My experience of the Brahma Kumaris: Pros and Cons

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Re: My experience of the Brahma Kumaris: Pros and Cons

Post15 Nov 2014

Hey Ex-I

Thank you for the welcoming answer.
Thank you for the time, care and advice.
As I sad, there are not enough words to say "Thank you"
And Last, but not least...
I am not interested in joining any army.
I'd rather join The Fly Lady's system.
Take it easy.
I come in peace.

Miss Tks
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Pink Panther

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Re: My experience of the Brahma Kumaris: Pros and Cons

Post16 Nov 2014

Any BKs reading the last few posts from Misstks will think that it shows how this forum diverts the mind of sincere seekers who never really got the chance to truly understand the bliss one gets in eating lotus that makes one forget all other considerations (a reference from The Odyssey).

If they read carefully they will see that Misstks has analysed her experiences, has measured the pro and con aspects of that experience, is dissatisfied by a number of things and dissatisfied with some answers to pertinent questions about BK dogma, and she has not allowed "emotion" or temporary highs to cloud her choices. Many a ship has been wrecked on the rocks after being drawn by the siren song (ibid). She was clever enough to tie herself to the mast of circumspection as she sailed in close, heard the song and now knows its attractions, and more fortunate than many, can sail on to the next adventure.


Re: My experience of the Brahma Kumaris: Pros and Cons

Post16 Nov 2014

Agree pink panther ... well said and encompassing. Spiritual intelligence provides a well balanced view & forsight.

"That which glitters is not always gold."


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Re: My experience of the Brahma Kumaris: Pros and Cons

Post17 Nov 2014

Hi Ex-I, Pink Panther, Quantum and folks,

How many naive and gullible people are still over there to be caught by the siren song.
This Forum is a treasure for those.

The more I read, the more I realize how fortunate I was to be advised on the awful side effects of the BK "cult-ure" (as someone wrote here somewhere).

Thank you guys ...

I would probably be one more damaged personality if it wasn't for your iniciative.

Best regards,


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Re: My experience of the Brahma Kumaris: Pros and Cons

Post04 Dec 2014

I believed he was God. I believed I was going to become an angel. I believed I was helping myself and other people. I believed every word. I believed whatever was there in the Murlis. I believed the Dadis. I believed the Seniors.

So much time, so much energy, so many dreams... Pros & Cons? Really? Right now Í cannot quite think straight.

Seniors using drugs, lying, drinking alcohol, having anger attacks, committing acts of verbal, moral and physical aggression, stealing money and property, having sex, all that and more all these years, and I still believed they were only humans but god was there... I could never imagine I would one day stop believing...

I just want to thank this site and people like ex-I, Mr Green, Pink Panther and others for what they are doing here --big thank you!


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Re: My experience of the Brahma Kumaris: Pros and Cons

Post04 Dec 2014

Echo that.

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