We are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, no photos II

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We are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, no photos II

Post08 Apr 2015

We are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, do not keep photos etc ... ???

Is that Jayanti clambering up on the Chariot there with Janki? Jeez, at 95 years odd, I would not be wanting to put up with all that ...



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Re: We are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, no photos

Post09 Apr 2015

Yes ... she is Jayanti. Is Dadi Janki 95 only?

I seen her 99th birthday celebration on Peace of Mind TV. They celebrated it many times (Birthday celebrated at different occassions on different dates) One day it was celebrated in Gyan Sarovar in Mount ... then again it was celebrated in Diamond house in Shantivan, also it must be celebrated in London ...
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Re: We are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, no photos

Post09 Apr 2015

As with Lekhraj Kirpalani, here were questions about the accuracy of Janki's history, as usual ... I've never seen her birth certificate or passport. Tell me, what is the difference ...

To the BKs, the Dadis are the real Goddesses Saraswati, Lakshmi Jagdamba, etc. As least the bhagats don't believe their gurus are that.

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Pink Panther

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Re: We are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, no photos

Post10 Apr 2015

Well, not necessarily Saraswati and Lakshmi, but some gurus are considered avatars/manifestations of god.

A series of cases of child sexual abuse by this guru was reported by followers in Australia. He (still) leads another Rajasthan-based international group called Yoga in Daily Life. It was revealed that ’senior’ female followers helped him groom under-aged girls (between 10-16 years old) for what he called ‘tantric initiation”, which those trusted women believed was fine because he was god and knew what was best. That was actually reported. The whistle was blown by one woman who, herself abused when young, baulked when her daughter’s time was approaching and was reminded of her own pain and trauma.

This has caused a split - in Australia at least - between those who trusted god and those who thought it was all unconscionable. They have recently sold their large property probably worth about $2.5 millon which was coincidentally near where I live. Some of the splinter group, former followers, now run Yoga classes renting venues nearby.

The difference between this case, where it was the head guru who hasn’t returned to Australia since, and the other recent, more infamous one at the Mangrove Mountain NSW ashram of Satyananda Yoga, affiliated to Bihar Yoga Bharati, India- the first Yoga ashram in australia - is that the culprit in the latter case was only the local head, so the more senior guru back in India was able to ‘excommunicate’ him and a few others, so able to minimise the damage. Their crimes went back decades. They got away with it so long because there is a power imbalance - between the followers who give authority to these other ”more spiritual” people and those who seek to maintain hierarchy so choose to ignore complaints from those further down The Ladder, telling them to send their complaints to the very abusers or their accomplices.
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Re: We are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, no photos

Post10 Apr 2015

Pink Panther wrote:Well, not necessarily Saraswati and Lakshmi, but some gurus are considered avatars/manifestations of god.

I suppose if we were to translate it as some Indians' way of saying they think highly of someone it would be OK.

Where it becomes too much is where they start to think others should think it too.

Perhaps our mistake was to take it too seriously and think of their concept of god too highly.

Perhaps some Indians concept of god is much more human and familiar - one that a grumpy, farty, pooping, fallible human can fit into - rather than an all powerful, almighty, distant cosmic god?

I don't know. That's an open question. I could never understand how folks could really believe their guru was god ... and then we discovered the BKs did for their first 20 years.
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Re: We are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, no photos

Post11 Apr 2015

The mistake we made is that we conflated ”feeling good” with the the wrapping and ribbons it came in - i.e. the explanations.

It’s like signing a contract for what you think is the whizz bang greatest thing since sliced bread and you tell all your friends about thsi great thing you’ve found, then before long it falls apart on you and you realise it was not what was advertised, that there were much better options out there that you didn’t know about.


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Re: We are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, no photos

Post11 Apr 2015

Guru means a person who help to attain liberation.

Beautiful Guru-disciple relationship given in the Vivekachudamani Book by Adi Shankara. Here in Gujrat, Brahmakumaris claim that sanyasi-guru had never understood god. What Sanyasis called "god" is brahm tatava, which is home of their Shiva.

When I read autobiographies of different gurus, vedic scriptures, then I realized that the brahmakumaris' claim is false. I cannot understand why if a person who has found Brahma tatva can do miracles, then why brahmakumaris - who have find god - cannot ? Why brahmakumris have to go hospital? I have never seen any true yogi in hospital for treatment.
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Re: We are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, no photos

Post11 Apr 2015

The brahmakumaris are *very* quick to malign all gurus or sanyasis ... and have all sort of ready made excuse and explanations why.

It's basically a "king of the castle" game.

They must knock down all other "kings" of the "castle" of your mind, so they can capture and occupy it.


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Re: We are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, no photos

Post13 Apr 2015

BKs gone crazy...
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Re: We are not Gurus, do not worship human beings, no photos

Post13 Apr 2015

Totally crazy!!
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