015

Trust me ... they have been saying since the 1980s, 1970s ... even the printed material from the 1940s says exactly the same thing.

There is no outstanding new "truth" going to be revealed. All they mean is the same old "Knowledge" that they have been preaching day in day out and, specifically that, "God has come, they are his instruments, everything that Lekhraj Kirpalani has been preaching is true".

How long has she been 'in Gyan'? Probably only since after Year 2000 or something if she is young?

BKism works, and their center-in-charges can spout this stuff convincingly, only because they are shielding from knowing and thinking about all the history and previous failures.

This goes back to the other question asked about what proportions of different types of BKs are there. It's possible to get caught up in the excitement of it and practise "total unquestioning belief" for a couple of years, may be even 4 or 5 if you get sucked in, but then gradually you see through ... unless you are part of that cynical minority who depend on it for their livelihood (IMHO).

And, yes, inside the BKWSU, it's Destruction, Destruction, Destruction ... "Transformation" means or absolutely includes Destruction.

I have no read recent Murlis. They are softening them and reducing their repetition. But I am sure they still include Destruction.
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Re: The Brahma Kumaris Golden Age ... no poofters please!

Post15 May 2015

Further, she added that truth would be revealed in near future. I don't know what so called truth was she talking about.

It is BK jargon that means the world will recognise the BKs as their spiritual/moral superiors and their teachings as "the truth” - it is also known as the ”glorification of Baba”.

Why Baba/god needs glorifying ... obviously he has low self esteem and needs regular praise and recognition. :-D
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Re: The Brahma Kumaris Golden Age ... no poofters please!

Post15 May 2015

Pink Panther wrote:Why Baba/god needs glorifying ... obviously he has low self esteem and needs regular praise and recognition. :-D

You are both joking and making a valid serious point.

Of course, religionists who make a living off adherents' faith would respond that "God does not need your praise but that it is for your benefit to do so" zzzz ... the BKs are just creaming off that habit/pattern. It's the same as the Vaisnavite/Krishna devotees say. For me, much of BK was little different than, say, the Hare Krishnas, e.g. say Baba 10,000 times a day = chant "Krishna" to become enlightened and the result was the same ... sharing life with him in the Golden Age (BK) or Vaikunth (Isckon).

The more elucidating insight it raises, is what mentality was Lekhraj Kirpalani in that for 20 years he would be deluded enough to financially support a community of 300 down to 70 and accept the praise from them that he was their "Divine Father God Prajapati Brahma" ... and "superior to 'god'" quote-unquote.

Again, BKs would trip over themselves with excuses ... "it was all just a test ... all part of the necessary purification to weed out the weak seeds" etc etc etc.

You know, I could accept and forgive an individual who suffered some kind of psychosis, thought they were God, Krishna, Christ etc for a few months until they came down off the chemical imbalance, but to accept it for 20 years ... that is in a whole other league.

It is a shame we don't have more/better/independent accounts of his mental state and activities.

There was one old man, non-BK, who knew him after he left Karachi. He said he had the habit of just drifting off and detaching from others even in the middle of discussion with company. Was it really "deep thought" or was it some kind of mental illness?

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