BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

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Pink Panther

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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post14 Apr 2015

Gulzar was (is?) a much more compassionate less doctrinaire person than those who have been promoted above her - Manmohini, Prakashmani, Janki.

Remember it was she who said , based on her own ”manmat”, that of course procreation in Stayuga would be through sexual intercourse. I had a few sessions with her in small groups and found her quite pluralistic and non-judgemental in her outlook. That accepting approach has the downside of allowing things to happen or continue, it’s all Baba’s plan/responsibility etc.

If I was to hypothesise why she was somewhat different in her attitudes and beliefs, it may be that, as ”the Chariot”, her role was fixed and, if you like, guaranteed, so she could afford to think more qualitatively rather than hierarchically or linearly. Whereas with the rest, there was always an ambitious jostling for the few positions of favour and nomination as worthy of being in "the rosary”.

With Lekhraj (Baba) Om Radhe (Mama) Prakashmani, Manmohini, Gulzar pretty much philosophically (in BK terms) unambiguously of the 8, that leaves only three positions. Janki has openly stated it was her motivation to get to the top that drove her ‘efforts”.

We know that in the 1940s and 50s, those 8 positions were allocated and even shown in some pictures and posters but it seems they became unfixed because, well, people died, destruction did’t happen and all bets were off. As the monster grew, with the influx of more important people (in BK terms) like Nirwair, Ramesh, Nirmala Kajaria, etc the focus shifted to the 108 and that bit of latitude, (gee if i don’t make the 8, the 108 is pretty good) gave breathing space and flexibility.

Does the library have a copy of that old picture of the 8 as believed back then?


Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post14 Apr 2015

I think Gulzar's virtues are what they are. Her non-judgemental nature is refreshing and appreciated by many, but it makes no sense to then say; ' the accepting approach has the downside of allowing? things to happen or continue?
It would be more appropriate to 'lay blame' squarely at the perpurtraitors of injustices and harm caused, instead of a back handed sting used on the tail of a virtue for some percieved leverage and target.

It can sometimes happen, that when one is engaged in criticism over a period of time, it becomes a automatic mental reflex, (same as for positive) like a habit, and one can start to make criticism just for the sake of it, whether it's actual or not.

In my young days, the old people used to say; 'give credit where credit is due' ... that is to true, it won't hurt ya.

Here we have another sting on Gulzar, by the following hypothesise; "as the Chariot", her role was fixed and, if you like, guaranteed, so she could afford to think more qualitatively rather than hierarchically or linerly ... ?!! ... Wow ...w hat a slap in her face. Would it not occur to one, naturally speaking, that her style, attitude, outlook, difference from other Seniors around, could Even be her Natural self??? ... I know's an Expansive Thought, so take your time over it ... don't rush to any sudden conclusions here, it's a Big One! ... that it May, just May be Possible, that she has No need to manupulate her own personality to 'suit some others' etc ... strange thinking indeed ... all left.

Blind Fredie can see why Dadi Gulzar is who she is ... it's definitely not rocket science ... very simple indeed.

I am really glad she's not 'educated'.
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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post14 Apr 2015

quantum wrote:I am thinking and wondering whether Dadi Gulzar was even informed of much or/if any of the crap/corruption etc that goes on within the BK Institution?

She's an adult.

She's riding on the backs of the minions; air conditioned, business class, never had a real job etc (... we even saw a picture of a white Rolls Royce in India, not sure if she rides in it).

She is meant to be one of "The 8" most "spiritually elevated" human beings in the world ...

She's sitting in on 'inner circle' meetings.

She knows, and she has responsibilities.

What has she ever really done in life practically ... except keep the BK circus spinning? (We all know its aims and objectives).

In her defence, I did read that she said stuff like children in the Golden Age are going to be made just as they are today, ie through sex, so may be there's more to her than is presented. If so, she should stand up and present it more.
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Mr Green


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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post14 Apr 2015

She's an airhead.


Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post14 Apr 2015

OK, here we have more unticked boxes to add to her 'unqualified credentials' ...

"Air conditioned" ... is that now 'a spiritual offence'? I''m guessing it's hot then ... that's generally when most people use it ... oh, and business class etc ... yeah, good if it's more comfortable for her, and private ... and the possibility that she may even ride in a white Rolls! S...t., and you even saw it in India ... well, she must be riding in it them ... is all this meant to be 'shamefull for her'?

Listen, if it's hot here in summer, I put my air conditioner on, and am grateful to have it. The end on that one. Same as I put my heater on in winter. What are your thoughts if she "Indulges" in having heating in the winter? ... Do you yourself use a heater when it's cold?? ...

Hahaha, very funny ... "so maybe there's more to her than is presented. If so, she should stand up and present it more" ... Look, she's humble, and that's not really her style and nature. She has been "presenting herself" for decades
in her own way as she is. It's also subtle. If you haven't been able to 'get her' by now, then maybe you never will.

If your constantly looking with a critical eye, then that is for sure all you will be able to see.

The upside here though, is that she seems to have ticked one box for you and Pink alike; which is funny as, as you both 'approve' of her thoughts on sex being available in the Golden Age, as it is done here today! ... Woohoo! ...

Numbers can sometimes be over rated. She is meant to be one of 'the top 8' most spiritually elevated beings in the world.

That is according to BKism and their beliefs and teachings, which I personally do not believe in. I find it absurd and hilarious to even think that "God" would have his children 'number wise' literally? ... Fair dinkum ... lol ...

It's just another 'fairy tale' conjured up from some Hinduism mythology, and re-vamed and served up as "real knowledge from The Godfather" ... mind you, it does serve a purpose to keep adherents compliant, effort makers, and creates a lot of 'us and them mentality', and stimulates a lot of competition; savage ambition ... and separation.

In other words; 'they don't get out much'. To me, Dadi Gulzar is not a number ... she is 'just tops'.


Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post15 Apr 2015

Mr. Green, are you able to explain/give an example of, "She's an air head"?

Thank you
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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post15 Apr 2015

quantum wrote:"Air conditioned" ... is that now 'a spiritual offence'?

Well, it is if you are living off an organisation that extort jewellery and donations of poor Indian villagers for the sake of some dishonest, hair brained, 'End of the World' cult that basically enslaves 1,000s of young girls every year to a life of no rights, no education, no future, no days off etc.

Yes, most certainly.

Life is not what you are, even less what you think yourself to be ... but what use you put it to.

I think you missed my point though.

Dadi defenders will often say, "Oh,but the Dadis are so humble ... they own nothing and are not paid ... they 'suffered' so much during The Beggary Period" etc (they did not). Therefore I like to point out what luxury they were born into, how luxuriously they lived until Lekhraj Kirpalani's money ran out, and how *relative* luxurious their lives have been since ... and how they would not have "suffered" so much during The Beggary Period if they just gone out and gotten jobs ... worked for a living like the Bheeli women up in Abu do.

Instead, they stuck it out living off donations and family legacies, and then turn to religious fraud. The BKWSU is just one big con. Gulzar just plays the part of a in a Long Con. She a just a part of a gang grifter ... "The Face" in con merchant terms.
The Grifter: A practitioner of confidence tricks, or more informally, a con artist. A grifter may play many roles, and often creates multiple personas over their career.

The Face: A shill, generally an attractive female used to distract or encourage the mark

What you need to do is compare their lifestyle not to the standards of the West Lekhraj Kirpalani so envied but despised, but to how they *would have lived* in India had they *not* turned to religious fraud.

Look to the starving widows who are dumped in Varanasi (Benares) to die for an example of that.

A woman in India with no skills, no education, no family to support? The options are pretty much begging on the street, working in a brothel, or road building like the Bheelis woman the BK employ to lay foundations for their palaces.

For Gulzar to have been "great" in my mind, she would have had to have done something for other less fortunate than herself; like the starved, stunted and destitute kids up in Abu.

Give you a clue ... "Kumari" really means 'princess' and that what they were, Lekhraj Kirpalani little "princess" play things.

I struggle to believe being possessed by a spirit ... or play acting "being God" ... is "hard work" in comparison to stone breaking for 10 hours a day.
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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post15 Apr 2015

Kirpalani went to Benares during his formative years and would have seen and known the plight of the banished widows of Benares ... The heartbreaking plight of India's widows: How women are kicked out of their homes and shunned by society after their husbands die.

What did he do for them?


He threw away his money playing Krishna to his spoilt little Sindhi princess "gopis" instead.


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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post15 Apr 2015

Heartbreaking pictures.

Plus BKs are so obese beyond belief.
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Mr Green


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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post15 Apr 2015

Quantum, I don't mean it horribly. I met her a few times. She is guided around and told what to do by Jayanti and the like. She had no strong opinions and no real interests. She is intellectually a bit of an air head. I liked her but she is no deep guru.


Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post16 Apr 2015

OK, thanks for your input Mr Green. Understand your point. I know you come from a really good space, and I like honesty, whatever that may be. Appreciated.
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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post16 Apr 2015

In my time, she never travelled about much ... perhaps because she wasn't the "sharpest knife in the drawer"? It would serve the cult more for her to be remote. I don't remember her coming to my centres. I am more interested in how she, as an individual enculted as a child and growing up entirely within the BK world, is used by the group.

I am reminded here of Lifton's 'Eight Criteria for Thought Reform', number 3; although in the case of Gulzar, she not the puppet master but the puppet.

Mystical Manipulation

Totalist leaders claim to be agents chosen by God, history, or some supernatural force, to carry out the mystical imperative
The "principles" (God-centered or otherwise) can be put forcibly and claimed exclusively, so that the cult and its beliefs become the only true path to salvation (or enlightenment)
The individual then develops the psychology of the pawn, and participates actively in the manipulation of others
The leader who becomes the center of the mystical manipulation (or the person in whose name it is done) can be sometimes more real than an abstract god and therefore attractive to cult members
Legitimizes the deception used to recruit new members and/or raise funds, and the deception used on the "outside world"


Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post16 Apr 2015

There's a good reason why someone like Dadi Gulzar did not travel around much. And it depends on how one defines wasn't the "sharpest knife in the draw"....e.g. someone who thinks that 'doing hard physical labour, carrying bricks to building sites, for 10 hrs a day, and then walking up mountain hill back to Compound, phew....I am exhausted now)...getting bathed and sari on, hopefully some dinner and water,....and then going 'on stage' with big big audience, to sit in 'full out of body trance state' while other entity pops in to channell, for many hours on end into the nite, every few nites, (that's how it was then)....for months every season ect.....are compatiable occupations??!!... mmmm...looks like that one may not "be the sharpest knife in the draw"...

As the old people used to say; and a "Kangaroo short of a top paddock"....and...
he/she..."is not just missing a few screws, the whole Freakin tool box is gone"....ha, lol....they are oldies but goodies for sure.
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Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post16 Apr 2015

And what did she do for a living for the 33 years before becoming a channel?

"Not the sharpest knife in the drawer" ... equals not very intellectually developed, or a bit stupid.

Funnily enough, I'd say the same about most "spirit mediums" I've know or met ... but not all.

I am not impressed by the puppet show because of where its all leading, and what comes out during it.


Re: BapDada fails to arrive for Foreigners' Seasons 2014?

Post16 Apr 2015

Don't know the answer to that one ... maybe you can research it and let us know?

She could have spent the 1st 9 months in vitro ... but after that ... I have no idea.

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