
for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Re: Pseudonyms

Post08 May 2015

kmanaveen wrote:It's a big claim, Misty, and that too coming from an ex-BK. I wonder why BKs never revealed even a single accurate prediction ... in order to get better credibility to their concept, cult and god?

Yes, and even if it is all true, and the BKs were able to see into the future and predict the existence of ex-l and Pink Panther etc (which I find very difficult to believe) why went they able to see/predict that they would lost the legal cases to shut us down etc?

Even if you believe it is, it just goes to prove that the only thing reliable about spirit mediumship and spiritualism ... BK-style or not ... is that it is unreliable.

What was the predicted outcome of the effect we were suppose to have?
I think there is a Youtube link for an audio of Suryabahi talk where he was telling about Destruction coming in Year 2000. May be someone has the link (the talk is in Hindi I think).

There was an Indian journalist all fired up about the Year 2000 Destruction who wrote a small book about it. He was definitely in the "intoxication phase" and encouraged by the top Dadis of that time. All across the world, BKs were all fired up in preparation, eg buying up food, storing water etc.

Free Speech

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Re: Pseudonyms

Post08 May 2015

Misty wrote:They told me that the BK was not involved with the committing of the crimes but with the cover up.

You should introspect it. Why BKWSO will try to cover up something which its members have not done? All those involved in crime are BK after all, that too teachers. Mr. Whaling might have planned to execute his plan through some non-BK or he could have told this to you to keep the image of BKism.
So my guess is that they come from the spirit that calls itself Shiv Baba.

That Baba (inside she as they say) is most unreliable when it comes to prediction. Because they had failed in making any prediction correctly, so they started doing this new propaganda.
I think it a kind of big scandal we are talking about, to my opinion.

Yes, perhaps it appears to be another remarkable achievement in BKs crime history.
kmnaveen wrote: I think there is a Youtube link for an audio of Suryabahi talk where he was telling about Destruction coming in Year 2000. May be someone has the link (the talk is in Hindi I think).

They would have removed it by now like removal of destruction details from Murli & predicted years.

How would they know that someone from Australia will use "Pink Panther" & "ex-l" from London as their user name? There is nothing divine about BKism, they neither see the present nor future & history has been just a game of manipulations for them.
ex-l wrote:All across the world, BKs were all fired up in preparation, eg buying up food, storing water etc.

Seriously???? Were they that mad? Are they still that mad?
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Re: Pseudonyms

Post08 May 2015

Yes, absolutely. From memory, it was 3 months worth. If Mr Green drops by, he will confirm they were doing even in the UK. And most of those center-in-charges who were doing it are still in control of their centres today. Few left ... and, of course, they don't tell newcomers for a long time until they are properly 'cooked' (brainwashed).
"Baba was testing us!!! It was our fault for not making enough efforts!!! Yes, it's "just Drama" and now we can spend even longer time with sweet "meera Baba" in the Confluence Age!!!"

Ha ha back to you ... those are more BK-type answers! It's just psychological denial.

That's not the worst though, each time they have a flutter over Destruction, followers donate extra money and even properties. 1976 was a big one for them, good for their bank account but bad for losing followers. 1986 to 1996 dragged on for too long. I have no idea how 1950 was, it's too long ago to report and the only ones left since then are hard core leaders deceiving the followers like Dadi Janki.

But it seems each time they lose some followers and they call it, "Baba shaking The Tree" to lose the "weak ones".

The "strong ones" are the ones who are so stupid, gullible or desperate ... aka "faithful" ... that they hang on every time his predictions fails instead of walking off or demanding their money back. It's a completely upside down philosophy of life.

And as for the crimes ... their response is one of the usual BK contortions.

Ask, just what exactly is the BKWSU or PBIVV? It does not exist. Perhaps the BKWSU/PBIVV has not officially instructed someone to stab, rape, murder, burn or dispose of evidence etc ... but it's representatives surely have done.

What the BKs often do is to instantly disassociate themselves from any individual BKs who has carried out a crime and claim that they are no longer BKs.

Accusations or theft via undue influence and visa fraud would stick far more easily but, again, they would just say, "It's not official policy".

What is "official policy"? No one knows. It's whatever Dadi Janki says ... the facade they put on to con which ever authorities that they want to con new; one face for Christians, one face for Hindus, one face for Islam, another for corporate executives etc etc. etc
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Pink Panther

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Re: Pseudonyms

Post10 May 2015

Misty wrote: As I have written before, I was there in the 1990 - 1992 period. I have left them since then and have no more contact with them ever since.

This is the point dear Misty that everyone is trying to clear up. Your ”testimony” may be all be true, but it does not match the dates.

The xBKchat forum was in the early 2000s, ending in 2006. Not sure exactly when it started but it was not existing in the early 1990s.

And as ex-l explained, this forum and the user ”ex-l” and this user ”Pink Panther” also did not exist in 1992.

The internet in 1992 was still new, far from a popular or reliable medium , only taking off around 2000.

So they were either predicting trivia in the future (yes, I think we are trivial compared to what’s going on in the world) , or your memories are mixed up somehow.

1. Please, if you have any diaries, photos or other objective references, you may be able to correct your dates so the story makes sense.

BTW you say you were surprised by how they said so much to you. Seniors will often include newcomers into in-depth issues if they think they will be useful to them, i.e. by taking you into confidences you are ‘bonded’ to them, so...
2. What was your profession or position at the time?

3. Also could you identify from the two photos ex-l posted which is the Mr Whaling you remember, or was it another face you remember?

4. Is there any photos online or anywhere of this BK Trudy?

The only ”surrendered” BK I knew around that time named Trudy was a young woman from either Holland or Germany. Mind you, by that time I was barely a BK and had lost interest in the broader BK community.


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Re: Pseudonyms

Post10 May 2015

Free Speach :

Misty wrote :
They told me that the BK was not involved with the committing of the crimes but with the cover up.[quote]

Free Speech answered to that :

You should introspect it. Why BKWSO will try to cover up something which its members have not done? All those involved in crime are BK after all, that too teachers. Mr. Whaling might have planned to execute his plan through some non-BK or he could have told this to you to keep the image of BKism.

Thank you for the remark. I tried to discuss this matter at the center, at the time. I told them that things needed urgently to change because it lead to the drama of the Agra murder. The teacher told me that it was not the BK-teachings but blamed the people themselves ! As I protested against this idea she told me it was not her matter.

Even though they knew what would happen, years ahead, they did nothing. Almost raised their hands in despair. It was karma. I pointed at the fact that the covering up was done as well by the BK. Even that happend without an actual order, according to them. People paniced. Even if that would be so they knew in advance that it would happen as they told me so ! Why not report to the police immediately.

And even better change the way the BK treats people. According to them it was not to blame the doctrine, which is rediculous I think.

What irritates me largely is that, as far as I know, Shiv Baba itself is involved in this. At least in the case of the deceased person found in a center. It is not a normal reaction, I think, to give preference over a class then to report things happened. I don't know if it happens in all cases. But I know of this particular case.

At the time there was no organ within the BK that was looking critical at situations like this. There also was no organ where I could complain about situations described. The was no confidence person also. Nothing. Neither internal nor external.

Then I asked for critcal people within the organisation. I received a vague answer. Most of them left.

They advised me to write a letter to the people in charge at Madhuban but they told me they would only read it but do nothing with it.

As the information of critical people on this forum was told as described before, concerning ex-l, Pink Panther, I asked if I could see them. But, geografically for me a trip to australia was an expensive matter. I could better go to ex-l.

Mr. Whaling told me, as I learned right now, is false information, that ex-l was in the Londen region. I told him that I wanted to speak ex-l and would travel to ex-l to speak about my concerns, not only about the presumed scandals but also about my own bad experiences.

And about what in general it would do to thousands of people within the BK. As I feared it would affect them largely as well.

Then Mr. Whaling told me ex-l had already left the BK and they did not know where ex-l was so I could not contact ex-l.

But ex-l has already told me, ex-l left the BK before I left the BK in my very first thread here on this forum. Only I did not know that woud be of such a concern. But I tried to find ex-l in these years. That's why I also remember the Agra murder-case so well when it was mentioned.

I started this thread not beause of a prediction becoming true, but because of what people, well aware of what would happen, did with that information. I think if knowledge leads to such disasters, change things. The people in charge, in Madhuban had years to do that. It is a clear signal that things are doing wrong to people !

Mr. Whaling was wrong in telling me that ex-l was a woman. So I think he had someone else in his mind


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Re: Pseudonyms

Post10 May 2015

Thank you Pink Panther,

The timeline that you have painted makes perfect sense as far as I can see, although I don't know the actual dates about the coming and closing down of the mentioned forum.

But I am not wrong about the dates mentioned. I know it perfectly well because I had just moved to another town. That is something that defenitevely sticks to my mind, as well as the situation described by Free Speech. And at that particular time I made notes about important data.

I don't like to reveal to much personal details though and ask you and others to respect that. I have worked hard for my present life.

Oh, and at the time they were bragging about you. I told them on the other hand that even though I did not know you, I reckoned you were a good person otherwise you would not have been on this forum. And that is not to bribe you, right now.

The photo is definitively Whaling, that is the person on the right hand side.


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Re: Pseudonyms

Post10 May 2015

Misty wrote:Even though they knew what would happen, years ahead, they did nothing.

Well ... this may be your and others point of view but for a BK who believed completely in these predictions, doing anything was futile. Whatever was predicted was definitely going to happen (that's what someone had seen or visioned that time in 90s), so whatever one might have done to prevent it, it was bound to happen. Although it looks bad, and may be criminal that one simply becomes a negative witness to all this, but it's not difficult to understand from BKs point of view.

These predictions, which are so accurate and precise or specific, look very different from others, i.e. regarding Destruction, or birth of Krishna etc.

Misty, do you know if there were two or more different types of predictions, coming from different sources, and one of them may be just rumours and others from some spirit? How much the upper level of BKSW organization aware of these predictions?

During my time, I did not get any hint that teachers were really aware of any accurate one and they used to keep making vague ideas of what would happen and when and were changing these as time passed.
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Re: Pseudonyms

Post10 May 2015

The legal dispute, which Hansa Raval intended to use as a precusor to using the facilities of the BKWSO to sue us for personal damages against herself - why I have no idea except that she was egotistically confused and corrupt ... using the charitable organization for her own benefits ... was in 2007.

If .. big IF ... Hansa Raval and Frank Whaling ever spoke, could it really have been in the 1990s?

If .. big IF ... the god spirit made predictions why did not warn the BKWSO about Hansa Raval relationship and other activities and how the exposure of that was bound to embarrass her and the BKWSU.

As I was told it by Ray Bhatt - a Sindhi BK with fairly good access to the Kirpalani Klan due to their money and professional standing - some of the inner circle were really angry with Raval for being so stupid to start the fight. However, some major figures in Madhuban, Mount Abu, like Karuna Shetty supported her.

Why, if the god spirit predicted it all did they go along with it all and support her?

Why would the god spirit be so concerned with Pink Panther and ex-l and not bother that one of his centre-in-charges was secretly marrying another BK (and it is said carrying on a relationship which ended in bigamy), attempting fraudulent immigration applications and up to dubious financial/tax practises etc etc etc?

If it is at all true, he must have a strange sense of priorities ...!

I believe there is some truth to what you are posting, Misty, but I think there are some muddles too.

By all means keep posting and we will try and sort it out as it happens.

Frank Whaling delivered his gift, a puff piece supporting the Brahma Kumaris, to the shame of his professional title of "Professor Emeritus". A book which is as factually inaccurate as it is onesidedly in favour of the BKs.

What makes it worse is that prior to publications we attempted to meet/talk/correspond with him and yet he refused to do so. He refused even to look at all the revelations that had come out about the BKs that so revolutionised the way we see them ... 20 + years of Lekhraj Kirpalani as God and no Shiva Baba, numerous failed predictions, nigh total theological inversions etc.

He has less than zero credibility in my book ... he deliberately used his academic standing to promote the BKs. He's probably just yet another silly old man slightly infatuated by the beguiling Brahma Kumaris.


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Re: Pseudonyms

Post11 May 2015

Just to make my point more clear I give this example.

A few days before a friend of mine in India discussed his concerns about the health of his Father with an astrologer who, after seeing the horoscope, told him that his Father's days are over and he is a guest of few days only, though the old man´s health was not that bad. When he asked is there a solution to make stars rather benevolent and avoid the prediction, unlike many frauds in India, this astrologer told him, "if that was possible how could I envision the death? In that case, I could have seen the solution and told you".

Coincidentally, his Father expired the day before yesterday. (I am not making any case for these astrologers here but its just to explain my point). The same is the case perhaps here with the god-spirit prediction. When it predicted that so and so will happen with Hansa or about existence of ex-l or Pink in future, then whatever way you try to avoid it, it will happen and there is no point of fighting it, at least from BK's point of view. In particular, knowing the thinking pattern of BKs, i.e. avoiding making more karmic accounts, don't you think they behaved more or less according to the doctrine they had been imbibing for years?

On the other hand, what is important is the truthfulness of these predictions (Misty, we do believe you but these predictions are too good to believe, y´know). Who else was privy to your conversations?

Please do keep posting here. Most of us do not have such secrets to share.
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Re: Pseudonyms

Post11 May 2015

kmanaveen wrote:On the other hand, what is important is the truthfulness of these predictions (Misty, we do believe you but these predictions are too good to believe, y´know). Who else was privy to your conversations?

Please do keep posting here. Most of us do not have such secrets to share.

Yes, more to point, what else was discussed?

Look at it from this angle ... 1990, how is an Indian god spirit or spirit medium - say the deceased Lekhraj Kirpalani who died in 1969 - going to understand and explain what an internet forum is, domain name disputes and how individuals use online nicknames? I am not sure the BKs even had computers back in 1990.

So how were ex-l and Pink Panther introduced and explained? More information please.

I might need to go back and check my sources but Raval might even have still been married to the other BK at that time. It was an attractive white Brother from a wealthy background - as usual - who she and they used to do lots of building extension and maintenance work for free - as usual - and who left the BKs with absolutely nothing - as usual.

It's reported that there were tax ambiguities over undeclared benefits as the centre properties were still in her personal name. Another typical ambiguity but one in which the BKWSU benefit by being able to advertise other business locations (centres) but the individual BK benefits from by establishing and holding onto their power within the BKWSU.

More than a few personal mortgages have been paid off by others donation which, by law, should have been declared and taxed as gifts. The BKWSU allows it as in the long term it expects to be donated the property for free.

Free Speech

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Re: Pseudonyms

Post11 May 2015

ex-l : I might need to go back and check my sources but Raval might even have still been married to the other BK at that time. It was an attractive white Brother from a wealthy background - as usual - who she and they used to do lots of building extension and maintenance work for free - as usual - and who left the BKs with absolutely nothing - as usual.

Horrible incidents. Had Hansa actually done that? It is unbelievable how these BKs become totally feeling-less when it comes to taking care of those who had been helping them. Severely sick mentality. Did this person rebelled before leaving BKs or just brainwashed enough to not able to speak anything. How many such cases had already happened, do you know ex-l ?

Tens, hundreds or even thousands....All these cases makes me feel pity & sad for present BKs. Don't know how many will get ruined by BKWSU.
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Mr Green


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Re: Pseudonyms

Post11 May 2015


We were given a list for survival by Jayanti and forced to buy it. It involved large amounts of water containers, candles, dried and tinned food and cooking gas. We rented a small truck to buy all the gear.

She made so many rubbish predictions she eventually stopped doing it. She was once a Thursday morning trance messanger, Janki many times encouraged her to go back up. She spent a bit of time with Lekraj so is held in higher esteem.


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Re: Pseudonyms

Post12 May 2015

Thanks you for all the reactions. Allow me a few moments, will get back shortly and answer.


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Re: Pseudonyms

Post16 May 2015

Thank you for all the reactions.

Mr. Green

Your description of the wrong "end of the world "- prediction by Mrs. Jayanti is very useful. I myself have lived through the 2012 hype alongside the BKWSO was also sufing on the trend.

do you know if there were two or more different types of predictions, coming from different sources, and one of them may be just rumours and others from some spirit? How much the upper level of BKSW organization aware of these predictions ?

* Hence are there two types of predictions ?

As far as I have heard there are indeed. One is the general "End of the world, Krishna will come one day but we don't know when" kind of stuff. This has lead to endless false predictions.

The other are the more detailed ones, sometimes personal and more worldly predictions. As for me, I heard about these two types simultaneously but was very sceptical about whether this second type of predictions would come true.

What I start to think is that the second type of predictions is channeled from worldly sources. The teacher told me they would start to channel newspapers. It was an intense job because they had to constantly meditate. And it sounded absolutely bizarre. And they would need someone on the spot to "send" it spritual, several people in effect. But this was only after they started to do another thing.

And that is that they channeled from this website. I am sorry to tell and believe me, at the time I was just as enormously sceptical as most people will be here once they read it. However, they referred to specific articles placed here, pseudonyms, the way people place posts here, interact etc, etc.

If I might give an explanation I would say the fact that already so many channeled messages like Murlis are here displayed, as well as photos from Mr. Lekhraj and the others helped a lot. The teacher told me a similar thing. She told me at this site there are constantly people somewhere meditating. But, basically, the way it really works I don't know. It seems like data-transfer back in time.

It seems just like a metaphysical law. They called it karma. Mr. Whaling told me that people are just not aware about what they are doing with their thoughts.

I asked someone and they confirmed they channeled the information at the time (at least being 1990, maybe even earlier) and then fed it in the preliminary form of the internet - send it to -- and accessible for restricted adherents at the time. I think it is, basically, a sending of data back through time, though it hardly seems possible.

An adherent explained that the BKWSO was so desperate for "true predictions" that they used this trick. When a prediction becomes true it could be used to convince people or lure newcomers in, or prevent doubting members from leaving. When damage was done to a center people could be asked for donations. It's the same old book but with a new cover. Or a new chaper from that book. Even the teacher told me so. Nothing basically, really changes.

Mr. Whaling told me they first started with channeling this website but eventually build a sort of replica of it, at the time, a simple one to study our interaction and other details. The teacher told me that this present website helped the BKWSO a lot in making their con-strategy more perfect. But I have to say that everything that I said at the time to fight back to the BK was turned against me and told as if it would only benefit them. It was a trick they used to appear superior though ghey are just ordinary people, like anyone else.

The godspirit cannot make proper predictions, she told me, but we can do something else and help Baba. She also told me that the con-strategy would not change, only the method was more sophisticated. She told me this website was a perfect medium because we value truth so much here.

I think it is laughable to no extent that a godspirit that cannot make a single prediction valuable relies on such ordinary tricks. Just think of it ... And she was trying to ward of the positive effects of this website as well. It is a help to a great number of people.

But again, it's like the magician had pulled another rabbit out of the high hat.
ex-l wrote:If .. big IF ... Hansa Raval and Frank Whaling ever spoke, could it really have been in the 1990s?

* Hence the timeline Hansa / Whaling

Mr. Whaling told me he met Mrs. Hansa Raval three times. The first time was at her home and ranch. The second and third times were in London. Allow me to tell what I remember/ know and please correct me wherever needed and I'll feel free to speak !! ...

Mr. Whaling told me he discovered that Mrs Raval always flew via London when she went to India. He wondered why this was so. He found out that she took a night rest at a hotel and, later on, discovered she had an affair. This besides the two other men she was connected with.

Mr. Whaling was afraid that Mrs. Hansa Raval could be in some sort of way emotional blackmailed and that is why he insisted that the man became a BK adherent, which happened. She then further degraded this man to his detriment.

Whaling first visited Mrs. Hansa when he was in the US. He did notice things that highly alarmed him. When he was at Madhuban he consulted the channeld "encyclopedia" about her and learned about her future behaviour that would harm the BKWSO and about the courtcase against the website.

He warned her two times ahead of it actually happening. That is, her roleplaying towards the process to shut this site down. And probably in more general terms about her behaviour. So the timeline is intact, only there is a prediction that makes things as if it is blurred. (It's simular to the timeline Pink Panther wanted me to clarify).
If .. big IF ... the god spirit made predictions why did not warn the BKWSO about Hansa Raval relationship and other activities and how the exposure of that was bound to embarrass her and the BKWSU.

*why not warn BKWSO against Hansa Raval relationships and BKWSO embarrassement ?

Mr. Whaling did but Mrs. Hansa Raval did not listen. By then she had become very powerful within the BK. She was married to a BK-man, everyone knew about it, the marriage was consumated and still she was on a stage next to BapDada. Mr. Whaling told me he felt so embarrassed.

We were all very surprised that BapDada tolerated her next to him even though BapDada speaks of absolute celibacy. It was like the beauty and the beast on the stage. Or rather to beasts. One consuming the world, the other consuming the BKWSO. Even Mr. Whaling told at the center that it was as if Mrs. Hansa was preying upon adherents.
Why, if the god spirit predicted it all did they go along with it all and support her?

*why did they support her in the fight ?

The fact is that the BKWSO could not stop Mrs. Hansa Raval. At least that's what Mr. Whaling described. If I remember well she started the courtcase against the website on her own account. If I understood well, at the time, she paid (at least partly) for the courtcase with her own money and she was very rich. Some people in the hierarchy probably hoped that it would still turn out well for the BKWSO, including Mrs Raval herself.

She appeared to be out of controll or out of touch with reality or both.

But furthermore I don't know any details about the actual considerations. I think the only people that can really tell are those high within the hierarchy, which I am not and have never been.
Why would the god spirit be so concerned with Pink Panther and ex-l ... up to dubious financial/tax practises etc etc etc? "

* why be so concerned with Pink Panther, ex-l and others and not with Hansa Raval and her wrongdoings ?

The thing is that at the time both Mr. Whaling and the teacher told me that the wrongdoings of Mrs. Hansa Raval were relatively small as far as compared to other things that would happen. Mrs. Raval was considered as a black rose that flourished and would wither in time.

There was another thing of major concern though. That was that opposition against the BKWSO would go underground where it would be invulnerable for the BKWSO-wrongdoings. In fact, it would become so strong and unpredictable that it would become a severe threat. It would be totally unknown where, when, what would happen and to what image-damage it would lead.

Both Mr. Whaling and the teacher were very concerned about it. They said the BKWSO neither by any form or any intervention would have any influence upon the process. For them it was the ultimate horrorshow.

Mr. Whaling was trying to find out about the interaction between people here on the site because he believed the same kind of interaction would be there in this dark future-scenario for them to come. But it wasn't even sure from which corner the opposition would come. They only knew that it would be kind of devastating, as far as I could comprehend at the time.

What it would be, no one knew.

Maybe it was also used as a con-strategy to keep people in. But both Mr. Whaling and the teacher as well as others at the center were very concerned.
If it is at all true, he must have a strange sense of priorities ...!

* strange sense of policies of the godspirit

That we discussed as well at the time. It wasn't really understood. What mostly was of concern to the adherents was the fact that their beloved Baba could not protect them at all. I guess that's also a clear sign of Shiv Babe not being a totipotent godspirit which Shiv Baba claims to be.

I guess even Shiv Baba himself was concerned of the things to happen which is not at all like an omnipotent godspirit.

Neither was it well uderstood why Mrs. Raval was tolerated on a stage next to BapDada even if it was clear that she would do so much wrong in times to come.
I believe there is some truth to what you are posting, Misty, but I think there are some muddles too.
By all means keep posting and we will try and sort it out as it happens.

kmanaveen wrote:then whatever way you try to avoid it, it will happen and there is no point of fighting it, at least from BK's point of view

* there is no point in fighting a preordained prediction.

Some events indeed are. Death is an inevitable part of life, still right now, if ever it changes. But there are a few very disturbing things about the arson-case. Mr. Whaling told me that for years the spot was vacant. No buildings, nothing. People then (and that includes me), just as much as people now, were very sceptical if ever an event such as arson would happen.

However, there were buyers interested in the spot. One person wanted to build a hotel over there. Another person wanted to establish an ordinary bookshop. Both of them were warded off by overpowering them money-wise. The BKWSO was bidding higher for the ground. If they believed in pre-ordained fate they would not have done that. They would have relaxed knowing that one way or another their line of future-events would have become real and not the other ones.

Mr.Whaling told me : "We don't want an arson-attack in an ordinary bookshop. We want it in our bookshop."

He also told me it was their karma, they had to deal with it , but was afraid it would still take place at the same spot although here, at the forum, backgrounds about that event were revealed. They were not yet known at the time when we discussed the event. Or left out on purpose.

Mr. Whaling also told me, as I discussed the above strategy of buying other party's out , that it wasn't sure whether orson would happen and that theyhelped fate a bit in this way. Stragely, after the BKWSO had safely obtained the place, the godspirit demanded for years the ground should remain vacant. Only after years when the godspirit suddenly ordered the building of a bookshop and BK-center, people relaxed because they knew that karma could happen the way it was predicted.

Another thing that comes to my mind is the fact that Seniors get operations (why fight a disease if it's karma?). Why give Mr. Lekhraj injections prior to his death ? Why inspire politicians and scientist to destroy the world. Why try to cover up and hide the truth ? It would all not be necessary if they beleived the karma-reality themselves.

I feell like the karma-argument is used only whenever it is apropriate. But it is a very good question indeed.

I wish to tell you one thing Kmanaveen. It is very personal to me and I hoped to tell it once to you. The very fact that you posted your articles on this site and Mr. Whaling telling me that they could not get hold of you, that you passed the BK unnoticed or were never really affected by them, or in contact with them helped me at a difficult moment. It encouraged me a little, even though I would have passed through it myself as well because I was so adverse to them. But that is karma also. No one helped me but you were there, metaphorical speaking.

Thank you for that.
Who else was privy to your conversations?

Most of the adherents at the center, apart from those who had freshly arrived, knew at least about some of the 'worldly' predictions given. Some of them argued about future events with each other. Some though knew more then others. The mere part of those who had been at Madhuban, had consulted the "encyclopedia". Some though were not interested in consulting it. Few actually knew about the present website and had read articles from it ,or knowledge from it's contents.
ex-l wrote: what else was discussed?

I think I have already told quite a lot about what happed, discussed etc in the threads that I have started. Anyone interested can read it there. But as ex-l has once said I also think it's just the tip of the iceberg.
how were Pink Panther and ex-l introduced ?

There was a conversation about dissidents and people that left the cult. Then there was being told that those who left, merely belonged to the "group against the destruction-paradigm". They told that later on people regrouped on a forum. I asked about incidents that people on the website posted about and they told me of the "big scandals". Then they started telling about names of a few of them, including Pink Panther and ex-l.

It's all there in the very first post of this thread.
Another typical ambiguity but one in which the BKWSU benefit by being able to advertise other business locations (centres) but the individual BK benefits from by establishing and holding onto their power within the BKWSU.

This is unclear to me. Can you tell me what actually happened ?
I am not sure the BKs even had computers back in 1990

* Was there internet back in 1990 ?

Yes. I read about it in a book. It was confirmed by an adherent. That person could read text from the presen website, just like Mr. Whaling could and other happy few. But Mr. Whaling studied the information thoroughly. Some very rich people had access to the preliminary form of the internet and Murlis and other stuff, like contents of the website, that were send to them in this way. And major universities had internet. And the military also.

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  • Joined: 02 Apr 2015

Re: Pseudonyms

Post17 May 2015

Sorry to say but I don't think that I can believe this stuff beyond an extent.

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