BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post22 Apr 2015

warrior wrote:But Gulzar did not stay in this place.

Do you have any leads on her age/history? Did she at home with her family?

Free Speech wrote:I think the next titles that they may use for their Seniors could be "Paramhansa" or "Shankaracharya" ...

That's the game. it's all about 'market placement' and conning others to make them think they, the BKs, are talking about the same things and sharing the same values.

They don't.

To the BKs, "yogi" means BK ... none of the rest were.

They've already started calling each other Shri and -ji, such as "Rajyogi (King Yogi) Nirwairji", and Mahatmas for a long time.

You can call me, "Shri Shri World Father Jagat Guru Param-Ex-l-ji". ;)

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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post22 Apr 2015

ex-l wrote:: To the BKs, "yogi" means BK ... none of the rest were.

Though BKs are told that other Yoga forms are dehadhyas & nothing else yet I was thinking what BK are told when they ask about other Yoga system? What sort of mindset is given to them towards the actual Yoga practitioners? Any idea?
You can call me, "Shri Shri World Father Jagat Guru Param-Ex-l-ji".


Well, its time to open your own shop, Jagadguru ex-l ji.;) You may also invent a new theory for it like " I am a SooperGod Shova-Rova of the 'Multiple Universe system' of which yours is just one Universe & ShivBaba is one of my assistants responsible for assisting me in spreading peace in this Universe & while ShivaBaba is not being channelised by Dadi, he recieves energy from me, so come to me all BKs, I will give you your truest home."

Oh, is it the reason why BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014???? :D


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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post23 Apr 2015

Free Speech wrote:I think the next titles that they may use for their Seniors could be "Paramhansa" or "Shankaracharya" with a new typical BK-type meaning & definition associated with it making BKs disbelieve the actual meaning of these words. After all, other Yoga systems pose a threat to their business, is not it?

It’s true. The BKs are quite successful in brainwashing and disbelieving the earlier beliefs in to the minds of their adherents. Even after leaving the BKs, they remain in sub conscious and require very hard and determined efforts to get rid of the BK belief system and get back the earlier ones. I, myself, worked very hard on it.

In the time of your sorrow and grief, when we are praying GOD and asking support and mercy from him, there is no support and platform to rest your head on. BK Gyan totally flushes the earlier beliefs and faiths. This is the reason why many people just pull on the BKism in their lives even after knowing that they are trapped and fooled by the Dadi's and Sister with mustache.
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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post23 Apr 2015

Free Speech wrote:Well, its time to open your own shop ...

We joke but it has already happened with the likes of Dashrath Patel & Son, and the Vishnu Party.

The BKs cured me from ever wanting to be a Guru ... but if ever I did want to be a post-BK guru, I would promise the followers 4 weeks holiday every year and the right to sleep in on Sundays. No Morning Class on the "day of rest".

Would it be a vote winner?

God told me to say so.

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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post23 Apr 2015

because.parmeshwar wrote:In the time of your sorrow and grief, when we are praying GOD and asking support and mercy from him, there is no support and platform to rest your head on. BK Gyan totally flushes the earlier beliefs and faiths.

Feeling sorry for you & others who faced such situations ever. But its good to know that you worked hard on that & got the past track opposed to what I think that most ex-BKs would undergo depression or something similar for rest of their lives.
ex-l wrote: Would it be a vote winner?

Surely, but with few more amendments to the BKs' list of rules & restriction. Like freedom to have relationships, freedom to have the palatable food that BKs are asked to avoid, donation without consequences &, most importantly, removing Destruction & Satyug of 2036 completely from their play.

An important piece of information: though for PR, BKism is trying to promote "Transformation", yet within the organisation, the fear of 'Destruction' is still enforced & BKs remain motivated due to that. Currently, a pakka BK is one who believes impending Destruction of 2036.

BTW, what's with the distribution of pen, key rings to BKs from center? Does anyone know the motive behind it?
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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post23 Apr 2015

Free Speech wrote:BTW, what's with the distribution of pen, key rings to BKs from center? Does anyone know the motive behind it?

Cheap marketing ... they've even trademarked "God's" image!!!

The truth is, the BKs will get as much out of you as they, including money, relationships and obedience to them ... but then if you have the courage to break the rules, they will let you get away with that too, at least if you are useful to them, have property or wealth.

The chief trustee and accountant for the BKWSU in the UK married a BK Sister (probably just for financial reasons), the Western BK who started all the professional course grabbed a pretty, wealth Kumari too, and it turned out the Indian BKWSO (USA) leader/trustee who started legal action against us - Hansa Raval - had married and had a relationship with a wealthy Western BK Brother ... (probably to defraud immigration in the first place but ending in bigamy).

And the HQ supported her.

That's why I say they have no morals, ethics or even real "spiritual values" ... all that matters is 'expedience' (what is useful to them).

They use Destruction and a religious facade because it is the most 'useful' or profitable to their business.

Which other business attracts so much free labour and gifts? In India, people even give their daughters to the BKs ... and they then send them far from home to work as servants for them.

It's a kind of "divine" human trafficking.

Their "pure" servants have *no* rights whatsoever, whereas their leaders/property owners/"VIP stars" are allowed to do anything, even impurity.

If I am wrong, I will allow a BK to correct me.

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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post23 Apr 2015

And the HQ supported her.

Wow!! Just wow. Perhaps, Hansa would be 1 in 108.
It's a kind of "divine" human trafficking.

Ha. Lol :-) BKs need not to celebrate May 1 this year.

There are rumors (which may be true also) that just like Destruction theory was changed to Transformation one, last year of Destruction or the onset of Golden Age is being shifted from 2036 to 2069. That means BKs will never be able to see Golden Age as it always keeps on hopping. This new 33 years transition will enable them to whitewash one more generation.

How come one is so insane to believe in BKWSU? They have made a hard puzzle for BKs & the solution of the puzzle is, ie, nothing. But I appreciate the tactics cum deceit played by Seniors there in BKWSU, they had been able to delude all sort of people except few fortunate people for so many decades. It's not easy to keep up for so long.

For me, the BKWSU is a billion dollar industry that survives without any product except sheer mindlessness..
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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post23 Apr 2015

Free Speech wrote:Wow!! Just wow. Perhaps, Hansa would be 1 in 108.

Yeah ... the bottom 108.

Unlike Big Mohini, the US leader who stood behind her, who is in the top 108 biggest bottoms in the BKWSU.
There are rumors (which may be true also) that just like Destruction theory was changed to Transformation one, last year of Destruction or the onset of Golden Age is being shifted from 2036 to 2069.

Is that true? Did you hear it from a BK?

I could see the logic ... 100 years from Lekhraj Kirpalani's death. It will take a lot of historical revision and Murli re-writing but it would not be the first time.

Yes, the internet is making it harder for them to cover things up, except in India where they prey on poor villagers.
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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post24 Apr 2015

Currently, a pakka BK is one who believes impending Destruction of 2036.

This means they will need to remove every line in every Murli that states that "this is the last of 84 births”. Or maybe they have already done that? How many ”original jewels” from the 1930s have died (many died in the first few decades) and will die again? In 2036, Mama will be 69 years old in this, her next incarnation if she is to be Krisna's mum, as stated by Lekhraj. Who gets to be the lucky Father of Krishna? :-D
    Riddle: Does God have to be consistent in what he teaches and be good at arithmetic?
    Answer: God can be whatever he convinces you he is.

    Riddle : How many errors can God make and still be God?
    Answer: It's God, he can do what he likes!


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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post24 Apr 2015

Do you have any leads on her age/history? Did she at home with her family?

She stayed in Dada Lekhraj's private home. She lived with Lekhraj and his family, a home that was separated from Om Mandli.

Other things about her, later on ... sorry short of time.
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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post24 Apr 2015

warrior wrote:She stayed in Dada Lekhraj's private home. She lived with Lekhraj and his family, a home that was separated from Om Mandli.

Seems unlikely she alone went out to school ... or strangely inconsistent if she did.
Pink Panther wrote:Riddle : How many errors can God make and still be God?
Answer: It's God, he can do what he likes!

... And so, presumably, can you as his sole, authentic representative on Earth?


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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post24 Apr 2015

ex-l wrote:Seems unlikely she alone went out to school ... or strangely inconsistent if she did.

Yes, that's it, after joining the Om Mandli. Her home was the family of Lekhraj's. That was called 51 Gulistan and daily she used to join the other children in the Om.

Free Speech

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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post24 Apr 2015

ex-l wrote: Is that true? Did you hear it from a BK?

Yes (can anyone other than a BK would talk about new additions to BKism? NO). I think your logic is right. !00 years from Lekhraj's death. Its too easy for them now to say, "For world peace, Baba is giving everyone a great chance, now truth will be revealed in 2069 to Sweet children of God. Go and bring more people here to form your Praja (servants) & help us in reaching 9,00,000 count."

I think, by now, number of BKs would be more than 9,00,000 including dead ones. They have expanded to near about 120 countries. I think in India alone, there would be more than 9 lac followers. Has BKWSU mentioned that in any of its report? Or are they going to jibber ' Golden Age after 9 lac' chant forever. I mean if they are so inconsistent about exact year, at least the fact "9 lac" should be followed by BKs.It was 6 lac last decades & still 6 lac, that is definitely a lie.

There are 16 BK centers in my city & each has approximately 150 bhagats, on an average (i.e., total 2400 followers in 1 city). If you see the bigger picture, it would definitely cross 9 lac, no doubt about it.
Pink Panther wrote: This means they will need to remove every line in every Murli that states that "this is the last of 84 births”. Or maybe they have already done that?

No, the removal is not needed for pakka BKs, that is required only for newcomers or those who try to know about BKism without believing in everything that they are told by teachers. Pakka BK's beliefs are like stones who are regularly hit by Murli statement, which is also considered test of faith in Baba. They are not asked to believe in any specific part of Murli (as it is unreliable) but churn deeply to connect all contradictory facts. Mind is a wonder, it can adjust with both extremes when the perfect middle path is not found. Without middle path, BKism tries to gradually push one towards the negative extreme.
warrior wrote: That was called 51 Gulistan and daily she used to join the other children in the Om.

for what purpose? I heard about the regular nipp** twisting that went on for years within Mandli, all in presence of Lekhraj, through his purchased occult power.


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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post25 Apr 2015

Free speech wrote:I think, by now, number of BKs would be more than 9,00,000 including dead ones. They have expanded to near about 120 countries. I think in India alone, there would be more than 9 lac followers. Has BKWSU mentioned that in any of its report? Or are they going to jibber ' Golden Age after 9 lac' chant forever. I mean if they are so inconsistent about exact year, at least the fact "9 lac" should be followed by BKs.It was 6 lac last decades & still 6 lac, that is definitely a lie.

They are going beyond this ... I recently heard it is being taught in Madhuban in the classes of big Brothers (I will get the recordings,if there is any).

It is in sangam yug only where all the souls of Satyug, Tretayug, dwarpar yug will get the true introduction of GOD

In SatYuga – The suryawanshi’s royal families + Praja + Servants(Das Dasis) will be formed (9 lacs).

Treta yuga – The chandrawanshi’s family which include (33 crores).

Dwapar – the Bhagat souls will also get the real introduction in the sangam yuga.

So, in this way they have to give the introduction of Gods arrival up to the population of the end of Dwapar yuga
Only the Kalyuga’s soul will fly like mosquitoes and they will never know who the real God is.

Free Speech

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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post25 Apr 2015

It is in sangam yug only where all the souls of Satyug, Tretayug, dwarpar yug will get the true introduction of GOD
In SatYuga – The suryawanshi’s royal families + Praja + Servants(Das Dasis) will be formed (9 lacs)
Treta yuga – The chandrawanshi’s family which include (33 crores)
Dwapar – the Bhagat souls will also get the real introduction in the sangam yuga
So, in this way they have to give the introduction of God's arrival up to the population of the end of Dwapar yuga
Only the Kalyuga’s soul will fly like mosquitoes and they will never know who the real God is.

Seriously, is that a joke by BKWSU on Hinduism or way of cursing humanity? If it is what BKWSU teach its BKs, it is highly erroneous.

Hindus accept '33 crores Gods and Goddesses' who are in Heaven. It is said the number of heavenly deities is constant. When one deity dies & proceeds to another dimension of Universe, another incarnate in the mean time. Well that is Hinduism philosophy which can be verified only by some divine vision, otherwise what remains is faith.

I understand the origin of "33 crores" as Hindu scriptures & now used by BKWSU for their profits but do you know about "9 lac" fact? From where this number has been picked & pasted in bkism theory, hope so it is not from his one as this is not even few decades old: ... g2913/at05

Does BKWSU teach anything about Liberation-the sole aim of whole meditation process?

Am I discussing this at wrong place or wrong thread?

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