Nepal Earthquake and Brahmakumaris

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Free Speech

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Nepal Earthquake and Brahmakumaris

Post27 Apr 2015

Total 38 centers of BKWSU in Nepal are mentioned on this link:

Where was Shiv Baba or the claimed BKWSU God savior of his followers?

Why did not he come to save the dedicated local BKs?

Does any BKWSU unit knows the number of BK victims in this disaster? Hell No, they don't care about you or anyone else but soon they will give description of BK center's property loss & thus extra donation from followers & Govt for reconstruction.
did not want to pick this topic but its so disgusting to see how BKism exploits its members.
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Re: Nepal Earthquake and Brahmakumaris

Post28 Apr 2015

If it's good ... "the god spirit of the BKWSU did it".

If it's bad ... "it was you fault (karma)" ... and you need to do more Yoga.

If one centre coincidentally was not affected ... that is the "Baba's Miracle" you will hear about.

If 37 centres were destroyed ... you won't hear about it, and no one will ask.

Next, expect a begging email asking for more donations from BKs ... because the BKWSU won't open its coffers but will target the victims' grief, loss and insecurity to try and encult them (aka "service").

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Re: Nepal Earthquake and Brahmakumaris

Post03 May 2015

Another end of the world cult ...
“It is now or never, practice Spirituality and live to see the Divine Kingdom unfold from 2023 onwards.”

World War 3 is coming – are you prepared?
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Re: Nepal Earthquake and Brahmakumaris

Post03 May 2015

Oh, that will excite the BKs ...
For seekers, and those sitting on the fence thinking about whether they should start spiritual practice, the message from Saints is, “It is now or never, practice Spirituality and live to see the Divine Kingdom unfold from 2023 onwards.”

“It is now or never ..." is a line they have used forever.

You cannot argue such a mindset ... if it get worse it is a 'sign'; if it get better, it is a 'sign'; and if it never happens ... it was a test.
If one really wants to survive these terrible times, it is important that God should feel like saving you ... If there is to be a terrorist attack nearby, then God himself gives the thought to the seeker to stay away from that place thus protecting and shielding him from the terrible event.
What most people don’t know is that this behaviour is not entirely our own, but that some of us are controlled by powerful negative energies. These subtle forces of evil will possess men and make them commit the worst of crimes against their fellow men.

This is also a view that the likes of everyone from Zoroaster to Rudolf Steiner has put out. Are we just the gods' toys?

What odds will anyone give me for or against it happening?

I remember one of the first high profile Western BKs to leave, when they were asked by some BK Sister how they were preparing for the End of the World.

They answered, "Practising screaming ... like everyone else".

I hope "God" feels like saving people with sense of humour, or I am not coming. Sure as hell I am not going to a "heaven" full of BK internet snoops and snitches.

Free Speech

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Re: Nepal Earthquake and Brahmakumaris

Post05 May 2015

ex-l : They answered, "Practising screaming ... like everyone else".

Right answer. She should also have punched that BK Sister hard right on her face so that she thinks twice before asking such stupid questions to anyone. She deserved that punch. Next time, if someone talks about 3rd world war or any destruction type thing, do it.

According to Nepal govt. estimation, over 7000 people have lost their lives in this Eathquake though the rescue team & other personnel are suspecting it around 15000. Generally, some Govt. do not disclose correct details to avoid the expenditure on compensation or relief camps or rehabilitation costs.

Few years back, a senior Dadi visited Nepal, begging land for opening up grand centers. For that, she even put her drama of channelizing the dead ones of Royal Nepali families. That is a common technique which she usually perform to get land and properties directly from some autocratic royal rulers.

So, when is she visiting again to Nepal? I heard she channelizes an imaginary God. So, if her god doesn't mind, she must go to Nepal for curing the pain of victims. That can do a real PR for BKWSO & could be later counted as first historical charitable work done by BKWSO. Open the BKWSO charity account now.
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Re: Nepal Earthquake and Brahmakumaris

Post05 May 2015

Free Speech wrote:Few years back, a senior Dadi visited Nepal, begging land for opening up grand centers. For that, she even put her drama of channelizing the dead ones of Royal Nepali families. That is a common technique which she usually perform to get land and properties directly from some autocratic royal rulers.

Interesting ... I had not heard of that kind of spiritualist puppet show. The BKs 'love' royalty ... it comes as part of their right wing, nationalist political package.

Presumably the dead Nepalese Royalty said a BK centre was a 'must have' item !?!

Any mention of stricter gun control laws?

Free Speech

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Re: Nepal Earthquake and Brahmakumaris

Post05 May 2015

That puppet show is more often used as it exploits royal members emotionally, the only tool that can move them & when they offer donation, it is way beyond what several ordinary BKs donate when put together. In Yoga bhathi classes, such channelizing events are often told & those VVVIP Royals are praised for their purity [Note : In BKism, one with more power, be it money, political, fame or anything in abundance is considered higher in hierarchy & thus purer].

The Royal tragedy of Nepal is still mysterious. Some witnesses said that the killing was a planned. The story of boy shooting his own family members is a fabricated one while few have opposite opinions as his paternal uncle did not uttered a single word before knowing that to-be king was dead and when he died, all allegations were put on him.

I don't know what's the truth. But I feel that there could be a passive involvement of Brahmakumaris as they often said that these VVVIPs will become king or queen ... in Satyug. The BK theory was well known for inciting children to rebel against their own family members. They might have pushed some of them psychologically after the channelizing dramas.

Just guessing.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Nepal Earthquake and Brahmakumaris

Post06 May 2015

FS, the Nepali royal family massacre it is a well documented case, I suggest you research the Wikipedia article for a start.

The prince who committed the act was outraged that he was ordered not to marry the girl he loved. The uncle was about 13th in line to the throne or something distant, so only chance that he became king (for a little while). VERY unlikely it was his conspiracy.

Last night I saw a report of a tourist town that was largely based around 50 guesthouses where trekkers stayed. Every building bar one was completely gone, no survivors found. 100 bodies, with another 120 still expected to be found.

The death toll will keep rising.


and after

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