The Brahma Kumaris Golden Age ... no poofters please!

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The Brahma Kumaris Golden Age ... no poofters please!

Post05 May 2015

The BKs try and get their heads around the thorny issue of the day ... Is Homosexuality/Bisexuality available in the Golden Age?

The Brahma Kumari response is predictably clear ... no poofters!
marilyn wrote:Is homosexuality & bisexuality available in the Golden Age, or do we have to wait till the Copper Age for sexual diversity? Any information available on this topic? what are your thoughts on it.
mbbhat wrote:In Golden Age, no sex dear. The nature, and all souls will be in pure stage and just by thought power, fertilization will occur, and in this way, deities will give birth.

Sex begins only from Copper Age.

This is what BKs believe.

Not all BKs it seems though ... is there no such thing as "pure" homosexuality or is homosexuality inherently "impure", condemned to the "Fag End" of the Kalpa, as the BKs call it.

So for anyone looking for a 2,500 years of equal opportunities "Narayan on Narayan" action, here it is!

BTW, when Narayan gives Narayan dhristi in the Golden Age, why doesn't one of them get pregnant by the power of thought?
NARAYAN-NARAYAN.jpg (37.71 KiB) Viewed 22951 times

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Mr Green


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Re: The Brahma Kumaris Golden Age ... no poofters please!

Post05 May 2015

You cannot even take a dump! Let alone go on grinder.

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Re: The Brahma Kumaris Golden Age ... no poofters please!

Post05 May 2015

Seriously, babies through thought power. I would demand an explanation from an experienced BK. How it happens in the first place? Is there some theory on it or still in developing stage?

If it is 1% true, female followers need to take extra care while taking classes at centers or in Mt. Abu. Any 'developed' male BK could accidentally give such power of thought. Madhuban is already a high alert zone. Evil spirits wander there. There was an abortion case also.

Marilyn's comment " or do we have to wait till..." itself shows what he/she is into currently. Mbbhat statement, "this is what BKs believe" show that he is still not confident about it and put it as a 'belief', which can change along with most temporary words of Murli.

"... With thought power, fertilization will occur ...". ;)

You must know BK couples don't make love, they just think about it. Practice stage.
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Pink Panther

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Re: The Brahma Kumaris Golden Age ... no poofters please!

Post06 May 2015

Mbbhatt disputes Dadi Gulzar’s assertion that Golden Age sex is physiologically the same, just the consciousness has been changed so they don’t scare the horses.


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Re: The Brahma Kumaris Golden Age ... no poofters please!

Post06 May 2015

So in case any BK Sister gets pregnant, can claim to have attained to the most pure divinity stage that one drishti from a BK Brother was enough to do it all! Shanti ... shanti ...
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Re: The Brahma Kumaris Golden Age ... no poofters please!

Post06 May 2015

I practise having intercourse by the power of thought all the time. No one will let me do it for real any more ... :sad:

Pink Panther wrote:Mbbhatt disputes Dadi Gulzar’s assertion that Golden Age sex is physiologically the same, just the consciousness has been changed so they don’t scare the horses.

Do horses have sex in the Golden Age too? (With other horses that is).

I've never heard the BKWSU go 'official' on that view (Gulzar's, not the horses) but find it almost as difficult to accept as their "peacock's tears" or "power of thought" line.

The thought of little Krishnas and Radhes romping around as Eeyore the donkey gets his schlong out to hump the lady donkeys is a little hard to swallow.

But, on the other hand, if they want to re-market the Gold and Silver Age as 2,500 of wandering around Heaven on Earth naked practicing paradisiacal 'free love' ... I might be in. Only, I would want a very firm guarantee this time. And some practise in the Confluence Age, just like Hansa Raval did.

The birds do it ... the bees do it ... let's fall in love!.

BTW, to those for whom English is not their first language, "poofters" is generally a derogatory for male homosexuals. However, in the context of "no poofters", it is an ironic use making fun not at those afflicted by the condition but 'hyper-masculine', prejudiced and reactionary conservatives or bigots ... amongst which the Brahma Kumaris generally right wing view seemingly sit.

It used to be a running joke amongst Australian comedians who were known for their "manliness" and uncouth behaviour.

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Re: The Brahma Kumaris Golden Age ... no poofters please!

Post06 May 2015

ex-l : ... amongst which the Brahma Kumaris generally right wing view seemingly sit.

Right wing of BKWSU? Not clear about its functions. Does it consist of only male BKs ?
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Re: The Brahma Kumaris Golden Age ... no poofters please!

Post07 May 2015

Just like God, the Golden Age and how they procreate there can be whatever you believe it to be.

It's a bit like newly pubescent teenagers debate how smurfs might procreate, ie it's debating a fiction; for children.

It's like the scandal in the USA where one of the Teletubbies was accused of promoting homosexuality because ‘he' carried a handbag, or where one country in Europe banned Donald Duck etc because they wandered about undressed from the waist down!

How is it the Cat in the Hat can talk? How does Santa determine who’s naughty or nice? Did Darth Vader use ”the Force” to Father Luke Skywalker, or did he just do it the old fashioned way?


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Re: The Brahma Kumaris Golden Age ... no poofters please!

Post07 May 2015

To Admin,

Why do some users target Hinduism, Christianity or any other religion, instead of BKism to which this site is dedicated?

Derogatory usage of images directly related to any religion should be considered offence as no religion has got anything to do with BKWSO. It is not the first time but I found it on many other threads too. I know that there are loopholes in all religions yet they are nowhere concerned or connected to BKWSO. It is different thing if BKs say so.

Please take notice of this issue & make the site more user-friendly.
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Re: The Brahma Kumaris Golden Age ... no poofters please!

Post07 May 2015

Free Speech wrote:Why do some users target Hinduism, Christianity or any other religion, instead of BKism to which this site is dedicated?

Because all religions pretty much suck equally ... I am sorry if your faith is so fragile it cannot take a joke. I wish all religious people made life more friendly for atheists ... instead of having tortured, persecuted and murdered them for thousands of years.

Some users really just means me ... but, please, the gay Narayan joke was against the BKs and their beliefs. It used a BK picture and was *not* against Hinduism.

If anyone, you should be outraged at the BKs for stealing and nonsensically scrabbling up all of Hinduism's major theories and iconography.

BTW, I remember somewhere the BKs actually trademarked the Trimurti in India !!!
Free Speech wrote:Right wing of BKWSU? Not clear about its functions. Does it consist of only male BKs ?

Not "Right wing of BKWSU", as if it has a wide political spectrum.

I've argued for a long time that the BKWSU's political leanings are intrinsically Right wing on the whole, eg historically close to the Bharatiya Janata Party and denouncing Congress, condemning democracy and promoting a strictly hierarchal, caste based theocratic political system.

It is a strange paradox, as I would have said most Western BK are Left wing/humanist/democratic types.

It would be worth studying to see how the cult morphs itself to suit which ever culture it infests, like "sugar in milk" to quote an old Sindhi saying they use.

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Re: The Brahma Kumaris Golden Age ... no poofters please!

Post07 May 2015

Well, it is not a BKs picture but directly related to Hinduism & kindly don't take it to Religion vs Atheism or how good or bad a religion is. No religion preaches violence and violent people don't have any religion. It is also not about strenght of one's faith or asking other person to respect it.

I don't want to see this site being blocked in any country where BKism has spread just due to someone's allegation that the site makes fun of religions. Already BKWSO wants this site to be closed in every possible way. They can get enough data here that condemns religions in more than one way.

I even thought about it why BKs never tried this yukti, it may be because it contains more about themselves, their crimes, etc. which they would never want to be disclosed to wider range of public by unwanted publicity of content of this site.

This is the only site dedicated for exposing BKism & to know what many BKs in past had gone through, so keep this site alive for the cause. Try to see it that way.
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Re: The Brahma Kumaris Golden Age ... no poofters please!

Post08 May 2015

I understand ... the BKs could lean on more fanatical elements of the BJP or RSS and get them to ban it from all of India on the basis that it was attacking HInduism, ie using the principle that, "your enemy's enemy is your friend".

BKs tell a story that Lekhraj Kirpalani some how exhibited his enlightenment before becoming god by having the picture of Lakshmi and Narayan re-painted from Lakshmi washing Narayan's feet, as he lay back on the bed, to Lakshmi standing up next to Narayan as an approximate equal.

Of course, this is not quite true ... images of Lakshmi and Narayan together existed before and more widely ... but that's the BKs' story and that's the BK picture with a Shiva lingum added. The Shiva 'oval' was only added lately, from perhaps the 60s onwards as he did not exist in their religion prior to about 1955.

In the West, only the Bengali Muslims really get riled up and riot about religious offences now. No one else can be bothered.

Challenging often blinkered, violent and repressive theocratic influences and rule has been a long slow processes of enlightenment which has taken perhaps 200 years and came to end in the 1960s/70s. You can pretty much say what you like now (as long as it's not about Mohammed ... in which case the "Messengers of Peace" will kill you!!!).

India has also a very old philosophical traditions of atheism too.

I can understand not wanting to be shot, decapitated or blown up by Muslim extremists ... but should we allow humourless, angry and retarded fundamentalist to determine the nature of our speech?

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Re: The Brahma Kumaris Golden Age ... no poofters please!

Post08 May 2015

Thankfully you are aware of religious riots & how certain things in India or other Middle East Asian countries occurs. I think the better way of projecting the religious part is to show how BKism have appended other religious theories deceitfully & now calling it their own invention or memoirs like all religions originated from the cult who does not think twice before looting properties & destroying families of its followers.
ex-l wrote:... but should we allow humorless, angry and retarded fundamentalist to determine the nature of our speech?

Definitely no, unless it obstructs the cause itself. Spreading awareness is more essential keeping side what fundamentalists have to say as they no more follow anything themselves seriously like senior BKs who travel in AC cars or fly business class soaking maximum pleasure their skin & senses could.

Recently I read a demographic analysis depicting the freedom of media in different nations. Australia & North America have best record while most Asian countries including Russia & China + African countries topped the list from bottom. India has medium level of freedom of expression most of which is seen sensitive if it relates to religion in any way.

BJP has already decided to ban all less religious sites or more adult sites as mission of Swachh Internet. Right now his ministry is working on preparing a list of all those sites that will be permanently restricted PAN India.
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Re: The Brahma Kumaris Golden Age ... no poofters please!

Post08 May 2015

If the BKs have not already worked on it ... you can be sure they are now!

Seems like the block list is primarily aimed at porn and illegal downloading.

Is there anywhere you can check if a specific website on a block list?
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Re: The Brahma Kumaris Golden Age ... no poofters please!

Post11 May 2015

There is asexuality there, and no poo.

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