Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post08 Mar 2015

I fail to see anything even remotely resembling ego in what I have shared, which I have always done with the intent of sharing. I trust you know better.

Om Shanti! Satyamev Jayate!
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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post08 Mar 2015

awakening wrote:I fail to see anything even remotely resembling ego in what I have shared ...

Thereby proving the statement ... the ego is always blind to itself.

Dearest, the word "sharing" is a 'BK buzzword' that entered the BKs via NLP, Mike George and Sister Jayanti. It's just sweet talk for what's going on.

The only thing anyone asked you to share was if or how long you followed the Maryadas for. And you refused. All you appear to be doing is undermine our findings or position with pointless sophistry.
awakening wrote:Was wondering who has read Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta, or part thereof ...?

Was wondering who has heard "A-wop-bom-a-loo-mop-a-lomp-bom-bom" or part thereof ...?

There's a good chance it has 'nothing has to do with anything' here either ... but at least you can dance to it.
I am not talking much about Brahmagupta, but about one's understanding/modelling/abstraction

Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta translates as the "Correctly Established Doctrine of Brahma". The BKs' position would be that it is wrong/worthless/irrelevant and that only the Sakar Murlis are the "Correctly Established Doctrine of Brahma (aka Lekhraj Kirpalani)".

You should probably try hanging with your local Theosophical or Vedantic Society because they are more into that abstract and historic stuff. The BKs aren't. You'd be fooling yourself if you thought they were.

So what are you trying to say? That our experience with the BKs, and historic and philosophical knowledge of then is invalid?

Sorry, it won't work.

As you've avoided giving a straight answer to my question time and time again, I'd say that, as someone who has never followed the Maryadas fully, you really don't get or understand the BKs. You are confusing them ... with your own idealism of what a mystic or esoteric society should be like.

My suggestion to you is, to go away for one year ... to follow the Maryadas fully (Amrit Vela, Morning Class, evening meditation) ... to spend all you free time working for them ... and to give all your wages to them (they will give you back enough pocket money to survive).

At the end of one year you will have a better insight to them.

Oh, and no masturbation either.

Good luck.


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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post08 Mar 2015

Unfortunately, it seems that your words suggest that sharing ones views and experiences is not really welcome here in a liberal and unbiased manner, while being complaint with the ethics code, contrary to what is advertised on this forum and by yourself. What do you think about that?

If you fail to see reason and/or relevance and/or meaning in what I say, it need not mean there does not exist any of them.

Om Shanti! Satyamev Jayate!
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Pink Panther

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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post09 Mar 2015

Why don’t you start a new topic, e.g. "comparing and contrasting the Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta and its implications with BK philosophy”?

Take your cue form ex-l’s suggestions as to what "Correctly Established Doctrine of Brahma” means ?


Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post09 Mar 2015

He's a natural idiot ... so doesn't recognize it ... but has accumulated various varieties of spiritual information, to occupy and satisfy his seeking, without able to view his real inner state camaflouged by lots of information and churning outputs ... a young stage which is satisfying to some extent to the seeker, but irritatingly annoying to more mature seekers.

I also think it's sometimes cultural differences in thinking and perspective processes that clash and don't gel well together.
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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post09 Mar 2015

awakening wrote:Unfortunately, it seems that your words suggest that sharing ones views and experiences is not really welcome here ... What do you think about that?

This forum is not really the best place for general or theoretical discussions of philosophical subjects, especially non-BK Vedanta etc. Or what the BKs would negatively call, "the path of Bhakti", aka "stumbling on the path of darkness".

The Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta, like many other scriptures, is nice poetry ... but of little practical purpose. You'd become a more saintly person by studying sanitary engineering, building free public latrines, and donating clean drinking water and proper sewers.

You've persistently refused to disclose what real experience you have had with the BKs, so I am left to assume "none". The fact the BKs have asked you to take the 7 Day Course twice suggest they think you don't understand/get it either. They will look at you as a weak soul ... an "end of the Silver Age" or "Bhagat soul" (which is basically somewhere between pity and disrespect from them).

Why defend them? Free yourself and free your mother and don't waste your life.

Here, the more you keep on topic, the more you show basic respect (by answering questions), the more you will get it back from others.

You seem to be constantly inferring that we don't know the BKs/BKWSU. You are wrong ... and how would you know, you've never been one or surrendered to them ... so what is your point?

Please go and surrender to the BKWSU today! I mean it. Learn through experience, then come back and share with us. You'll find out we are not wrong.
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Mr Green


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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post10 Mar 2015

Yes, Ex l is right.

This is a forum essentially for ex-bks, not for those flirting exitedly on the peripherey of the BKs

Many here were surrendered and devout for many years, we would have endeavoured to ensnare you earlier as the BKs are trying to do.

Challenging our understanding of the BKs is pointless and boring as we were the pukka ones you hear about, we know it inside out in a manner you don't

As I said earlier, just take from them what you like and keep a distance and try not to posture your oh so deep spirituality here, you're wasting your time with that. Go and do it on the BK forum, some dreamer there will indulge your thoughts.


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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post10 Mar 2015

I, too, agree with Mr. Green.

The pointless and unnecessary arguments should be totally avoided on the forum even if they are spiritual to any extent. This forum is meant to support the ex-bks and their friends and families and should not lose its course.

The BKs/BK supporters should be put specific questions and if they fail to give the straight answers should be banned after tolerating them maximum of 1 page of respective thread.

We have tolerated them more than enough and many have wasted/thrown their life out of naive stupidity.

Can we afford more of it?
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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post10 Mar 2015

What's interesting is for someone like Awakening to drop their facade, get real with us, and think about what attracts them to the BKs and why.

I disagree that he is an idiot. I think he is still "trying out" the BK personality but that he knows it does not quite suit or fit him.

There is nothing wrong with that ... but one has to be careful defending the BKs, they are not just idiots but pretty nasty when pushed or challenged,
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Mr Green


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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post11 Mar 2015

I also don't think he's an idiot just probably young andstill exploring it all, and enjoying it, getting energy from it.

We are getting glimpses of a vibrant personality.

I believe there is spirituality everywhere and in everything my friend, but staying aware is hard. Holding love is hard.

Look Simon, I am 'sharing'. I think the term is seen as something uttered by someone lower in the hierachy.

I am feeling alright considering.
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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post12 Mar 2015

Mr Green wrote:I am 'sharing'. I think the term is seen as something uttered by someone lower in the hierarchy.

My strongest reaction against the Western BKs, and it's influence English speaking BK culture in India through well tutored "pretty parrots" like Shivani, is their dishonest, twisting and warping use of language.

"Transformation for 'Destruction' is the most obvious case, "sharing" is the second, "blessings" is the third but possibly most offensive. "Don't accuse me, I am 'only' sharing (positive act)" ... e.g. if you criticise me, you are bad because I am doing something good (sharing).

Well, the BKs are *not* sharing, they are conning, manipulation and stealing from people.

"Sharing" is taking half of your multi-million dollar empire and giving to uplift the poor, the vulnerable, humanity in practical manner.

What BKs ... and I am not accusing Awakening here as he is not one ... real mean when they say "share" is 'manipulate' and 'push their agenda'. "I am only sharing" means "I am pushing the BK agenda" (which we have documented elsewhere).

They think they are being "subtle" but it's really as obvious as driving a large truck through a small house.

We know what the BK agenda is ... and it is *mainly* money and property going in one direction. Their direction.
    The rest is *mainly* keeping up a religious or corporate facade in order to suck up that money and property. It is 99% pretence.
The sad thing is ... some individual waste their entire lives ... and some individual waste their large parts of their lives ... keeping up that pretence or facade for the avaricious money and property hungry Kirpalani Klan.

They are sincere ... they sincerely want to be "spiritual" ... they are seeking acceptance or "blessings" from individuals - like Janki Kirpalani - who they have been *conned* to believe are their spiritual superiors.

That sincerity - and their naivety - is being exploited.

And such individuals like Awakening and his mother will be exploited until they are empty, and then crushed or discarded. Like you (almost) were, Mr Green.

The Kirpalani Klan use and discarded human souls behind them like the rest of us do paper tissues.


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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post12 Mar 2015

It seems bit unfortunate that the website's policies are quite contradictory to your ways.

I never wish to intrude in anyone's affairs. I don't believe that anyone is inevitably obligated to react to anything expressed here by anyone. On discovering the site, I did read some posts and signed up after going through the terms and conditions of the forum, and thought I should share my mind as well.

I thought you were open minded, but you have made it clear how full your cup is. So, yes, I agree it pointless to attempt to pour more. You may see me and yourselves as whatever you like, but I see you as a soul who needs help. But, you have made it clear you don't want any.

Hence, all I will do now, is to wish the best for you.

Om Shanti! Satyamev Jayate!
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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post12 Mar 2015

awakening wrote:... I see you as a soul who needs help.

And what "help" would that be?

Honest question ... simple, straight forward answer please.

If you would answer as to how good your darna/chart is, as far as following principles, I would be better placed to trust how accurate your Yoga ... and therefore ability to help spiritually ... was.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post15 Mar 2015

Awakening, it is unfortunate that you didn’t try to speak the language of those with whom you hope to communicate. A dialogue is a two way thing. Anyhow, take care of yourself.

Stay wary of holy salesmen who promise to deliver you to yourself but merely deliver you to themselves.
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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post15 Mar 2015

(What can an 'End of the Silver Age' soul teach a 'first birth Golden Aged' soul who is a member of the Advanced Party? ... I wonder if Awakening understands that dig?).

I am genuinely interested in discourse ... but don't like being told that I am closed minded ... so please get to your point.

What is your point?

One thing I find common amongst BK supporters is that they confuse 'accepting' with 'understanding'. They think if you don't 'accept' Gyan and the superiority of head BKs, somehow you don't 'understand' it.

I prefer to look at what an individual's actions say rather than what their words say.

I would like to question you, Awakening, about how non-Maryada following Indians feel about the BKs, why they are attractive to them, what position in society they occupy (status/caste), what effect associating with them has.

The BKs have long targeted middle class Indians (money), and been accused of being a wealthy religion acquiring money but doing little to no good with it. Lekhraj Kirpalani was a high successful lower middle class business man himself.

I wonder how the BKs appear to Indians.

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