Anti-Brahma Kumaris Facebook Page

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Anti-Brahma Kumaris Facebook Page

Post17 Nov 2014

Here I have made a Facebook page. Support is appreciated friends.
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Re: Anti-Brahma Kumaris Facebook Page

Post18 Nov 2014

I am not a Facebook person, so I cannot help you there. You are, of course, welcome to take anything from here.

I think it is a good effort and you should try and pull together many of the victims of the Brahma Kumaris - especially the financial victims and those who have had their families destroyed by them - to work on reforming the BKWSU.

You should follow your own intuitions and inspirations but be conscious of how the BK leaders might respond to an "Anti-Brahma Kumari" movement.

For decades they are predicted that "near The End of the World" an anti-Brahma Kumari movement will start and so they are likely to try and use you to frighten or excite their followers that this is "proof" of their predictions.

Of course, from my point of view, the BK leaders are just confidence tricksters; thieves and liars who have robbed 1,000s of families and 100,000s of individuals lives with a false religion, a false history and false predictions.

Almost every thief and liar, except the most psychopathic, is afraid of the day when their actions are revealed and so, therefore, I am not surprised that they have constructed this controlling "yukti" (mental trick) in advance. They knew there would be a *justified* reaction and so they prepared defences against it, and they use *anything* to strengthen their cult followers' belief ... a bird falls from the sky, and the BK leaders claim it is proof of Destruction coming soon.

Therefore, focus on making the BKs honest. Yes, you can safely call them "manipulative liars who have falsified their past, re-written their history, stolen words, names and ideas from other religions, insulted those other religions, and exploited numerous false predictions of the End of the World ... to make money". They are still doing so.

Some long term plans or ideas would be ...

Demand they are transparent and expose how much money they have, what they use it for, any leaders' business interests, their incomes and how they live. If they are god's purest representative ... prove it.

Demand rights for their workers and that they stop stealing dowries, that they offer pensions for their workers and exit plans for anyone that wants to leave, e.g. any kunyas (virgins) wanting to leave get their dowry back with interest.

Demand they are honest about their history and past, and open about their original teachings. If their's in the one true god, let us see his original words, not their whitewashed sugar coated ones.

Bring together victims who are willing to police the BKWSU and look out for their crimes, e.g. false planning, fake marriages, tax frauds, etc etc etc. Make it difficult for them to be corrupt.

Map out their political and VIP contacts, and every time the BKs advertise a connection, contact the group, VIP or party and let them know the truth about the BKWSU.

The Brahma Kumaris (meaning leaders down to full-time centre-in-charges) are addicted to power and the wealth it brings in. They want money because they do not have any jobs and their own incomes. The headquarters pushes lower centres to pull in money and then sucks it up ... promote the financial and other independences of local centres.

You are picking on a very persistent opponent, think of them like drug addicts (followers) and drug pushers (leaders) and develop a strategy that suits.

There is a lot of anti-Brahma Kumari sentiments in India and they are busy sucking up to politicians and police so that if or when it comes to a head, their contacts will protect them ... therefore target their contacts. You may need to prepare information sheets about them. You can ask very difficult questions about them.

In India you should be able to raise protests against them. It has happened, especially where they are have been Brahma Kumari rapes, Brahma Kumari murders or other abuses ... (normally the BKs just abscond and hide in a far away centre like criminals running from the police).

Keep them focused on moral or ethical issues ... not "hate" or anger. Keep them focused on stopping BK lies, stopping BK abuse of young girls, stopping BK financial exploitation, freeing Brahma Kumari slaves so on.

Good luck, be a pain their ass, and have fun with it.

Most of all, if you, hit them hard in the wallets ... it's the only place they feel. In my opinion, the high leaders have no moral conscience whatsoever, and the low leaders have their brains removed ... they don't know a fraction of the truth.
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Re: Anti-Brahma Kumaris Facebook Page

Post18 Nov 2014

Oh, and remember to target "Desi" overseas too ... there have been more than a few overseas Indians who have been ripped off by the Brahma Kumaris, or had the Brahma Kumaris meddling in their family life.

Try these for a campaign ... you could have a good "truth march"
    "Have your own children, don't steal ours!".
    "Earn your own money, don't exploit others!"
    "Hands off our families, you left your own, don't spoil ours!".
    "Brahma Kumaris lie and insult all other religions!"
Etc ... I'll think of more.

Target BK centres when they have some kind of VIP function so VIPs get to hear what is going on.

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