Spiritual snobbery?

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Spiritual snobbery?

Post14 Apr 2015

I have always been drawn to spiritual teachings and have gained a lot from all walks of life but the one thing that always seems to come up is this spiritual snobbery. Love and kindness are talked about a lot! But no one seems to walk the walk. Why so much hate?
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Re: Spiritual snobbery?

Post14 Apr 2015

Templewoodalister wrote: Why so much hate?

Here ... there (BKWSU) ... or everywhere?

The BKs tend to portray us as angry or "hate" merchants ... but have any ever met and spent any time with any of us?

I'd rather portray us as incredibly patient but persistent ... with a wry/dry to naughty sense of humour.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Spiritual snobbery?

Post14 Apr 2015

Love and Hate are two sides of the same coin - emotions that arise when a particular consciousness meets a particular situation.

Love and Hate seem clear cut and defined, and each maybe seems too ’strong” a term but they help clarify things.

Practically all emotions fit under one or the other banner. Under the Love banner is all the ”I want, I like, get closer, care (caro), more please, Yes” emotions. Under the hate banner is all the ”dislike it, fear it, change it, avoid it, go away from, No” emotions.
    Do you see BKs loving being in a butcher’s shop? No, they will hate being there and will love the idea of leaving.
    Do you see a hungry child hating the buttered bread placed before him? No, as soon as he can he will grab it and eat it.
    Do you see that hungry child loving being taunted by someone preventing him eating it, snatching it away every time he goes to eat it?
    When we see another’s suffering, is not our compassion a form of hate for the condition of suffering which motivates us to help change that condition?
When two people in a difficult relationship stay together, its because there is more love than hate, or if you must, more like than dislike, preferring the known to the unknown.

To glorify Love whilst denying the reality of No, Dislike, Hate, or sublimating these as ”detachment" or suppressing them to pretend you don’t ”hate” (to whatever degree), is delusional, even if socially acceptable. This dishonesty will eventually show itself somehow, sometimes to others as snobbery.

The ”spiritually” aware, even if they are secularists, recognise the nature of such thoughts and emotions arising as transient responses and can observe both their love and hate rising and falling away with equanimity, allow them to come and go but not be trapped in them, or by them.

Allowing things to be, especially one’s own loves and hates, recognising them for what they are when they arise, is the beginning of self-awareness and gives awareness of what direction to go, what to do, at any time. To dither, unsure of what one feels about a situation, to prevaricate, is a state of ignorance, a kind stupor. We are all stupored (stupid) at different times. When you know you are in a stupor, you are less so than when you don’t. ;-)
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Re: Spiritual snobbery?

Post14 Apr 2015

There is a theory one psychologists has about the BKs (Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi, professor of psychology at the University of Haifa, Israel), that the BKs lust for Destruction of the world and annihilation of all the impure untouchables (you and us), is merely a psychological displacement of *their* anger and hatred.

The anger and hate they don't want to admit to having in their "Om Shanti" Zombie state of "being perfect".

Let's be honest, willing the scientist to nuke humanity in order to "purify" it and take over the world is one damned heavy case of spiritual PMT!?!

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