PBKs' view of BapDada

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Post13 Nov 2006

arjun wrote:"So opposition takes the position ahead and one also gets success and you would keep getting success. This is definite. If anything happens any time do not get afraid. Success is with you. It is not with the opposition; it is with those who are in position."


the PBKs consider that it is only Lekhraj Kirpalani that it being channelled through the medium of Gulzar, is that right? I have no disagreement with that. It would make most sense as the personality of the Avyakt Murlis/Vanis is so much different from the Sakar Murlis ... and the BKWSU has no explanation why this is.

Indeed, it should be known that within the Double Foreigners, many BKs privately question amongst themselves who it is speaking the Murlis at what time but that only the Sisters suppress such conversation, saying "... only one Baba ..." etc etc. As it says in the Murlis, "... many children cannot tell who it is who speaks" [e.g. 11/02/2003].

My questions to you are;
    • do the PBKs universally believe that Lekhraj Kirpalani/BB is also speaking to them and about circumstances in the wider family that effect both BKs and PBKs?

    • Does BapDada harbor the negative thoughts towards the PBKs that certain elements within the BKWSU have towards the PBKs, and even ex-BKs?

    • Are these negative thoughts, words and actions towards the PBKs inline with Shrimat and instructed by BapDada via the Murlis, or are they entirely manmat on behalf of a certain element within the BKWSU?
I am very confused because most if not all of the BKs that I know personally would not dream of physically attacting others and I am sure that they wold not agree with the organization doing so.

Thank you.
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Post24 Nov 2006

ex-l wrote:the PBKs consider that it is only Lekhraj Kirpalani that it being channelled through the medium of Gulzar, is that right?

Yes, it is right. But whatever he speaks is in line with the Shrimat and hence does not oppose/contradict whatever has been said in the Sakar Murlis.
do the PBKs universally believe that Dada Lekhraj/Brahma Baba is also speaking to them and about circumstances in the wider family that effect both BKs and PBKs?

Yes, although the Avyakt Vanis are being narrated in front of the BKs, but actually they are directed towards the PBKs in particular and the BKs in general.
Does BapDada harbor the negative thoughts towards the PBKs that certain elements within the BKWSU have towards the PBKs, and even ex-BKs?

There is no question of BapDada (alias soul of Dada Lekhraj) harboring any negative thoughts about the PBKs. It is certain (not all) elements within the BK family who misinterpret the Murlis and Avyakt Vanis to caution their unsuspecting followers to beware of the PBKs and even sow seeds of hatred for the PBKs.
• Are these negative thoughts, words and actions towards the PBKs inline with Shrimat and instructed by BapDada via the Murlis, or are they entirely manmat on behalf of a certain element within the BKWSU?

The question does not arise. The negativity towards the PBKs is entirely a manmat of certain elements within the BKWSU. Please refer the answer to the previous question.
I am very confused because most if not all of the BKs that I know personally would not dream of physically attacting others and I am sure that they wold not agree with the organization doing so.

I agree. Most BKs would not approve of the method of physical violence that some BKs have adopted or may be contemplating to adopt against the PBKs. But they are not strong enough to raise their voice due to the fear of being banished.

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Post26 Nov 2006

Thanks for that Arjun, it was interesting.

The anger that's been boiling inside my head for a few years now, must be subsiding (hopefully I am healing). I can actually read peoples views about these things and think about them without exploding ... (Well, not too often anyway :lol: ... Maybe my last post in sweetchills thread was a bit strong, no offence meant) ...

Actually, it is interesting. I know all this is completely off topic, how seeing as often you cannot edit your posts, I find myself having said something quite strong being not able to edit it the next day after I've calmed down a bit :lol:.



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Post27 Nov 2006

arjun wrote:Yes, although the Avyakt Vanis are being narrated in front of the BKs, but actually they are directed towards the PBKs in particular and the BKs in general.

Dear arjun Bhai.

I have a different view about the Avaykt Vanis spoken by Brahma through' Dadi Gulzar. As per my churning they are spoken by avaykt farishta Brahma and so logically they should be directed to only those souls only who have become ''Brahmin so farishta'' and in the shooting period no one has become farishta. So, in fact, neither the BKs nor the PBKs will understand fully the meaning of avaykt Vanis. The real meaning of Vanis will be understood only when Brahmins reach the farishta stage numberwise in the near future when real P. Sangamyug starts and this saakari vatan becomes sukshmavatan. (Avaykt farishta Brahma has spoken the Vanis by emerging the future farishtas only and neither to the BKs or PBKs).
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Post02 Dec 2006

If it were that Avyakt BapDada can speak only to Avyakt angels, then ShivBaba would not speak to anyone, since he is the only one Supreme Soul.

In the shooting period there are at least 3 angels - Brahma - Vishnu - Shankar. There may also be another angels numberwise. Why should there not be angels in the shooting period? Angel means those who does not have connection with the world. It is a matter of the stage of the intellect.

Exactly in the shooting period angels should be there because when the shooting is over then souls should have achieved perfection which is the deitic stage. Farista (angelic) stage is in between. Angelic stage is a stage of churning where there is still the burden of the body of light and the incorporeal stage is a stage of complete clarity (faith) where one becomes totally light (nacked).



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Post04 Dec 2006

Andrey wrote: Farista (angelic) stage is in between.

Farishta stage is in between what?? Please expand.
Angelic stage is a stage of churning where there is still the burden of the body of light and the incorporeal stage is a stage of complete clarity (faith) where one becomes totally light (nacked).

Why should there be burden of body of light in angelic stage? Once we become angels - farishta - then we can fly at will with no burden on us. Also, what is this stage of complete clarity? I thought that incorporeal stage is a stage of thoughtlessness (nirsankalpi stage).



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Post05 Dec 2006

shivsena wrote:Farishta stage is in between what?? Please expand.

It is between 'foolishness' and 'stupidity'. Take your pick.
Why should there be burden of body of light in angelic stage? Once we become angels - farishta - then we can fly at will..

... and solve the oil crisis. I am giving your e-mail ID to airline companies. They need it most.
Also, what is this stage of complete clarity?

A brain without gray matter. It is completely clear and is available in plenty at Madhuban.
I thought that incorporeal stage is a stage of thoughtlessness (nirsankalpi stage).

... and I thought corporeal stage meets incorporeal in a thoughtless sankalp!

Looks like you never heard the above Avyakta-Vani. It came directly from Sada, BapDada, Grand Dada and Great Grand BapDada all combined in the Chariot of 'freefall'.
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Post05 Dec 2006

The farista stage is the stage between the Brahmin and the deity. Brahmin is not a complete stage and it is an instable stage. I suppose farista stage is more stable. Although there is not the burden of the body of matter there is a burden of service. Going here and there is a burden.

“Clarity” is a term I have made up myself, that why there is question about it. Baba has never used it. My vision is that this thoughtless stage comes when there is clarity about one's own role and the role of the Father and the drama. There is no more thought about it. There is no question about it. These three are three fixed. Whatever happens there can be no one or nothing to shake you in these. Nothing or no one can raise questions, can raise any thoughts regarding these in your mind. No one can dim this clarity There is no more research about all of these (me, him, drama). Stop. Means full stop. Peace, rest, silence etc.



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Post08 Dec 2006

Arjun Bhai,

Do the Dadis know that it is only Brahma Baba who is speaking the Avyakt Vanis? Atleast Gulzar Dadi should be knowing. Then what stops them from disclosing the truth. I am still thinking that I met Shiva at Maduban.

OK. If nobody else, Brahma Baba would be surely knowing that he is the person speaking through Gulzar Dadi and not Shiva. He can very much disclose that Shiva is performing His role through Virendra Dev Dixit. Why should Brahma Baba deprive his children of meeting God?
    How come Virendra Dev Dixit realise that he was Sevak Ram in his previous birth?
    And how did he realise in this birth that he is the chosen Chariot of God?
I am not asking the same questions about Dada Lekaraj as it is available all over. Please do not think that I am anti-PBK.

Kindly answer my questions.

Thanks and regards.

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