How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

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How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post26 Oct 2014

Sounds familiar?
How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian Possessed and Hybrids from Eve Lorgen

The following is a list of characteristics regularly manifested by the reptilian possessed or reptilian hybrid (those sharing equal amounts of human and reptilian DNA). These “people” are not rare, and in fact, humans with very little reptilian DNA are becoming exceedingly rare. These individuals are also called Snake People and the Serpent Seed.

The original article can be found here. The “Explanation” and “Drawback” comments are from psychics, one male and one female. After the characteristics you will find a list of symptoms of reptilian attempts at possession. The final comments are my own opinions on this issue related to Reptilian hosting with respect to male-female relationships. I also discuss healing and recovery issues for those who have undergone trauma related to the reptilian factor in their lives


We really don’t need the predators, and we don’t have a responsibility of owning them, as if it is US. It is NOT human! Our only responsibility lies in how we got them in our lives. Then we clear this infection out of our being. Clear it out of our lives with compassion and a fierceness that leaves no stones unturned. It is time to create the rules to OUR GAME, not play by the Predators’ game. You see, the predators never play fair. The question we need to ask is:

What do you do when you finally decide to take responsibility for your own life and happiness?
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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post26 Oct 2014

I did not read the quote, just scanned it quickly. It's too much ... it's too nutty for me.

There are psychic conspiracy theories, which has been floating around since the 1990s, that claim shape-shifting reptilian aliens are seeking to take control of humanity by taking on a human form and gaining political power to manipulate our societies.

Really, I don't think it is anything new ... just a sort of Christian fear of "Satan" and demons re-written for a Science Fiction age. They are no longer demons, they are now "reptilians". Similar stories exist in Hinduism.

It has been popularized by a New Age type called ex-football goalkeeper David Icke who believes that many of the world leaders are, or are possessed - not by "evil spirits", as he might have said 100 or more years ago - but by such "alien reptilians" ... 12-foot tall, blood-drinking, shape-shifting reptilian humanoids from the Alpha Draconis star system, hiding in underground bases. He became famous by making all sorts of End of the World type predictions which, of course, did not happen and now has a cult following amongst curious spiritualists.

Apparently, a poll of Americans in 2013 indicated that 4% of registered voters actually believe in Icke's ideas. He makes a living by selling such books and doing public performances to very large crowds in the USA and elsewhere.

Basically just about any famous or powerful person automatically becomes a baby eating monster able to morph their body into human form; George Bush, Queen Elizabeth of England, the Freemasons ... "it's all a conspiracy" to him and "signs" are everywhere.

Are there other spacial dimension with other kinds of living beings in them ... who knows ... who can tell ... and even if we did, what power or influence would we have over them?

I don't think that is a great article to introduce the idea but the question you are asking is the same as we have asked many times ... if the god spirits of the Brahma Kumaris exist, are they such beings, whether those being be "demons", "masters" or inter-dimensional "reptilian aliens" fooling humanity?

Or are both just expressions of the collective consciousness of human society?

Largely, I think it's an unanswerable question. All that I can say is that the only thing I have ever found reliable about all such spiritualism, or psychism, is that it is unreliable and not to be used to base one's life on. Not BapDada, not David Icke, not your local Mystic Meg fortune teller.

The only thing that is reliable about them is the direction in which money, time and energy flows ... which is from the followers to guru or spiritualist figure. Very little to none of them does any good for anyone else but themselves.

I think it's just a sort of entertainment, like telling ghost stories. It might be interesting to study just to understand how such memes grow of their own account and spread through particular levels of society. It's amazing how much material there is out there, e.g. ... Reptilian


Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post26 Oct 2014

i think Dadi janki could well be a "Lizard" Reptillian, as her involuntary tongue flicking is a natural behaviour of lizards? It's used to catch bugs and insects for dinner ... no doubt a few of 'em fly in now and again ... especially those mosies in the hot Indian summer ... otherwise a good "Toli catcher" from Baba! ... The other jewels cannot compete with that! ... hahaha ... lol.

Hah ..."basic instinct" ...
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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post27 Oct 2014

The idea, which I agree is a new version of post-Christian corruption of demon and snake symbolism, also gained popular currency with the successful TV mini-series ”V” - which has been made twice, once in the ‘80s; the second one in the late 2000s . It is exactly about lizard aliens taking human form to infiltrate and eventually take over the world.

The more recent one has an interesting parallel to BKism. When people start to become suspicious about their presence and their motives, the ”High Commander”, who has taken a very attractive human form, shares with humans what is essentially a meditation technique/commentary that is used to maintain loyalty amongst her own people, which gives people a ”high”. The ”visitors” then begin to get more co-operation and trust, and use various youth programs, service programs to further their agenda etc. The love interest is the High Commander’s pretty young daughter (ie when she is in ”human disguise”) whose job it is to convert the son of the heroine (a policewoman) to their side (love bombing).

You’d find the parallel with cult consciousness quite chilling. This video clip (2.5 minutes) shows one of the ”bliss bombing” commentaries used by the High Commander (Mother). It basically shows the dangers of giving over completely to "self-satisfaction" which can leave you oblivious to dangers

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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post27 Oct 2014

It looks like the BKs "traffic control" ... which predates which?

It's a big *if* but, sure, if there's a shred of truth to it all, the BKs spirit guides fall on the side of guilesome aliens.

As is says in the Bible, here "Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light".

The BKs always claim Bhakti is a memorial of their religion, but tend to over look this bit ...
2 Corinthians 11:11-15

God’s messengers? They are counterfeits of the real thing, dishonest practitioners, “God’s messengers” only by their own appointment. Nor do their tactics surprise me when I consider how Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is only to be expected that his agents shall have the appearance of ministers of righteousness—but they will get their deserts one day.
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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post27 Oct 2014

The story for the mini-series ”V” originally came from a novel called ”It Can’t Happen Here” by Sinclair Lewis, which was not about aliens but about a fascist takeover of the USA. The producers decided that too much in it resembled what was happening or had happened politically, so asked the writers to change it to aliens.

I forgot to mention in my last post that at least two other recent pop culture phenomena preceded and complemented the popularisation of 'reptilian aliens inhabiting humans' idea, and whether anyone could know who to trust. One was The Invasion of the Body Snatchers' - a 1950s horror film remade later with Donald Sutherland, the other, more sinister, was the phenomenon called Scientology, that posits only those Scientologists who are ”clear” are free from the evil aliens that came to earth and possessed humanity millennia ago, i.e. it's the scientologist version of BK ”body consciousness” from which humanity has to be purified through a particular set of beliefs and practices or suffer the consequences of ignorance or disbelief.

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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post29 Oct 2014

That's ridiculous ... quantum ha ha ha ha ... it's BKism instinct. :-) involuntary flicking tongue ... that's too much hahahaha.

A question to those who know bit about Christianity (just to clear my doubts) ... who is Satan? Is he the same Holy Ghost that is referred in Bible? I read an interpretation where it was said that in Bible, Holy Ghost refers to the Kundalini energy but it is nowhere written in it though its experience in body has been described exactly same as that of Kundalini (which is coiled like snake at bottom of spine). Would like to know your views.
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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post29 Oct 2014

Save Innocents, good question. And one has to ask why reptiles are considered bad or threatening in our culture.

According to Judeo-Christian mythology, Satan (a.k.a. Lucifer - Bearer of Light) was the foremost of YWHA’s (Jehovah’s) angels (angel literally translates as ”messenger”) and Lucifer (angels are male) wanted praise and more recognition, i.e. he was not satisfied to merely God as his archangel, so for his rebellion he was cast down from heaven and thus began the battle of loyalties, with Satan using all kinds of temptations to lead God’s highest creation, mankind, away from God and towards Satans’ kingdom.

Satan does not appear in the early books of the old testament, i.e. the snake in Genesis is never said to be Satan, that association comes later. Satan appears detailed more toward the end of the Old Testament (the Jewish scriptures) and the beginning of the New Testament (the Christian scriptures).

The morning/evening star we now know as the planet Venus (Roman goddess of sexual love) was originally named for the Babylonian goddess of sexual love Ashtarti (a.ka ”Istar" - from where got greek ”asteri” and ‘astro’ and we derive the words ”star” and ‘astronomy'). This worship of sexuality was ”evil’ associated with ”original sin” and, in some later Jewish and Christian tradition, because of its brightness Venus was associated with Lucifer, i.e. bearer of light, the serpent from Genesis who tempted man through woman.

The archetypal ”personality clash" of God versus Satan, good versus evil comes from an earlier religion, Zoroastrianism.

In the Avesta, we have the divine Brothers Ahura Mazda, god of light and good, and his Brother Ahriman, god of dark and evil, in a perpetual wrestling match, with good predicted to win eventually. The notion of bodily resurrection also comes form the Zoroastrians. You can look them up on Wikipedia for a good summary. They also influenced the neo-platonist philosophers, particularly Iamblichus who resided in that Mesopotamian region, and the neo-platonist ideas were incorporated into Christianity to give it some philosophical muscle, usually by converts like St Augustine.

The serpent imagery was demonised in Christianity because of its prevalence in pagan symbolism as a chthonic creature of wisdom, power, earth. It was related to earth energy and natural wisdom therefore in the spirit versus matter dualism of the neo-platonists and christians, it became associated with the natural, physical, material things. Some of these dualists saw the 'material' as corrupt and corrupting (though not all did, many saw matter as the manifestation of spirit & God). This idea of matter/ nature equals corruption became part of the Christian culture, particularly in the Western church of Rome.

The Holy Spirit has nothing to do with Satan. The Holy Spirit is part of the Christian trinity - God Father, God Son, Holy Spirit - which parallels the Hindu Trinity of B, V and S and the Taoist and Ch’an idea of i, Ch’i, Li (intent, mediating energy or breath, and manifest action) . The word ‘spirit’ (spiritus) is the Latin equivalent to Sanskrit ‘prana', greek pneuma, chinese ‘chi’ and japanese ‘ki’, i.e. all originally mean "Breath” where breath was not understood as it is now but as the invisible energy that ”animates” movement.

'Animate’ comes from Animus - latin for ”soul” - that which moves a living being and from where we get the word ”animal", a living thing that moves itself (as opposed to plants which cannot move themselves). These all come from the Greek Word for ”the wind”, i.e. ”Anemos”. In Genesis it is Wind which moves across the water is as the first image of creation and God’s breath ”pneuma/spirit” that in-spires matter to life. (re-spir-ation, in-spir-ation ex-pir-ation are all to do with breath i.e. ‘spiritus”.

So, yes, there is connection to Kundalini. Many fundamentalist Christians view Indian Yoga practices as Satanic, partly because of the snake imagery and the polytheism underpinning it.

This is a good article on snake-satan. ... 00973.html

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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post29 Oct 2014

Pink Panther, your last post is interesting.
Learning Spirit, good question.

Is there some problem on this site, i am not seeing any post of learning spirit. Someone having same problem in accessing posts??
....and thus began the battle of loyalties, with Satan using all kinds of temptations to lead God’s highest creation, mankind, away from God and towards Satans’ kingdom.

Why does it seem to me that Satan is exactly synonymous to Lekhraj & his clan? They are turning people away from anything that could bring them close to God who resides within. It is said there exist Holy Spirit, Satan & fully omniscient soul inside, one's state depends on who among three gets awakened. BKism is working hard to awaken Satan in their followers. May God save them.
The Holy Spirit has nothing to do with Satan. The Holy Spirit is part of the Christian trinity - God Father, God Son, Holy Spirit - which parallels the Hindu Trinity of B, V and S and the Taoist and Ch’an idea of i, Ch’i, Li (intent, mediating energy or breath, and manifest action) .

Thats wonderful. This is what i always believed that all cultures & religions are interlinked & the foundation of all remains same as inner experience above than some hypothetical theory like that know whom i am referring to.
So, yes, there is connection to Kundalini. Many fundamentalist Christians view Indian Yoga practices as Satanic, partly because of the snake imagery and the polytheism underpinning it.

Yogic practice is actually very satanic when done under misguidance of cults or on ones own potential & wish. A trained master is must for that. Many people have suffered fatal conditions & some even die on their way to awaken kundalini within forcefully. It all starts with a wrong belief giving a clear indication that anything done forcefully on this path is dangerous. Many aged citizen in their 60s or 70s get it awakened naturally & they do not feel it unusual. One of my relative experienced effect of kundalini for 3 days continuously. It was nice as well as horrible.

Its off the topic. What's Baptism? Is there someone who still gives it in reality? Heard about fake baptism given in Osho institute. Even that appears as another cult cashing its followers.

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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post29 Oct 2014

Laws of Karmas say that those humans who leave their body in extreme anger get next birth as Snakes. Higher the intensity of anger at time of death, poisonous is its venom in next birth. I think Indian Yogic system gives finer idea of this Holy Spirit showing both positive & negative sides of its existence & functioning. I read about Shri Nirmalaji who has this power or siddhi to awaken Holy Spirit through a yogic process. All i can say is that there is more to Yoga which a BK should seek than relying on boring Murli which are working in opposite way of their evolution or Yoga journey.
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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post29 Oct 2014

One quick addition to the Pink's definition.

a) in theory, Lucifer is the first one to have committed sin.
    The BKs make the same claim about Lekhraj Kirpalani.
b) It is said that Lucifer/Satan has lived in the spirit world unseen by humanity for more than 6,000 years.
    The BKs say it is 5,000 years but agree.
c) It has been prediction that Lucifer will make himself visible at this time by appearing physically in the world and will proclaim himself as God.
    Lekhraj Kirpalani, and then later ShivBaba and now BapDada did specifically that.
d) Lucifer was an angel, said to be the most perfect angel.
    The BKs now claim Lekhraj Kirpalani has become just that ... although there's not much evidence of it.
Personally, I don't suppose Lekhraj Kirpalani or BapDada is "The Devil", aka Satan or Lucifer ... *if* they exist ... who has come to test and destroy an evil and impure humanity ... although that is what Lekhraj Kirpalani and the BKs god spirit claims .. however, I could see how using that framework one would have to consider the god spirit of the Brahma Kumaris a kind of Satanic or Luciferic spirit of which, as in Hinduism, there is said a vast hierarchy of.

You call them Rakshasa or something?

So, no, Lekhraj Kirpalani is not Lucifer/Satan but would be considered possessed by Lucifer/Satan or a satanic or luciferic spirit, or even spirits.

The BKs laugh conceitedly at this idea. Their pride does not allow them to question how they could be so duped, and blinds them. They think that something "evil" must resemble a Hollywood movie monster ... but I disagree. Guile, manipulation, tempting, seductiveness, subtlety, lack of honesty, a psychopathic drive etc are far more symptomatic of a persistent "evil", in particular Luciferic evil.

The BKs even claim that they too can be possessed or overshadowed by such spirits and that they work through them serving their god spirit.

All this Post-Sci-Fi "reptilian" stuff is just an acceptable way for modern non-Christian types to say the same thing in a different language.


Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post29 Oct 2014

Hahaha S1 ... yes it's 'too much', but a great laugh. Truth is often stranger than fiction. Reptilians incarnating in human form & clans could be possible. Maybe as the Seniors are aging they cannot stop their true reptilian natures from 'creeping out'? ... Hence Dadi janki's flying tongue! ... but never the less a great 'toli catcher' for Baba. Honestly, just watch her ... right up close to BapDada ... the minute he lifts up the fork with toli, Bang!, it's gone ... that quick lizard tongue ... then it's all smiles from Dadi ... looking 'warm & fuzzy till the next 'catch' ... hahaha.

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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post29 Oct 2014

ex-l wrote:Lekhraj Kirpalani, and then later ShivBaba and now BapDada did specifically that.

And they do not stick to just one specific name. First it was Lekhraj, then Brahma Baba, then they called him Shiv Baba indirectly possessing Brahma Baba, then came the baaap, then again Baba & after that baaapdada. Whats next? kaka or lala lala. Its definitely not going to be fooofeee ... :D
The BKs now claim Lekhraj Kirpalani has become just that ... although there's not much evidence of it.

So what if there is no evidence, they will start making evidences themselves like the one Photoshopped image pasting Lekhraj face on that of Lord Jesus Christ. That is their way of collecting evidence.
You call them Rakshasa or something?

Yeah, Rakshasa & Pishaachs are for males & Rakshasi or Chudail for females. BTW, these guys & their counterparts are said to be much powerful & integrated than Dadis, baaps, Didis & bhais. They disclose the means (even if it is deception) they use to take revenge. So, Rakshasas are better in one way.
quantum wrote:just watch her ... right up close to BapDada ... the minute he lifts up the fork with toli, Bang! It's gone ... that quick lizard tongue ... then it's all smiles from Dadi ... looking 'warm & fuzzy till the next 'catch' ... hahaha

OMG ... too funny .... hahahahahaha ... best part is "Bang! It's gone" just visualize it once, it's going to rip us apart :D . Where do you get such imaginative innovative thoughts. I bet quantum, you would have been at top position in BKWSU by now given your intellectual skills. Ah ... I got an idea, is that a right comparison to lizards. Lizard are not that fat. Crocodiles & Australian Dragonfly are. ;).
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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post30 Oct 2014

Save Innocents wrote:And they do not stick to just one specific name. First it was Lekhraj, then Brahma Baba, then they called him Shiv Baba indirectly possessing Brahma Baba, then came the baaap, then again Baba & after that baaapdada. Whats next? kaka or lala lala. Its definitely not going to be fooofeee ... :D

You missed out "God Prajapati Brahma" and the flip to "Prajapita Brahma" which will not appear so disturbingly exaggerated to Westerners because they won't see or know the difference between "Prajapati" and "Prajapita". They might just think it is an alternative spelling.

But their alarm bells *should* be ringing at maximum loudness at a man calling himself God for more than 20 years. Or even allowing others to call him God ... approximately 1932 to 1955.

In fact, what they claimed in writing was "greater than god" ... and then they cannot understand why society was so outraged at him and instead twist their history to blame non-BKs for being too impure to "understand".

I really wonder what Lekhraj Kirpalani's state of mind was during this time and if he was actually more mentally ill than we realise and if the BK inner circle were basically protecting him and hiding it from the world.

I mean, I am ignorant, stupid and backwards. I make no claims of being the number one human ... and yet even I know I am not god. How could Lekhraj Kirpalani not realise that? How self obsessed and deluded must he have been?
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Re: How To Recognize Characteristics of Reptilian

Post30 Oct 2014

Save Innocents,

Sorry. You were a learning spirit by asking that question and my brain replied to the spirit, not the name. Whereas "Learning Spirit" on the other forum, although he thinks of himself as ecumenical and seeing only the good, doesn't realise that criticising BKism is not the same as not accepting human faults. I won’t repeat any arguments here that have been made before, either here or there. S/he seems to have ”chosen a side” and everyone has the right to make stupid mistakes. After all, didn’t every single ex-BK make that same mistake?

I got mixed up with the name. Apologies. I have had it corrected as you can see.

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