Arson attack causes £22000 damage to Brahma Kumaris business

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Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post26 Jan 2015

Woha! ... let him be free and seek help he needs ... the BK Industry should be charged here with 'Religious Criminal Damage' perputrated on him during his time there, and sued for causing PTSD and prolonged psychological damages.
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Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post26 Jan 2015

Do you think it is possible to find which prison he is in and his lawyer?

Unfortunately arson is a very serious crime and this is clearly a case for a "diminished responsibility" claim ... "a potential defense by excuse by which defendants argue that although they broke the law, they should not be held fully criminally liable for doing so, as their mental functions were "diminished" or impaired."

I wouldn't be surprised to discover he was suicidal and alone (Xmas is the worst time for suicides), and your experienced might help him.

Another wasted life sucked dry care of the Kirpalani Klan.


Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post26 Jan 2015

I am not in the UK so i have no idea about the prisons & lawayers there but for anyone local I am sure you could find out. Do you have 'legal aid' there, which is government funded legal assistance for anyone on welfare or a low income? So is cost free to the consumer. He may have used that, or equivalent, or you could use that service for advice on how to find out etc? It would be great if he could get some support from ex-BKs who are understanding of his situation. We also have a free legal advice hotline here, so if you also have something like that, it could give you some advice.

I think you've sumed his situation up well, ex-l, and his level of long term trauma is very distressing to say the least.
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Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post26 Jan 2015

quantum wrote:I think you've sumed his situation up well, ex-l, and his level of long term trauma is very distressing to say the least.

I think you are right Quantum, I think there is more going on here than meets the eye and I am concern with the current fad for political correctness and fear of "offending" religious minorities, he might end up with a far more serious judgement than otherwise.

He is, after all, the victim in the equation.

My concern would be he was out of his mind. On one hand, it's clearly not a rational thing to do; but, on the other hand, it's also a highly self-destructive and somewhat impotent way to express one's loss and pain.

Mr Green mentions he was a highly dedicated BK who was forced to leave after suffering abuse. Who know what crises, both personal and of faith, he was going through? Of course, he would receive none from the BKs. Nor would they compensate him for all he had given them under the influence of their skilled but deceptive manipulation.

Xmas is a hard time for those who have been detached from old friends, family, and normal relationships. It amplifies feelings of aloneness. The short daylight hours also tend to make people depressed.

I wonder what the spray painted messages said? There must have been something in them for the police to think it was connected to religion.

Mr Green, you're local and knew him, can you find out more, e.g. where he is being held and who his solicitor is?

What will be interesting to watch is how the Kirpalani Klan responds ... will they be forgiving and accept this as being caused by the Essex centre leader's karma, or will they demand he is punished?

Given the history, and that this is now the second serious incident at that centre, and many BKs have left, will they now wake and accept there is something wrong going on there and with their practises? What will it take for them to wake up?

I was going to ask, "will it take some's dying before they stop?" but then, of course, there have been a number of highly shocking deaths/suicides at BK centres - including Madhuban, Mount Abu - and they have just carried on as usual. In one case - New Delhi - it was reported that a BK committed suicide in the centre and the center-in-charge just locked the door and carried on serving breakfast with the corpse still in the room. In another - Panipat - a Sister died we believe through self-immolation (fire) and the BKs dumped the body and cleaned up all the evidence. Mount Abu was a hanging. In another case, one Brother stabbed a domineering other Brother.

So much for Om Shanti and living values. The BKs are out of control and these cases are just the unfortunate tips of the icebergs. The police will just look at it as it is ... arson which is a serious crime carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment. However, psychiatric reports should be obtained before sentencing.

He's probably looking at 7 or 8 years sentance in prison. Hopefully it's not a prison Steve Willis teaches Brahma Kumarism at.
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Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post28 Jan 2015

It appears there was another case at the same centre (Chelmsford/Essex). A previously successful and well qualified young woman, in some way related to Stephen Finch, became seriously mentally ill and ended up in a mental hospital. She had given everything to the BKs.

Apparently the BKs are reported to have still taken money from her, via a direct debit from her bank account, even after she was sectioned in a mental hospital.

The BKs could just ask their Seniors, find out the truth, and tell us the details ... but, as usual, they're staying silent, not wanting to look or ask why in case it starts to raise questions in their mind.

That's three major cases, at least 5 affected individuals, all at the same small centre?

Why such failures? Why such a human toll? Where is there any God in that equation? Surely at some point they have to question their center-in-charge, beliefs and practises, and ask about their suitability?

Or are these all just "weak bricks" to be swept under the carpet or discarded without accepting any responsibility by the status hungry, facade concerned, Kirpalani Klan?


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Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post29 Jan 2015

ex-l wrote
Where is there any God in that equation?

I do know some more backgrounds and can give some answer to this question (not the kind you expect probably and certainly not the kind the BKWSO would like to hear), but not in this thread. I will start a new one soon, as I need to write it, but I was about to do that and will place a link to this thread. I will tell about it in a thread called "pseudonyms". Prior to that however I wish to do some other posting first. That is all I wish to say about it right now.

And I hope that people will continue this thread as it is.
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Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post29 Jan 2015

They will not, as the Centre-in-Charges have given so much too. Better people leave and the centre stays open in the Seniors eyes.

When I complained, I was just moved to London.
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Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post10 Feb 2015

I heard an expert about the so called 'Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University' has spoken to the Police about the true nature of the BKs and what they get up to. Everything from the cover up of child sex abuse, to sham marriages and visa fraud to financial coercion on the basis of bogus predictions of the End of the World; and how they believe they will inspire a nuclear war to "purify" the world and kill off the rest of humanity. And how the Kirpalanis are at the heart of it all, know and seemingly condone it all (... if it is good for business).

Even amongst their trustees.


Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post10 Feb 2015

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Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post10 Feb 2015

If it was India, they'd be sending round the young Kumaris with holy sweeties and offering bribes of free holidays up in Mount Abu, aka "spiritual retreats".

Probably won't work in the UK, although they might offer free stress management or "leadership" seminars hosted by attractive 30-something year olds, and will be rolling out all the usual PR ... blah blah blah ... United Nations ... blah blah blah ... big house in the country ... blah blah blah ... famous people ... rather than explaining how they got their millions or proving how exactly they are "alleviating poverty" or "promoting Hinduism" as they claim in the UK.

If they had any God or religion in them they would be admitting they drove this man round the bend and arguing to let him off.

So far it has not been possible to find a way to contact Mr Finch or his family but he is being held in prison.
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Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post11 Feb 2015

Thank you for the updates ex-l.

If you can find out who his legal representative is, please extend to Stephen Finch our support and best wishes through them.
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Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post11 Feb 2015

As suspected, the police just have to treat the crimes for what they were and were not able to give out other info, except that he is being held.

They are however interested in more information about the BKs.
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Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post11 Feb 2015

I’d have thought they could tell you who is representing him. Oh well.


Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post11 Feb 2015

ex-l, are you able to provide the police with any further info they may want about the BKs. That would be good. Also I don't imagine it would be that hard to find out where Stephen Finch is being held. Maybe a close by prison in his area would be a good start. Are you able to find out under 'Freedom of Information' in the UK?

Surely they cannot with hold where he is! He still has rights as a prisoner. And at least here, is able to make some phone calls. It should be reasonably possible for you or any other supportive ex-BK to get some free legal aid and have a representative find out where he is, and hopefully start some communication with him, and let him at least know he has support and understanding from some local ex-bks.

I am sure that would lift his spirits considerably.
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Re: Arson attack causes £5,000 damage to BK business

Post12 Feb 2015

The Police won't give *any* information (even though they obviously know). They just want a conviction. There was a fire. He did it. That's all that matters to them.

There is a prison information service for finding individuals ... but a support group say it takes upto 6 weeks, by which time his case will have been heard. Again, they won't give information but may hand on an inquiry for him to decide whether to respond to or not. To do that, it's amazing how much information one has to give them to get it ... name, address, date of birth etc. It's like you are a suspect too. And I guess they process your information as if you might be.

It's the same if you go to visit.

I am sorry to say, unless we can reach him or the solicitor via his family members, he is screwed.

Arson is a serious crime. It's not a good way to get back at the BKs. I am sorry for the guy. He really is the victim. Even the BKs must know that. But the law tends to back the established character or property owner first ...

Will the Kirpalani Klan be charged with stealing 10 years of his life? Taking his money? Using him as slave labour? Probably ruining his life now ... not at all. They'll play the victim card, blame him for being disgruntled and mentally unstable ... and just keep all the money he was duped into giving them.

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