"God is a monster ..."

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"God is a monster ..."

Post02 Feb 2015

Stephen Fry asks some logical enough questions about the nature of our gods.

Largely addressing the Christian god and creator, he asks "why did a God create a world in which there is an insect whose life cycle is to burrow its way out of children's eye making them blind?"

OK, the BKs don't believe their god spirit created this world ... and their "university" study tells us that the insect & blindness is all the child's faults. "It's their bad karma ... they must have been evil to deserve it!".

But why even a perfect and accurate, eternally repeating drama in which the same children are blinded by the same insects every 5,000 years for eternity? ... And how do they think that makes victims feel?

For example, a rape victim or victim of child sex abuse encounters the Brahma Kumaris and they tell them its going to keep happening to them every 5,000 years ... and it was their own fault!!!

And there's no escape from it ever. Is that not equally insane?

It's a sort of terrorism.


Re: "God is a monster ..."

Post02 Feb 2015

God is a Universal Principle which encompasses all that IS. All life in it's entire existence. God is not an individual entity; e.g. Shiv Baba. Bap is also a life stream which has flowed forth from the God source like all life streams. Like all of us. We are here on earth at this time to experience Duality. It is very tough here. So negativity is part of our experiences along with positivity. As earth is also a plane of 'free will' we have free choice, and cannot realistically blame God for this or that suffering here. It is man's free will choices that have caused suffering, and diseases ect.

Our purpose is to evolve by transmuting our own negativity through healing and realization and potential of such a process. It is a truly fascinating liberating and challenging journey, that is the call of us all.
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Mr Green


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Re: "God is a monster ..."

Post02 Feb 2015

Religion, of which BKs are, is an old fashioned control system that has no real benefits.
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Pink Panther

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Re: "God is a monster ..."

Post03 Feb 2015

Walking through a park nearby the other day. On the pavement, every 20 metres or so was written ‘PRAISE GOD’.

I thought to myself, ”... beca-ause ... he has low self-esteem ...?


Re: "God is a monster ..."

Post03 Feb 2015

odd as ...

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