Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

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Pink Panther

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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post27 Feb 2015

You may just be meaning that you consider your past meditation experience as "cognitive dissonance" in the above ... In a nomal person's life too there are various moments of such exhiliration or euphoria like when in love. Its not cognitive dissonance though....or is it?

You seem to have misunderstood the terminology. A meditation experience or any other experience may bring a feeling of euphoria (let’s use that term because that’s the one Awakening mentioned).

That euphoria does not in itself necessarily lead to cognitive dissonance. Nor is it the only reason people may develop CD.

Cognitive Dissonance is a matter of ”cognition” - what is cognitive, or consciously rationalised or made to seem logical, can be affected by emotional and psychological states - eg desire.

Most psychologists will tell you that "logic” and "reason" and consciousness is the tip of the iceberg, and it appears to the person as perfectly logical and reasonable but they do not recognise the undercurrents that have taken the iceberg to its current location.

The meditation experience can be wonderful, but then people are asked to buy a whole package that is said to go with it.

Some people believe that the two are inseparable - the experience and the package - but some don’t want to pay the price for buying into the package and walk away.

Others don't believe they are inextricably linked and walk away, to follow their experiences without commitment to the demands of the BK package.

Some however do believe the experience and the whole BK package are linked and spend all their time churning and meditating, looking for ways to make the irrational rational, the illogical logical, i.e try to make the rest of the package as desirable as the attractive euphoria of meditation and make it all fit and make sense.

This leads to CD, where standards used to judge, e.g. science as ‘unreliable and changeable are NOT applied to the Gyan or the history etc.

ClearOfBK, I was a serious top level BK for more years than I care to nominate; my guess is maybe equal to half your life? I started in the 1970s, I was considered among the best teachers of meditation & Gyan in London by a number of the Seniors there. I still meditate, but not in BK ego-aspirational/affirmational method.

I was cognitively dissonant for a long time, as ex-l has also admitted as well. I know what I am talking about in this. You are right - but not so much projection, more like, "it takes one to know one". The recovered addict can help the current one recognise the patterns. That's all I am trying to do here on this thread.


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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post27 Feb 2015

Awakening wrote:aham brahmashmi: Unfortunately, it seems to me that you have failed to understand the meaning of the clause "Satyamev Jayate", even in the literal sense. Hence, I feel you should know: "Satyamev Jayate" is literally translated as "Truth alone triumphs".

Now, if you take even a little peek, the subject in the clause is not any human being at all, let alone me or you.

Satyamev Jayate is NOT a mark to address after every dialogue of conversation (like one say namaskar, bye, take care, etc etc).

It is part of shloka in sanskrit
सत्यमेव जयते नानृतं
सत्येन पन्था विततो देवयानः ।
येनाक्रमन्त्यृषयो ह्याप्तकामा
यत्र तत् सत्यस्य परमं निधानम् ॥६॥

I think awakening is inspired by “Amir Khan” Reality talkshow and wants to apply it on the forum.
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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post27 Feb 2015

aham brahmashmi wrote:Brahmakumaris attack others belief system, they hack others belief system and use them for their Luxurious Life.

It's a good analogy. They also attack science and rationality in the same manner in order to try and discredit them in order to promote themselves.

But, please. let's not allow this question for awakening to be buried. It is important and relevent.
    "How often do and how often have you ever attended Amrit Vela and 'Morning Class'?"
Specifically Morning Class, not fluffy evening classes, public events or weekend seminars etc.

There's a good reason for me to ask.


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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post27 Feb 2015

ex-I wrote:But, please. let's not allow this question for awakening to be buried. It is important and relevant.
"How often do and how often have you ever attended Amrit Vela and 'Morning Class'?"
Specifically Morning Class, not fluffy evening classes, public events or weekend seminars etc.

There's a good reason for me to ask.

I understand the significance of this particular question you have been asking me. I understand that it is highly important for me to be aware of and action upon. And I have been grateful to you for serving these reminders.

However, I fail to understand how this is significant for anyone else. How will this particular knowledge about me help anyone else, including yourself?

Perhaps, you can help me understand.

Om Shanti! Satyamev Jayate!
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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post27 Feb 2015

Try answering the question and see.

Does God not encourage us to be truthful?
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Mr Green


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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post28 Feb 2015

If you don't follow Maryadas, you don't have a real insight into BK life


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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post28 Feb 2015

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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post28 Feb 2015

ex-I wrote:Does God not encourage us to be truthful?

Yes, He does. However, I did not hear Him encouraging one to necessarily answer every single question that is asked. Is one being dishonest if one is silent for a particular question? What if one also has a reason to not answer that particular question? Especially when one has preemptively disclosed that one is not yet a BK?
Mr. Green wrote:If you don't follow Maryadas, you don't have a real insight into BK life

I agree with you. I believe there is only a small percentage (BKs and non-BKs) who follow the Maryadas 100%. All others, including myself, follow the Maryadas anywhere between (>0%) and (<100%). And many of us believe we have some (real) insights. Yet, for myself, I feel I still have more conquering to do.

Om Shanti! Satyamev Jayate!
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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post28 Feb 2015

awakening wrote:What if one also has a reason to not answer that particular question? Especially when one has preemptively disclosed that one is not yet a BK?

OK then ... have you been to *any* Amrit Vela and Morning Classes.

You are making this very hard work.

Om Sat, Satyamev Jayate!
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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post01 Mar 2015

Thanks for your honesty

I followed them as well as I could for a few years, just stay safe. Take from them what you need.

I am quite peaceful at the moment, about to watch Top Gear


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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post07 Mar 2015

was wondering who has read Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta, or part thereof...?
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Pink Panther

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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post07 Mar 2015

was wondering who has read Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta, or part thereof...?

This is the famous ancient mathematics of Brahmagupta, no?

Well, it is not such a straight forward question, as each one’s experience is different, not specific or quantifiable.

Is 84 a specific number? Is 5000 years arithmetically correct based on data, or an experience to be individualised?

By ”has read it”, do you mean that I have purchased it, read the first few pages and left it on my bookshelf to show off?

Maybe you are asking whether I have read it fully and understood it fully?

It’s possible I only think I’ve understood it but have actually merely laid my own interpretation and biases over it.

It may be that when i think of maths I have a different spiritual experience to you?

Maybe I can say I have read ”part thereof” because I looked it up once online, and skimmed it and consider myself a student of Brahmagupta, albeit an inadequate one, because I can do basic arithmetic.

Given the rules of ancient mathematics are just as valid and unchanged today as they were for Brahmagupta (the author), how does your question relate to BKs, whose perception of mathematics, like their accounting and their ethics, is ”rubbery” at best? Why ask?

(BTW - in case you didn’t see it, my answer was done in parody of your inability to answer straightforward and directly relevant questions. What has this question about Brahmagupta got to do with anything?)


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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post08 Mar 2015

Pink Panther wrote:Maybe I can say I have read ”part thereof” because I looked it up once online, and skimmed it...

I feel glad that you have, as I believe that only a relatively small population have.
What has this question about Brahmagupta got to do with anything?

I wish to present three thoughts:
    1. Nothing has to do with anything. Anything has to do with everything. While these two statements are apparently contradictory, I believe in the possibility that they could both be true simultaneously, just like many other paradoxes. Because, essentially, the human intellect (most of it anyways) is a result of imagination and interpreting and abstracting things that we sense.
    2. I am not talking much about Brahmagupta, but about one's understanding/modelling/abstraction (just like you say) of The Knowledge contained in his mathematical and philosophical work, the Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta.
Om Shanti! Satyamev Jayate!
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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post08 Mar 2015

The forum's terms and conditions may need me to retract this but I ask sincerely of you Awakening, I want to know - are you an idiot or merely trying to appear that way?
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Re: Awakening: the response of a recent BK supporter

Post08 Mar 2015

He is simply at the stage we've all been at of confusing spiritual understanding with being on a blinkered ego trip.

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