Why don't and did not the BKs teach Western BKs Hindi?

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Pink Panther

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Re: Why don't and did not the BKs teach Western BKs Hindi?

Post02 Nov 2014

Pedant's corner (a.k.a. in the interests of accuracy).

The reference to the Congress party as "crows' was in a number of Sakar Murlis (probably edited out these days). Congress were the dominant force for change in India from before Independence and continuing through the 1960s, when the Sakar Murlis were spoken, and beyond. All of this period is the "fag end of kali Yuga" , it is a dead world.

"Crow race" refers to the fact that crows are carrion eaters and that of the many political and religio-political groups that BKs saw themselves in competition with (e.g. the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, the Arya Samaj) for shaping the next part of India’s history. It was the Congress Party who "won the race" but, as consolation, they’re merely getting the spoils of a dead corpse, while the more deserving BKs will reincarnate in Sat Yuga and rule over India when it is in its full, legendary, ancient, glorious perfection, no actual work needed to reform or improve the land, or even create it. Jst wait for it to self-destruct and it''ll all fall into place by itself.

It is saying to the long-committed followers: don't worry that you are not getting easy pickings in this world, your reward is still to come, in the next world.

If one reflects on this, it implies he thinks the country is there to be the pickings of the rulers.

Looking at the historical timeline and Lekhraj's earlier aspirations, he is saying to the followers: don't worry that the world did not change between 1930s and 1950s to become Ram Raj as I had predicted. Don't worry that, instead of a feudal empire - with me as king and you all as princesses - there is now a democratic state governed by a socialist secularist party installed by popular vote (he called democracy 'the blind leading the blind').

Don't worry that the Gandhian ideal of a swadeshi economy (self-sustaining through one’s own labours and produce) means even "Brahmins" and rajas have to (oh no!) work like lower castes to support themselves. They may have won the fight for post-colonial India and that we, who were born to rule for we are special, we the rightful rulers have to put our theocratic dream on hold for now. Don't worry. Stay true. This is a corpse of an old world and they are crows, they are reaping the benefit today but our day will come in the next life... trust me.

Second point of pedantry: SI - secular means "not religious or spiritual but of the world, here and now." I think you may have meant sectarian?

SI, If you feel the need to take a break , do so. I think you have put in much time here lately and maybe neglected your own well-being? It is good to write and sort out one's thoughts and opinions and emotions. You are learned in the ways of your own tradition and your contributons have sometimes been very educational for a non-hindustani like me. There is a whole world out there to learn from. Go well.
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Re: Why don't and did not the BKs teach Western BKs Hindi?

Post02 Nov 2014

There's a famous quote which says ...
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing".

Is exposing "evil", be it corruption, abuse, exploitation etc a "hurtful act" ?

I think it can be wasteful just to talk if it is not backed up by other actions and I would agree there are better things to do in life. Unfortunately, groups or individuals such as the BKs will interpret silence as weakness and permission to carry on expanding their activities.

But thank you for the visions you have shared. I am impressed with your clarity of vision and how well you were able to see through and grasp what is going on within the BKWSU. And at your own level of darna (manners etc).

It gives me hope there are more such individuals in India, that they continue to speak out about the BKs when necessary and that their expansion, and ultimate aims and objectives (Destruction/India and world rule) are obstructed.

Thank you for your contributions.

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