Feeling guilty & taking responsibility for BKs you recruited

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Re: Feeling guilty & taking responsibility for BKs you recru

Post28 Oct 2014

raistlin wrote: I saw how can you verbally harm someone in peaceful and sweet manner - she used to talk very calmly, almost whispering but you were terrified and unable refuse her or discuss with her. Agree with me or you will regret. In the BKWSU this was possible.
You know very well of the "double standards" in the BKWSU - no matter if you are in the UK, in Poland, Spain, etc. Of course, even the grass was "painted green" when we were expecting some Special Guest, and Mrs "Sugar Terrorist" was sitting quiet at that moment smiling or distributing awfully sweet toli (I suppose it was a real torment for her).

Valid points. These are common features of a BK worker. It is almost a different breed with its unique deception skills. Whether they are in India or anywhere else, a BK center-in-charge is supposed to behave like that. Whatever raistlin said about verbal manners of the BK is totally true. This is one other trick they use. Because it is not loud does not mean it cannot be abusive or commanding. They do not talk loudly ever because they have to save energy for 18 hour labor (it's no more free, they are paid to feed themselves, cover up & live in bungalows full of luxuries) & also to avoid controversies that their thought driven actions are creating.

Once I forgot (intentionally) to bring notebook (I used to note down their stupid 7 day theory), the Didi (who read evening Murlis) asked sternly in not so pleasant voice with her eyebrows raised & anger visible all over her face, "Why did not you bring your notebook? Are you not supposed to write daily Murli points?" I was shocked as that was not even part of the protocol & many pakka BKs visited without notebooks.

I understood the reason afterwards for her behavior. That was because of my portrayed disinterest & ZERO faith in BKism. The bigger problem is that anyone who tries to tell Didis that she is in a wrong belief, which is misleading her & others, are not treated nicely, mainly due to the fact that they have left their family & have no option but follow what they chose to be.

I think they are helpless beings.
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Re: Feeling guilty & taking responsibility for BKs you recru

Post28 Oct 2014

How do we get ourselves in such a situation and they with some power and influence over us?

I have to admit I was never afraid of my local center-in-charges they were somewhere between genuinely nice and a little silly. One actually had a nervous breakdown, had to be shipped off to another centre to recuperate, and then left the Brahma Kumaris ... good for her. God know why the other subjected herself to the BKs, she was an intelligent, attractive woman.

I cannot even say I was afraid of the Seniors, but I was cut very deeply early on by one of them ...

Like many BKs I was having problems with family who were unhappy at me being swallowed up by a cult - and it turns out they are absolutely correct to be concerned as the BK cult wasted years of my life, and the effect has damage my career and quality of life since. I had not a clue what to do because I was doing my best to follow the Maryadas 100% and "Be Yogi".

At that time, and I suspect still now, you are basically told not to think but go to the Senior Sister and ask them for "Shrimat" ... "advice equal to god's" ... which if you follow you are lead to believe everything will become magically correct.

Now think about the stupidity of this ... you are speaking on the phone to someone who has never met you, does not know you, your family, your circumstances and yet *somehow* they are suppose to magically be able to advise you how to live your life.

What became obvious was that they were as hard and unfeeling as a rock, had very little to no real care about my circumstances, and little appreciation of the difficulties of trying to bridge two different cultures (they were Sindi and their mother was a BK so, basically, they had grown up within the wider BK world).

It's strange how they appear to claim the right to dominate others not by on the basis of goodness or wisdom but just by turning up the most and holding on the longest.

Perhaps the ones that actually live in the centres and have to pay for the centre feel more of a sense of ownership?

Many Sisters were genuinely afraid of the Seniors. I suspect much because they were told so many superstitious stories about all the 'super powers' they had. I have a feeling I have no idea how tough it is for girls and women within the system, especially Indian ones.

The big problem is ... there are no rights or shared interest in the BK systems. As a BK, despite how many years you have followed, how well you have followed, you have zero rights within the BKWSU. If a center-in-charge or zone-in-charge takes a dislike to you ... there is nothing you can do. There is no system to appeal against them. If they want to chuck you out with nothing tomorrow, they can regardless of how it might effect you.

They could not give a damn if you died or committed suicide tomorrow. You would just be weak for doing so.

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Re: Feeling guilty & taking responsibility for BKs you recru

Post29 Oct 2014

Pink Panther wrote:You can’t blame yourself.

It's good for empathizing & supporting others but a person responsible for adding BKism disturbance in someone's life is ethically responsible at least a bit. We cannot go on saying - if it would not have been you it would have been someone else. Think about other criminals too. A BK owes whole responsibility of anyone he recruits. It is different altogether that right from roots of BKism, no one has cared about 'responsibility' part ever. But we as responsible people can ask current BKs to take whole responsibility for anyone they recruit & any form of abuse a newcomer faces there now or later.
ex-l wrote:If a center-in-charge or zone-in-charge takes a dislike to you ... there is nothing you can do. There is no system to appeal against them.

Suspicious, is it not? There is whole list of crimes but no system for considering it. If it is legally acceptable organisation or the "university" as they call it, then there must be a Complaint Addressal System according to Industrial laws.

Where would a Didi go if she is expelled from BKWSU for her unintentional misbehavior?

I think the solution has been already pointed out by raistlin as crying shamelessly upon scolding for their inability to detect the fake game within BKism. Didis cry & then wipe their tears to carry on other task of looting more followers. Even they do not come out to alarm their followers. Certainly deception run through their nerves & this whole thing is supported by the only belief that there is some God sitting their in some trancedadi who needs to be obliged. Break this belief & BKWSU will disappear in no time.
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Re: Feeling guilty & taking responsibility for BKs you recru

Post29 Oct 2014

Thank you.

Yes, in my case, I don't think someone else would have. They did not come to the BKs, they were a work mate with no exposure to the BKs. I ran the whole BK number on them ... the soft sell, the nurturing encouragement etc.

My only defence is that I did not know how much of a fraud the Brahma Kumaris were at that time, how they have faked their history, re-written predictions, covered up the past. I was stupid and naive and either under the influence of brainwashing or some complex weaknesses in my own psychology, or both.

The BKs and their supporters criticise when I say they are "like a mafia" but when it comes to the rights or cohesion of BKs versus the inner circle, they are just like them. In the mafia, once you are a "made man" ... a full member of the Mafia hierarchy ... you gain certain responsibilities and privileges and enjoy the full protection and backing of the establishment ... as long as they follow the party line and earn enough money, a percentage is passed up the hierarchy.

It's the same in the BKs. The truth is, most BKs are really not considered "full Brahmins" by the inner circle, they are just expendable "soldiers", as they are called within the Mafia, or wannabe hang arounds.

There's a system but it's not written down and there's no external safeguards to hold the leadership responsible. Basically, they accept no responsibility for anything. If something bad happens to you, it's your karma. Whatever they do, as long as they were "remembering Baba" they have no karma for doing it.

That's what they say.

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Re: Feeling guilty & taking responsibility for BKs you recru

Post29 Oct 2014

Whatever they do, as long as they were "remembering Baba" they have no karma for doing it.

That is most stupid part of BKWSU's interpretation of Karmic laws. A person binds karma even if he is standing right in front of a fully omniscient being. Then why BKs given such false perception.

Along with this one, they run another line that you will bind punya karma by remembering him, reading Murli crap & doing that hypothetical service. So, its another contradiction. When a BK binds karma & when he does not is still unclear to BKWSU. To ward off haters, they have a new belief.

It says that when a BK abuses, commits crime while remembering Baba, the BK does not bind any karma as it is part of service or removing those whoever obstructs it & when the BK is recruiting more people, he/she starts binding meritorious karma. Ha ha ha ... :D. See how foolish it is to believe in any of them.

Wise up BKs, every moment countless karma are bound. Remembering a person in this case Lekhraj is only going to draw you near him wherever he is. Think about it if he is in hell your remembrance will draw you there in future reincarnation. :shock: And when you will question nature why you are having such fate when you never knew the result of your deeds? Nature replies that when you were not knowing whats going on there, why did you jump in.

Whether you like him or dislike him, it will pull you towards him. So even an ex-BK should wise up as you would never want to meet him ever. Whatever be the reason, anyone who has recruited BKs & now feeling bad about it will definitely not suffer much due to this mistake done unknowingly.

Those ex-BKs who have shared their awful experience in BKism here & are repenting for their mistakes are far above its side effects. You should feel rather proud (just a little bit, too much is harmful) to make people around the world aware about this cult particularly. And the suffering due to BKism or any cult has taught us a lesson, an unforgettable experience to never push any innocent into this dirty drain ever.

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