Should BKs be Vegan?

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Should BKs be Vegan?

Post12 Apr 2015

Rubblings from the bottom of the BKs' cooking pot.

A UK BK follows ex-l's example and publicly asks, "Should BKs be Vegan?" A good question from an ethical point of view, the BKs have for far too long turned a spiritually blind eye to the ethical side of their diet, indulging in the by-product of animal suffer and slaughter whilst at the same time boasting emptily about being "non-violent".

"We're non-violent because we say we are so ... don't think, don't question, just ask Dadi and say, haji!"

Out of 800,000 aderents, the BK has garnered ... erm, 57 Supporters.

OK ... where to start?

BK dears, this is an ethical and intellectual battle that has waged for over 30 years and the dairy fat, homogenised and past-your-glazed-eyes leadership aren't interested. They like their dairy fat. It's cultural ... and ignorance ... for them. Many concerned BKs gave up over the issue, coercedly fed dairy into submission and adherence in some case.

And you know what ... such obstacles of resistances go back even further to when someone tried to ban tea (and coffee?) because they are not Sattvic either!!! Apparently there was a threat of a mass wall out if he had tried to enforce that one too (from memery, it was direct fromLK). Tea and coffee are not Sattvic. That is true.

So should BKs be Vegan? Basically, yes ... if they to "walk their talk" and have any spiritual integrity. And for the sake of their health (forget the environment and animals, the BKs don't care about them.

At least, I would say, "as vegan as possible" ... with exceptions for poorer, remote villagers who keep their own dairy animals AND treat them like family, ie care and not exploit them, and who cant afford the required vitamins etc.

Will it ever happen? "Snowball's chance in Hell", I would say.

Excessive dairy consumption is wrapped up with the symbols of power and wealth the Indian BK leadership so craves and the Bhakti they so enjoy (Krishna-related stuff). It would shock their system too much and, worse, require thinking about.

But, ultimately, it will be refused because of one of the oldest institutional syndromes ... the "Not Invented Here" syndrome. If it ain't out of the mouth of the Bull Brahma, or his virgin cow Gulzar, it's impure, body-conscious spiritual filth folks and can be safely ignored. The Kirpalani Klan don't want any pesky Westerner questioning their ethics and integrity, spoiling their Vaikunth-style party.

The BKs do know you cannot have milk without *******, don't they? Lots of bull and cow puffing and panting and pushing and sweat.
BK Erik wrote:Hi everyone,

I would like to support the dairy conversation too. We had an interesting conversation at the UN a few weeks ago. We offered a visiting Brahmin a bagel (from a store). She refused, as she doesn't eat any food prepared outside. Yet she wanted milk in her coffee. Luckily we use organic milk but - even when the milk is organic - the reason we get the milk in the first place is because the baby calves - who the milk is for - are taken for slaughter.

This inspired a conversation among all of us. Our principles are based on the idea of non-violence. On one hand we have strict disciplines about who cooks our food. Even if it is vegan many Brahmins won't eat food that is prepared by someone else. Yet, food that contain dairy products that directly support and fund The Cycle of animal slaughter are okay and offered to God and eaten.

The way dairy products were produced in the 1930s Subcontinent was undoubtedly very different than the industrial animal farming we have today. But why do we have the principles that we have? Is it to maintain tradition? Or to live non-violently? I think these are important questions. Presumably Baba gave us our principles so we could learn to live as karmically gently as possible, with as much benevolent impact and as little malevolent impact as possible in our lives. As the world changes, should we change in certain ways to maintain the underlying principles of peace and non-violence?

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Pink Panther

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Re: Should BKs be Vegan?

Post13 Apr 2015

The vegan versus vegetarian idea is a red herring.

The idea that an organisation dictates what it’s followers eat is obnoxious.

Each person needs to know how to think for themselves, understand their own health and health needs, examine their ethics and behaviours and the effects of those on themselves and the world, then make a personal decision. And that needs to be regularly re-examined because time brings change.

The vedantic idea of the ”gunas” sato, rajo, tamo, is corrupted and redundant - it was only ever designed to perpetuate caste hierarchy. Because a "sattwic diet" suits the sedentary life of scholars and priests, while meat and onions etc fires up the metabolism for the labourer and warrior, the latter are called impure and inferior, the former is the superior, so the latter feeds the former ... nice set up.
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Re: Should BKs be Vegan?

Post13 Apr 2015

I could agree with much of that ... up to the point where I think especially we in the "developed" world - and those that chase its wealth and comforts - really ought to put the environment first.

Causing other animals suffering, killing and butchering them ...? I think there are/were other reasons to avoid people with the habit.

But the vibe I get from the BK inner circle is not one of compassion for them or anyone, it's all just about aping that upper caste you criticise and pretending to be them, in order to become them..

Westerners are being duped. Veg*nism means something else to them. It is a contentious thing, rather than a pretentious thing.

I cannot remember a BK senior so much as stroke a cat, and their attitude towards environmentalism is clear ... "nuke the lot of it".
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Mr Green


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Re: Should BKs be Vegan?

Post14 Apr 2015

No onions or garlic? Don't forget because they make you lustful.
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Re: Should BKs be Vegan?

Post14 Apr 2015

Mr Green wrote:No onions or garlic? Don't forget because they make you lustful.

It's true ...

Before the internet and internet porn, all the young Indian boys used to fantasies about peeling off the layers of onions and all the young Indian ladies were driven wild by the thought of leeks ... :shock:.

More seriously, who is more "pure" ...
    a) a meat eater who pays all their taxes, has never defrauded immigration, never lies and does not fabricate their past or exaggerate their connections,


    b) "sattvic vegetarians" like the Kirpalani Klan who do?
My grandmother ate the odd bit of chicken and fish but was celibate for 45 years +, worked all her life, never lied, never cheated, and paid all her taxes.

Why has not being "sattvic" cured the likes of Dadi Janki after 75 years? Logically, t's irrational.

The rationale behind it is to check and enforce submission to their total control, even to the point of what goes in your mouth, who cooks it, how you eat it, and how it comes out. And it's another layer of taboo to manipulate via guilt and shame, and enforce their caste superiority.

Easy to do if you don't have to work for a living and have free servant drones to cook and clean for you. Not so easy if you do not.

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